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    1、00 BAt9:00 CAt8:30 DAt9:3010ABehind Wei Hua BIn front of Wei HuaCOn Wei Huas left DOn Wei Huas right三听一段对话,依照对话内容选择最正确答案。5分该段对话读两遍11Sam went to_ during his holiday AEngland BAmerica CAustralia DCanada12His took him there Afriends Bclassmates Csisters Dparents13He came back_ Athree hours ago Bthree d

    2、ays ago Cthree weeks ago Dthree months ago14Its time for them to_ Ahave classes Bplay football Cgo home Dborrow books15Kate is Sams_ Asister Baunt Cclassmate Dstudent四听短文,然后依照短文内容完成以下句子。5分短文读两遍16I went to see a friend by _last Sunday17It was a _ day18Bad luck! I hurt my _badly19A policeman came and

    3、_me20Im sorryI dont know his _单项选择每题1分,共20分21Who is taller you or he? My height is just the same as_ Ahimself Bhe Chim Dhis22Lily and Lucy look the sameThats trueSometime it is really difficult to _them apartAtell Bsay Ctalk Dspeak23I havent met Mr. Brown for ages Ohhe _for two years Ahas died Bdied

    4、 Chas been dead Dhas been died24Dont eat _!Its bad for your healthBut I am _thinAtoo muchtoo much Btoo much,much tooCmany toomuch too Dtoo many,too much25It is Sunday todayisnt it? YesWe _ to school today Adont need go Bneed to not go Cneednt to go Ddont need to go26Neither Danny nor Brian _at schoo

    5、1Whats the matter with them? I dont knowLets phone them Ais Bisnt Care Darent27Could you please give this message to Mr. White?Sorry,I cantHe doesnt work here _Ano longer Bany longer Cno more Dany many28My uncle has never studied cloning _ ASo I have BNeither I have CSo have I DNeither have I29一_do

    6、you water the plants? Twice a day AHow long BHow soon CHow often DHow much30Excuse me, could you please help me carry the heavy box? _AIm OK BIt doesnt matter CWith pleasure DDont mention it31What did he say? He said he _to Shanghai to visit me the next week Awill come Bis coming Cwas coming Dhad co

    7、me32There is an ID card on the floorPlease_ Agive it up Bpick it up Cgive up it Dpick up it33MomIm very hungryReally? Why _some cakes?Anot to stop to eat Bnot stop eating Cnot to stop eating Dnot stop to eat 34I dont know _the piano Dont worryI can teach you Ahow to play Bwhen to play Chow playing D

    8、when playing35SorryI have taken your spots shoes by mistake _ AThats fight BNothanks CAll fight Ddoesnt matter36What is your friends family name if his fall name is James Allen Green? _ AJames BAllen CGreen DJames Allen37In Western countries,women dont want others to know their agesRightSo it is _to

    9、 ask a woman her age in Western countriesArude Bformal Cpolite Dusual 38Did you have any trouble _Mr. Smiths house? Nowe didnt Afinding Bto find Cfind Dfound39How long did you _eating in the restaurant? Aspend Bcost Ctake Dpay40I wont go to the party _Im invited Aso Bunless Cbecause Dor完形填空每题1分,共10分

    10、 请依照短文内容,从各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能够填入空白处的最正确答案。 What is a close? A clone is a copya genetic基因的copyGenes基因are the in-structions for lifeThey 4 l a cell what to do and how to do itGenes make42 plant or animal different and uniqueA clone has the same genes 43 the original organism生物体 Cloning is not new 44

    11、 have been cloned for centuriesMany new plants are grownFrom cuttings插枝from the original plantsOne benefit of cloning is that we can make many copies of the best and healthiest plants Its 45 more difficult to clone animals than plantsIn 1997 scientists succeeded in 46 a sheepThe creation of Dolly,th

    12、e Cloned sheep,caused great attention around the world in no timeScientists had tried to clone other animals like frogs before that,but they failed Frogs died as tadpoles蝌蚪,never living 47 to become adult frogs It may soon be 48 to clone many types of animalsWill we also 49 clone human organs 器官,or

    13、even a whole human being? Maybe now the question is not whether we can clone humans,but 50 should we clone humans?41Akeep Bmake Ctell Dlet42Aeach Bneither Cboth Dnone43Afor Bfrom Cwith Das44APlants BAnimals CLife DHumans45Amany Bmuch Cfew Dlittle46Aclones Bcloning Ccloned Dto clone47Along enough Bsh

    14、ort enough Cenough long Denough short48Ahelpful Bdifficult Cpossible Dnew49Amust Bshould Ccan Dbe able to50Aexcept Bexcept for Cinstead Dinstead of阅读明白得。A As we know, there are differences between Western culture and Chinese cultureWe can see differences when we pay attention to the way some words a

    15、re usedLets look at the words about animals and ants Although dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans,most expressions in Chinese about the dog,for example,a homeless dog,a running dog and a dog catching a mousehave negative meaningsBut in Western countries,people use dog to describ

    16、e positive actionsIn English,for example,You are a lucky dog means You are a lucky person And Every dog has its daymeansEach person has good luck sometimesHoweverChinese love cats very muchBut in Western culturecatis often used to describe a woman who is cruel冷的There are many other examples of howca

    17、tis used differently as well The rose is regarded视为as a symbol象征of love in both China and some Western countriesPeople think the rose stands for代表love,peace,courage and friendshipAnd the rose is the national flower of England,America and many other countries The words about animals and plants are us

    18、ed in positive or negative ways in different culturesWe can learn about many differences in different cultures by comparing how some words are used请依照材料内容,选择最正确答案。51The word dog in Chinese usually_ Astands for peace Bstands for good luck Chas a negative meaning Dhas a positive meaning52Every dog has

    19、 its day means_ AEverybody in the world is lucky BEach person has his own way of life CIf one works hard,hes sure to succeed DEverybody has a time in life to be lucky53Western people usually use cat to refer to_Aa tired person Ba brave man Ca homeless person Dan unkind woman54Which of the following

    20、is TRUE according to the passage? AA lucky dog means a lucky person in Western countries BChinese people prefer dogs to cats CWestern people consider cats to be good friends DThe rose is the national flower of all the Western countries55What does the writer talk about in the passage? ASome words hav

    21、e both negative and positive meanings BDifferent countries have different cultures CThe rose means the same in Chinese culture and Western culture DWestern culture and Chinese culture have a lot in common.B An index索引is usually at the end of a bookIt tells us most of the topics the writer talks abou

    22、t in the bookThe topics are usually listed from letter A to ZUnder each topic,there are some small topics,and we can find the page number after each small topicHere is part of an index from a cookbook: Potatoes Salads Sandwiches Soups dry 63 cabbage l25 apple and beef l61 bean l89french fries 67 chi

    23、cken egg 137 cheese l 70 beef l92 new 82 fruits l39 chicken l72 carrot l96 sour 100 green l51 cold meat l82 chicken 22056How many small topics are listed in the index of the cookbook the writer shows us? A4 B16 C220 D17257If we are learning to make dry potatoes,we may turn toage_ A63 867 C82 D10058F

    24、rom the material,we know that apple and beef is a kind of_ Asalad Bfruit Csandwich Dsoup59In this materialthe underlined wordgreenmeans a kind of_ Acolour Bsalad Ccookbook Dvegetable60The whole material tells us about_ Ahow to be a very good chef Bwhat kind of food is very popular Cwhere to buy the

    25、cookbook Dhow to use the indexC Years ago,I lived in a building in a large cityThe building next door was only a few feet away from mineThere was a woman who lived there and whom I had never met,yet I could see her sitting by her window each afternoon,sewing缝纫and reading After several months had gone by,I began to notice that her window was dirtyEverything was unclear through the dirty windowI would say to myself,Why doesnt that woman cleanher window? It really looks terrible One bright morning I decided to clean my flat,including cleaning the


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