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    1、老友记第一季第13集笔记113.The One With the Boobies -Rachel: 1That is IT! You just barge in here, you dont knockbarge: 闯入我受够了,你不敲门就闯进来?-Chandler: Im sorry!抱歉-Rachel: You have no respect for anybodys privacy!respect: 尊重 privacy: 隐私 难道你不尊重别人的隐私权?-Chandler: Rachel, wait, wait. Rachel,慢着,慢着-Rachel: No, you wait! T

    2、his is ridiculous!ridiculous: 荒唐的不,你慢着,这太荒唐了-Chandler: Can I just say one thing?我能说一件事吗?-Rachel: What? What?!什么事?-Chandler: 2Thats a relatively open weave and I can still see your. nipular areas.relative: 适度的 weave: 编织 open weave: 稀薄组织 nipular: 【乳晕的】Of or having to do with the nipple, or aureolefrom

    3、 urban dictionary area: 区域这块布编的非常松,因此我仍能看见你的胸脯-Rachel: Oh! (She storms off)storm: 狂怒咆哮-Opening Credits Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is there with her boyfriend Roger, talking to Rachel and Monica.-Phoebe: 3Oh, honey, honey, tell them the story about your patient who thinks things are, like, other thi

    4、ngs. You know? Like, the phone rings and she takes a shower. patient: 病人 ring: 响 shower: 洗澡亲爱的,告诉他们你的病人如何把事想成另一件事,例如电话响时她就去洗澡-Roger: Thats pretty much it差不多是那样.-Phoebe: Oops!-Roger: But you tell it really well, sweetie. sweetie: 亲爱的人 但你说得很好-Phoebe: Thanks. Okay, now go away so we can talk about you.

    5、谢谢,快走开我们才能谈你-Roger: Okay. Ill miss you. 好吧,我会想念你的-Phoebe: Isnt he great? 他很不错吧?-Rachel: 4Hes so cute! And he seems to like you so much.cute: 可爱的 seem to: 好像他好可爱,也好像很喜欢你-Phoebe: I know, I know. So sweet. and so complicated. And for a shrink, hes not too shrinky, you know?complicated: 复杂的 shrink: 心理医生

    6、 shrinky: 神经质的我知道,他人很好,而且很复杂,对于一个精神医生,他并不是太神经质的-Monica:5 So, you think youll do it on his couch?couch: 沙发他会在沙发上做吗?-Phoebe: Oh, I dont know, I dont know. I think thats a little weird, you know? Vinyl. weird: 奇怪的 Vinyl: 化乙烯基我不知道有点奇怪,聚乙稀做的-Rachel: Okaaay. (To the guys, on the couch) Any of you guys wan

    7、t anything else?大家还想要别的吗?-Chandler: Oh, yes, could I have one of those. (Points)我可以要一个吗?-Rachel: No, Im sorry, were all out of those . Anybody else?抱歉,卖完了,其他人呢?-Chandler: Okay.好的-Roger: 6Did I, uh, did I miss something?miss: 错过我是否错过某事?-Chandler: No, shes still upset because I saw her boobies.upset:

    8、不高兴 boobies: (俚)女性的乳房她很生气因为我看见她的胸脯-Ross: You what? What were you doing seeing her boobies你看胸部干什么?-Chandler: 7It was an accident. Not like I was across the street with a telescope and a box of donuts.accident: 意外的事 telescope: 望远镜 donut: 油炸圈饼 a box of: 一盒那是意外,和拿着望远镜和甜甜圈过街的感觉不同-Rachel: 8Okay, okay, cou

    9、ld we change the subject, please? subject: 话题能改变话题吗?-Phoebe: Yeah, you know, these are not her boobies, these are her breasts. breast: 胸部可以,因为那不是她的胸脯, 而是她的胸部-Rachel: 9Okay, Pheebs, I was hoping for more of a change.Pheebs,我要的不只是改变字眼-Monica: I always liked “Baroombas”, how about giving him a Latin sp

    10、in baroombas: (俚语) 波涛汹涌 Latin: 拉丁的 spin: 旋转我向来喜欢波涛汹涌,让他来一个拉丁式的旋转怎么样?-Rachel:10 Can we, can we drop this already, please? drop: 放下 我们别再谈这个了,可以吗?-Chandler: You know, I dont know why youre so embarrassed, they were very nice boobies. embarrassed: 尴尬的我不知你如此介意,你的胸脯很好看-Rachel: Nice? They were nice. I mean

    11、, thats it? 11I mean, mittens are nice.mitten: 棒球手套, 拳击手套好看?就这样?手套也很好看-Chandler: Okaaay, (Gestures) rock, hard place, me Gesture: 用姿势示意我左右为难,进退两难.-Roger: Youre so funny! Hes really funny! 12I wouldnt wanna be there when when the laughter stops. wanna=want to laughter: 笑声你真逗,他真的很逗,他不笑的时候 我也不想待在这儿-Cha

    12、ndler: 13Whoah whoah, back up there, Sparky. What did you mean by that?back up: 退回 sparky: 活泼的,充满活力的等等,退回到刚才那句话,你说这句话是什么意思?-Roger: 14Oh, just seems as though that maybe you have intimacy issues. You know, that you use your humor as a way of keeping people at a distance.as though: 仿佛,好像 intimacy: 亲密

    13、issue: 问题 humor: 幽默 at a distance: 隔开一段距离 distance: 距离你似乎有亲密上的问题,你用你的幽默和人保持距离-Chandler: Huh.-Roger: 15I mean hey! I just met you, I dont know you from Adam . .Only child, right?16 Parents divorced before you hit puberty. Adam: 亚当(圣经故事人物,所谓人类始祖) I dont know you from Adam我对你一无所知 hit: 到达 puberty: 青春期,发

    14、育期我才刚认识你,我对你毫无所知,独子?父母在你青春期前离婚?-Chandler: Uhhuh, how did you know that?你怎会知道?-Roger: Its textbook.textbook: 合乎规范的这非常典型 (Joey enters with his dad) -Joey: Hey you guys. Hey, you all know my dad, right?各位 ,你们都认识我爸吧?-All: Hey! Hey, Mr. Trib! 您好,Mr. Trib-Monica: Hey, 17how long are you in the city?打算在纽约待

    15、多久?-Mr. Tribbiani: Just for a couple days. I got a job midtown. I figure Im better off staying with the kid than hauling my ass back and forth on the ferry. (Sees Roger) I dont know this one.midtown: 位于市中心地 better off: 情况更好 haul my ass back: 迅速地行动 back and forth: 来回地 ferry: 渡轮几天,我在中城工作,我想和儿子同住比来回坐渡轮

    16、好。我没见过他-Phoebe: Oh, this is my friend Roger.他是我朋友Roger-Roger: Hi. 您好-Mr. Tribbiani: Hey, hey. Good to meet you, Roger.幸会,Roger-Roger: You too, sir.彼此彼此-Mr. Tribbiani: (To Phoebe) 18what happened to the, uh, puppet guy?puppet: 傀儡, 木偶玩布偶的那个怎么了?-Joey: Dad, dad. (Shakes his head)爸爸-Mr. Tribbiani: Oh, ex

    17、cuse me. So Ross, uh, hows the wife? (Ross whines and lays his head on Chandlers shoulder) Off there too, uh? 19Uh, Chandler, quick, say something funny!whine: 作呜呜声抱怨,哀诉 shoulder: 肩膀抱歉,Ross, 你的太太呢?两人出局了? Chandler, 说点好笑的 (Chandler stays stonefaced )stonefaced: 面色铁青的 Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Mr. Tri

    18、bbiani is on the phone. -Mr. Tribbiani: Gotta go. I miss you too, I love you, 20but its getting real late now我得挂电话了,我也想你,我爱你,但现在很晚了-Joey: (Snatches the phone) Hey Ma. Listen, I made the appointment with Dr. Bazida, and. Excuse me? (To his dad) Did you know this isnt Ma?snatch: 夺取 appointment: 约会让我向她

    19、打声招呼,妈,我和包西达大夫约了时间.什么?你知道这不是妈吗? (His dad nods. Cut to later. Joey is chopping mushrooms)nod: 点头 chop: 剁 mushroom: 蘑菇-Mr. Tribbiani: Her names Ronni. 21Shes a pet mortician.pet: 宠物 mortician: 殡仪业者她叫Ronni,宠物殡葬业者-Joey: Sure. So how long youve been. (Goes back to chopping)当然,你和她多久了-Mr. Tribbiani: 22Reme

    20、mber when you were a little kid, I used to take you to the navy yard and show you the big ships?used to: 过去常常 navy yard: 海军工厂,海军船坞 navy: 海军的记得小时候我常带你去海军军港看大船?-Joey: Since then?!从那时候?-Mr. Tribbiani: No, its only been six years. 23I just wanted to put a nice memory in your head so youd know that I was

    21、nt always such a terrible guy. .terrible: 糟糕的 memory: 记忆不,才6年,我只想勾起你美好的回忆,让你不会觉得我一直是个大烂人, -Mr. Tribbiani: what are you doing? 你在干嘛?-Joey: 24Chopping garlicchop: 切东西 garlic: 大蒜 剁大蒜-Mr. Tribbiani: Hey, you dont crush it crush: 粉碎 你不是把它碾碎吗?-Joey: You are having an affair, I chop garlic, it is a wacky w

    22、orld affair: 风流韵事 wacky: 古怪的 你谈恋爱,我剁大蒜,这是个奇怪的世界-Mr. Tribbiani: 25Joe. You ever been in love?Joe,你恋爱过吗?-Joey: .I dont know.我不知道-Mr. Tribbiani: Then you havent. Youre burning your tomatoesburn: 烧焦 tomato: 番茄那你就是没有,你的番茄快要烧焦了.-Joey: Youre one to talk. (Puts the mushrooms in a saucepan)mushroom: 蘑菇 sauce

    23、pan: 长柄而有盖子的深锅你想转移话题-Mr. Tribbiani: 26Joe, your dads in love big time. And the worst part ofIt is, its with two different women.different: 不同点 big time: 非常 worst: 最糟Joe ,你老爸爱得无法自拔,最糟的是我爱两个女人-Joey: Oh man. Please tell me one of them is Ma.拜托你告诉我其中一个是妈-Mr. Tribbiani: Of course, course one of thems Ma.

    24、 Whats the matter with you.当然其中一个是你妈, 你是怎么搞的? Scene: Monica and Rachels, Joey is lamenting to everyone about hid dads affair.lament: 悲痛,哀悼 affair: 恋爱事件 -Joey: 27Its like if you woke up one day and found out your dad was leading this double life. Hes like actually some spy, working for the C.I.A. (Co

    25、nsiders) that would be cool. This blows!lead: 过着 C.I.A.= Central Intelligence Agency(美国)中央情报局 this blows: (俚语)这太烂了 spy: 间谍这就像你某天起床突然发现你爸是个双面人,就像是为中情局工作的间谍, 那一定很酷, 但这个很烂-Monica:28Did you think Dad cheat Mom? cheat: 欺骗 你觉得爸爸欺骗过妈妈吗?-Ross: I dont think so .That would involve sex. I would like to think t

    26、hat our parents dont do that.involve: 牵扯到 sex: 性行为 我没这么想过,那一定包括性行为.我希望我们的父母没那么做-Rachel: 29I know, I mean, why cant parents just stay parents?我懂, 为何父母就不能是父母? (She walks over near Chandler and his gaze stays very obviously on her chest) Why do they have to become people? walk over: 走过 gaze: 凝视,注视 obvi

    27、ously: 明显地为何他们就得成为人间男女?Why do they have. (Notices Chandler) Why cant you stop staring at my breasts? stare at: 凝视 stare: 盯住别再盯着我的胸部看-Chandler: (Without looking up) what? (Looks up) What? 什么? 什么?-Rachel: 30Did you not get a good enough look the other day? enough: 足够的那一天你还看得不够吗?-Ross: Alright, alright

    28、. 31Were all adults here, theres only one way to resolve this. Since you saw her boobies, I think, uh, youre gonna have to show her your peepee. resolve: 解决 adult: 成年人 gonna=going to将要 peepee: 儿语小鸡我们都已是成年人,此事只有一个解决之道, 既然你看过她的胸脯, 你应该让她看你的小弟弟-Chandler: You know, I dont see that happening。 happen: 发生办不

    29、到-Rachel: Come on, hes right. Tit for tat.tit for tat: 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 tit: 轻打tat: 轻击拜托,他说得对, 以眼还眼-Chandler: 32Well Im not showing you my tat.我不会让你看的 (Door buzzer goes) -Monica: Hello?谁啊?-Phoebe: (Intercom) Its Phoebe.intercom: 门铃(带对讲机的那种)是Phoebe-Roger: (Intercom) And Rog. 还有Rog-Monica: Come on up.上来-Chan

    30、dler: (Sarcastic) Oh, good. Rog is here.sarcastic: 讽刺的太好了,Rog 在这儿-Joey: Whats the matter with Rog? Rog怎么了?-Ross: Yeah.是啊-Chandler: Oh, its nothing; its a little thing. I hate that guy.没什么,只是一点小事我不喜欢这家伙-Ross: What, 33so he was a little analytical. Thats what he does, you know? Come on, hes not that b

    31、ad.analytical: 喜欢分析人的因为他太善于分析,他就是这种人别这样嘛,他没那么糟 (Cut to Chandler, Ross and Roger sitting at the table. Ross is upset) -Ross: 34You see, thats where youre wrong. Why would I marry her if I thought on any level, that she was a lesbian?marry: 娶 level: 层面 lesbian: 女同性恋者这就是你错误的地方, 如果当初我感觉到她是女同性恋者我何必和她结婚呢?-Roger: I dunno. 35Maybe you wanted your marriage to fa


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