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    1、12 军事力量 2007年3月16日,国务院总理温家宝在北京人民大会堂与中外记者见面。温家宝说:女士们、先生们、同志们,这是我作为本届政府总理在两会期间的最后一次记者招待会。这次两会受到全国人民的广泛关注,单就互联网上向总理提的问题已经超过100万条,点击的人数超过2600万人次。我昨天浏览了一下,有一个网民写道:总理的心究竟离我们有多近?他在思虑什么?就在昨天下午,我收到了一个代表转来的一所小学学生写给我的信。尽管再忙,我还是用毛笔亲笔给孩子们回了信,鼓励他们茁壮成长。我在网上看到有一个消息,一个政协委员提出关于要建立儿童医疗保险的建议已经四个年头了。我很注意这件事情,立即写了批语。我说,关

    2、系孩子们健康的事情应该重视,有关部门要认真研究。 本届政府工作走过了四个年头,它告诉我们,必须懂得一个真理,这就是政府的一切权力都是人民赋予的,一切属于人民,一切为了人民,一切依靠人民,一切归功于人民。必须秉持一种精神,这就是公仆精神。政府工作人员除了当好人民的公仆以外,没有任何其他权力。必须坚定一个信念,只要解放思想,与时俱进,追求真理,只要坚持改革开放,只要坚持科学发展、和谐发展、和平发展,我们就一定能够把中国建设成为一个富强、民主、文明、和谐的现代化国家。谢谢大家。Premier:Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades, this is my last press

    3、conference as the premier of this government during the sessions of the National Peoples Congress and the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference. People all over China have followed the two Sessions with keen interest. Over one million questions are posted for me on the internet, which ha

    4、ve been read by over 26 million people. Yesterday, I browsed a website and came cross this question: How close does the Premier feel to us in his heart? What is on his mind? Yesterday afternoon, I received a letter written to me by pupils from a primary school forwarded by a deputy. Busy as I was, I

    5、 wrote a letter back to them with a writing brush, wishing them all the best. I also read a news story on the internet that a CPPCC member has put forward a proposal for four years in a row calling for the establishment of medical insurance for children. I took his proposal very seriously and immedi

    6、ately gave written instructions that we need to handle matters concerning childrens health on a priority basis and that the competent government authorities should take steps to address this issue. It has been four years since this Government took office. These four years have taught us one thing: W

    7、e must be guided by the fundamental principle that all the power of the government is bestowed on us by the people and that all the power belongs to the people. Everything we do should be for the people; we must rely on the people in all our endeavors, and we owe all our achievements to the people.

    8、We must uphold the honorable conduct of public servant. Government officials should be good public servants and serve the people. They do not have any other power. We must remain in the conviction that as long as we free our minds, keep pace with the advance of times, seek truth, continue reform and

    9、 opening up, pursue scientific, harmonious and peaceful development, we will surely turn China into a prosperous, democratic, culturally-advanced, harmonious and modernized country. Thank you. 华尔街日报记者:我有两个问题。一个问题是现在国际投资者都非常关注中国的股市,您是否认为在过去的两年,中国的股市上涨或者发展过快、过猛?您是否认为普通的投资者现在承担着过大的风险?中国政府打算采取什么样的措施来给股市

    10、降温,或者说来调控股市?另外一个问题是有关中国的外汇储备投资的。中国政府提出要建立一个新的投资机构,寻求外汇储备的多元化。我想问的是,中国新成立的这种机构,它将把投资投向哪些具体的资产?温家宝: 我关注股市的发展,但更关注股票市场的健康发展。去年以来,我们加强了资本市场的基础性制度建设,特别是成功地推进了股权分置改革,解决了历史上的遗留问题。我们的目标是建立一个成熟的资本市场。这就需要:第一,提高上市公司的质量;第二,建立一个公开、公正、透明的市场体系;第三,加强资本市场的监管,特别是完善法制。最后,要加强股市信息的及时披露,使股民增强防范风险的意识。你谈到中国的外汇储备如何使用,这确实是我们


    12、成立这个公司开展对外投资会不会影响美元资产。在中国的外汇储备当中,美元资产占多数,这是个事实。中国购买美元资产是互利的,中国组建外汇投资公司,不会影响美元资产。Wall Street Journal:International investors are now very interested in Chinas stock market. Do you think the rise of the stock market over the past two years went too far too fast? And the average Chinese investors might

    13、 be risking too much? What measures is your government considering to further cool down or regulate the stock market? And on another topic related to investment. The government has announced plans for a new agency to manage the diversification of Chinas foreign exchange reserves. Can you tell us wha

    14、t kind of assets this agency will invest in?I follow closely the development of the stock market, and I particularly hope to see its healthy growth. Since last year, we have strengthened the development of institutional infrastructure for the capital market. In particular, we have successfully intro

    15、duced the reform of listing non-tradable shares of listed companies, thus resolving an outstanding issue. Our goal is to build a mature capital market. To meet this goal, first, we need to improve the performance of listed companies. Second, we need to develop an open, fair and transparent market sy

    16、stem. Third, we need to enhance oversight and regulation of the capital market and especially improve the relevant legal framework. Finally, we should see to it that stock market related information is released on a timely basis and make individual stock investors more aware of investment risks. As

    17、to the issue of how to use Chinas foreign exchange reserves you have mentioned, this is indeed a big issue we face. From our own experience, we know how difficult it could be when we lacked foreign exchange. In the 1990s, China did not have enough foreign exchange, so we borrowed foreign exchange fr

    18、om the IMF. The IMF only lent us 800 million US dollars. Now our foreign exchange reserves have exceeded one trillion US dollars, and how to make good use of them has become a new issue for us. China practices diversification of its foreign exchange reserves to ensure their security. Yes, we do plan

    19、 to set up a foreign exchange investment company, and it will not be under any government department. The company will manage the foreign exchange according to law on a paid-use basis. It will be under government oversight and regulation and should preserve and increase the value of the assets. As i

    20、t has not been long since China began to make investment overseas, we have little experience in this area. I recently looked at the statistics, which show that as of the end of year 2006, Chinas overseas investment in the non-financial category was only 73.3 billion US dollars. It increased by 16 bi

    21、llion US dollars last year. Still, it is insignificant in comparison with that of developed countries. I know by raising this question, you may wonder whether the overseas investment to be made by this newly established company will affect US dollar denominated assets. Chinas foreign exchange reserv

    22、es mainly consist of US dollar denominated assets. This is the fact. Chinas holding of US dollar denominated assets is mutually beneficial in nature. The setting up of a Chinese foreign exchange investment company will not affect the US dollar denominated assets. 人民日报记者:刚才总理介绍了昨天下午给一所小学的小学生写回信,这是民生问


    24、定城乡医药卫生体制改革方案,最终也要建立制度。有了制度,就不会轻易改变,就不会因为政府的更替和领导人的变化而发生变化。解决民生问题要首先着眼于生活困难群体。因为在中国城乡,生活困难群体占有相当大的比重,特别是农民。一个船队,决定它速度快慢的不是那个航行最快的船只,而是那个最慢的船只。如果我们改善了困难群体的生活状况,也就改善了整个社会的生活状况。解决民生问题还要让人民生活得快乐和幸福。这就要保障人民的民主权利,推进社会的公平与正义。记者也许问,什么叫快乐?我可以借用诗人艾青的一句诗:“去问开化的大地,去问解冻的河流。” Peoples Daily:Premier, you just told

    25、us that yesterday afternoon you wrote back to primary school pupils. This concerns peoples well-being. Peoples well-being is the biggest concern of the deputies to the two Sessions this year, and it is also the focus of the Report on the Work of the Government. In your report, which is down-to-earth

    26、 in style, a number of policy initiatives for improving the well-being of the people and increased government input for this purpose are proposed. What systemic measures will be adopted to ensure the effective implementation of these policies and use of financial input so that people will benefit fr

    27、om them?The ultimate goal of our reform and development endeavor is to meet the increasing material and cultural needs of the people. So the well-being of the people needs to be improved. This issue concerns the daily life of the people. The most important thing we should do now is to promote equal

    28、opportunity in education, continue the pro-active employment policy, narrow the income gap and build a social security system that covers both urban and rural areas. To improve peoples well-being, we need institutional guarantee. We have legislation on rescinding the agricultural tax and taxes on sp

    29、ecial agricultural products. We have legislation on nine-year free compulsory education. And we will develop a legal framework for the system of urban and rural basic cost of living allowances to be established. We are drafting a plan to reform the urban and rural medical and health system, and the

    30、plan will eventually be institutionalized. Once the institutional arrangements are in place, it will not be easy to change things, and the institutional arrangements will not change simply because of the change of the government or leaders. In addressing issues related to the well-being of the peopl

    31、e, the focus of our efforts should be on the disadvantaged groups, because these groups are fairly large, particularly in rural areas. The speed of a flotilla is not determined by the fastest ship, but the slowest one. Unless the well-being of the disadvantaged groups is improved, the well-being of

    32、the whole society wont be improved. To improve the well-being of the people, we should make people feel happy about their life. To do so, we must ensure peoples democratic rights and promote social justice and fairness. You may ask: what do you mean by being happy? Let me quote a line from Ai Qing, a Chinese poet, Go and ask the thawing land, go and ask the thawing river. 日本NHK电视台记者:


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