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    1、教学重点:词汇:Post office, hospital, toy shop, flower shop, along, turn ,left,rightget to,between ,quite教学难点:通过开展听录音朗读、连线、快速应答、小组卡片游戏等活动,帮助学生巩固词汇。教学策略:引导学生小组交流合作探索。教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:教学流程:Step 1.Greeting and free talk1. T: What day is it today? Whats the date today?How do you go

    2、 to school? S123: 2.T: Boys and girls, on your way to school, what can you see?S1: I can see a post office, a hospital, .T: Good! You can see some buildings and so many people on your way to school, and I can also see a lot of traffic signs on my way to work. Look, here they are!(CAI show some traff

    3、ic signs.) But what do they mean? T: What does this sign mean? Ss: Turn left. What about this one? Turn right. What does this sign mean? Walk along this street. T: All the traffic signs can show us the way. Lets read them. Read the signs together. You can read very well. This time, can you look and

    4、say their meanings? S1:Walk along Winter Street. Turn left at Spring Street. 我的收获及困惑 小组评价独立思考 认真完成字迹工整 书写美观善于倾听 乐于表达及时纠错 补充归纳Unit9 Around the city学会重点句型How do I get there?和如何正确的指路Walk along Winter Street。 Turn left at 会用情景对话,小组合作学习的方式,巩固和运用核心句型。综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。专题一 Lets chant专题二 Think and write专题三Fil

    5、l in the blanks Peter, Alice and Kitty are at the zoo. They want to see different _. Peter wants to see the _ . Alice wants to see the _ . Kitty wants to see the _. They walk _ Summer Road and then turn _ at Spring Road. They can see the monkeys on their _. And the birds is on _ Road, too. Then they

    6、 can walk _ Spring Road and see the _ . After that, they can turn _ and walk along _ Road and see the bears on their _. How do I get there?固练习本单元的核心句型而且还可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣。引导学生通过对话,学生小组内对话,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,能够通过本单元的问句,来询问对方的生日信息。作业设计:Walk along the street。Turn left/Turn right atStep 1. Pre-task preparation

    7、1. Free talk T:What day is it today? What How do you go to school? How do you get to school? How do you get to ?Step 2.While-task procedure 1. T: Peter and his friends wants to visit the zoo. They want to see different animals. 2. Lets look, listen and answer these questions: a. What animal does Pet

    8、er want to see? How do they get there? b.What animal does Kitty want to see? c.What animal does Alice want to see? How do they get there? 3. T shows the map of the zoo Q1: What animal does Alice want to see?. S: She wants to see the monkeys. How do we they get there? Walk along Summer Roadand then t

    9、urn right at Spring Road. We can see the monkeys on our right. 4.Q2: What animal does Kitty want to see? S: Kitty wants to see the birds. T:How do they get there? T Shows the map of the zoo. Ask students to fill in the blanks. Walk along_ _ and see the birds _. Ask and answer: Ss: Walk along Spring

    10、Road adn see the birds.Unit9 Around the city通过开展听录音朗读、连线、快速应答帮助巩固词汇。并能应用到生活实际中去。能利用新学词汇,解决生活中的问题。通过本课学习,让学生感受与朋友在一起的快乐。专题一Choose the answer(用at, on, along, of, by, to填空,每词限用一次):1. Walk _ Apple Road. You can find a supermarket _ your right.2. We can go to the zoo _ taxi. Its fast.3. Turn right _ Summ

    11、er Street.4. How get we get _ the train station?5. The students are looking at the map _ the zoo.专题二Read and choose1. Is the hospital _ here? A: far away B: far from C: away from2. Where is the post office? Its _ the cimema and the flower shop. A: between B: to C: on3. How _ Kitty get _ the post off

    12、ice? A. do; to B. does; to C. do; for4. What does Peter want to see? He _ the elephants. want B: wants to C: want to5. - How can I _ Shanghai Museum? 专题三Read and completepost office: Walk along Red Road. Turn right at Green Road.You can see the post office on your left. Its quite near.hospital: Walk

    13、 along Red Road. Turn right at Green Road. Walk straight and you can the hospital on your right.supermarket: Walk along Red Road. Turn left at Green Road.You can see the supermarket on your left.cinema: Walk along Red Road. Turn right at Green Road. Walk straight and you can the cinema on yourleft.z

    14、oo: Walk along Red Road. Turn right at Green Road.You can see the zoo on your right. Its quite near.以listen and say的情景对话为中心,巩固核心词汇句型及核心词汇。通过练习ask and answer,以地图为依托练习巩固新学的语言知识。How do I get to ? Walk along Turn left/right at Unit 9 Around the city How do I get to .? post office/flower shop/hospital/to

    15、y shopWalk along . turn left right Step1 Warm up1.greetings.2. (1.) Whats the date today? (2.) What day is it today?3.Play a game:Simon says: Raise your right/left hand. Stand on you right/left foot. Turn left/right。 Put a ruler between two pencils.Step2 Presentation:1.T: Show ss the picture of page

    16、 58.Look at the map. Whats the name of the street? S:s Winter Street. T:Whats on Winter Street? There is a park, a hospital and a garden on Winter Street. T:s on Spring Street? There is a flower shop, a post office , a cinema and a school on Spring Street. 2. T:Where is Kitty now? Shes on Winter Str

    17、eet. Where does Kitty want to go? she wants to go to the post office. T; How does Kitty get to the post office?Walk along Winter Street, turn left and walk straight. Where is the post office?s on Spring Street. Its between the cinema and the flower shop.3.T: Now please turn to page 58. read the dial

    18、ogure together. Pay attention to useExcuse me4. T: Theres a map of our city. Let me introduce this map,OK? Here is a post office, supermarket, cinema, park. Now I am at the school gate.I want to go to the hospital/cinema/supermarkert. Excuse me. How do I get to the cinema ? S: Turn left, walk along the street and you can see the hospital your right. Now practise in pairs.5. Get some of Ss to show their diaougues. Step 3:Play a game:Stick a map on the blackboard. Ask two students to come to the front. One students eyes are covered with a cloth,and draw the line on the map.


    本文(2019新上海教育版英语五年级上册Unit-9《Around-the-city》word教案Word文档下载推荐.doc)为本站会员主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


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