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    1、高考听力2009年高考试题英语听力(北京卷)1. M: Can you type?W: Yes, about eighty words a minute. I have been working as a typist for fifteen years.M: Thats great. I cant type more than forty-five.2. W: Which is your favorite TV channel?M: I like to watch the sports channel, ESPN.W: Dont you watch any other channels?M:

    2、 Sometimes I also watch Discovery, History and some news channels.3. W: Mr. White is fluent in Spanish, and now he is going to learn French.M: Ive heard he also knows a little Japanese.4. M: Was there anything valuable in the missing bag, madam?W: Yes, my purse and my keys. Luckily, I was using my m

    3、obile phone at the time.M: Anything else?W: No, nothing else.5. W: Id like this textbook, but the cover is damaged. Do you have any other copies?M: If that is the only copy on the self, Ill give you a discount.6-7 W: Whats the matter with you?M: Ive been having headaches.W: How long have they been b

    4、othering you?M: Umm They started about two months ago. Oh, no. It must be about three months ago.At first, I thought as if I had flu because I had a running nose and a bit of a temperature.W: I see. And do the headaches come on at any particular time?M: They are usually worse in the morning, especia

    5、lly during the past two weeks.W: Now let me check if there is anything serious. 8-9M: Hello, Robert speaking.W: Hi, its Emma. Im glad youre there. Its about our appointment on Wednesday morning. Im afraid I cant make it now.M: Oh, thats a shame.W: Im sorry. There was a change in my business partners

    6、 plan. And Wednesday is the only day she is able to see me.M: Thats okay. But we need to find another date.W: I could manage sometime Thursday. How about you?M: Sorry, I got an important meeting all day. What about Friday?W: Ill go to an exhibition in the morning, but I could come to your office aft

    7、er that.M: Great! Look forward to seeing you then. Bye! 10-11 M: Welcome to the Summer Festival Program. We offer three major events today: Youth Celebrations, River Festival and Songs of Summer. If you love to dance, Youth Celebrations may be your choice. Students from various countries including C

    8、anada, America and Australia are each performing three dance pieces. If you like to stay by the river, River Festival will offer you a day of fun on the river bank, followed by fireworks in the evening. For music lovers, Songs of Summer brings you the Hunton Group who will perform old and new songs

    9、all about the summer. Hope everyone will have a good time. 12-14W: Good morning, Plaza Hotel. Can I help you?M: Hello, Im just checking the room rates. How much are the single rooms, please?W: Well, sir, the singles are now from 180 to 240 dollars.M: And the doubles?W: The double rooms are now 270 t

    10、o 330 dollars.M: That includes tax, I suppose.W: No. But the price does include breakfast and service charge is extra.M: Thank you very much. I think I got that. Thats singles from 180 to 240 dollars, doubles to 270 dollars.W: No. The price of doubles is from 270 to 330 dollars.M: Oh, I see. And can

    11、 I get an extra bed if we need one?W: Yes, of course. An extra bed is 45 dollars.M: Okay, thats fine. Thank you very much.W: Youre welcome. 15-17W: So many books here. Which one do you think Kate would like?M: No idea. How about Tasty Fish? Its fifteen pounds and its got so many color pictures in it

    12、.W: So does the book Something Fishy. Its also got many instructions for cooking.M: It seems to be fairly traditional. How about World Wide Fish?W: Oh, it looks more like a reference book than a cook book. A lot of reading, and not many pictures.M: Its interesting, though, the way its organized fish

    13、 by fish.W: Thats true. How much is it?M: Twelve pounds.W: And one I picked up first?M: Something Fishy? Oh, here it is. Thats seventeen pounds.W: Hmm Well, this one has a nice combination of pictures and instructions. Anyway, we cant spend all day here. Im going to take this. 18-20 W: Hello, and we

    14、lcome to our program of successful business women. Today, we are looking at the story of Maria Silvers, the founder of a chain of coffee bars. She comes from Singapore, but later moved to London with her family. Her father, who was a factory manager, filled her with a belief in hard work. Maria stud

    15、ied political science at university. After leaving university, she became a teacher. When her father died, she went to New York for a break. Every morning, shed go to a coffee bar. When she got back to London, she realized that there was nothing like those coffee bars. So she decided to give up her

    16、job and do something about it. She opened the first coffee bar in 1995, and her success was quick. She opened ten more the following year. Now she is proud of her success and plans to open eighty more besides the eighty-five she already has. And Maria is only 33 years old.2009年高考试题英语听力(安徽卷)第一节1. W:

    17、What do you think we need to buy for our new kitchen?M: Weve got a fridge and a dinner table already, we needs some chairs.2. M: I like to stay two nights, please.W: Do you want full board or half board? M: Whats the difference?W: Full board includes all meals and half board includes just breakfast

    18、and dinner.3. M: Shouldnt we invite Cathy to the party tonight?W: Invite Cathy? She is the one who is complaining whole thing.4. M: Did you say you were driving to town this morning?W: Yes, I have to draw some money from the bank to pay my bookstore bills.4. M: What are you working on so hard?W: An

    19、article for the newspaper, if I am late, it wont get printed until next week.第二节6-7 M: Excuse me, I think you are in my seat.W: Sorry, but it says 7A on my boarding card.M: Oh, uh, right, I asked for window seat, you see. W: yes, so did I, whats your seat number? M: Lets see, oh, its 8A.W: Yes, I gu

    20、ess you are in the seat behind me. M : Oh, yes, sorry about that.8-9 M: Can I help you?W: Yes, how mush are these T-shirts?M: They are 12 dollars 50 cents each.W: I like the green one, but it isnt big enough. Have you got larger size?M: Just a minute. No, I am sorry, we havent. What about the black

    21、one?W: No, it is too dark, I prefer something lighter, yellow or pink?M: How about the pink one?W: Thats nice, I will take it. M: Thats 12 dollars 50cents then.W: Here you are. 10-12 W: So how long have you been living in London?M: A couple of years. How long have you been working here? W: Only a fe

    22、w months. I moved down here for the job. There is no work for me where I came from. M: Where did you come from then? W: I came from a small village called Arnside near Lancaster a year ago. There is nothing to do there, so I moved to London.M: Do you enjoying working here in this restaurant? W: Very

    23、 much so.13-16 M: I am sure youve noticed a lot of things that are different about our school. W: Oh, yes, in the United States, we dont have to carry a big school bag with us like you do. M: Why is that? W: We have a locker of our own which is a small box with a lock within textbooks and our person

    24、al things in it. I just bring a day pack to school. M: A day pack?W: Yes, it is a small bag which you carry on your back. M: What do you carry in it?W: My notebooks, or a few books for homework. M: Thats convenient. Is there anything else youve noticed about our school?W: Yes, I am surprised that ev

    25、eryone is so silent in class. M: What do you mean?W: Well, we usually ask questions about exams, homework or textbooks on the first day of the school year. The teachers like such questions. M: So you thought it different. W: Yes, I expected to see a lot of discussions in class, because we learned th

    26、at way in the United States.M: I see, that would be a good topic for our school newspaper for the fist month of the term. Nice talking with you. See you around. Bye.W: Bye.17-20W: Good morning, everybody. Today for our writing class, we are glad to have Mr. Henry Stone with us. A well know writer in

    27、 this country, he is going to share with us his writing experiences. Now, Henry, please tell us how you find so many interesting things for your stories. M: Ok, I watch people a lot, I do that when I travel, I have been to many countries such as Britain, Italy, and Sweden. So I spent a lot of time a

    28、t the airports, while waiting for my flights, I watch people passing by and start my imagination. For example, the other day when I was waiting for my flight to Greece, I saw a couple, they were buying magazines at that moment, they were not wearing business clothes, but the man was carrying a suitc

    29、ase, every few seconds, the women looked around, I wondered someone was following them. Perhaps they were running away and, you know, this reminded me of a story in the newspaper that day: a banker stole one million ponds a week before and disappeared with his wife, there was a picture of them in th

    30、e paper, the couple really looked like the thieves, maybe I should stop them. Just then, I saw them say goodbye to each other. And the women walked away. Well, sometimes I make mistakes like that, but I find things like that very useful for my writing, 2009年考高试题英语听力(湖北卷)1M: Shall we go for a walk, J

    31、ulie?W: Is it warm outside?M: No, you need a coat.W: Well, I think Ill stay at home, then.2. M: Id like a coffee. What about you?W: Mmme, too. And the kids will drink coke. But just ask for one bottle. Theyll never finish about it for each. M: Orange juice is much better for them. I know, but they a

    32、lways refuse to drink it. 3. W: Have you heard theres been a big fire in the old paper factory? M: Are you sure? There is nothing in the newspaper about it. W: I was there last night. Go and watch TV. There might be something about it.5. M: I cant believe this traffic.W: Well, its rush hour. M: Well never make it on time unless the match is delayed. W: Yes, we will. Don


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