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    1、2015中考英语五选五阅读汇总2015海淀一模七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。(共10分,每小题2分)The Same But Different Maggie and Sarah are twin sisters. They were born just a few minutes apart, and they look exactly alike. They both have blonde hair and green eyes. 56 . Sometimes other students at school have a

    2、 hard time telling them apart. Maggie and Sarah like going to the same school. This is because they are not just twin sisters, but best friends too. They have a lot in common. 57 . Both girls spend a lot of time together with their family, and they both like to play with their dog, Callie. 58 . Magg

    3、ie likes to play sports. She is on a soccer team and a basketball team. Sarah doesnt really like sports. She likes to dance.There are other differences between them too. 59 . Maggie likes to read mystery books, but Sarah likes to read books about animals. Maggie gets better grades in reading and Spa

    4、nish, but Sarah gets better grades in math and science. Everyone is different in her or his own way. Maggie and Sarah like being different from each other as much as they like being similar. 60 .A. That is what makes them specialB. They are around the same height as wellC. But Maggie and Sarah are a

    5、lso very different D. Maggie likes the color red, but Sarah likes the color green E. Both girls enjoy a lot of the same television shows, books, and foodNew words & expressions 2015海淀二模七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。 (共10分,每小题2分)Great white sharks have become well known in a bad way

    6、, for being scary. _ (56). However, you are more likely to be hit by lightning than attacked by a great white shark.One reason why people dont like great white sharks is that they are huge. They grow to be nearly 21 feet long and can weigh up to 5,000 pounds. That is about two cars long! But the siz

    7、e is not typical. Most great whites are smaller, about 10 to 15 feet long. _ (57).Great whites are called apex predators (捕食者) because they are at the top of the food chain. They have no predators and arent that picky about what they eat. Great whites are known to eat fish, squid, other sharks, otte

    8、rs, turtles, dolphins, whales, seals, and sea lions. _ (58). Great whites also eat carrion, which is the remains of dead animals floating (漂浮) in the water._ (59). They have 3,000 teeth, and each is up to 3 inches long! Their very sharp teeth are shaped like triangles and have rough edges that tear

    9、into things. Great whites dont even chew their food. They just swallow it down. _ (60).But, like other sharks, great whites dont intentionally (主动地) eat or attack humans. So swim without fear.A. Thats still longer than one car, thoughB. Those last two kinds are their favorite foodsC. Movies and popu

    10、lar stories make them scaryD. A big meal can satisfy a great white shark for about two monthsE. Another reason why people fear great whites is their frightening teethNew words & expressions 2015石景山一模七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。(共10分,每小题2分)High school life can be terrible if you g

    11、et it all wrong. Find out how to survive high school with a few easy tips.56. _.High school is a fun time to make new friends and meet new people. Make friends with all kinds of people and not just a group which you are comfortable with. Socialize, but by judging who you can connect to. You will fin

    12、d friends, but stay away from the ones who dont want to be your friends.Be yourself.Do your own things, and dont just follow others. 57. _. Just be yourself and create a strong self-image.Be positive (积极的).There is nothing better than having a smile on your face whenever you can. 58. _. Just be brav

    13、e enough to meet new people or do something youve never tried. Meanwhile, respect your teachers and classmates and try to be helpful if you want the same in return.Be confident.When you believe in yourself, others will believe in you. 59. _. And people respect you for that. Make sure you wont easily

    14、 get influenced by others. Love high school.60. _. Make the most out of it, and you will never get those moments back. Come up with funny ideas, top your class, make the best friends, drink, go to parties, but just make as many memories as you can!A. Fall in love with itB. Find friends around youC.

    15、Practice positive thinkingD. Dont give in to anyones wantsE. Confidence is a special gift in your lifeNew words & expressions 2015石景山二模七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。(共10分,每小题2分)。When it comes to the benefit of volunteering, a lot of people think its all about the warm feeling after

    16、 helping someone. 56._. As is known, charity (慈善) work needs lots of people to do different kinds of work. It means that there are many surprising benefits for volunteers. Teach you new skills.From helping making websites to teaching foreigners your native language, or to making plans for charity, v

    17、olunteering can really be almost anything. It means that when you get involved in charity work, a lot of time you will face challenges. 57._.Teach you what truly matters.Its a great way to find new perspectives (角度) on life. When youve been at it for a while, you just might view yourself in a differ

    18、ent way. 58._. One of my friends once wanted to be a doctor, but later he found his interest was in teaching.59._. Maybe its not so surprising, but what might surprise you is how true these friends are. Some of my long-term friends are people Ive met through volunteering. Im not the kind of guy that

    19、 makes friends just for connections, but sometimes its very convenient to have a wide network.60._. Not only as a person, but it helps you develop your skill set as well. So if youve ever considered volunteering, what are you waiting for?A. But its not the only benefitB. Help you make new friendsC.

    20、You might even take a new road in life D. In a word, volunteering helps you growE. Through the challenges, you learn new skillsNew words & expressions 2015丰台一模七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。(共10分,每小题2分)A new pet shop called Turtle Dove opened on First Street. It sold two kinds of an

    21、imals. 56 , Bill and Bob. They moved here from the northern California, where they owned an ant farm store. That store was so successful that they sold it after four years and got a lot of money. They took it easy for a few years. Traveling through the state. “We visited almost every zoo in the coun

    22、try, 57 , and partly because we were looking for support for our next business,” said Bill. They finally decided on turtles and doves(白鸽). “Theyre easy to feed and care for, 58 .” said Bob. The store will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays. “We think those are hours that our

    23、customers will find very convenient. Whats more, the three days off gives us a chance to go into the woods and find more little animals. 59 , we always try to collect them from the wild. That way our customers can save more money. Of course, by removing these animals from the nature, we protect them

    24、 from being eaten by their nature enemies. So our customers are happy, our animals are happy, 60 . Its a win-win for all of us.”A. and were happy B. We never buy our animals C. The owners are two brothers D. partly because we love animals E. and both animals live a long time New words & expressions


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