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    1、Brianna sighed. I could tell that she was 4 to do what I was asking of her, but I also knew she was so sweet and kind. I had specifically 5 her for this task. She looked at her friends, then at Molly.Knowing this choice was 6 her, 1 reached into my pocket and pulled out a D-buck, our class currency(

    2、货币).I needed to 7 her cooperation.“Here, Ill 8 you fbr your time.”She offered an insincere smile, grasped the green paper, and headed off.I watched closely as the girls talked. When they finally walked back together, I sighed with 9.A minute later, Brianna came back and handed me the D-buck.U1 shoul

    3、dnt keep this. Her eyes fell to her feet,10 radiating from her quiet voice. dont wantMolly to think I only went to get her so I could earn a D-buck. Shes my friend/,Then Brianna skipped back to amuse her classmates again, and who laughed for the first time that week? Molly.1. A. satisfiedB. surprise

    4、dC. awkwardD. ashamed2. A. trustB. acceptanceC. understandingD. respect3. A. angryB. puzzledC. seriousD. lonely4. A. unwillingB. eagerC. determinedD. disappointedby making sure no hair got on him. She cut his hair while he moved and ran around (he shop She talked to him throughout the entire. proces

    5、s, encouraging him and reminding him about protecting Mario to keep him engaged.(丽 注意到他的超级马里奥兄弟衬衫,并告诉他,他需要确保他身上没有头发,以拯救马里奥。他在店里跑来跑 去的时候,她给他剪了头发,整个过程中她都在跟他说话。鼓励他,提醒他要保护马里奥,让他沉浸其中。)” 和第八段 “ I 杷el good I can go above and beyond fbr a child/ Ree said. I know children want to be free.They want to express

    6、 themselves so I try to find a different strategy to make them feel comfortable u 我觉得很好,我可以为 一个孩子做得更好,”丽说。“我知道孩子们想要自由。他们想要表达自己,所以我试图找到一种不同的策 略,让他们感到舒服。“)”可推断,丽为跑来跑去并患有自闭症的孩子理发,说明她很有耐心;丽用游戏 的方式并尝试用不同的策略为孩子理发,说明她具有创造性。应选C。CThe people who happen to be in a city center at any given moment may seem like

    7、a random collection of individuals. But new research featuring a simple mathematical law shows that urban travel patterns worldwide are, in fact, predictable despite location.Researchers discovered what is known as an inverse square relation (平方反比关系)between the number of people in a given urban loca

    8、tion and the distance they traveled to get (here, as well as how frequently they made the trip. It may seem intuitive (直觉的)that people visit nearby locations frequently and distant ones less so, but the newly discovered relation accurately predicts, for instance, that the number of people coming fro

    9、m two kilometers away five times per week will be the same as the number coming from five kilometers twice a week.The researchers analyzed data from about eight million people between 2(X)6 and 2013 in six urban locations. This study focused on locations and examined how many people were visiting, f

    10、rom how far and how rcqucntly. The researchers found that all the unique choices people makefrom dropping kids at school to shopping-obey this inverse square law.One explanation for this strong statistical patter is that traveling requires (ime and energy, and people have limited resources for it. A

    11、t the core is the effort that people are willing to invest collectively to travel to certain locations, trying to optimize their days.Understanding these patterns is important not only for planning the placement of new shopping centers or public transportation but also for modeling disease transmiss

    12、ion within cities, says Kathleen Stewart, a geographer and mobility researcher.Many researchers estimate travel with “gravity models,which assume that movement between cities is proportional (成比例的)to their population sizes. But these models do not account for travel patters within cites information

    13、that is particularly critical in dealing with disease transmission Epidemiologist (流行病学家)SamScarpino says models based on this new finding might better track that flow.“Those organizational patterns have really profound (深远的)implications on how COVID will spread,“ Scarpino says. In a smaller rural l

    14、ocation, where many people regularly go (o the same grocery store, the entire town will experience sharp peaks of infections as the virus sweeps through the community. But in a bigger city, the spread takes longer he explains, because mini epidemics can occur in each neighborhood somewhat separately

    15、.28.What does the underlined word optimize“ in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Slow down.B. Keep a record of.C. Think back on.i). Make the most of.29.Why docs the author mention “gravity modcls in Paragraph 6?A.To introduce the travel patterns within cities.B.To stress the imporlance of tracking diseas

    16、es.C.To compare the urban and rural infection rates.D.To show the advantage of the inverse square law.30.Which of the following can be supported by the newly discovered law?A.Diseases spread faster in rural areas than big cities.B.Trip distance seldom influences peoples travel choices.C.Epidemics ar

    17、e harder to discover in big cities than in rural areas,City residents are likely to make frequent trips to a distant place.【2830题答案】【答案】28. D 29. D 30. A【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述一项新研究,利用简单数学定律预测全球城市旅行模式,并介绍该 定律的优点。【28题详解】词义猜想题。根据第四段“One explanation for this strong statistical patter is (hat traveling r

    18、equires lime and energy, and people have limited resources for it.(这种深刻的统计模式的一种解释是,行走需要时间和精力,而人们的 资源有限。)”可知,人们的资源、时间和精力有限,所以人们要使他们的一天到达最优化的效果。故推知 optimize的意思是“使最优化”与make the most of意义一致,应选D。【29题详解】推理判断题。根据第六段 “ Many researchers estimate travel with “gravity models”, which assume that movement betwee

    19、n cities is proportional (成比例的)to their population sizes. But these models do not account for travel patters within citesinformation that is particularly critical in dealing with disease transmission Epidemiologist (流行病 学家)Sam Scarpino says models based on this new finding might better track that fl

    20、ow.(许多研究人员使用“重 力模型”来估计旅行,该模型假设城市之间的移动与其人口规模成比例的。但这些模型没有考虑到城市内 部的旅行。这些信息在处理疾病传播时尤其重要。流行病学家Sam Scarpino表示,基于这新发现,可能会 更好地跟踪这种流动。)”可知,本段主要说明“重力模型”的缺点,它没有考虑到城市内部的旅行,会对 处理疾病传播有影响( 第五段Understanding these patterns is important not only for planning the placement of new shopping centers or public transportat

    21、ion but also for modeling disease transmission within cities, says Kathleen Stewart, a geographer and mobility researcher.(地理学家和移动性研究员 Kathleen Stewart 说:“ 了 解这些模式 不仅对于规划新购物中心或公共交通的布局很重要,而且对于模拟城市内的疾病传播也很重要。说明 了平方反比原理的优点。故推知,作者在第六段中提到gravity models是为了展现重力模型的缺点及平方反 比原理的优点,应选D。【30题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段 “In a

    22、 smaller rural location, where many people regularly go to the same grocery store, the entire town will experience sharp peaks of infections as the virus sweeps through the community. But in a bigger city, the spread takes longer he explains, because mini epidemics can occur in each neighborhood som

    23、ewhat separately.(在一个较小的农村地区,许多人经常去同一家杂货店,随着病毒席卷整个社区,整个城镇将经历 急剧的感染高峰。他解释说:“但在一个更大的城市,传播需要更长的时间,因为小型流行病可以轻微地、 单独地发生在每个社区。可知,病毒在农村地区的传播速度比在大城市传播的速度快,应选A。DEarlier this week the online UK supermarket Ocado told its customers that it had “limited ability” to deliver ice ream. Why? Because the price of na

    24、tural gas has increased greatly, which has hit the supply of CO2 in the UK. And that has led to a cut in the supply of dry ice that supermarkets use to keep food cool in their delivery vans (小 型货车).So no ice cream.This mini crisis has been fairly quickly resolve, fbr now at least. However, that does

    25、nt mean you shouldiVt woiTy. This incident serves as a timely reminder of just how reliant we are on fossil fuels. Despite our optimistic enthusiasm for wind and solar power, one way or another oil and gas use is shot through every part of our economic and social lives. That will be the case fbr man

    26、y decades to conic.In his recently updated book There is No Planet B. Mike Berners-Lee lays out the challenge When we talk about shifting from fossil fuels to clean energy of one kind or another, vve arent discussing taking the amount of energy we use now and producing that amount in a different way

    27、. Instead, our target is always on the move. The more energy we can get our hands on, the more we use-even if our use of it becomes more efficient.Energy usage is going to keep rising, while energy transitions (转变)tend to both take a very long time and never actually end. We just pile new sources on

    28、 top of old. The world still uses much the same amount of (raditional biomass (wood etc) as it did 100 years ago. We are running to stand still. This will change. But not as fast as you might like to think. In 2019, 33 percent of our new power generation needs were met by renewable energy. Thats a s

    29、tart. But 40 percent were met by natural gas.Theres urgency here of course-which might speed things up. But there is something else that might slow us down. It didnt take much to move people to fossil fuelsthey are relatively easy to extract, relatively easy to transport, hugely energy dense and eff

    30、icient and, of course, cheap. Until their externalities were understood, who could possibly have objected? Our current transition is different: people and companies will switch not because the new sources are easier to access, cheaper or more energy dense but because regulation mandates that they must.Either way, the truth is that whether we like it or not our energy transition involves long term reliance on fossil fuels. That means wc should stop demolising them. Instead, wc should focus on making their extr


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