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    1、视频监控系统设计外文翻译A TRANSLATINGboth systems to advanced, practical, mature, reliable, but also to open systems, scalability, and take into account reasonable investment, the purpose of the best efficiency. CCTV surveillance equipment on the spot on surveillance, control and management of these facilities

    2、in a safe, reliable and efficient operation, and make full use of intelligent management role, to create a safe, healthy, comfortable and to be able to improve the efficiency of the fine work environment , energy conservation, and reduce maintenance personnel. According to the projects environmental

    3、 needs, and demand for the establishment of joint function of the item CCTV monitoring, 1, the system has the following features: CCTV main task is an important part of the building within the developments, such as dynamic flow conditions macroeconomic surveillance, control, the various anomalies in

    4、 order to conduct real-time evidence, review, to the timely processing of purpose. 1) video signal timing, location switch programming. 2) view and record images, and a distinction should be characters time (year, month, day) display. 3) receive signal superimposed elevator floor. 4) synchronized sw

    5、itching: Power, synchronous or synchronous. 5) to receive security subsystems signal system, in accordance with the need to achieve joint control or system integration. 6) internal and external communications links. 7) security surveillance television system and security alarm system linked, should

    6、be able to automatically switch, display, record of the image signal alarm location and alarm time. 8) Power Control Camera security control room should be unified with green power by the security control room operators-to cut off. On the security control room far away from the camera is powered reu

    7、nification can be difficult to resolve the nearest, if the system is a synchronous mode of power, and security must be the same for the control room of a reliable power supply. 2, the system has the following features: H.264 compression technology H.264 video coding standard is designed for the high

    8、-quality image compression campaign designed by the low bit-rate image compression standard. H.264 video coding used in the movement of the common coding method, coding and decoding process is divided into two parts interframe coding. Egypt Intra Improved DCT transformation and quantified in the int

    9、er-frame of a 1 / 2 pixel motion vector forecast compensation technology, motion compensation more precise, quantifiable improvements apply variable length coding table (VLC) and quantitative data for entropy coding, coding final coefficient. H.264 standard higher compression ratio, the entire CIF f

    10、ormat-mode single occupied bandwidth in the hundreds around the general, occupied bandwidth depending on the specific exercise how many different picture. Deficiency is relatively poor quality of some, occupied bandwidth screen with movement and the complexity of substantial change. In short, this i

    11、s a closed-circuit television monitor so that the item highly automated, highly efficient elegant comfortable, convenient and speedy, high-security environment of space. System mainly consists of three parts: front-end monitoring; Monitoring Centre (control center); workstation (client). The install

    12、ation of video surveillance point: Color night vision cameras and color of high illumination cameras and other equipment installed in the designated location, providing 12 VDC power supply and video interface. Monitoring Centre According to specific requirements of schools, teaching areas (of nine s

    13、chool buildings), by Information Centre and the Centre set up a control extensions, the clinic, teachers dormitory (a total of two dormitory) and garage, the living quarters of students (total 12 dormitory) to install a control extensions, canteens, supermarkets, sports centre, student activity cent

    14、re, Training Center, the south gate, Simon and the North have set up a control extensions, in the host control centre set up to monitor the entire campus that in turn control the first time police information and criminals every move in the room were Baoweichu president and the establishment of a co

    15、ntrol center. DVR control center through the control system can be arbitrary view the full image (to authority), and a monitoring point for the implementation of cloth Chefang, video playback operations (to access). Control centers are located in the Presidents Office, the leading sub-control center

    16、 can ca arbitrary control of pan, tilt and zoom images and action. As a management and understanding of the situation both inside and outside the hospital auxiliary means. House leadership not to the office in order to understand the key parts of the hospital situation. Through transmission from the

    17、 remote video signals through digital hard disk video recorders to provide resource sharing connections. All the video and alarm records can be shared through the network (to access).Set up seven distribution of authority, the operators were in a different authority to operate. System of great secur

    18、ity, all users must provide to the user name and password to detect competence, not manipulation system. Alarm system with tips and video motion detection capabilities greatly save disk space, a police video documentary video to be stored, the system does not reach to facilitate enquiries for inform

    19、ation after the incident, the police want to delete documents must be carried out by the system administrator . Alarm systems also have automated records and functional linkage, the system interface unit with the police, and other police equipment can be connected. Any time a system of regional secu

    20、rity alarms were triggered, the system will automatically switch to alarm the camera screen monitor regional, state and automatically transferred to video. If two or more simultaneous alarm information, the system can simultaneously record or order of the corresponding alarm and regional image. Moni

    21、toring Centre Digital HD recorders, DVR installation of server-side software, including database system. All front-end server management and monitoring equipment, and maintenance of the client network connections at the same time, monitoring of all network workstations authorized users to manage all

    22、 office LAN users can log on to a computer server system, depending on image rights surveillance enquiries, such as video playback. To configure and monitor server drives to the video information will be kept a months time.Server software installation is complete, the system automatically configures

    23、 the video data storage path, users may need to use the server-side management software to change configuration, the system supports distributed video storage for large-capacity storage may be provided. Monitoring center can be set up in a monitoring station, monitoring workstation as a system admin

    24、istrator user of the system in equipment and user management, including video data maintenance and management. Workstations can be connected with the projector system can be used to monitor or demonstration. monitoring workstation (client) Network computer users to install DVR client software, landi

    25、ng by the system administrator to provide legal status and server access rights, can become a monitoring station. Client software, including: system configuration tools, control software, and audio and video playback software enquiries. System configuration tool: video can be set to undertake the le

    26、ns division, video server settings, among others. Monitoring Software: 1-9 frame to provide the real-time monitoring, Haeundae or ball machine control. Enquiries playback software: According to the lens name, date / time, video and other types of enquiries, and intervals for the results. Monitoring

    27、centre is just a computer as a server (under video server configuration corresponding amount of demand for hard disk), can be configured as a workstation monitoring systems management and settings to use, when necessary can be configured a projector and workstations connected to peacetime surveillan

    28、ce or system demonstration.Implementation of the system The system of cameras and lenses, Haeundae, protective enclosures, monitors, and other traditional products can basically part of the optional, but it should be used cost-effective products. The system used in high-definition color Huamianbange

    29、qi 16 Huamianbangeqi, automatic image switch selectable switching time, a functional image freeze. Video switch matrix by the Chengdu Branch of the MJ516 video switch matrix, and the ways for its 16-way input, the output of five trade unions Road. It is Chinese characters superimposed clock system u

    30、ptime enquiries, a powerful built-in functions such as Chinese Character Library. It is critical to provide the relevant agreements for secondary development. The software is to use some of the major video capture card provided by the API function and video switching matrix provided by the communica

    31、tion protocol software and services produced receive software, which is one-way video signals and control signals are two-way. Through LAN control commands can be issued. Conclusion This paper illustrates how the present technological conditions, assembled into one economical and reliable, and compa

    32、tible with the advanced monitoring system. This system suited to the local area network (10/100 M) on the real-time transmission of digital video images. Multimedia is a simple monitoring system (including video only). Believe that with computer technology, video technology, control technology, comm

    33、unications technology development, network monitoring will also enjoy broad prospects.An analog-to-digital converterAn analog-to-digital converter(ADC) is used to convert a continuously variable signal to a corresponding digital form which can take any one of a fixed number of possible binary values. If


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