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    6、的是金融危机之后的数据,这样分析出来的结果更为准确,更具指导意义;其次,本文采用的调研方法是资料收集+实地调研咨询座谈,得出的结果更具实际意义,更有说服力。当然,本文的研究还有许多不足之处,比如没有采用比较分析法来进行本文的研究,在今后的研究中将继续完善。关键词:企业集团资金管理;“资金池”模式;内部资本市场;资金管理体系;资金集中管理信息系统论文类型:案例研究ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of global economic integration, our group of companies more and more, since many of

    7、 our Group units adopted a multi-level corporate organizational structure, resulting in a dispersion of funds within the group can not concentrate, can not be timely feedback cash flow information, severely reducing the utilization of the Group of funds, if the metaphor of corporate funds blood, the

    8、 capital pool is the enterprise group of heart. Therefore, the capital management in the enterprise management plays a vital role, has become the focus of the global group of common concern. How to make the enterprises capital management to achieve the best results, is the most concerned about the i

    9、ssue of business managersThis paper from the internal capital market and the Groups fund management business perspectives on literature review of the sort. From the existing research, the group centralized management of funds abroad on earlier research, the results of the theory of the formation of

    10、relatively rich; while China started relatively late for the study of this aspect of the 2005 GEs pool of money in the country after the formal implementation , there are many domestic group companies began to follow suit, using this mode of centralized management of funds, attracted the attention o

    11、f theorists, relevant theory began to enrich themselves, but for the domestic there is no in-depth study. Overall, the theoretical researches on the fund management company focused on the analysis of current situation, problems and propose appropriate improvement measures for the implementation of s

    12、ystematic research funding is relatively small, a certain lack of relevance.So we use the theory of the case binding and inductive approach to X Group for the study of in depth. In 2008 X Group Corporation by building a unified financial revenue and expenditure budget management system, build a unif

    13、ied internal and external capital settlement platform, the use of domestic and foreign mode of operation, a multi-level capital account system formed from top to bottom, the overall coordination of Group centralized fund management system. This paper will be based on X Group 2008-2015 financial stat

    14、ements based on financial indicators analysis, the author analyzes the overall benefit of the centralized management of X Group funds to analyze whether the pool of funds accumulated by the Company has improved the efficiency of fund transfer and reduced the external financing needs and financing co

    15、sts of the Group during the period of centralized fund management. And puts forward corresponding improvement measures according to the analysis results, with a view to providing support and reference for raising the level and efficiency of fund management of enterprise groups in our Country. Accord

    16、ing to research ideas, research content of this paper consists of five parts:The first part is an introduction. This article describes the background and significance, research status, the main contents and innovation of this paper. The second part of the enterprise funds management group to elabora

    17、te. It focuses on content, as well as the evolution of Enterprise Group Enterprise Group Capital Management fund management model enterprise groups.The third part introduces X fund management company before. This section is divided into three parts, the first thing, X fund management company overvie

    18、w, namely X Group Company, the implementation of the background X centralized fund management company, goals and ideas, basic principles; Secondly, X group fund management system, were summarized from four capital account management system, capital budget management system, management system and the

    19、 expenditure of funds for financing the management system; Finally, the X group fund centralized management information system (TMS).This paper will be based on X Group 2008-2015 financial statements based on financial indicators analysis, the author analyzes the overall benefit of the centralized m

    20、anagement of X Group funds to analyze whether the accumulated by the Company has improved the efficiency of fund transfer and reduced the external financing needs and financing costs of the Group during the period of centralized fund management. And puts forward corresponding improvement measures ac

    21、cording to the analysis results, with a view to providing support and reference for raising the level and efficiency of fund management of enterprise groups in our country.The fourth part is the financial efficiency analysis and fund management of X Group Company. This paper analyzes the financial p

    22、erformance of X Group Company from three aspects: current assets analysis, cash flow analysis, and the company risk evaluation. Based on the analysis of the efficiency of centralized management of X Group Company, the author found that there are six problems in the process of capital management of G

    23、roup X, namely, the high concentration of the whole fund, the slow recovery of accounts receivable, Personnel, the Group management awareness of the Groups lack of funds before and during the monitoring, policy-oriented to be enhanced, the risk spread effect on the internal capital market impact sig

    24、nificantly.Through the analysis and discussion of the above problems, the fifth part makes a preliminary evaluation of the management mode of X Group Company and puts forward some relevant suggestions: X Group can be flexible from the resource configuration; strengthen the pool accounts receivable c

    25、ontrol and management; perfect risk prevention; to strengthen the work of the subsidiary assessment to improve the management efficiency; gradually change from pre-management to pre-guard; the establishment of flexible and effective settlement system to improve the six areas.The sixth part is the su

    26、mmary of this article and put forward the relevant policy recommendations. As an important link in improving the core competitiveness of enterprise groups, capital management is of great significance and value to enhance the enterprises soft and hard power. By reference case, X group carries on the

    27、analysis, the following conclusions: First, the efficient centralized management of funds can effectively alleviate the contradiction between high capital demand gap and high capital deposit within the Group; second, the centralized management of capital pool is suitable for the development of large

    28、 group companies in China. Third, pool centralized management model needs to be further perfect in practice. Through the case study of X Group, we find that under the capital pool management mode, there are still some problems such as the low efficiency of group members and the large financial risk

    29、represented by insufficient fund liquidity. Put forward the policy Suggestions, first of all, the relevant state departments should supervise the establishment of its two-tier principal-agent governance structure, the establishment of compensation for the interests of small and medium investors liab

    30、ility system, improve the external independent director system to ensure that the internal capital market norms and effective. Second, due to the connection of the internal and external capital market of our country has not been established. Therefore, to realize optimization of internal capital market development, the first thing to realize the development and improvement of external capital market,


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