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    1、学年度第一学期期末考试九年级英语试题2019-2020学年度第一学期期末考试九年级英语试题 (考试时间:100分钟试卷分值:120分10分附加题考试形式:闭卷) 亲爱的同学, 经过一学期的努力, 你的英语学习一定取得了很大的进步。 请认真思考, 规范答题。祝你取得优异成绩!Good luck!注意事项:1. 本试卷包含第I卷选择题(第1-45小题)、第11卷非选择题(第46-80小题及书面表达题, 和附加题)两部分。2. 附加题供选做。选做的同学务必将答题卡上附加题题目后的小方块用2B铅笔涂黑。3. 本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位置, 否则不给分. 4. 答题前, 务必将自己的姓名

    2、、准考证号用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。试卷I(选择题, 共64分)一、单项选择(共15 小题, 每小题1分, 计15分)1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon won _award for its amazing photography. A. a B. an C. the D.2. He is a curious boy and he likes reading books full of _. A. joy B. love C. mysteries D. action3. 一A lot of soldiers were wounded

    3、_guns in wars. 一Yes, most of them bled to death because they didnt get cured in time. A. with B. for C. by D. of4. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered _. A. living B. live C. alive D. lively5. If someone feels sad, he can say, I feel _. A. white B. blue C. green D. orange6. How long will

    4、 the fine weather _? -Its hard to say. A. last B. keep C. continue D. remain7. Sandy will go to the park this Saturday if it _fine. A. is B. will be C. being D. was9. The film Sorrow Flaws into the River _by Luo Luo is worth seeing. A. is directed B. directed C. directing D. to direct9. Your spoken

    5、English is very good. How do you improve it? -Thanks. Mr. Wang always asks us to _ conversations in our English classes. A. take up B. turn up C. end up D. make up14. It is _beautiful garden _we like to play in it. A. so a; that B. so; that C. such a; that D. such; that11. I dream of a long holiday

    6、_I could have more time for my hobbies.A. so far B. in order to C. because of D. so that12. You will not realize your dream _you try your best. A. as B. if C. unless D. since13. _I left early to avoid the rush hour, there was a lot of traffic in the street. A. Although B. Because C. When D. Aft14. I

    7、m sorry Im late. -Could you tell me _? A. why were you late again B. why are you late again C. why you were late again D. why you are late again15. -I dont like watching dramas. They are boring. -_. A. So I do B. So do I C. Neither I do D. Neither do I二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个

    8、选项中选出一个最佳答案。 We are detectives working in Star Town. Last July, 7, a bomb exploded(爆炸)in the afternoon in Star Park Almost 200 people were injured(受伤的)in the incident(事件).Some 16 said that they had seen two men going into the park before the bomb exploded and one of them was 17 a bag. The two men lo

    9、oked 18 because it was a hot day, 19 they were wearing black leatherjackets. We were asked to find the two suspects, so we went to Star Park together. We checked_20_ in and around the park. We soon found a 21 . A tourist, took a photo of the suspects 22 her children thought their leather jackets loo

    10、ked funny. When we got the photo, we tried to look for the jackets through the whole city, but we could not find any shops 23 sold them. One day, we were having lunch in a restaurant. A waitress heard us 24 about the two suspects. She said she knew the two men because they often came to the restaura

    11、nt. We did not tellher that we were detectives. We decided to go to the restaurant every day. A week 25 , we saw the two suspects. They sat at a table next to ours. They talked about what they had 26 in the park. We recorded everything but they didnt 27 it. At last the two men were arrested. The rec

    12、ording proved that the two men were 28 . They did not have any evidence(证据)to prove that they were at any 29 place at the time of the crime. They were charged with bombing the park and injuring almost 200 people. One victim said, I was waiting for my son when the bomb exploded. I 30 a lot. My legs w

    13、ere hurt very badly. Im very happy that theyve found these bad men.16. A. suspects B. victims C. witnesses D. murderers17. A. packing B. buying C. watching D. carrying18. A. happy B. strange C. energetic D. curious19. A. but B. however C. so D. and20. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothin

    14、g21. A. clue B. knife C. fingerprint D. gun22. A. unless B. although C. if D. because23. A. that B. what C. who D. when24. A. talk B. to Wk C. talks D. talking25. A. ago B. later C. before D. after26. A. done B. seen C. heard D. met27. A. think B. hear C. notice D. look28. A. honest B. guilty C. har

    15、mless D. true29. A. another B. the other C. other D. others30. A. recorded B. felt C. run D. bled三、阅读理解 A.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)ACome to Know and Help A. L.S. People! People with A.L.S.(渐冻症)cannot move, but they can feel your care and love. To knowthem, you may join our Ic

    16、e Bucket Challenge(冰捅挑战)activity. It is a very easy way. You can join this activity at Green City Park. What you should do isonly to: 1. Fill up a bucket with ice water. 2. Pour all the ice water over yourself. 3. Tell us 1-3 of your friends names for challenging them. After the challenge, you may a

    17、lso give out some money to help the A.L.S. people. This activity is from 11: 00 a m. to 3:00 p. m. every Sunday. If you want to get more information about this activity, you can:Call Mr. Brown on 368 8990.A Email to smith8933660.Visit Mr. Black at No. 3, the 5th Avenue.31. The writer thinks it is _t

    18、o join the Ice Bucket Challenge activity. A. impossible B. easy C. boring D. difficult32. Whats wrong with the people with A.L.S.? A. They cannot see anything. B. They cannot hear anything. C. They cannot move. D. They cannot feel others care and love.33. In the Ice Bucket Challenge activity, people

    19、 pour the ice water over _. A. themselves B. their friends C. the people with A.L.S. D. the host34. What can you do to get more information about this activity? A. Call Mr. Black on 893 3660. B. Call Mr. Brown on 3 68 8990. C. Send an email to Mr. Black. D. Visit Mr. Smith at his office.35. What is

    20、the purpose of the activity? A. To have fun with others. B. To save drinking water. C. To help the A. L. S. people. D. To sell ice and buckets.B Are you interested in Hunan TV? Is it good or bad? Now lets invite some of my classmates to tell you their ideas about it. Tang Feb Hunan TV is great fun.

    21、Every weekend I watch it with my parents. And it helps my parents know more about my favourite things and more about me. We dont have such a large generation gap(代沟). Besides, I think it is a good way to relax after a weeks schoolwork. Zhao Qiang. Hunan TV introduces us a lot of popular stars. Theyr

    22、e good at singing, dancing or acting because they have spent much time practicing. They should be our heroes. We can learn their spirit of hard work and then put it into use in our studies. Yang Xi: Hunan TV is not useful. For example, the hosts and hostesses of some programmes try to play jokes on

    23、other people or themselves. It is a waste of time. I think the school should make a good rule. It is necessary to keep their students from those vulgar(庸俗的)TV programmes. Cai Mei: Happy Camp from Hunan TV takes too much attention. After class, the students usually talk about who takes part in it or

    24、who is the most beautiful in it. Sometimes, they even stoptaking notes to talk in class. This is not good for their studies.36. Tang Fei _Hunan TV He watches it every weekend. A. likes B. dislikes C. hates D. fears37. Zhao Qiang is interested in Hunan TV because _, A. he enjoys singing and dancing B

    25、. he can learn acting skills from the popular stars C. he prefers watching TV to his subjects D. he thinks their heroes spirit of hard work is helpful to their studies38. Which idea is NOT from Yang Xi according to this passage? A. Watching Hunan TV is a waste of time. B. The school should make a go

    26、od rule to stop students watching Hunan TV. C. Happy Camp takes too much attention. D. The hosts and hostesses play too many jokes on others or themselves39. What does Cai Mei think of Happy Camp from Hunan TV? A. Its a useful programme for the students. B. Its a great help for the students studies.

    27、 C. The students should not spend too much time in caring about it. D. The students should discuss who is the most bem0ful in it.40. Which is the best title for this passage? A. Hosts and Hostesses of Hunan TV B. Interesting and Useful Hunan TV C. An Important Rule for Hunan TV D. Different Opinions

    28、 on Hunan TVC I heard the follow吨curious story from a railway acquaintance(相识的人). He was a gentleman of more than seventy years of age, and his good face and sincere manner put the stamp (标记)of truth on everything he said. You know, in Siam(古泰国), the royal(高贵的)white elephant is very important. Only

    29、kings can have a white elephant. And white elephants are more important than the king. Very well. five years ago. After a misunderstanding(误解)between the countries, the King of Siam decides to send the Queen of England a present. This present must be a royal one. And what present can be as royal as

    30、a white elephant? It is my job to deliver(传送) the present to the Queen. I travel with my servants(仆人), and the officers and helpers of the elephant, in a ship. Soon we arrive in New York harbour and I find a place for my royal elephant to stay in the city. The elephant is not well and we must stay i

    31、n New York until the doctors say he is better and can travel again. ? I get a phone call in the middle of the night: the white elephant is stolen! For some moments I feel helpless. Then I become calmer. There is only one thing I can do. I hurry to New York City and ask the first policeman that I meet to bring the to the police station. I am lucky. The chief of the force(队伍),the famous detectiv


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