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    1、英语学术写作课程要求英语学术写作课程大纲一、课程名称:英语学术写作English Academic Research Paper writing课程负责人:邹晓玲二、学时与学分:32学时,2学分三、适用专业:全校非英语专业学生四、课程教材:刘洊波等. 2006. 大学英语论文写作手册. 重庆:重庆大学出版社五、参考教材:1. Fabb, Nigel & Durant, Alan. 2003. How to Write Essays, Dissertations and Theses in Literary Studies. Chengdu: Sichuan University Press.2

    2、. Seyfer. H. 1998. English Academic Paper Writing. Beijing: Higher Education Press.3. Slade, Carole. 1997. Form and Style: Research Papers, Reports and Theses. Houghton Mifflin Company. 4. 冯翠华,2003,英语科研论文写作概要,上海外语教育出版社5. 刘洊波. 2004. 英语学术论文写作. 北京:高等教育出版社六、开课单位:外国语学院七、课程的目的、性质和任务:本课程旨在从理论和实践两方面向大学生讲解学术


    4、,小组课堂演示和学术写作实践等。十一、考试方式:平时作业与期末论文成绩相结合。十二、学时分配:总学时为32学时,每周2学时,共16周。课程介绍Aims & Objectives 1) Work autonomously and independently;2) Work cooperatively with others on oral and written tasks;3) Participate fluently and confidently in small group discussions;4) Produce well-organized and written academi

    5、c essays with appropriate citation and referencing;5) Take greater responsibility for your own improvement of English language skills both in and beyond the classroom.Teachers contribution 1) Provide classroom instruction and practice on academic writing skills;2) Give web-based feedback and classro

    6、om guidance on your writing practice and class presentation;3) Organize group discussions on essay-related topics and your writing;4) Cultivate autonomous and cooperative learning competence.Students learning strategies 1) Collaborative learning -work cooperatively and discuss in groups on topics an

    7、d skills related to the course;2) Autonomous learning - engage in guided self-study, which will contribute towards your work on essay writing; 3) On-line activities - locate resources and do interactive web-based activities that relate to your essay topics and writing skills;4) Self-evaluation decid

    8、e your own learning objectives and evaluate your own learning progress. Contents of the courseWeek 1:Course introductionWeek 2:Choosing a topic Week 3:Hypothesis and thesis statementWeek 4:OutlineWeek 5:Taking notes Week 6:Organizing the content Week 7:Features of academic EnglishWeek 8:Mechanics of

    9、 essay writingWeek 9:Documentation Week 10:Works cited formatWeek 11:Abstract, introduction and literature reviewWeek 12:Methodology, results, Discussion and conclusionWeek 13:Final thesis writingWeek 14:Oral Presentation 1Week 15:Oral Presentation 2Week 16:Oral Presentation 3MaterialsTextbook:刘洊波.

    10、2006. 大学英语论文写作手册. 重庆:重庆大学出版社References:黄国文等. 2004. 英语学术论文写作. 重庆:重庆大学出版社覃先美等,2001,毕业论文导写,湖南师范大学出版社冯翠华,2003,英语科研论文写作概要,上海外语教育出版社刘洊波. 2004. 英语学术论文写作. 北京:高等教育出版社Course Requirements Before class: Teacher: uploads on the web-based course platform academic writing materials, lesson plans, the questions for

    11、 thought and assignmentsStudents: log on the web-based course platform to do pre-class reading, discuss the questions in groups and prepare for presentationIn class: Students: To be divided into 6 groups, participate in group discussions in classes on topics given before class or give presentations

    12、to answer the questions in groupsTeacher: gives key points to the chapter, a summary or a conclusion for referenceAfter class: Teacher: gives assignments and uploads them on the web-based course platform for students to finish individually or collaboratively.Students: upload your individual exercise

    13、s on the web-based course platform or discuss problems collaboratively and then answer the questions in groups. At the end of the course: Give an oral presentation of your research paper in class in 8 minutes, and then answer the teachers questions related to the paper. Upload your research paper on

    14、 one of the following Subjects in full form in the web-based course platform. Global Warming; CALL; Cooperative Learning; Autonomous Learning Word limit: 30005000Assessment Students final scores: Individual work: 30% (5 points each, total scores*6); Group work: 35% (5 points each, total scores*7); O

    15、ral presentation: 15%; Research paper: 20%. 2 points minus for each class hour absence and 0.5 for each latecoming. 2 points plus for active online interactions 2 points plus for constructive study notes课程作业小组评价:1.内容正确20%2.语言规范20%3.讨论充分20%4.观点清晰20%5.成果呈现效果好 20% 个人评价:1.善于协作20% 2.有效性好20%3.讨论积极20%4.对成果

    16、形成贡献大20%5.主动承担任务20%Group WorkAssignment 1 Discuss in groups on the net which of the following items seem likely to work out well as topics for research papers? Explain your reasons. You are required to give a presentation of your answers to the class next time.1) working women in America today 2) th

    17、e way FM radio signals are sent and received 3) the CIAs role in Nicaragua 4) the invention of gunpowder 5) the cause of measles6) the cause of cancer7) the British colonization of Africa in the nineteenth century8) programs for prevention of child abuse 9) the real author of Shakespeares plays10) t

    18、he cause of teenage alcoholism11) the generation gap12) the role of computers in business today13) automation in heavy industry14) the effectiveness of capital punishment in reducing the crime rate15) the arms race as a threat to peace16) the effect of illegal immigration on the economy of the South

    19、west17) the effect of high salaries on the quality of baseball being played today18) the ability of some people to see the future in their dreams Assignment 21. Review what you learnt in Chapter II and try the method of brainstorming you learnt in Chapter two to narrow one of the following subjects

    20、into as many topics as you can in groups on the net and then give a presentation of your discussion result to the class next time: Subjects: Global Warming; CALL; Cooperative Learning; Autonomous Learning Assignment 3 Compare the following thesis statement and then decide which ones are weak thesis

    21、statements and which ones are strong thesis statements. Explain the reasons. You should discuss them in groups after class and put your answers in the course platform. Next week, Id like you to give a presentation of your discussion results. 1) Thesis statement 1: There are some negative and positiv

    22、e aspects to the Banana Herb Tea Supplement.Thesis statement 2: Because Banana Herb Tea Supplement promotes rapid weight loss that results in the loss of muscle and lean body mass, it poses a potential danger to customers.2) Thesis statement 1: My family is an extended family.Thesis statement 2: Whi

    23、le most American families would view consanguineal marriage as a threat to the nuclear family structure, many Iranian families, like my own, believe that these marriages help reinforce kinship ties in an extended family.3) Thesis statement 1: Companies need to exploit the marketing potential of the

    24、Internet, and web pages can provide both advertising and customer support.Thesis statement 2: Because the Internet is filled with tremendous marketing potential, companies should exploit this potential by using web pages that offer both advertising and customer support.4) Thesis statement 1: World h

    25、unger has many causes and effects.Thesis statement 2: Hunger persists in Appalachia because jobs are scarce and farming in the infertile soil is rarely profitable.5) Thesis statement 1: Shakespeare was the worlds greatest playwright. Thesis statement 2: The last scene in Midsummer Nights Dream adds

    26、a political dimension to the comedy ending by incorporating subtle linguistic and theatrical references to Elizabeths position as queen. 6)Thesis statement 1:Having an official policy on euthanasia just causes problems, as the Dutch example shows. Thesis statement 2:Dutch laws on euthanasia have bee

    27、n praised for their use of the principle of self-determination. Recent cases, however, show that these laws have not been able to deal adequately with issues involving technological intervention on unconscious patients. Hamarckian theory is needed to enlarge the framework used in creating the Dutch

    28、law. It provides one way to examine the key question of how to assign rights. 7) Title: Compare and contrast the reasons why the North and South fought the Civil War.Thesis statement 1: The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some different.Thesis s

    29、tatement 2: While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions.Thesis statement 3: While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and oppression, Northerners focused

    30、on the oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own rights to property and self-government.8) Write an analysis of some aspect of Mark Twains novel Huckleberry Finn.Thesis statement 1: Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn is a great American novel.Thesis statement 2: In Huckleberry Finn, Mark T

    31、wain develops a contrast between life on the river and life on the shore.Thesis statement 3: Through its contrasting river and shore scenes, Twains Huckleberry Finn suggests that to find the true expression of American democratic ideals, one must leave civilized society and go back to nature.2. Read the following paragraphs and fi


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