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    1、成长的烦恼第一季117中英台词对照表成长的烦恼第一季117117 charity begins at home 生日礼物00:04.50Carol: Mike, Mike, Mike I am trying to talk on the phone.00:04.50卡罗尔:迈克,迈克,迈克我正在打电话呢。00:12.40Mike: Oh, right. I didnt even notice Carol, Im sorry.00:12.40迈克:哦,是的。我没注意到卡罗尔,真是抱歉。00:17.40Mike: Neat!00:17.40迈克:真是的!00:19.70Carol: MichaeI

    2、!00:19.70卡罗尔:迈克尔!00:31.90Jason: Hi, guys.00:31.90詹森:嘿,孩子们。00:33.60Children together: Good afternoon, father.00:33.60孩子们聚过来:下午好,爸爸。00:37.80Jason: Oh, its allowance day!00:37.80詹森:哦,今天是发零花钱的日子!00:39.90Mike: It is?00:39.90迈克:是吗?00:41.30Carol: Oh?00:41.30卡罗尔:哦?00:42.30Ben: What do you know?00:42.30本:怎么了

    3、?00:45.30Jason: You kids really think you can con me.00:45.30詹森:你们这些孩子个个装得挺像的。00:47.80Mike: Im sorry, father. I Couldnt hear you, I was dusting.00:47.80迈克:抱歉,爸爸。我听不见,我正在擦灰尘,。00:50.80Jason: Ok, ok, Heres your blood money. Just dont think for a minute I bought into your act. And thanks for going to th

    4、e trouble of trying to deceive me.00:50.80詹森:好吧,好吧,给你们血汗钱。不要以为我是出钱买你们做样子的。谢谢你们想出好主意来蒙骗我。01:01.20Mike: Oh, any time.01:01.20迈克:啊,随时恭候。01:04.20Jason: And it warms my heart to know that this room will been clean and the01:04.20詹森:另外,我会很高兴在你妈妈回来之前你们把房间弄干净点,01:08.70laundry neatly folded by the time your

    5、mom gets home.01:08.70把洗好的衣服也叠整洁一点。01:15.60Ben: Hey dad. You gave me too much money.(Stopped by Mike)01:15.60本:嗨,爸爸,你给我的钱太多了。(被迈克制止)01:20.80Carol: Me too, gave me double.01:20.80卡罗尔:我也是,给了双份。01:22.70Mike: Me too. I dont like this.01:22.70迈克:我也是。我不喜欢这样。01:26.60Carol: Something smells rotten01:26.60卡罗

    6、尔:一定有问题。01:31.40Mike: Its Ben.01:31.40迈克:是本。01:34.70Ben: No, its February, remember?01:34.70本:不,现在是二月,记得么?01:39.40Mike: Oh, yeah, dads annual birthdays scam. The old man thinks hes gonna con us into spending all this on him.01:39.40迈克:哦,对了,爸爸的生日要到了。老头子是想我们把钱都用来给他买生日礼物。01:48.20Carol: Poor guy.01:48.2

    7、0卡罗尔:可怜的家伙。01:52.50Mike: So, Carol, what are you going to get him?01:52.50迈克:那么,卡罗尔,你打算送什么给爸爸?01:55.20Carol: Im not telling.01:55.20卡罗尔:我不告诉你。01:56.80Mike: what another Preppy shirt like you get every year? How, how will I even top that?01:56.80迈克:像往年一样再送一件普利佩的衣服?哦,如果我压倒你怎么样?02:03.60Ben: Ive got the

    8、 perfect present.02:03.60本:我有最棒的礼物。02:05.90Carol: What?02:05.90卡罗尔:什么?02:07.10Ben: I am giving dad the ashtray I created in school02:07.10本:我要把在学校里做的烟灰缸给爸爸。02:12.90Mike: Great present for a guy who doesnt smoke.02:12.90迈克:对像他这样一个不抽烟的家伙来说这可真是个好礼物。02:17.60Carol: Yeah, well what are you going to get?02

    9、:17.60卡罗尔:那么,请问你到底会送他什么?02:19.80Mike: Alright, you guys ready for this?02:19.80迈克:好,你们准备好要听清楚了。02:21.60Carol: Sure.02:21.60卡罗尔:好了。02:23.20Mike: A book!02:23.20迈克:一本书!02:24.80Ben: Dad already has a book!02:24.80本:爸爸已经有了一本书。02:29.10Mike: My God, hes right.02:29.10迈克:我的上帝,被他说对了。03:33.40Jason: (singing)

    10、 I wish me a happy birthday, I wish me a happy birthday. I wish me03:33.40詹森:(唱歌)祝我生日快乐,祝我生日快乐。祝我03:37.60a happy birthday. Because I am such a cool guy.03:37.60生日快乐。因为我很酷。03:45.30Maggie: Hi, sweet heart03:45.30马吉:嗨,亲爱的。03:46.20Jason: Hi, honey.03:46.20詹森:嗨,宝贝。03:47.80Maggie: How was your day?03:47.8

    11、0马吉:今天怎么样?03:49.00Jason: My day, listen the old miracle worker had a major break through with a patient Ive been trading for two years now03:49.00詹森:我的今天,我这个妙手回春的老神医在一位已经咨询了两年多的病人上突然有了重大的突破。03:55.20Maggie: Is that the vacuum cleaner?03:55.20马吉:那是吸尘器吗?03:58.20Jason: Yeah, yeah, the kids are cleaning.

    12、 So anyway, this patient&.03:58.20詹森:对,孩子们在清洁呢。总之,这位病人04:01.90Maggie: All of them?04:01.90马吉:他们一起做的?04:03.50Jason: Yeah. So let me tell you about this guy, he was terrified of his own bodily fluid.04:03.50詹森:是的。那么让我来告诉你这个家伙的事,他恐惧自己的体液。04:10.00Maggie: How did you get them to do it?04:10.00马吉:你怎么使

    13、他们心干情愿做家务的?04:13.10Jason: Im a master communicator.04:13.10詹森:我是个高明的外交家。04:16.30Maggie: So, how was your day?04:16.30马吉:对了,你今天怎样?04:18.70Jason: Oh, fair.04:18.70詹森:哦,还行。04:21.10Maggie: Nothing exciting happened with any of your patients?04:21.10马吉:你的病人没发生什么令人兴奋的进展吗?04:23.30Jason: No, no, no&. so

    14、 how was your day?04:23.30詹森:没,没,没你今天怎样?04:27.60Maggie: Oh, fantastic! Fred Mathers called me in his office and assigned me an entire series for next week.04:27.60马吉:哦,好极了!弗瑞德叫我去他办公室,他分配我一篇要连载一星期的报道。04:34.70Jason: Really?04:34.70詹森:真的吗?04:36.20Maggie: Lets get serious about raw sewage!04:36.20马吉:让我们

    15、认真关注原始污水问题!04:39.50Jason: Wo.04:39.50詹森:喔。04:43.70Maggie: So excited.04:43.70马吉:我真是太兴奋了。04:45.20Jason: Didnt you already do a story about waste?04:45.20詹森:你不是刚写过有关污水的报道吗?04:47.60Maggie: Well, I guess they think of sewage, and they think of me. So anyway, Im really gonna have my hands full this weeke

    16、nd04:47.60马吉:哦,我想让人家看到污水就想起我。不管怎样,我想这个周末我一定会很忙。04:56.20Jason: This weekend?04:56.20詹森:你是说这个周末?04:56.90Maggie: Uh ha04:56.90马吉:嗯哈。04:58.50Jason: Saturday?04:58.50詹森:是星期六吗?04:59.20Maggie: Yeah.04:59.20马吉:对。04:59.70Jason: February the eighth?04:59.70詹森:也就是说二月八号?05:01.50Maggie: Yes, why? Do we have plan

    17、s I dont know about?05:01.50马吉:是的,怎么了?我们有什么我不知道的计划吗?05:03.90Jason: No, I think it might be a special day for someone.05:03.90詹森:没有。我想这天对某人来说可能是个很特别的日子。05:11.30Maggie: Oh, thats right, how could I have forgotten? Hehe, Presidents day! So how was your day, sweet heart?05:11.30马吉:哦,说对了。我怎么可能忘记呢?哈哈,是总统就

    18、任日!好了,那么你今天过的怎样呢?亲爱的。05:30.70Mike: Hi, Carol, if we both keep our heads we could get through this birthday without losing our shirts Oh, Im sorry I didnt mean to mention shirts Carol.05:30.70迈克:嗨,卡罗尔,如果我们大家联手,我看大概连汗衫都用不着送了。哦,抱歉,我不是有意提汗衫的卡罗尔。05:38.90Carol: So, how much are you spending?05:38.90卡罗尔:那么

    19、,你准备花费多少钱呢?05:43.10Mike: I dont know how much are you gonna spend?05:43.10迈克:我不知道。你打算花多少钱呢?05:45.20Carol: As much as it takes.05:45.20卡罗尔:无论花多少都行。05:46.90Mike: Ok,but not over ten bucks.05:46.90迈克:好的,但是不能超过10美元。05:48.80Ben: Ten bucks? I only get two bucks a week.05:48.80本:10美元?我每周只能得到2美元。05:53.30Car

    20、ol: Ok, I can live with ten.05:53.30卡罗尔:好吧,我能负担的起10美元。05:55.40Mike: Of course with the card it might cost a little more.05:55.40迈克:当然了用生日贺卡的话花费就更多一些。06:00.30Carol: Did I say ten?06:00.30卡罗尔:我说了吗?06:02.00Mike: Carol!06:02.00迈克:卡罗尔!06:02.90Carol: Mike!06:02.90卡罗尔:迈克!06:04.10Mike: Alright, Eleven bucks

    21、.06:04.10迈克:好吧,11美元。06:06.20Carol: Twelve.06:06.20卡罗尔:12美元。06:07.10Mike: Twelve fifty.06:07.10迈克:125美元。06:08.00Carol: Fifteen.06:08.00卡罗尔:15美元。06:08.70Mike: Carol!06:08.70迈克:卡罗尔!06:10.00Mike: Ok, twenty five bucks.06:10.00迈克:好吧,25美元。06:13.90Carol: Forty.06:13.90卡罗尔:40美元。06:15.60Mike: Two hundred dol

    22、lars!06:15.60迈克:200美元!06:19.40Ben: Ah!06:19.40本:啊!06:25.10Maggie: Now I know its not Valentines day, thats the fourteenth.06:25.10马吉:反正我知道那不是情人节,情人节是在二月十四号。06:29.60Jason: I said never mind.06:29.60詹森:我说了没关系。06:33.10Maggie: oh, come on Jason, give me a hint.06:33.10马吉:哦,来吧詹森,给我点提示。06:36.10Jason: oh,

    23、I have to do that it ruins it06:36.10詹森:哦,我提示就坏事了。06:41.00Maggie: Hi pumpkin head06:41.00马吉:嗨,小傻瓜。06:42.10Ben: En.06:42.10本:恩。06:44.90Jason: Oh, Ben, you are just in time. Would you please remind your mom exactly what Saturday is ?06:44.90詹森:哦,本,你来的正是时候。请你提醒你妈妈这星期六是个什么日子?06:51.50Ben: ah&, Ground

    24、hogs Day!06:51.50本:恩,土拨鼠日!06:55.50Jason: Thats it. I am going to my office where people not only appreciate me they light candles on the day I was born.06:55.50詹森:好吧。我看我还是回医院去,在那里人们不但感激,还会在我生日那天给我点上生日蜡烛。07:06.80Maggie: Do you think after 17 years hed know that I wouldnt forget his birthday?07:06.80马

    25、吉:你认为我和他结婚17年了,还会真的忘记他的生日吗。07:11.90Wow Ben, you folded this all by your&, who drew all over the laundry?07:11.90哦,本,你把这些衣服都叠成谁把水弄得到处都是?07:21.00Ben: You got a minute mom.07:21.00本:妈妈,你现在有空么?07:23.50Maggie: sure, honey.07:23.50马吉:当然了,宝贝。07:24.90Ben: I dont have enough money to get dad anything goo

    26、d this year.07:24.90本:今年我没有钱给爸爸买个好礼物。07:28.80Maggie: Oh, didnt he double your allowances this week?07:28.80马吉:哦,他这星期没给你双倍的钱吗?07:31.30Ben: Yeah, you cant get anything for 4 bucks nowadays. Where have you been?07:31.30本:有,但是眼下4美元什么也买不了,你从火星来的么?07:38.60Maggie: Oh, honey, its not how much to spend.07:38

    27、.60马吉:哦宝贝,问题并不是你花了多少钱。07:41.30Mike: oh, tell that to Mike and Carol.07:41.30迈克:哦,这话你应该对迈克和卡罗尔去说。07:44.20Maggie: Look, Ben. I cant afford to get your father that Mercades 450SL hes always wanted. So Im getting him a nice fishing rod. And he knows I love him, so hell love it, I hope. Oh, I know for fo

    28、ur dollars you can get him some worms.07:44.20马吉:嗨,本。我也买不起你爸爸一直想要的麦西克斯450型汽车。那么我打算送他一个精美的钓鱼杆。他知道我爱他,所以他也会喜欢这礼物的,我希望这样。哦,我知道了,你可以花四美元买一些蚯蚓。08:06.90Ben: Get real, mom. And might as well just give him the stupid ashtray I made.08:06.90本:的确如此,妈妈。也许应该把我的烂烟灰缸也给他。08:14.60Maggie: And that would be fine as l

    29、ong as it comes from your heart08:14.60马吉:那样很好只要它出自你的内心。08:17.60Ben: it looks like my heart.08:17.60本:它看起来很像我的心。08:21.60Maggie: Ben, your father is not expecting a big expensive gift from you.08:21.60马吉:本,你爸爸并不希望你送给他昂贵的礼物。08:26.50Ben:He isnt?08:26.50本:真的?08:27.80Maggie: No, he doesnt care what you g

    30、et him.08:27.80马吉:是的,他不会在乎你送给他的是什么。08:35.70Ben: Great.08:35.70本:太好了。08:38.50TV Programs.08:38.50电视节目。08:39.80Program: It is very important to recognize that the couple must communicate their desire, and understand that you cannot read a closed book How often have you sat down to carve your turkey and found yourself w


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