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    1、高中高考英语作文模板范文模板20篇模板范文模板doc高考英语作文 xx20 篇高考英语作文范文 20 篇高考英语作文范文:范文: Dear Sir ,Look forward to your reply .Yours ,Li Hua(2) 假设你正在参加全省中学生演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻开孩子的日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。 内容包括: 1.认为同学们不必为此烦恼 2. 希望能够体谅父母的苦衷 3.建议与父母进行交流沟通范文: Good morning , ladies and gentlemen ,Thank you!(3) 假定你是李华,在一位名叫 TigerMo

    2、m 的学生家长的博客上,你看到以下内容。 请你根据博客内容,写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。I m the mother of a fourteen-year old . I have a rule for my daughter :be among the top of 5 students or get punished in one way or another . She has been doing very well in school ,but some of my friends keep telling me that I put too much pressure on h

    3、er .Am I wrong ?写作要点: 1. 表明自己的看法 2. 陈述自己的理由 3.提出至少 2 条建议。范文: Hi, TigerMom ,What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in . My idea is that it is quite right for you to do so .Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and for their future university admission , d

    4、evelopment in wisdom emotion ,health and life1 / 11attitude should never be ignored . There are many examples around us . Some all Astudents in school have turned out not to be as successful in society as they were expected. The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost

    5、 no time for other activities . Furthermore , punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically .So I suggest that you take your friends like a lovely girl ; let her have more friends and social activities ; mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do .advice . Mo

    6、re importantly, let her li and let her make(4)假设你是某中学新老师李红,请给你的朋友张华写封信,告诉他你第一天上课的情景,主要内容如下:1.描述一件课堂上令你印象深刻的事情2.介绍你处理该事的方式3. 谈谈你的感想范文:Dear zhuanghua ,It s three months since I heard from you last time . Now I want to tell you an impressive story happening on my first lesson .From the story I felt we

    7、should respect our parents and do our best to helpthem . Do you think so ? I m looking forward to your reply .Yours truly ,Li Hong点击查看:高考英语作文技巧(5) 假设你程光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于 6 月 26 日接待来自美国的某中学的访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排其在天津的活动。请根据提示,给美国的领队 Smith 先生写一封电子邮件,介绍活动安排并简要说明理由,最后征求对方的意见。 1.上午与我校学生座谈 (如校园文化,文化差异 )2.中午与我校同学共进午

    8、餐 (饺子,面条等 ) 3.下午和我校学生游览海河。范文: Dear Mr. Smith ,2 / 11How do you like the arrangements ? I hope you will have a nice time in Tian jingYours sincerely ,Li Hua(6) 假设你晨光高中的李华。你校拟选拔一些优秀学生,利用暑假到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据提示写给校评选组一封申请信: 1.对此活动的认识 (如对本人,学生和社会的益处 )2.个人优势 (如性格,独立生活能力,语言能力等 ) 3. 你的计划 (如怎样辅导等 )范文

    9、: Dear Sir/Madam ,I m lihua from class one ,senior two . I am wring t o apply for the opportunity tohelp the students in chenxin with their English. Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation . Meanwhile , I can learn how to get along well the students and benefit the whole schoo

    10、l.I m kind , easy-going and always ready to help others . I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence . English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests . So I think that I am qualified for the position.I d appreciate it if youcould give me the oppo

    11、rtunity .Yours Sincerely ,Li hua(7) 假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。学生会将举办一年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为 “ The English novel I like best 作为组织”者.,你将在演讲比赛开幕式时发言,请根据以下说明写一篇发言稿。 1. 说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书习惯等 2.比赛注意事项,如每人演讲不超过 5 分钟,言语流利,发言准确 3.预祝比赛圆满成功范文: The English novel I like bestGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen ,3 / 11Than

    12、k you.(8) 学校将举行以 “ turning a bad mood into a good one 的作文比赛,“请按以下要求完成 1.发生的具体事件 2.对你的心情有何影响 3.你如何应对范文: Turning a bad mood into a good oneIt is very important for us to have a good mood in our daily life. If you have a good mood , you will be happy with everything in the world . Most importantly, you

    13、 will have an optimistic effect on the people around you. We all will live a harmonious and happy life .It is good for your health as well.However , sometimes when you meet some difficulties , when you quarrel with others or when you fail in doing something , you may have a bad mood. If so , you sho

    14、uld get rid of it as soon as possible. As we all know , everything has two sides. So you should think more about its bright side. We are sure that everything will be better with time passing by . Remember : only you can make yourself happy.I hope that everyone has a good mood every day !(9) 假设你李华,你的

    15、美国朋友 Tom 上个月来北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛 (speech contest) ,你在搜集资料,语言运用方面遇到了困难。请根据要点给 Tom 写封 email 1. 询问 Tom 的学习和生活情况 2.谈谈你的困难并请他帮忙 3.你打算比赛后去看他。范文:Dear Tom,I am glad to tell you that I am going to to take part in an English speechcontest in July ,which is not only an honor ,but also an opportunity for

    16、 me to improve myself. And now I try my best to make preparations for it .However , I have some trouble in collecting the materials relevant and using the language. I would appreciate it if you give me a hand to solve the problemsAfter the contest , I am to drop in at your school to visit you. Pleas

    17、e wait for my phone.4 / 11Yours ,Li hua(10) 假设你是新华中学的李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友 Tom 约好下周去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请给他写封 Email 1. 表示歉意 2.解释原因 3.另约时间范文:Dear Tom,I am indeed very sorry that I can t go to Beijing with you next week,havewhich Ipromised. I feel sorry about it and want you to know what happened.Just now , my co

    18、usin ,Li qiang ,who left home to for his further study last year,informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick himup at the airport wi th his family. You know , we haven t seen each other for nearlyyear.I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me . I

    19、wouldappreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around . Once again, I m sorry for any inconvenie caused.Sincerely yours ,Li hua(11) 假定你住在一个涉外小区。社区委员会请你帮忙用英文写一封电子邮件,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。 时间:下周六上午8:00-11:00 内容:采摘苹果 报名:办公室,下周四下午 5:00 前 提示:戴帽子,手套 。欢迎踊跃参加 。范文:Hi, everyone ,To join in the

    20、activity , you should sign your name in the office before 5:00 pmnext Thursday ,which is the deadline ! Don t miss it !5 / 11Attention! It is suggested that all the people who will join in picking apples should wear a hat and a pair of gloves because there will be a lot of leaves or dirty things tha

    21、t will otherwise fall on your head and make your hands dirty .(12) 假定你是高中生李岳,有感于校园中存在的随意涂写 (scribble) 和乱丢垃圾 (litter) 的行为,请用英文给校长写封信 ;1. 说明写信的目的 2.对这些行为提出批评 3.提出建议范文:Dear Mr. Headmaster,Yours faithfully,Li yue(13) 下面是幅照片,表现了女儿为妈妈拿包的情景 “ to ease the pain inher back, I remove the heavy load from mom s

    22、shoulder ”你短文应包括: 1.描述照片的内容 2. 结合自身情况谈谈你的感想 3.举例说明你能为家长肩负做些什么范文:The burden of students has been a hot topic for many years, but the load of parents has received little attention ,especially from their own children .All that reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have

    23、 the best. But , totally engaged in studies , I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always think studying is the only thing I could do in return .Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing , bedroomcleaning ,or at least prepare breakfast myself , so as to share

    24、 mom s The picture convinces me that it is even more important to be a good daughter thana “ good ” student ”(14) 假设你应邀参加学校组织的 “英语学习师生座谈会 ”,请根据下表所提示的情况,写一篇发言稿:6 / 11自己学习英语的情况1.英语学习的目的2.英语学习的方法3.课外自学的途径-对教学的建议提出 2 至 3 条建议范文:Dear teachers and classmates, it s a great pleasure for me to be here today a

    25、share my experience of learning English with you. I Englishminterested,andhopeinto be an interpreter in the future . Naturally it s very important for me toEnglish well. As everybody knows, vocabulary is an important part of language ,just like bricks in a building .I usually memorize twenty new wor

    26、ds a day and put them to use whenever possible . After class , I often listen to English programs on TV and onthe radio . Besides, I ve a lot from the internet and other sources.Thank you for your listening.点击查看:高考英语作文技巧(15) 鼠标是计算机时代最佳的人机交互工具一。它极大地方便了人们的计算机操作。但是,过分依赖鼠标的习惯也会带来一些不利影响。请你以鼠标为切入点,根据下表所提供

    27、的提供的情况,写一篇短文。鼠标的必要性操作计算机,上网冲浪 -鼠标的便利性7 / 11点击,移动,插入,拷贝,删除编辑文本,搜索信息收发邮件,选购商品点播音乐,下载电影如果过分依赖鼠标,会 -?范文:A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier ,but it doesn positive way . Too much information on our fingertips leaves little room for knowledge pursuing . Too many ready answers make us less

    28、 excited in finding truth . Relying too much on mouse makes us lazier and less creative both mentally andphysically.(16) 北京卷是看图作文,讲的是一个人站在小河边,用网去勾取对岸树上的水果 ;而离他不远处就有一座桥,人却没有看到。范文:In the picture , there stands a tree full of fruit on one side of the stream. Across the stream , a man is trying to reach

    29、 out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net attached to a pole. Not far away there is a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit.(17) 某海外学校举办英语训练营,开设了以下课程:园艺 (gardening) ,烹饪 (cooking) ,防身术 (self-defense), 护理 (nursing ). 假设你是王跃华,写封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。 1. 你感兴趣的课程 2. 你期望从中学到什么 3.为什么想

    30、学这些内容范文:Dear sir /madam ,8 / 11I am very glad that your school will hold the English summer camp which contains many courses , such as gardening ,cooking ,self-defense ,nursing and so on .Yours ,Wang yue hua(18) 假设你是李华,美国一所学校准备与你校共同办一份中学生英文报纸,该校格林先生来信询问有关情况。请你写回信 1. 表示赞成2。提出你喜欢的栏目3。简要说明理由范文:Dear Mr. Green,I am very excited that we are going to start a magazine together . It in indeed wonderful idea and everyone hopes for its success .I would like the mag


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