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    1、B组1. Afewhours ,IdbeenathomeinHongKong,with its chokingsmog.2. Abercrombie&Kent, atravelcompanysaysit (regular) arrangesquickgetawayshereforpeople livingShanghaiandKong.madeofadobetaketheheatfromsunonhotdaysgiveoutthatheat (slow)duringcoolnights. (nature)architects,PuebloIndiansfiguredexactlyhowthic

    2、kwallsneededtobemake thecycleworkmostdays.5. Theriverwassopollutedit (actual)caughtfireburned.6. Finally,hardpaidoffnowwateris (clean)thanever.7. Just (patience).8. Thereweremanypeoplewaitingbusstop,and somethemlookedveryanxious (disappoint).9. Everyone onbegantalkingaboutwhatboyhaddonecrowdstranger

    3、s_(sudden)becamefriendlyoneanother.10. Bendyourkneesslightlyreacharmsliketreebranches,naturally_(soft). 11. Icantcontrolmybodywell.Mylegsbecome (pain).12. The(hard)youtrybeathim,morelikelywillgethit.ourplanelanded,wewenthotel.Wereservationsixmonths (early),butmanfrontdesksaidthereamistake.14.Whenwon

    4、deringdo,managercameout.She (surprise)helpful.15.Thatwouldvery (reason)thingdobigcity,butcoulddestroysmallvillage likeours. 16.Butsuchcouldnt (possible)village.17.Maryfelt (please),becauseemptyseatsroom.18.Itmighthavelittle ()foreverybodymeanttheyturnaround. 19.20.OneSundaymorningAugustIlocalmusicfe

    5、stival,leftearlyanappointment _(lateday. 21.He must be (mental) disabled.22.She will sooner or (late) ,get into trouble.I agree. I hope she will get rid of her bad habits.22. Ron had a (success) career and worked for Ford before retiring and leading a relaxing life.23. (Similar), when Ron Webster bo

    6、rrowed a book from the library of the University of Liverpool, he too forgot to return it.24. In 1964, Shirley Chisholms (politics) career began.25. Work gets done (easy) when people do it together,and the rewards are higher too.C组1. TheNewYork-basedburgerchain (success)IPO,orinitialpublicoffering,o

    7、fsharesendJanuary 2. Many children around the world live in the areas where adults (regular)smoke. with parents who smoke have smaller lungs and (many)illnesses.4. Fansthe worldgathered _ (cheerful) to celebrate their love of Hello Kitty.designersnot dreamedshea (globe) starasshe istoday.6. Mom plac

    8、ed a plate of bread jam and (extreme)burnt toast in front of my dad.7. Your mamma put in a long hard day at work today, really (tire).、8. One people was killed, several were (serious) hurt.9. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was (miss). 10. Look back and think ho

    9、w often you have judged (rough), said unkind things, push yourself ahead at the coast of a friend. 11. I remember a doctor friend, telling me about a man who came to him with (vary) illness. 12. His father was (die).13. Nowadays, the ice bucket challenge is among the (hot) news of all.14. Ice bucket

    10、 challenge is like the epidemic(流行病),which becomes popular around the world very (quick).15. She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhood (actual) had to be thankful for.】16. It could (easy) be seen that she didnt have the energy to compete for another title. 17. The crowed cheere

    11、d for Vogels action and the cheers grew (loud) as the two girls finished the race.18. Buy a waterworks that uses (little) water, or take shorter showers. This can cut the use of water.19. My mother thus made the key point of a (succeed) apology. It must be direct.20. Since most people are open-heart

    12、ed, the no-excuse apology leaves both parties feeling (good) about themselves. 21. Most people nowadays are so busy with their lives that they do not have time to enjoy a healthy and (balance) diet.22. One is that you will keep a healthy weight and also is the easiest and most (benefit) way in which

    13、 you can be energetic and protect yourself from a number of diseases when growing old.23. (basic) speaking, you should ensure that you take amount of vegetables, grains, milk and proteins.24. Shirley Chisholm is (good) known as the first back woman elected to the united state congress.25. She (late)

    14、 graduated from Brooklyn College with honors.第二部分:单句改错1. Lotsstudiesshown that globalwarminghasalready become a very seriously problem. 2. Helikedvery muchhequicklywalked into the shop.3. Momsaid, “Howniceseeagain! Dad and I were terrible worried. ”4. Onleft-handsideclass, I could easy seefootball f

    15、ield. 5.insisteddoingthe baking myself.thought the biscuits were really well. fiveyearsbefore,withhelpfather,sister andgrewsomecherrytomatoes(圣女果)backgarden. 7. Mymummakesbetterbiscuitsthe world. 8. Wearegrowingwonderfully tomatoes at no cost!9. Theteacherskind and helpfully. /10. Inoticedthe carria

    16、gewas noise and filled with people.11. Nocarriagepreviousspokenoreventicket-ownerbefore.12. Beside,Cleotendsbarkaveragehours13. Thatistoomuchus,consideringcloselyhousesare.14.unclesimmediatejumpedupshottheirarrowsbird.15. Dontpanicline,tryingremainquietcalmly.16. Iremembergrandfathermuch.Hetall,broa

    17、dshoulders. ,gentlestneverknown. 18. Interesting,connectionbyBritishporcelain(瓷器)industry.fruitsin size, but juicy and taste.20. The man insisted, so I grateful accepted the offer and thanked him.1. On a rainy day while I was walking home with one of my friends, a truck came to stop besides us.2. We

    18、 lost our way in the forest, Lucky we found the right direction with the compass.3. Although to be a good doctor is very difficult, I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone health. 4. After all, only by working hardly can one succeed.#5. You may attend English classes to feel a differently learn

    19、ing style. 6. Besides, it is a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you will learn and remember Chinese words more easy.7. Try to speak Chinese as many as possible.8. Ive returned to ShangHai, tiredly but happy.9. Now I have made such great progress that I can speak English

    20、 more fluent.10. I even have a large vocabulary than before. 11. There are so much wonderful memories fresh in my mind. 12. Polite words are one of the examples. When meeting people, saying “Hello!” or “How are you” and so on means you are very polite, which will make it easy for you to communicate

    21、with others. However, other people will hate getting on with you and your life will become difficulty.,13. Through the Internet we can talk with people thousands of miles far away.14. Of course, its strong prohibited to buy or sell anything made of antelope fur.15. Nowadays, to our joy, there are much more and more an


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