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    1、 Do you need our samples for testing and our samples are free.When will you confirm your order? Do you have any question about our samples or price?很少有人和客户讲感谢的话,以感谢的态度和客户开场往往会形成良好的互动。“Mr Tom, This is Wolf from ABC Company. I want to thank you for your inqury”“Mr Tom, This is Wolf from ABC Company. I

    2、 want to thank you for your recent order”“Ms Linda, This is Wolf .I understand you have been purchasing from our company for 5 years and I want to thank you”以感谢的话语暖场会让客户解除戒备心理,因为你的电话不是要让他处理业务,他会心情放松,对你的好感增加。在后面的谈话中如果客户话题跳转到生意上,我们就顺水推舟谈产品和服务。话题要让客户主动跳转用前景看好的话来暖场粘住客户这类电话需要包含对客户公司和行业有价值的信息,我们是和人打交道,不是公

    3、公司。人们都乐于谈论自己或者自己公司引以为豪的事情。我们一个卖汽车的客户,我们从他们网站新闻了解到他们又开了两家分店。如果从他们公司博客和网站获得的信息我们就做如下开场:“Mr Ken, This is Wolf from ABC company. I read your companys blog that your company have open 2 new store. Id like to talk with you regarding how we can assist you with your car parts.”我们也可通过客户当地的新闻网络看看是否可以查到客户公司的新闻

    4、。比如洛杉矶时报Los Angeles Times 西雅图时报Seattle Times 美国和加拿大各大城市报纸可以用城市名+Times搜索出来“Mr Ken, This is Wolf from ABC company. I read your Los Angeles Times Apirl that your company have open 2 new store. Id like to talk with you regarding how we can assist you with your car DVD and car Audio.关注一下客户的当地新闻,关注我们客户的行业

    5、,比如行业商机,新闻,竞争对手。比如我们获悉客户当地网络机房改造,我们就可以用以下的话暖场“Mr Deniel,This is Wolf from ABC Company. Your company recently acquired XXX data center update project.Im calling to discuss how we can save your cost and your time.”用电话预约来粘住客户让客户无法拒绝你的来电通常直接打电话预约很容易被拒绝,客户常常会临时取消预约,因为推销员通常不在客户业务生活安排的优先考考范围。我们用语音留言的方式就可以避

    6、免被客户直接拒绝的问题。比如我们可以留言“Hello, Bill. Im looking forward to speaking with you at 4:00 today about an efficent way of reduce your purchase cost and marke development problems.”打电话的时候直接打客户的公司总机,不要直播客户的直线电话或者分机。让总机接线员帮你留电话语音留言给客户。语音留言的时候不要留下你的电话号码,这样客户没有你的电话号码他就不会给你打电话取消预约。西方习惯就是没有取消的事情就是默认许可的事情二、杀通过电话杀入对方

    7、公司内部,让对方公司前台接线员为你服务。我们做业务的是不是都一心想找采购? 是不是经常会直接说,我们看看下面的情景会发生什么情况?情景1:业务员:“Good morning.I would like to speak with your manager of purchase. Is that person in office?”接线员:“Who is this? Who are you? What is this about?”这样打电话通常会遭到接线员的拒绝和抵触。情景2:“Good morning,Oh,You have a lovely voice.This is Wolf from

    8、ABC company and Id like to speak with your purchase manager. Would you be a sweet heart and connect me over?“What? I can not help you unless I know what is regarding.”这样想通过恭维接线员来达到找采购的目的,也常常会被拒绝,接线员看不到你,不知道你有多帅,这样恭维如同情景3:“This is Wolf from ABC company. Connect me with your director of purchase.”“Who

    9、 are you with? Do you have the persons name that your are looking for? If you have no, I can not connect for you.”如果不知道对方公司联系人名,直接打电话找人,也会遭到拒绝。找死。那么如何杀入?我们用以下技巧:让你的声音友好,语速稍慢,听起来专业像老板身份或有决定权的人打来电话。注意打电话的时候不要透露公司名,因为如果你不是大牌公司,人家也不认识。电话拨通后.“Good morning. KKK company. How can I drect your call?“Good mor

    10、ning. This is Wolf and I need you direct me to import department,please.”“What is this in regards to, Mr. Wolf?“This is about our business relationship with your firm. We are the developer and exclusive provider of 6 Disk Car DVD player and Id like to set up a time to talk with your import manager t

    11、o determine whetheror not this new design product will be of benefit to KKK Company.Will you connect me, please?“Is he expecting your call?“Well, no, not exactly.”“Hold on please.”如何获得对方公司负责人姓名?通过以下技巧获得:只问对方负责人姓名,不让用接线员转接。仅仅进行火力侦察。一句简短的话即可。这样的技巧适用于第一次接触开发的公司。这样往往会从接线员那里获得有效信息,正规公司通常不会隐瞒他们的负责人。“Hello

    12、,This Wolf from ABC company and I would like to find out who your director of import”“Mr David is the director”获得姓名后如何联系对方?通过以回复电话的技巧让接线员转接。“Hello, This is Wolf. Mr David want me give him a callback today. Is he in”或者“This is Wolf. Im returning Davids call. Whats the best time to catch he in?这样接线员几乎

    13、都不会拒绝为你转接电话。国外公司的接线员接到电话的时候通常会自报姓名。这个时候专业,准确,诚恳的声音来打电话,会让你顺利接通客户。“KKK Company(或David office)This is Jeny.”“Hi, Jeny, Im trying to reach David.“Hold on please.“也可以这么说“Jeny! David called me earlier. Im trying to reach him, and I hope you can help me out. He said to call him at ten, but I havent been a

    14、ble to get in touch with him. Do you mind paging him, or should I call back this afternoon? ”接线员“Hold on please.三夺打电话就需要从客户那里获得有价值的回应,这就需要设计高质量的互动问题来提问.通常新手通常找对方公司联系人的时候往往会这么说,这类问题几乎等于找死:找不对人,被直接拒绝“Who is the purchase manager of your company? Connect for me please”客户:“Nont me, you will have to call

    15、to someone else. Bye.”质问性的语气,被直接拒绝“Why cant you company change supplier? Our price is better.”“Thats our policy. Sorry I cant help you anymore. Bye”情景3:祈求性的语气,被直接拒绝“Can you change or add a new suppliers anytime,our price is beter.”“No, thats a lot of hassle and we just went through it with our curre

    16、nt one.”很多朋友都问,我PI都发了,为什么客户还不下单,为什么不下单?客户不喜欢被劝导要买什么,或做购买决定。客户不下单通常是对他做这个购买决定的正确与否持不自信态度,犹豫不决,他不太肯定自己是否可以盈利。生活中我们如果认为自己的购物决定是正确的,我们会不出手买吗?想一想,客户是人,一样的心理。高质量问题的设定方法:我们打电话的目的是,通过设定高质量问题获得客户关注。我们把握以下原则:1.站在客户角度思考,建立可信的专家形象,让客户感觉你这家公司靠谱。2.发现客户的真实需求3.深化和客户的关系4.展示你为客户思考问题的解决方案高质量问题举例:我们是做网络机房安全防护产品的。我们了解到国

    17、外应用这个同类产品没有警示灯。我们会问“Tell me how you can find a bad surge protector when it is bloken?“We will check the line and testing by our tools and find it.”“That will cost operator more times and cost”“Yes”“Our new design protector will help you save more time. You can find all bad protector in 1 second when

    18、 they are broken by high current. Would you want more detail about the protector?“Very interesting. Please send me email and I will call you ASASP when I read it”如果你是做印刷品的 设定问题如下:“Can you tell me how you handle your wasted newspaper or magazine”这样问行业关联性问题,表明你了解客户的业务。有时候客户他们自己也不一定清楚他们的真实需求是什么,虽然他让你报价

    19、和发样品,PI 但是迟迟不下决定。我就就需要设定一些高质量的互动性问题来引导客户。“Can ell me about your existing situation.”“What is the purpose that you want it make for you?“Where is the machine installation?“Tell me, how is this going to be implemented?“Who will be using these products?“What other products are you currently using?“Tell

    20、 me about the products you are currently using.”“What type of buying patterns do you typically have each month?这样设定问题引导客户,客户就会和你讨论他的顾虑和想法。要避免生硬的死问题,很多人和客户报价时候,老板说让客户告诉我们目标价,能做我们就做,客户说了目标价我们再看。这样客户往往给出超级低价的价格,让人心瓦凉瓦凉的。客户的心理,问我目标价,NND,当然是免费最好了!你们是专业公司,难道不能报价和问点专业性问题。我们设定互动性问题可以让客户感觉和你沟通比较愉快“Tell me ab

    21、out your budget range?“What are your price expectations for this data center update?“When you purchased last time, what was the price range?碰到客户犹豫不决时候,可能和你联系的是采购员没有决定权,他要联系老板。也可能他需要等他客户的决定。我们问下面的问题就比较能够互动。“Tell me about your decision-making process.”“What method of selecting a vendor do you use?“How

    22、 are you going to make your decision?高质量互动问题设定模板1 . 多用Who, What, When, Where, 避免用why(被问为什么是很烦人的)“Who is going to be using the product at your customers company?“What departments are involved during installation?“When is the ideal time for implementation?“Where are you planning on storing the extra s

    23、tock?2. 用How 的问题来引导客户“How are the two departments involved in the decision?“How are these materials applied?“How many do you anticipate needing in the next twelve months?3. 最有效的是Tell的问提,鼓励客户交流, 这也是避免无话可说的好方法 Tell me问对了问题,客户将会乐于和你交流和分享他的经验,相关的需求还会和你讲故事,只要客户开口,你就已经开始了销售,这会让你在最短的时间获得客户最多的信息。用Tell me 来设

    24、定问题,会让客户感觉到你乐于帮助他解决问题,他可能找对人了。问对正确的问题,不要碰高压线。客户对问题有内心的标尺和高压线。1-3 级标尺 客户会很放松的和你交流,这个不涉及客户做决定和金钱问题。举例:“Can you tell me about your existing situation?“Tell me how youve handled this challenge in the past.”“Who will be using the product?“When are you considering implementation?4-7 级标尺 这个对客户具有挑衅性,这个会让客户思

    25、考拍板流程,客户心理会产生抵触“Who worked for you using your existing supplier?“If you could change the current process, what would you do diferently?“Tell me a bit about your decision-making process.”“What is your decision date?“How many quantity do you expect to buy?“What other solutions are you considering?业务员:

    26、 When youve established your needs whats the timetable for changing vendors?客户: We work on fiscal year here, regardless of when we really need import. That must be difficult considering some projects. Can you tell me how the USB notebook light is working for your marketing. Its creating a problem. W

    27、hat can you do for us?这样业务员就比较容易和客户沟通了。四、摄用耳,用心听,听出客户性格,的背后想法,以便我们做有效回应。我们在听电话的时候心里要想着以下问题:这个客户是什么性格的?这个客户友好吗?这个客户是否很忙?客户和你通话的时候是否同时做别的事情?(女孩子给男朋友打电话的时候也会这么想)我们通过以下情景判断客户的性格类型,从而方便我们应对:“刻板型” 客户我们会听到大量的类似 “documentation,” “analysis,” “test data,” “negotiate,” “details,” “benchmark,”等。比如我们会听到类似的句子:“We

    28、ll need test data, proof of your results.”“We have a lot of expertise in-house, so Ill have to see how you can add to that.”“Im not going to paint you a pretty picture.”他们说话语气单调,比较慢,没有太多感情。这类客户对自己的专业技术非常自信,对于我们的提问,他在讲话之前都深思熟虑过才说。他们特别关注数据,证据,认证和分析材料。我们给这类客户打电话前一定要准备好公司的产品认证、产品相关文件,尽可能全面地回答所有问题对于这类客户,我们需要按其要求提供相应的文件,便可进入其备选供应商名单。如果这类客户让我们填表,我们也不要怕麻烦,由于怕麻烦或担心暴露所谓的公司秘密而丢失大客户的故事都会让人想起来都肉疼。“活力四射型” 客户我们会听到大量的类似“excited,” “everyone


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