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    1、齐商银行个人理财产品市场营销策略研究毕业论文齐商银行个人理财产品市场营销策略研究毕业论文目 录摘 要 1ABSTRACT 3第1章 导 论 51.1 选题背景和意义 51.2 研究思路及框架 61.3 研究方法 81.4 本文创新点 8第2章 相关理论综述 102.1 市场营销的基本内涵 102.2目标市场营销理论 112.3营销组合策略理论 142.4市场营销理论新发展 16第3章 齐商银行个人理财产品综合分析 173.1齐商银行个人理财产品概况 173.1.1 银行个人理财产品概念 173.1.2 淄博市经济金融环境 183.1.3 齐商银行发展历程与现状 193.1.4齐商银行个人理财产

    2、品发展情况 203.2齐商银行个人理财产品市场营销现状调查 233.2.1 调查问卷设计和回收状况 233.2.2 营销现状调查总结 233.2.3 存在的问题分析 253.3齐商银行个人理财产品SWOT分析 263.3.1优势 263.3.2劣势 283.3.3市场机会 29第4章 齐商银行个人理财产品市场营销战略 354.1 市场细分 354.2 目标市场选择 394.3 市场定位 40第5章 齐商银行个人理财产品市场营销策略 425.1产品策略 425.1.1 新产品开发 425.1.2产品质量控制 465.1.3 产品服务完善 475.1.4品牌整合 485.2价格策略 495.2.1

    3、定价策略 495.2.2产品优惠 515.3渠道策略 515.3.1渠道条理化 515.3.2营业网点升级 525.3.3代理销售 545.3.4跨区域营销 555.3.5网络营销 555.4促销策略 565.4.1立体式服务 565.4.2 公共关系开发 575.4.3 人员促销 585.4.4 “反悔期” 设置 595.4.5 广告设计 605.4.6 激励促销 61第6章 齐商银行个人理财产品营销保障措施 636.1 人力资源开发与管理 636.2 组织结构保障 646.3计算机安全保障 656.4营销公平竞争保障 666.5 银行文化建设 66结束语 69附 录 70参考文献 74致

    4、谢 77CONTENTSAbstract(Chinese)6Abstract(English) 8Chapter 1 Introduction. 101.1 Background and meaning of subject-selection.101.2 Research methods and frame of thesis111.3 Research methods131.4 Innovation points13Chapter 2 Relevant theories overview152.1 Basic connotations of marketing152.2 Theory of

    5、 target-market marketing152.3 Theory of marketing mix tactics. 162.4 New development of marketing theories16Chapter 3 Comprehensive analysis of personal financial products of the Qishang Bank193.1 Survey of personal financial products of the Qishang Bank 93.1.1 Concept of personal financial products

    6、193.1.2 Economic and financial environments of ZiBo city203.1.3 Development history and situation of the Qishang Bank213.1.4 Development of personal financial products of the Qishang Bank223.2 Present situation survey of personal financial products marketing of the Qishang Bank243.2.1 Design of the

    7、questionnaires and recovering information.243.2.2 Survey summary253.2.3 Analysis of existing prombles263.3 SWOT analysis of personal financial products of the Qishang Bank273.3.1 Strength273.3.2 Weakness293.3.3 Market opportunity303.3.4 Market threat33Chapter 4 Target-market marketing analysis of pe

    8、rsonal financial products of the Qishang Bank354.1 Market segmentation354.2 Target-market selection394.3 Market positioning40Chapter 5 Enactment of marketing tactics of personal financial products of the Qishang Bank425.1 Product tactic425.1.1 New product exploitation425.1.2 Product quality control4

    9、65.1.3 Product service perfecting475.1.3 Trade conformity605.2 Price tactic485.2.1 Price making485.2.2 Product discount495.3 Channel tactic505.3.1 Channel systematization505.3.2 Upgrade of business points505.3.3 Agent sale525.3.4 Cross-border marketing535.3.5 Web marketing545.4 Promotion tactic545.4

    10、.1 Solid service545.4.2 Exploitation of public relationships555.4.3 Personnel promotion565.4.4 Setting of “Going-Back Time” 575.4.5 Advertisement designs585.4.6 Stimulating promotion59Chapter 6 Marketing assurance of personal financing products of the Qishang Bank626.1 Development and management of

    11、personnel626.2 Organization structure assurance636.3 Computer safe assurance636.4 Marketing fair competition assurance.646.5 Bank culture construction65Conclusion67Appendix:Market questionnaire of personal financial products of the Qishang Bank68References72Acknowlegement74摘 要齐商银行地处齐国故里淄博,其前身是淄博市商业银

    12、行,2009年2月13日,经中国银监会批准,更名为“齐商银行”。截至2008年底,全行总资产291亿元,现有员工1,523人,在全国112家城市商业银行综合排名中位列第26名。齐商银行于2005年开始推出第一款个人理财产品,累计已推出86期,年理财金额已达到6.5亿元。在理财产品市场竞争日趋激烈的大背景下,传统的、一成不变的营销模式己经难以适应当前发展的需要。针对齐商银行个人理财产品在市场营销方面缺乏一套完善的、系统的策略指导的问题,论文在研究经典营销理论的基础上,结合实际销售环节,对营销的内容和策略进行了系统地总结和创新,为齐商银行的营销管理工作提供了富有价值的应用指导。 首先,本文概述齐商



    15、的保障措施。希望本文,对齐商银行个人理财产品的具体市场营销工作有所启发,为齐商银行提高效率、增加赢利寻找到一些办法,为广大居民理性理财寻找到一些渠道。关键词:银行;理财产品;营销策略 ABSTRACTThe Qishang Bank lies in the zibo city of the native place of Qi dynasty .Its former is the City Commercial Bank of ZiBo,which is renamed as the Qishang Bank,on Feburary 13,2009,approved by China Bank

    16、ing Regulatory Commission .At the end of 2008,the bank has the total assets of 29.1 billion yuan and 1523 employees, it lists 26 in the national list of city commercial banks of over 112. The Qishang Bank issues its first personal financial product in 1995,and has issued totally 86 numbers,with year

    17、ly financing sums over 0.65 billion yuan. Under the general background of the intense market competition of personal financial products,the traditional and unchangable marketing model is hard to be adapt to the need of development.Aimed at the problem of lackness of a set of integrated and systemic

    18、tactic guide for the Qishang Bank,the thesis is based on the classical marketing theories,and combines the actual sale taches, to systemically sum up and innovate the marketing contents and the marketing tactics of personal financial products,which provide valuable appliance guides for the market ma

    19、nagement work of the Qishang Bank.At first,the thesis summarizes the economic and financial environment of the Qishang Bank,and some information about development of its personal financial products.Then,according to the recovering questionnaires,the thesis summarizes the existing problems and reason

    20、s of current marketing, and also analyzes the products by SWOT. Among the analysis of market opportunity,it is pointed that the biggest changes of the macroeconomy of our nation in future,is the situation of deflation of ten years ,and prices of eighty percent commodity will decline,so that the bank

    21、 personal financial products are the natural “safe harbor” for peoples financing.Based on above-mentioned ,the thesis begins aim-market marketing analysis.Before market segmentation,the thesis establishs the family yearly income as the segmentation criterion.In segmentation,the thesis provides the d

    22、oubt and denial to the so-said “theory of two-eight”,i.e.“20 percent people occupy 80 percent resource”, and maitains that the current income structure is “theory of three segments”, i.e.“5,35,60 percent people respectively occupy 25,55,20 percent resource”. The corresponding market is also subdivid

    23、ed into high,middle,low market.The thesis takes the group of those people , who have yearly earnings between 50 thousands and 1000 thousands and occupy 35 percent rate,as the target-market. On the hand of marketing tactics, the thesis fully considers the characteristics of financial merchandise to o

    24、rdinary merchandise,and provides four aspects of marketing tactics of product, price, channel, promotion, and also provides over twenty minor terms of concrete marketing measures with innovative contents.Including:product innovation combining the collecting funds and concrete items of big enterprise

    25、s,innovation combining products and paying methods,channel streakiness emphasing on the identification of clients,and taking the channel streakiness as one of the channel tactics,finding professinal sale agent of personal financial products in market and saling via them, marketing via networks of so

    26、citey retails etc.At last,the thesis provides five Marketing Assurances.Including development and management of personnel,organization structure assurance,computer safe assurance, fair marketing competition assurance,bank culture construction.It is wished that the thesis is able to enlighten the mar

    27、keting practice of personal financial products of the Qishang Bank,to find some ways to improve working efficiency and add earnings for the Qishang Bank, to find some channels for peopele to rationally finance.Key words: bank; financial product; marketing tactic第1章 导 论1.1 选题背景和意义1选题背景齐商银行是我国城市商业银行发展



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