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    1、西安交通大学综合英语II考试题A2006 2007学年第2学期西安交通大学研究生综合英语(II)期末考试试题(A)姓名学 号英语班号考场所在院系考试日期2007年7月5日Part one Vocabulary (20 points)Directions: in this section, there are forty incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then

    2、 mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter with a pencil.1. She is A with the idea that somebody is trying to poison her.A. obsessed B. baffled C. curious D. doubted 2. The flood finally B , and people started to clean up the ruins.A. arose B. receded C. ceased D. r

    3、eturned3. Personality in Americans is further complicated by _B_ waves of immigration from various countriesA. successful B. successive C. distracting D. reluctant4. The hurricane has _C_ the foundation of the ancient bridge.A. solidified B. covered C. undermined D. outreached5. The exhibition is de

    4、signed to _D_ further cooperation between Chinese TV industry and overseas TV industries. A. diminish B. executive C. propose D. facilitate6. Beijing Television-Station Transmitting Tower really looks magnificent at night when its _A_.A. illuminated B. illustrated C. set out D. beautified7. Those pe

    5、ople come from different areas and have _A_ cultural backgrounds. A. diverse B. distinctive与众不同的 C. similar D. separated8. Nowadays, more and more people are B of political promises.A. scornful B. skeptical C. credulous D. delighted9. The _D_ of our time is to build a more harmonious society A. disc

    6、ipline B. compulsion C. administration D. mandate10. After several years of hard working, he finally rose to _B_.A. poverty B. affluence C. distinguish D. renovation11. The nobles treat the common people with _D_ contempt. A. disgusting B. abusive C. mockery D. arrogant12. Preparing a dictionary of

    7、such a size is A work.A. arduous B. restless C. profound D. pedantic13. His health condition had _d_ while he was in prison.A. suffered B. recovered C. improved D. degenerated14. Nothing could _B_ the cruelty with which she had treated the kid.A. explain B. mitigate C. adjust D. aggravate15. Lightin

    8、g levels are carefully controlled in this library for d reading convenience.A. optional B. required C. standard D. optimal16. Many observers believe that country will remain in state of chaos 份 it fails to solve its _c_ food shortage problem.A. transient B. permanent C. chronic D. serial17. Short, f

    9、requent practice is more effective than long, infrequent sessions, because it is less d . A. deliberate B. harmful C. sophisticated D. fatiguing18. In the accident three men were trapped in a _B_ ship, and their only hope was the radio signal. A. relentless B. submerged C. destroyed D. ruined19. Nea

    10、rly eleven thousand people have been arrested for _c_ the ban on street trading. A. disclosing B. blaming C. defying D. cooperating20. Those words are _b_ and you can find them now only in ancient books.A. abstruse B. obsolete C. problematic D. redundant21. Sometimes we buy a magazine with absolutel

    11、y no purpose _B_ to pass time. A. rather than B. other than C. as well D. except for 22. The _a_ between religion and science has been going on for centuries.A. clash B. crush C. indifference D. indulgence23. There are often discouraging predictions that have not been _b_ by actual events. A. utiliz

    12、ed B. verified C. mobilized D. modified 24. Tom was _a_ of a crime he didnt commit. He fought for many years to clear his nameA. convicted B. convinced C. conceived D. condemned25. Actor Pierce Bronson may play the serial killer in movies, but in real life he is a _d_ father and a loving husband. A.

    13、 devastated B. deserved C. desperate D. devoted 26. This local evening paper has a _C_ of twenty-five thousand.A. bogus B. contribution C. circulation D. celebration27. The smell of the chocolate cake was so _A_ that her mouth began to water. A. tempting B. annoying C. disgusting D. exotic28. Steel

    14、is an alloy composed _c_ of iron and carbon.A. traditionally B. carefully C. primarily D. partially29. The author of the book has shown his remarkable keen _b_ into human nature. A. intellect B. insight C. inspire D. understanding 30. The school library is supported by _c _ from foundations and othe

    15、r sources.A. advertisements B. pensions C. donations D. accounts31. Anyone who can study abroad is fortunate; but, of course, it is not easy to make the _C_ from one culture to another. A. translation B. transportation C. transition D. transfusion32. We _b_ that diet is related to most types of canc

    16、er, but we dont have definite proof.A. assure B. suspect C. ascertain D. suspend33. With the constant change of the conditions, the outcome is not always _b_. A. favorable B. predictable C. reasonable D. dependable 34. A patient who is dying of incurable cancer is in terrible pain, which can no long

    17、er be satisfactorily _d_.A. located B. replaced C. abolished D. alleviated35. He was on the _c_ of slipping down the slope when someone dropped him a rope. A. side B. pose C. brink D. chance 36. The mother and her estranged daughter finally _a_ ten years later.A. reconciled B. disagreed C. quarreled

    18、 D. disrupted37. For the first time in history, the _c_ couples can have their own child under the help of genetic engineering technology. A. married B. engaged C. infertile D. senile38. My supply of confidence slowly _b_ as the deadline approached.A. withdrew B. diminished C. exterminated D. elimin

    19、ated39. Listen carefully; the voices on this tape are barely _C_. A. sensible B. visible C. audible D. accessible 40. The machine needs a complete _d_ since it has been in use for over ten years.A. fitting B. testing C. innovation D. renovation修理Part Two Error Identification (20 points) Direction: T

    20、his part consists of 20 sentences. For each of sentences, there is a mistake, you should identify it, and then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blacking the corresponding letter with a pencil.C41. It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives that are

    21、the A B Cmain focus of social psychology DC42. Although we had been present at roughly the same time, Mr. Brown saw the situation quite A Bdifferent from the way I saw it. C DB43. John was the only one of the boys whom as you know was not eligible.A B C D C44. A lot of urban people come into the cou

    22、ntry and suddenly become terrible concerned about its A B C appearance and what the farmers are doing. DA45. Only occasionally one could take a break out of season, getting the best bargains- though not A B Cnecessarily the best weather DA46. That the woman was saying was so important that I asked e

    23、veryone to stop talking and listen. A what B C DB47. To control quality and making decisions about production are among the many responsibilities A B Cof an industrial engineerDB48. Kids who have trouble to get along with their classmates can end up behind academically and A B in doing C have a high

    24、er chance of dropping out. DD49. Without the fundamental discoveries and understanding provided by science, technology A would be a hit-or-miss affair, lacking direction and making a little progress. B C D littleD50. One of the most important aspects of an organic farm are sanitation A B C DB51. In

    25、the United States, inches and feets are still used as units of measurement. A B foot(单)-feets复 C DC52. The atmosphere of the Earth cuts off about fifty percent of the Suns heat, bouncing back A B C which isinto space. DD53. Although they sleep most of the winter, chipmunks are very active in summer

    26、when they A Bgather and carry food in their cheek pouches and storing it underground. C DB54. Basic knowledge of mathematic and electronics was used to develop the high-speed electronic A B C Dcomputer.B55. The small country at one time must be prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization

    27、. A B must不能表示推断 C DD56. In modern industrious areas, sociocultural change is occurring at an increased rate. A B C D C57. The detailed study of fossils, rather like a crime investigation, it involves the piecing together A B Cof many diverse fragments of evidence. DA58. The new technology has made

    28、possible for the doctor to make diagnoses without seeing the A B Cpatient in person. DA59. The fact which a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor does not mean that he will A B Cindeed be able to act well on the stage. DC60. Although fitness will not guarantee that you will live longer,

    29、 it can help you enjoying the years A B Cyou do live. DPart Three Reading Comprehension (40 Points)Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B, C, and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer for each of

    30、the questions. Then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blacking the corresponding letter with a pencil.Questions 61 to 64 are based on the following passage:Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists,

    31、who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others.The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educat


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