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    仁爱版中考英语专题复习情态动词真题II 卷Word格式.docx

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    仁爱版中考英语专题复习情态动词真题II 卷Word格式.docx

    1、C . neednD . dont have to5. (2分) What do you think of the Talk Show, Paul? I cant it. Its too boring.A . walkB . standC . climbD . jump6. (2分)What do you think of your school, Linda?Its a good place for me to _ myself for the future.A . promiseB . prepareC . present7. (2分)Nobody can find the pirates

    2、 personal possessions.He _ them in a secret place.A . hidesB . throwsC . drops8. (2分)How long may I _ the library book, please?A . lendB . borrowC . returnD . keep9. (2分)What smells terrible?Sorry, Ill _ my shoes and wash them at once.A . put awayB . take awayC . move away10. (2分)She always _ a gree

    3、n dress. A . dressesB . wearsC . isD . puts on11. (2分) Hello, my name is Johnson. I believe you have a room _ for me. Johnson? Oh, yes, Mr. Johnson. Its Room 1201, on the second floor.A . lookedB . waitedC . cleanedD . booked12. (2分) Is this e-dictionary Jacks? No, it_ his. His is much newer.A . can

    4、t beC . may beD . should be13. (2分) How nice the building is! What is it for?It_ a hotel. But Im not sure.A . must beB . have to beD . can be14. (2分)- Sorry, Miss Liu. I left my workbook at home. Must I hand it in today?- No, you _. You _ bring it here tomorrow.t; shouldB . can mustC . mustn mayD .

    5、needn can15. (2分)Look, Jim is talking to his friend under the tree.It _ be him. He has _ back to Canada.A . cant; goneB . cant; beenC . may not;D . mustnt;16. (2分)I I fly in the sky just like a bird.A . hope; couldB . imagine;C . wish;D . suppose;17. (2分) Could you _ your dictionary _ me? Of course,

    6、 here you are.A . borrow; forB . lend; toC . lend;D . borrow; from18. (2分)Could I keep this book for another week?Of course you .A . canB . mustC . shouldD . will19. (2分)Fresh food is good for you . But you have to _it first because sometimes it is a little dirty.A . tasteB . smellC . wash D . plant

    7、20. (2分)Some of the plastic bags cant _ after June1.Yes, people will use environmental bags instead.A . useB . be useC . be usedD . are used21. (2分)I promised my son that l would take him to the zoo todayYou d better your promiseA . giveB . keepC . break22. (2分) Whose is this book written by Yang Ji

    8、ang? Carols favorite writer is Yang Jiang. It be hers.tC . canD . can23. (2分)Must I stay here till you come back?No, you _.D . shouldn24. (2分)Its very warm. You _ to wear the coat.A . mustB . dont have toC . have toD . mustn25. (2分) Is Jack on duty today? It_ be him. Its his turn tomorrow.B . won26.

    9、 (2分)You _ wait for him. Im not sure whether hell come back or not today.B . shouldn27. (2分) May I take this magazine out of the reading room? No, you _. You must read it here.A . mightn28. (2分) Jack, _ you ride a bike? Yes, I can.B . mayC . needD . must29. (2分)You go through the security check(安检)b

    10、efore getting on the train.B . mightC . may30. (2分)Jim_ sing Chinese songs very well now, but he_do it last year.A . can; canB . could;C . can; couldnD . could;31. (2分)Look at the black hat. It must belong to Mr. King.No, it _ be his. I saw an old man put it here just now.B . neednD . won32. (2分)I _

    11、 speak English in class because Im afraid of making mistakes.Dont be shy. Believe in yourself and everything will be OK.A . dare toB . dareC . dare nott dare33. (2分)Some scientists think robots will _talk like humans in the future. C . be able to34. (2分) Where is Mary? I want to tell her about the r

    12、esult of the writing competition. Oh, you _. She has known it.35. (2分)You cross the road when the traffic lights are red. Its dangerous!A . shouldC . can36. (2分)I argued with my best friend yesterday and I dont know what to do now.Maybe you _ say sorry to her.B . shouldD . may37. (2分)一Linda,I can lo

    13、ok after your catBut how often I feed it?Three times a dayA . mightC . might notD . should not38. (2分)- Excuse me. where are we going to have our class meeting?- Im not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He know.D . shall39. (2分) _ I smoke here? Sorry, Im afraid you _.A . May;B . Can;C . Could;D . Could

    14、;40. (2分)Is Jessica giving us a speech this evening?No, it _ be her. She _ to Japan. has gone has been41. (2分)_ you go out to dinner with me tonight, Laura?Thats very nice of you, but I have other plans.A . ShouldB . NeedC . CanD . Must42. (2分) I cant stop playing computer games. For your health and

    15、 study, my boy, I am afraid you _.C . mustD . have to43. (2分)You have worked for a long time. You _ be very tired.C . could44. (2分) Must I leave now? No, you _.C . don45. (2分)【2015贵州六盘水】23.You are supposed to type quickly when talking with others on QQ.B . canD . would46. (2分)We need to tell people

    16、about the city park clean-up.Lets hand out notices. Or we _ put up signs.A . couldB . have to47. (2分)The math test is too difficult for them,so they finish it 48. (2分)-Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool.-It _ be very expensive. I never even dream about it.49. (2分) Can you come to my

    17、 party on Thursday? Sorry, I cant. I _ finish my homework.B . wouldC . will50. (2分)All these things, if I _ say so, are closely connected.B . will参考答案1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、


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