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    1、 If you like what you see, it is quite easy to convert your demo account to a new account and start the real game.如果你喜欢你所看到的,它是很容易的转换到一个新的帐户和您的模拟账户,开始真正的游戏。 In case if you are unsatisfied, just close the demo account with one platform and move on to another.情况下,如果你不满意,只需关闭一个平台模拟账户转移到另一个。When you use

    2、 a web trading platform, the analysis and trend graphs are the most important indicators.当您使用一个Web交易平台,分析和趋势图是最重要的指标。 These graphs show you the behavior of the currency market.这些图表显示了货币市场的行为。 You can choose the granularity of the information you see.您可以选择您看到的信息的粒度。 Sometimes, it is necessary for you

    3、 to see the days view and sometimes the months view.有时,有必要给你看当天的看法,有时一个月的看法。 Trend graphs usually show you the currency behavior when you plan to buy or sell a particular currency.趋势图通常表明你的货币的行为,当您计划买入或卖出某一特定货币。 Depending on whether the currency is catching up or losing the value, you can make tradi

    4、ng decisions.根据货币是否正赶上或失去价值,可以使交易决策。Automation is one of the best features introduced by web trading platforms for easing the busy lives of traders.自动化是网上交易平台推出宽松的商人忙碌的生活的最佳功能之一。 Almost every web trading platform offers this feature with no extra cost.几乎每一个网络交易平台提供此功能,无需支付额外费用。 When using this featu

    5、re, you can easily define a set of rules and thresholds for automating your trading.使用此功能时,您可以轻松地定义了一套自动化您的交易规则和阈值。 This way, your physical presence is not mandatory to trade in the currency market, since the trading client software will take care of the trading business on behalf of you.这样,你的身体存在是不

    6、是强制性的贸易在货币市场上,自交易客户端软件将采取的贸易业务代表你照顾。 Although many online platform users prefer this feature, incorrect use of this function may damage your forex portfolio.虽然许多网上平台用户喜欢此功能,此功能的不正确使用可能会损坏您的外汇投资组合。 Therefore, the rules and thresholds should be defined accurately before allowing the software to take o

    7、ver trading.因此,应精确定义的规则和阈值允许软件接管交易之前。Mobility is one of the latest features added to web trading platforms.移动被添加到网络交易平台的最新功能之一。 This was introduced after smart phones came in to the business world.这是推出后,智能手机,在商业世界。 Since there are many professionals and businessmen who are always on the go, accessin

    8、g web trading platform through the smart phone added a lot of value to the lives of busy people.由于有许多专业人士和商界人士在旅途中总是通过智能手机访问网络交易平台,忙碌的人们的生活增添了很多价值。 If you fall into the same category, then make sure that you subscribe to mobile facility where you can monitor your investments as well as trade if nece

    9、ssary.如果属于同一类,然后确保您订阅的移动设施,如有必要,可以监视您的投资以及贸易。 But remember to protect your login details properly in your mobile device as people sometimes lose their mobile devices becoming vulnerable to sensitive data exposure!但要记住,以保护您的登录信息,在您的移动设备正常的人有时会失去他们的移动设备变得脆弱敏感数据暴露!Sometimes, people tend to open a few w

    10、eb trading accounts through different brokers for trading.有时,人们往往会打开几个网上交易账户,通过不同的经纪交易。 This has its own advantages, but might not be the best for a person who has just started a career in forex trading.这有其自身的优势,但未必是一个刚刚起步的职业生涯,在外汇交易的人最好的。 When you start your career in forex trading, you need to ful

    11、ly focus on learning the business, so maintaining one account and concentrating more on that will teach you the most essential tips and tricks than it would by maintaining a few accounts.当你开始你的职业生涯,在外汇交易,你需要充分注重学习业务,因此,维持一个帐户,集中更多,会教你最重要的提示和技巧会比维持几个帐户。 When you have a few trading accounts, your focu

    12、s is diluted and there is a high probability of making mistakes and making wrong decisions.当你有几个交易账户,你的重点是稀释和有决策失误和决策失误,是一个高概率。 So be wise in what you choose to do!所以在你选择做明智!网络趋势JSP介绍JSP(JavaServer Pages)是由Sun Microsystems公司倡导、许多公司参与一起建立的一种动态网页技术标准。JSP技术有点类似ASP技术,它是在传统的网页HTML文件(*.htm,*.html)中插入Java程


    14、程序段可以操作数据库、重新定向网页等,以实现建立动态网页所需要的功能。JSP与Java Servlet一样,是在服务器端执行的,通常返回该客户端的就是一个HTML文本,因此客户端只要有浏览器就能浏览。JSP的1.0规范的最后版本是1999年9月推出的,12月又推出了1.1规范。目前较新的是JSP1.2规范,JSP2.0规范的征求意见稿也已出台。JSP页面由HTML代码和嵌入其中的Java代码所组成。服务器在页面被客户端请求以后对这些Java代码进行处理,然后将生成的HTML页面返回给客户端的浏览器。Java Servlet 是JSP的技术基础,而且大型的Web应用程序的开发需要Java Ser


    16、个巨大的生命力。(4)多样化和功能强大的开发工具支持。这一点与ASP很像,Java已经有了许多非常优秀的开发工具,而且许多可以免费得到,并且其中许多已经可以顺利的运行于多种平台之下。JSP技术的弱势 (1) 与ASP一样,Java的一些优势正是它致命的问题所在。正是由于为了跨平台的功能,为了极度的伸缩能力,所以极大的增加了产品的复杂性。(2) Java的运行速度是用class常驻内存来完成的,所以它在一些情况下所使用的内存比起用户数量来说确实是“最低性能价格比”了。从另一方面,它还需要硬盘空间来储存一系列的.java文件和.class文件,以及对应的版本文件。JSP六种内置对象:request

    17、, response, out, session, application, config, pagecontext, page, exception. 一.request对象:该对象封装了用户提交的信息,通过调用该对象相应的方法可以获取封装的信息,即使用该对象可以获取用户提交信息。二.response对象:对客户的请求做出动态的响应,向客户端发送数据。三session对象 1.什么是session:session对象是一个JSP内置对象,它在第一个JSP页面被装载时自动创建,完成会话期管理。从一个客户打开浏览器并连接到服务器开始,到客户关闭浏览器离开这个服务器结束,被称为一个会话。当一个客户


    19、浏览器再连接到该服务器时,服务器为该客户再创建一个新的session对象。四aplication对象 1什么是application:服务器启动后就产生了这个application对象,当客户再所访问的网站的各个页面之间浏览时,这个application对象都是同一个,直到服务器关闭。但是与session不同的是,所有客户的application对象都是同一个,即所有客户共享这个内置的application对象。2application对象常用方法:(1)public void setAttribute(String key,Object obj): 将参数Object指定的对象obj添加到a

    20、pplication对象中,并为添加的对象指定一个索引关键字。(2)public Object getAttribute(String key): 获取application对象中含有关键字的对象。五out对象 out对象是一个输出流,用来向客户端输出数据。out对象用于各种数据的输出。六Cookie 1.什么是Cookie:Cookie是Web服务器保存在用户硬盘上的一段文本。Cookie允许一个Web站点在用户的电脑上保存信息并且随后再取回它。举例来说,一个Web站点可能会为每一个访问者产生一个唯一的ID,然后以Cookie文件的形式保存在每个用户的机器上。如果您使用IE浏览器访问Web,

    21、您会看到所有保存在您的硬盘上的Cookie。它们最常存放的地方是:c:windowscookies(在Window2000中则是C:Documents and Settings您的用户名Cookies ) Cookie是以“关键字key=值value“的格式来保存纪录的. 2创建一个Cookie对象,调用Cookie对象的构造函数可以创建Cookie。Cookie对象的构造函数有两个字符串参数:Cookie名字和Cookie值。Cookie c=new Cookie(“username”,”john”);3 JSP中如果要将封装好的Cookie对象传送到客户端,使用response的addCo

    22、okie()方法。格式:response.addCookie(c) 4读取保存到客户端的Cookie,使用request对象的getCookies()方法,执行时将所有客户端传来的Cookie对象以数组的形式排列,如果要取出符合需要的Cookie对象,就需要循环比较数组内每个对象的关键字。原文:How to Use Web Trading PlatformWeb trading platforms are the most popular way of engaging in forex trading at present. You save a lot of trouble by open

    23、ing an account with one of the online forex brokers and start trading online, from your home. A web based trading platform facilitates you with many features, so you can actually do the entire business without even referring to a single news paper or any other material other than the information giv

    24、en by the online forex trading platform.You need to find a good web training platform before starting to use one. There are many things you need to consider when choosing forex online paltforms as not option will cater to your needs. Most of the online forex brokers offer a demo account or a trial a

    25、ccount to allow you to get an idea of their web trading platform, so you can trade there with virtual money in order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the online forex trading platform. If you like what you see, it is quite easy to convert your demo account to a new account and start the

    26、 real game. In case if you are unsatisfied, just close the demo account with one platform and move on to another.When you use a web trading platform, the analysis and trend graphs are the most important indicators. These graphs show you the behavior of the currency market. You can choose the granula

    27、rity of the information you see. Sometimes, it is necessary for you to see the days view and sometimes the months view. Trend graphs usually show you the currency behavior when you plan to buy or sell a particular currency. Depending on whether the currency is catching up or losing the value, you ca

    28、n make trading decisions.Automation is one of the best features introduced by web trading platforms for easing the busy lives of traders. Almost every web trading platform offers this feature with no extra cost. When using this feature, you can easily define a set of rules and thresholds for automating your trading. This way, your physical presence is not mandatory to trade in the currency market, since the trading client software will take care of the trading business on behalf of you. Although many online platform users prefer this


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