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    1、中考英语模拟考试题带答案解析.专业资料分享 .综合素质自主检测(英语)等级 _一、单项填空 . (每小题1 分,共 20 分)1. I _be afraid of the dark. A. use toB. used toC. are used to D. are used for2. The volleyball may _Carla; She loves volleyball. A. beB. belongC. belong toD. have3. They spend as many hours as they have_ their EnglishB. improvedC. impro

    2、ves D. to improveA. improving4. This depends on _ he is ready.号B. weather C. whetherD.A and C学A. if封5. The music is great because you can dance_. A. toB. to itC. whititD. follow it6. There is nobody _ to buy the old car. A. wantsB. to want C. wantingD. want 7. -Where _go this summer ? - I dlike to g

    3、o _ warm. A. would you like to; some where B. will you like to; anywhere C. would you like to; somewhere D. will you like to; somewhere8 . I ll_ advertisements after school so that we can tell people about the park名 clean-up.姓A. hand outB. hand in C. put offD. put on9. _ interesting the news is !A.

    4、How anB. What anC. HowD. What10. By the time I got up, my mother _the breakfast well. A. has cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. had cooked11.Hi, Kate, you have _ my book for 2 weeks, and Maria needs it, I will _ it to her. Can you give it back now?密A. kept, lend B. borrow , lendC. borrowed , lendD.

    5、kept ,borrow12 . I took the wrong train_, I didnt even know it until half an hour later.级A. by mistakes B. by mistakeC. by accident D. with mistakes13. Which sentence is NOT TRUE? ._班A. Please ask the policeman where the library is.B. Could you tell me how I can get to the cinema?C. We know how old

    6、he is.D. I suppose his answer isnt right. 14. -How do you study _ a test ?-I study _working_ a group.A. for, in ,withB. for, by, atC. for, by, withD. of, in, by15. What_ you do if you _ one million dollars?A. will, haveB. would , haveC. will, hadD. would , had校( 15 分)学二、 从 A、 B、C、 D 中选择最恰当的选项填进文章中去。

    7、Lifts are very useful. Why? Think about a _1_ building. You work _2_ thethirtiethfloor.Maybe you can walk up allthe stairs_3_. But can you climb thirty _4_to your office every day? Of course not.WORD 完美格式 .专业资料分享 .In an old lift, a worker is needed. He or she operates it _5_. In a modern lift,there

    8、is no _6_. People can operate it _7_.Do you know _8_ to use a lift? OK, let me tell you. _9_, you want to go to thetwelfth floor from the ground floor. First, you must press the button , then the dooropens. After that, you can _10_ the lift. Third, you press the , and the _11_closes. Fourth, you pre

    9、ss the number 12, then the lifttakes you upto the _12_ floor.When the door opens again, you can get out of the lift. If you want to _13_ down tothe firstfloor,youmust pressthe , then do the _14_.Itwilltake youdown there.It is very easy and _15_. Now can you use it?1.A. smallB. tallC. longD. nice2.A.

    10、 forB. toC. ofD. on3.A. one timeB. much timeC. all the time D. on time4.A. buildingB. metersC. stepsD. floors5.A. in and outB. up and downC. on and offD. here and there6.A. workerB. studentC. teacherD. farmer7.A. himselfB. herselfC. themselvesD. ourselves8.A. howB. whatC. whereD. when9.A. In the end

    11、B. By the wayC. For exampleD. As usual10. A. get intoB. get upC. get out ofD. get off11. A. windowB. doorC. gateD. box12. A. twelveB. twentyC. twelfthD. twentieth13. A. runB. takeC. walkD. go14. A. firstB. differentC. nextD. same15. A. slowB. hardC. fastD. free三、阅读理解:根据短文内容,选出最佳答案。APeople have stran

    12、ge ideas about food. For example, the tomato is a kind ofverydelicious vegetable. It is one of the useful plants that can be prepared in many ways. Ithas rich nutrition(营养 ) and vitamin (维他命 ) in it. But in the 18th century, Americansnever ate tomatoes. They grew them in their gardens because tomato

    13、 plants are so pretty.But theythought thevegetablewaspoisonous( 有 毒的 ). Theycalledtomatoes “poisonapples ”.President(总统 ) Thomas Jefferson, however, knew that tomatoes were good to eat. Hewas a learned man. He had been to Paris, where he learned to love the taste of tomatoes.He grew many kinds of to

    14、matoes in his garden. The President taught his cook a way for acream of tomato soup. This beautiful pink soup was served at the Presidents party. Thegueststhoughtthe soup tasted reallygood. They neverthoughttheirpresidentwould servehis honored guests poison apples. Jefferson never spoke to his honor

    15、ed guests about the fact.1. After you read the passage, which of the following do you think is true?A. Americans never ate tomatoes in the 18th century while they began to plant them. B. Americans didn t eat tomatoes before 19th century.WORD 完美格式 .专业资料分享 .C. Even now Americans don t eat tomatoes.D.

    16、In the 18th century Americans ate a lot of tomatoes.2.The passage tells us that Jefferson was a President of _?A.a European countryB.EnglandC.FranceD.the United States3.Jefferson learned that tomatoes were good to eat _.A. while he was in ParisB. when he was a little boyC. because his parents told h

    17、im soD. from books4. From the passage we know all the honored guests invited by Jefferson were_.A .people from other countries B .from FranceC .people of his own country D .men only5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. All of the guests knew the soup that was served at t

    18、he President s party wasmade of tomatoes.B. All of the guests thought the soup which was prepared by the President s cookwas nice.C. All of the guests thought the taste of the beautiful pink soup was nice.D. All the guests didn t know that their president would serve his honored guestswith “poison a

    19、pples ”.BShe is a cute, quiet girl. As a daughter, she has no secrets from her mother, who isvery pleased with her. But these days she has become not so open as before. She has a diarythat she keeps under lock and key ( 严密保管 ). Her mother cannot help worrying about her:what if she falls in love, whi

    20、ch is too early of her age? After all she is reaching the“dangerous time ”. These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother s mind.One weekend the girl came to tell her mother that she was going to the cinema withher schoolmate and would return late. This was the first time her mother agreed, and s

    21、hecouldn t help worrying because her daughter had never been away at night before. The motherwaited till nine. She decided to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that time the noiseof a car drew her to the window and-there was her daughter, waving goodbye to a boy. Herheart missed a beat. When the

    22、girl came in, the mother was watching TV, just like nothinghad happened. “Mum, I m back. ” “Yeah.” “Sorry to be late. Still sitting up?” “Yes.Oh, that Whos that boy? ” The daughter was stunned( 发楞 ) for some time. “Ah. It smy monitor. He gave me a ride on his way home. Mum, I m going to bed. ” “All

    23、right. Goto sleep early. ”Next morn ing when the mother went to the daughter s room to do some cleaning, shefound her diary left on the bed. After a few minutes thinking, she at last opened itto the page of the night before. It reads: Mum, it s love that made you ask, but it wouldshow y our understa

    24、nding of me if you hadn t.Holding the diary, the mother fell in meditation.6. Which is the correct order according to the story?a. She took a ride back in her monitor s car.b. She went to see a film with her classmate.c. She wrote a diary to her mother.WORD 完美格式 .专业资料分享 .d. Her mother was watching T

    25、V.e. Her mother worried about her daughter s returning late.A. b, e, a , d, c B. e, b, a, d, c C. b, a, e, d, c D. b, e, a, c, d7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?A. The girl knew her mother would ask her the question about the boy.B. What the daughter did these days worried he

    26、r mother.C. The mother wanted to read her daughter s diary the next day.D. The girl s diary was always on the bed.8. From the diary, we can see the daughter_.A. thanked her mother for asking herB. thought her mother cared about her very muchC. thought it was her mother s duty to askD. thought her mo

    27、ther s understanding is better than simple love9. The main purpose(目标 ) of this article is to show that parents should _.A. care about what their children really think and feelB. not give much freedom to their children C. talk with their children about their early loveD. not read their children s diary10. Which can be the best title for this story?A. Mother s True Love B. Early Love Between StudentsC. To Ask or Not to Ask D. Dangerous A


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