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    1、人教版秋初三英语114单元重点短语人教版2015秋初三英语1-14单元重点短语 Unit 1 1. 和合作/ 和一起工作 work with sb. 2. 制作单词卡 make word cards 3. 读教科书 read the textbook 4. 听磁带 listen to the tape 5. 向寻求/要 ask sb. for sth. 6. 为考试做准备/备考 study for a test 7. 看录像 watch the videos 8. 和谈话 have conversations with sb. 9. 大声朗读 read aloud 10. 练习发音 pract

    2、ice pronunciation 11. 学到很多 learn a lot 12. 口语表达能力 speaking skills 13. 英语口语 spoken English 14. 有点儿紧张 a little nervous 15. 作报告 give a report 16. 听报告 have a report 17. 获取/知道大意 get the main ideas 18. 首先 at first/first of all 19. 使用字典 use a dictionary 20. 读句子 read the sentences 21. 对某人有耐心 be patient with

    3、 sb.22. 越多越快 The more, the faster 23. 发现学英语难 find it difficult to learn English 24. 在英语课上 in English class 25. 学习语言的秘密 the secret to language learning 26. 如此以至于 so . that 27. 大部分时间 most of time 28. 害怕 be afraid of sth. 29. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth.=be afraid of doing sth. 30. 由于/因为 because of=thank

    4、s to 31. 糟糕的发音 poor pronunciation 32. 把头藏在课本后面 hide behind the textbook 33. 令人兴奋和有趣的电影 exciting and funny movies 34. 爱上 fall in love with 35. 肢体语言/身体语言 body language 36. 某人脸上的表情 expressions on ones faces 37. 得到/知道意思 get the meaning 38. 有用的句子 the useful sentences 39. 小菜一碟 Its a piece of cake. 40. 你活该

    5、! It serves you right. 41. 查阅(字典) look up 42. 以便于 so that 43. 更好地理解英语电影 have a better understanding of English movies 44. 改善我的发音 improve my pronunciation 45. 词组/意群 word groups 46. 练习讲英语 practice speaking English 47. 提高写作 improve ones writing 48. 练习听力 practice listening 49. 学习语法 learn grammar 50. 看英语

    6、节目 watch English programs 51. 大声重复 repeat out loud 52. 记/做笔记 take notes 53. 做练习 do exercises 54. 大量阅读 read a lot 55. 给笔友写点子邮件 write e-mails to sb. 56. 和讲英语 speak English with sb. 57. 记忆句型 memory sentences patterns 58. 记笔记 take notes 59. 用英语记日记 keep a diary in English 60. 使用英语字典 use an English dictio

    7、nary 61. 请求某人的帮助 ask sb. for help 62. 提髙某人说的能力 improve ones speaking skills 63. 逐字逐字地读 read word by word 64. 在词典里查单词 look up the word in a dictionary 65. 犯语法错误 make mistakes in grammar 66. 学习习惯 learning habits 67. 有.共同点 have sth. in common 68. 注意/关注 pay attention to 69. 把.与.联系起来 connectwith 70. 变得无聊

    8、 get bored 71. 写下,记下 write down 72. 课后/放学后 after class/after school 73. 对.感兴趣 be interested in/create an interest in 74. 在课堂上 in class 75. 独立做某事 do sth. on ones own 76. 慢慢地做某事 do sth. bit by bit 77. 一遍又一遍地做某事 do sth. over and over again 78. 为.而担忧 worry about=be worried about 79. 依赖;取决于 depend on 80.

    9、 熟能生巧。 Practce makes perfect. 81. 学习能力 the ability to learn 82.这得慢慢来。 It takes time. 83.留神听关键词 listen for the key words84. 也 as well 85. 提高阅读速度 increase reading speed 86. 天生具有 be born with 87. 吸取教训/从错误中学习 learn from mistakes88. 考虑,思考 think about89. 非用即失 Use it or lose it.90. 培养学习技能 develop study ski

    10、lls91. 知识源于质疑 Knowledge comes from questioning.92. 做某事的方法 the way to do sth.93 的意思 the meaning of94. 保持做某事 keep doing sth.95. 有压力的;紧张 be stressed out96. 怎么样?呢? What about?/How about?97. 独自地/靠某人自己 on ones own98. 立刻;马上 at once/right away99.多次;反复 over and over again/time and time again Unit 2 1. 圣诞老人 S

    11、ant Claus/Father Christmas 2. 泼水节 the Water Festival 3. 龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festival 4. 春节 the Spring Festival 5. 灯笼节/元宵节 the Lantern Festival 6. 多么美好的一天! What a great day! 7. 一点 a little/ a bit/ a little bit 8. 看望亲戚 visit relatives 9. 出去吃饭 eat out/ go out for dinner 10. 增加(体重)/发胖/穿上 put on 11. 在两周以

    12、后 in /after two weeks 12. 听起来像 sound like 13. 一年最热的月份 the hottest month of the year 14. 从到 from to 15. 和相似 be similar to/ be the same as 16. 的时间 the time of 17. 在街道上 in /on the street 18. 朝扔 throw sth. at sb. / sp 19. 洗剂掉晦气 wash away bad things 20. 好运 good luck 21. 满月 a full moon 22. 把带给 carry sth.

    13、to sb. 23. 传统的民间故事 traditional folk stories 24. 的故事 the story of 25. 射掉 shoot down 26. 计划做 plan to do sth. 27. 设法偷 try to steal 28. 拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth. 29. 飞向 fly up to 30. 对喊出 call out ones name to 31. 摆开/布置 lay out sth. in /on /at 32. 回来 come back/ be back/ get back 33. 五月第二个星期 the second Sund

    14、ay of May 34. 六月第三个星期天 the third Sunday of June 35. 给礼物 give gifts to sb 36. 带出去吃饭 take sb. out for dinner/lunch 37. 越来越受欢迎 more and more popular 38. 展示/表达我们的爱 show our love 39. 花很多的钱 spend a lot of money 40. 帮助做 help (to) do sth./help with sth. 41. 打扮/装扮 dress up 42. 装扮成卡通人物 dress up as a cartoon c

    15、haracter 43. 不招待就使坏 trick or treat 44. 了解 learn about 45. 想起 think of/come up with 46. 的真正意义 the true meaning of 47. 最好的例子 the best example 48. 只想着自己 only think about oneself 49. 关心/关注/在意 care about 50. 过去常常做某事 used to do sth. 51. 受到惩罚 be punished 52. 处某人以 punish sb. with/by 53. 因而处罚某人 punish sb. fo

    16、r 54. 告诫某人去做某事 warn sb. to do sth.55. 提醒要注意 warn sb. about sth. 56. 警告某人不要做某事 warn sb. not to do sth. 57. 最终成为/最后处于 end up 58. 期待某人做某事 expect sb. to do sth. 59. 带到 take to 60. 把带回到 take sb. back to sp 61. 使想起/提醒某人 remind sb. of sth./ sb. 62. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb. to do sth. 63. 醒来/叫醒 wake up 64. 查明/弄清情

    17、况 find out 65. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 66. 改变的生活 change ones life 67. 承诺做某事 promise to do sth. 68. 真需要/急需的 in need 69. 用某物招待某人 treat sb. with sth. 70. 的开端 the beginning of 71. 生(小孩);产(仔)give birth to life 72. 的象征 a symbol of 73. 不但而且 not only but also 74. 结果是/因此 as a result 75. 圣诞节前夕/平安夜 Christmas E

    18、ve76. 母亲节 Mothers Day77. 父亲节 Fathers Day78. 傣族 the Dai people79. 互相泼水 throw water at each other80. 在新的一年交好运 have good luck in the new year81. 庆祝中秋节 celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival82 以的形状 in the shape of 83. 仙药/仙丹 magic medicine84. 长生不老 live forever85. 开始的传统 start the tradition of86. 赏月 admire the

    19、moon87. 点燃蜡烛 light candles88. 捉弄某人 play a trick on sb./make fun of sb.89. 款待某人 give sb. a treat90. 赚更多的钱 make more money91. 过去是/曾经是 used to be 92. 传播爱和快乐 spread love and joy93. 分发;散发 give out94. 泰历新年 the Thai New Year95. 关心;照料 care for96. 一个,另一个 one,the other97. 在地球上 on the earth Unit 3 1. 取钱 get so

    20、me money 2. 买一些杂志 get/buy some magazines 3. 获取一些有关小镇的信息get some information about the town 4. 买一双鞋 get/buy a pair of shoes 5. 怎样到达 how to get to sp 6. 沿着 go along/ go down/go up 7. 在银行的旁边 beside the bank 8. 在右/左边 on the right/left 9. 去三楼 go to the third floor 10. 向左/右转 turn left/ right 11. 在和之间 betw

    21、een and 12. 对做某事感到激动/兴奋 be excited to do sth. 13. 从/以开始 start/ begin with 14. 不必匆忙 not need to rush 15. 起初 at first 16. 在那个时刻 at that time 17. 来得更早点 come a little earlier 18. 最近的银行 the nearest bank 19. 寻求帮助 ask for help 20. 怎样有礼貌的寻求帮 how to ask for help politely 21. 学会怎样才是礼貌的 learn how to be polite

    22、22. 在不同的情况 in different situations 23. 使用恰当的语言 use the right language 24. 在去往的路上 on ones /the way to 25. 更擅长 become better at 26. 期待 look forward to 27. 经过、路过 pass by/go past 28. 一个吃饭的好地方 a good place to eat29. 劳驾;请原谅;请问 excuse me30. 准时;按时 on time31. 吃晚餐 have dinner32. 快点;加油;请过来 come on33. 购物中心 the

    23、shopping center34. 的角落、拐角处 the corner of35. 导入;引入 lead in to36. 直到才 notuntil37. 开始做某事 start/begin doing sth.38. 为(做)某事而感谢某人thank sb. for (doing) sth.39. 游乐园 amusement park40. 地下停车场 underground parking lot41. 美术博物馆 the Fine Art Museum42. 走近 walk up to43. 建议做某事 suggest doing sth.44. 请求去做某事 request to

    24、do sth.45. 请求某人去做某事 request sb. to do sth.46. 在附近 around here/near here47. 在某人的右边/左边 on ones right/left48. 什么;再说一次 pardon me49. 紧挨;靠近;隔壁 next to50. 取得好成绩 get good grades51. 尝试骑乘项目 try the rides52. 需要做某事 need to do sth.53. 抓住某人的手 hold ones hand54. 饿了 get hungry55. 和某人说话 speak to sb.56. 学校旅游 school tr

    25、ip57. 例如 such as/for example/for instance58. 电子邮箱地址 e-mail address 59. 花费时间做某事 spend time (in) doing sth.60. 麻烦某人 trouble sb.61. 更好地与某人交流 communicate better with sb.62. 去游学 go on a short study vacation63.一个讲英语的国家 an English-speaking country64.急忙地 in a rushUnit 4 1. 害怕 be afraid of 2. 过去常常做某事. used t

    26、o do sth 3. 过去是 used to be 4. 谈论 talk about 5. 直发 straight hair 6. 过去穿 used to wear. 7. 不足以做. not enough to do sth 8. 在.方面取得好成绩 get good grades in 9. 对.更感兴趣 get more interested in . 10. 时常/有时 from time to time/at times/sometimes 11. 我小学同学 my primary school classmates 12. 变化很大 change a lot/ change so

    27、 much 13. 变红 turn red 14. 和.谈话 talk to/ talk with 15. 看见某人在做. see sb doing sth 16. 在考试中取得好成绩 get good scores on the exams 17. 一个十九岁的. a 19-year-old 18. 拿起做/开始做某事 take up doing sth.19. 对付/处理 deal with/ do with 20. 敢做. dare to do sth21. 在班级面前 in front of the class 22. 全学校 the whole school 23. 在众人面前 in

    28、 front of crowds 24. 不再. notany more/no more/notany longer/no longer 25. 一直/总是 all the time/always 26. 成为大众焦点 get tons of attention 27. 太多的注意力 too much attention 28. 担心 worry about/be worried about29. 出现在别人面前 appear to others 30. 非常注意./对常小心 be very careful about 31. 私人时间 private time 32. 和朋友闲逛 hang out with friends 33. 准备好做. be prepared to do sth 34. 放弃(做)事 give up (doing) sth. 35. 通向成功的路 the road to success 36. 想/考虑. think about 37. 继续战斗/奋力坚持 fight on doing sth. 38. 需要有足够的天赋 require a lot of talent 39. 能成功到达顶峰 make it to the top 40. 一小部分 a very small number of 41. 吃大量的蔬菜 eat a lot


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