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    七一中学 宾语从句 情态动词 不定代词讲解 中考英语部分考点讲与练.docx

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    七一中学 宾语从句 情态动词 不定代词讲解 中考英语部分考点讲与练.docx

    1、七一中学 宾语从句 情态动词 不定代词讲解 中考英语部分考点讲与练2012中考英语部分考点讲与练2012中考宾语从句专项七一中学一、宾语从句例题讲解:( )1. I didnt see Laura at the party last night. Do you know_?A. why didnt she comeB. what happenedC. when would she arriveD. where she has been答案:B解析:考查宾语从句。A和C非陈述语序,排除。又因为问的是过去(last night)的情况,故用一般过去时态,选B。( )2. Im new here.

    2、Could you please tell me _?Sure. Its over there behind that tower.A. where the youth centre is B. when the library opensC. how far is the amusement parkD. how can I get to the underground station答案:A解析:考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述语序,C和D语序不符。根据答语“over there behind that tower”,它是地点,故用where引导。( )3. Do you know _?Ye

    3、s. She is doing her homework.A. what is your sister doingB. what your sister is doingC. when your sister is doing homeworkD. where is your sister doing homework答案:B解析:考查宾语从句以及句意。宾语从句用陈述句语序,根据答句:是的,她正在做作业,可知问句句意:你知道你的姐姐正在干什么吗?故选B。( )4. Do you think _ Xiao Ming can pass the high school entrance exam o

    4、r notSorry, Ive no idea.A. that B. whichC. if D. whether答案:D解析:考查宾语从句的连词。句子强调两方面的选择,并且后面有or not。故选D。( )5. I really hope to get in touch with Tony.Sorry, I dont know _.A. why he loves ChinaB. how he returned to CanadaC. what his phone number isD. where he studied Chinese答案:C解析:考查宾语从句。含有疑问词的宾语从句应该用陈述句

    5、语序,又根据句意可知,C才是联系的方式,故选C。( )6. Do you know _? Next Sunday.A. what they will do B. what will they doC. when will they come D. when they will come答案:D解析:考查宾语从句。根据答语可知提问时间,连接词用when;且用陈述语序。故选D。( )7. Do you know _ EnglandIve heard that he wants to go there for further study.A. why he will go to B. why wil

    6、l he go toC. he why will go to D. he will why go to答案:A解析:考查宾语从句。疑问词引导的宾语从句,语序要用陈述语序即“疑问词主语谓语”。故选A。( )8. Professor Lees book will show you_in other fields.A. how it can be used B. when can it be usedC. where be used it D. which can be used it答案:A解析:考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述语序。故选A。( )9. Do you know _ the Great

    7、 Wall isI think its more than 5,000 kilometers long.A. how deep B. how wideC. how far D. how long答案:D解析:考查特殊疑问词。根据下文“I think its more than 5,000 kilometers long.”可知本题对长度提问。故选D。( )10. What did the teacher say to you just nowShe asked _.A. where did I learn EnglishB. where I learned EnglishC. where do

    8、 I learn EnglishD. where I learn English答案:B解析:考查考查宾语从句和时态。宾语从句要用陈述句的语序。根据上文“What did theteacher say to you just now?”可知使用过去时态。故选B。同步练习:()1. Could you tell me ? Sorry, I have no idea. A. who did the cooking B. when did Lucy arrive C. where did Tom work D. how did Jim do it()2. Do you know ? Sorry, I

    9、 dont know. A. what is the time B. who is on duty C. where is your sister D. how is my new deskmate()3. Could you tell me ? I lost my MP5 player. A. what did you do B. how much is your MP5 player C. whats the matter D. what the matter is()4. Could you tell me ? I have a headache. A. what are you B.

    10、where do you go C. how are you D. what is wrong with you()5. Mr. Li, I found a watch on the playground. You should try to find out . A. whose is the watch B. who is the owner of the watch C. whom does the watch belong to D. whose watch is it?()6. Do you know ? He went through the whole house but she

    11、 couldnt find her bag. A. how did he do B. whats up C. what did she do? D. why did she do that()7. Did you enjoy your birthday party? Sure. You cant imagine . A. how excited was I B. how I was excited C. how excited I was D. how was I excited()8. Do you know ? Yes, There are some beautiful flowers.

    12、A. what is it B. what is on the desk C. where is the post card D. what color is this? ()9. Why didnt Tom come along? Only she himself knew . A. why did he B. why didnt he C. why he didnt D. why he did ()10. Could you tell me ? Sorry. I dont know. A. what happened to Jim B. what did happen to Jim C.

    13、what did he do D. where is he going情态动词考点讲与练 一、考查情态动词表示推测的用法考点快忆 表示肯定推测的情态动词有:must一定;准是,may也许;可能,might或许;表示否定推测的情态动词有:cant不可能, couldnt不会,may not也许不,might not或许不;can表示推测时不用于肯定句,may表示推测时不用于疑问句。【中考题例】 1. The light in the office is off. The teacher _ be there now. A. may B. cant C. mustnt D. must2. Susa

    14、ns parents have bought a large house with a swimming poo1. It_be very expensive A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant二、考查情态动词引起的一般疑问句的答语考点快忆 回答must时,肯定答语用must,否定答语用neednt或dont have to。回答need时,肯定答语用must,否定答语用neednt。回答may时,肯定答语用may,否定答语用mustnt 或cant。【中考题例】1. -May I take this book out of the reading room?-

    15、_ . Please read it here. A. Certainly B. No, you needntC. No, you mustnt2. -May I use your dictionary?- _ . A. Of course B. You may, if you likeC. No, I dont mind D. It doesnt matter3. -Must I take the keyboard to the office right now?-No, you _ . A. mustnt B. cant C. dont D. neednt三、考查情态动词的意义考点快忆 m

    16、ust 必须;have to不得不; need 必须;需要; can(could)能;可能;may (might) 可以;可能; shall,will (would)将;会;愿意;要; should应当。【中考题例】1. How _ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have seen only part of the TV play?(无锡市 2004)A. can B. may C. must D. need2. You _ stop when the traffic light is red. (四省区 2

    17、004)A. can B. may C. must3. Li Lei cant go hiking with us today, because he _ take care of his sick mother. (山西省 2004)A. has to B. may C. mustnt D. neednt4. You _ learn English well. Im sure, without opening your mouth. (温州市 2004)A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. may not5. I hear youve got some new Aus

    18、tralian coins,_ I have a look? (苏州市 2004)A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should同步练习1. Mum, may I watch TV now?Sure, but you _ help me with my English.A. can B. may C. must D. could2. _ I download the article again?No, you neednt.A. Shall B. Will C. Must D. Can3. Can you go skating with us this afternoon?So

    19、rry, I cant. I _ take care of my little sister at home.A. can B. may C. wouldD. have to4. Must I hand in my exercise book today?No, you _.A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. wont5. May I have a word with you?No, you _. Im busy today.A. needntB. wouldnt C. dont have toD. cant6. _I have your English name,

    20、please?Yes, Helen. H-E-L-E-N.A. MustB. May C. Will D. Need7. Who is the boy over there? Is it John?No, it _ be him. John is much taller.A. mustntB. may not C. cantD. neednt8. Can you play Frisbee, Jay?Yes, I _. Its easy.A. mustB. can C. need D. may9.You must come back every month.Yes, I _.A. willB.

    21、must C. should D. can10. She _ know the answer, but Im not sure.A. maybe B. may be C. may D. must11. Must we clean the room right now?No, you. You clean it after lunch.A. neednt; may B. neednt; must C. Mustnt; can D. mustnt; may12. John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. may B. ca

    22、n C. has to D. must13. Children _ play with fire.A. mustntB. cant C. shouldntD. neednt14. _ I come in, Mr Green?Yes, come in, please.A. MustB. Need C. WillD. May15. Must I finish the work today?No, you _. You _ finish it tomorrow.A. mustnt; may B. cant; can C. neednt; may D. neednt; must【答案与解析】1. C。

    23、这组对话的意思是:“妈妈,我现在可以看电视吗?”“当然,但你必须帮我学英语。”该题测试情态动词的用法。表示主观上看来“必须”要做的事,要用must。2. C。这组对话的意思是:“我必须再次下载这篇文章吗?”“不必了。”该题测试情态动词的用法。根据答语No, you neednt 就能确定要选C。3. D。这组对话的意思是:“今天下午你能同我们一块去溜冰吗?”“抱歉,我不能去。我必须在家照看我小妹妹。”该题测试情态动词的用法。表示客观上“不得不”做某事时,要用have to。4. B。这组对话的意思是:“我必须今天交作业吗?”“不必。”该题测试情态动词的用法。对以must开头的问句进行否定回答时

    24、,要用neednt。5. D。这组对话的意思是:“我可以跟你说句话吗?”“不行,我今天很忙。” 该题测试情态动词的用法。对May开头的问句进行否定回答时,通常用cant或may not来回答。6. B。这组对话的意思是:“我可以知道您的英文名字吗”“可以,海伦。H-E-L-E-N。”该题测试情态动词的用法。“请求对方许可”时,常用May I (we)。7. C。这组对话的意思是:“那边的那个男生是谁?是约翰吗?”“那不可能是他,约翰个子高些。”该题测试情态动词的用法。表示很肯定的否定推测时,用cant。8. B。这组对话的意思是:“杰伊,你会扔飞盘吗?”“会,小菜一碟。”该题测试情态动词的用法

    25、。一般说来,以情态动词can开头的问句,肯定回答用can;否定回答用cant。9. A。此题易误选为B或C。这是因为受了思维定势的影响引起的,因为前面句子中的must这个词,许多人就想当然地选择了B项。其实,这里应该选择A项,句意为:“你必须每月回来一次。”“好的,我会的。”10. A。maybe是副词,意为“可能;也许”,在句中作状语。may be是两个不同的词,其中,may是情态动词,be是连系动词,在句中作谓语。11. A。neednt表示“没有必要”;may意为“可以”。12. A。考查情态动词。由后文“但他还不能肯定”可知,他“可能会”来,所以选A。can表示推测的“可能”,多用于否

    26、定句或疑问句中,must是有把握的肯定推测,“一定”。13. A考查情态动词。mustnt千万不,绝不能,一定不要;cant不能; shouldnt不应该;neednt不必要。14. D。考查情态动词。请求允许用may或can。15. C。考查情态动词。否定回答must,表示“不必”用neednt,排除A和B。又表示允许“可以”,用may或can,所以A正确。若用must与前面neednt相矛盾。不定代词考点讲与练一、要点讲解1. some与any的区别1)some多用于肯定句,表示“一些,几个”作形容词时,后面可以接不可数名词+单数动词;可数名词+复数动词。Look! Some of the

    27、 students are cleaning the library.Some rice in the bag has been sold out.2)any多用于疑问句、条件句和否定句中,表示“一些,任何”用作形容词时,后面可以接不可数名词+单数动词;可数名词+复数动词。If you have any questions, please ask me.There isnt any orange in the bottle.Have you got any tea?3)any和some也可以作代词用,表示“一些”。any多用于疑问句或否定句中,some多用于肯定句中。How many peop

    28、le can you see in the picture?I cant see any.If you have no money, Ill lend you some.注意:与some, any结合的词如something, somebody, someone, anything, anyone, anybody在肯定句、否定句、疑问句、条件句中的用法,大致和some, any的用法相同。 2. few, a few, little, a little在用法上的区别1)用作形容词:含义、用法表示肯定表示否定用于可数名词a few虽少,但有几个few不多,几乎没有用于不可数名词a little,虽少,但有一点little不多,没有什么Im going to buy a few apples.He can speak only a little Chinese.There is only a little milk in the glass.He has few friends.They had little money with them.2)a little和little也可以用作副词,a little表示“有点,稍微”,little表示“很少”。Im a little hungry. (修饰形容词hungry)Let him sleep a


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