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    1、九年级英语人教版U2综合检测2019九年级英语人教版U2综合检测一、单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )21.AssoonasIseehim,I_himthenews.AtellBtells Camtelling Dwilltell( )22. I wonder _ Jane will sing an English song at the party.A. if B. that C. which D. where( )23. Jeff has two pen pals. One is from Australia and

    2、 _ is from Canada.A. others B. another C. the others D. the other( )24. Shedidntleavethehouse_fiveoclockintheafternoon.Awhen Bfor Cat Duntil( )25. Alotoftrees_thisyear.Aplanted BwillplantCwillbeplanted Dwillplanted( )26. Sams parents used to _ him by not letting him watch TV.A. forget B. lay C. puni

    3、sh D. admire( )27. Some students in Class Two think the museum is fun _.A. visiting B. visit C. to visiting D. to visit( )28. Lindas father was _ happy _ he bought a new bike for her.A. such; that B. too; toC. so; that D. enough; to( )29. There are many ways _ the festival. Which one do you like?A.

    4、celebrate B. to celebrate C. celebrating D. to celebrating ( )30. _ clean the classroom is! Who cleaned it?A. How a B. What a C. What D. How( )31. _ is a good idea to dress up as a black cat on Halloween.A. This B. That C. It D. One( )32. _ do you like best about the Mid-Autumn Festival?I enjoy the

    5、delicious mooncakes.A. What B. Why C. When D. How( )33. Rick has _ five pounds because of eating too much during the Spring Festival.A. laid out B. turned on C. cut out D. put on( )34. The doctor warned us _ more fruit and vegetables instead of meat.A. to eating B. to eat C. eat D. eating( )35. Were

    6、 going to have a party for mothers on Mothers Day._. May I join you?A. No problem B. Have a good tripC. Sounds like fun D. Sorry to hear that二、完形填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher asked 36 students to draw a picture of somethi

    7、ng that they were thankful for. People celebrated the holiday 37 turkey and other traditional foods of the season. So, most of her students pictures were about them. 38 , Peter drew a different kind of picture. Peter was a different kind of boy. He always looked sad. When asked to draw a picture of

    8、something for which he was thankful, he drew a 39 . Other students were all very interested in the picture. Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers feed 40 . Another thought it was the hand of a policeman, because the police 41 and care for people. Stil

    9、l others guessed it was the hand of God . The discussion went on until the teacher almost 42 the young artist. During the break, all children ran out of the classroom except Peter. The teacher came to Peters 43 , bent (俯身) down, and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy 44 and said in a low vo

    10、ice, “Its yours, teacher.”She remembered the times she took his hand and walked with him here or there. She 45 said, “Take my hand, Peter. Lets go outside” or “Let me show you how to use your pencil.” Peter was very thankful for his teacher. ( )36. A. his B. her C. our D. my ( )37. A. at B. in C. fo

    11、r D. with ( )38. A. Anyway B. Then C. However D. Instead( )39. A. head B. farmer C. hand D. policeman ( )40. A. sheep B. cows C. pigs D. turkeys( )41. A. punish B. protect C. catch D. call ( )42. A. admired B. noticed C. forgot D. found ( )43. A. desk B. classroom C. house D. school( )44. A. gave up

    12、 B. dressed up C. looked up D. stayed up( )45. A. still B. even C. often D. never三、阅读理解阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。AThreestudentsaretalkingabouttheNewYeartraditionoftheirowncountry.AChristinafromSpainOnthelastdayoftheyear,the31stofDecember,peoplewaittill12p.m.Everybodymusthave12grap

    13、estoeatatmidnight.Ateachsoundoftheclock,wemusteatagrape.Butwecanteverfinisheatingthegrapesontime! Usuallywhenpeoplestillhavesomegrapesintheirmouths,theylookateachotherandstarttolaugh.ThistraditionstartedinSpainlongago.Oneyear,whentherewerealotofgrapes,thekingofSpaindecidedtogivegrapestoeverybodytoea



    16、lywearwhiteclothesforgoodluckduringtheNewYear.()46.WhichisNOTmentioned(被提到)inthepassage?A. Have12grapestoeat. B.Haveparties.B. Giveflowerstoothers. DWatchfireworks.()47.WhohavepartiesduringtheNewYear?A. PeopleinSpain. B.PeopleinBritain.B. PeopleinBrazil D.BothBandC.()48.Fromtheparagraphof“Cordonfrom

    17、Britain”,weknowthat_.A. Cordoncantdrinkmuch B.peoplehearBigBenontheradioC.peoplesingasongaboutgoodluckD.everybodyinBritaingoestowatchfireworks()49.OnNewYearsDay,Braziliansusuallywearwhiteclothesbecause_.A. theyhopethatcanbringthemgoodluckB.thatremindsthemoftheirhappylifeC.theythinkthattheylookbeauti

    18、fulinwhiteD.thatswhattheyhavetododuringtheNewYear()50.Thisarticlemainlytellsus_.A. whatpeopleinBritaindoonNewYearsDayB. whenandwherepeoplehaveNewYearpartiesC. whatpeopleindifferentcountriesdoonNewYearsDayD.whypeoplearoundtheworldliketheNewYearBWhen Vivienne Harr was 8 years old, she saw a photo she

    19、would never forget. It was a photo of two young boys carrying large, heavy rocks on their backs. These children were the same age as Vivienne. But they did not have the same freedom and opportunities (自由和机会) that she has.In some parts of the world, children have to work hard long days and they cant

    20、go to school. Vivienne wanted to change this. “I want all kids to be able to go to school and play,” said Vivienne, now 10. “I want them to be happy.”To help raise money for children like the two boys in the photo, Vivienne started a lemonade stand (柠檬汽水摊位) near her home in Marin County, California.

    21、 She promised to work every day for a year, rain or shine. “Sometimes, it was hard for me, when the weather was bad or I wasnt feeling well,” said Vivienne. “But I knew that some children were having a harder time than I was.”Viviennes goal (目标) was to raise $100,000 in 365 days. On Day 175, she rea

    22、ched her goal. But that didnt stop Vivienne from working. With the help of her family, she started Make a Stand. The company (公司) now puts Viviennes lemonade into bottles (瓶子) and sells it in 130 stores around the USA. A small part of sales goes to help achieve Viviennes dream to make the world a be

    23、tter place for all children.( )51. The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refers to the fact that _.A. some children have to work all day and cant go to school B. some children dont have clean water to drinkC. some children dont have enough food to eat D. some children have no home( )52. We can l

    24、earn from the passage that Vivienne _.A. is 8 years old B. is from California C. has two brothers D. mainly worked in good weather ( )53. Vivienne reached her goal of raising $100,000 _ after she started the lemonade stand.A. 130 days B. 175 days C. 10 months D. a year( )54. Make a Stand is the name

    25、 of _.A. a kind of lemonade B. a kind of bottle C. a store D. a company( )55. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Vivienne and her dream B. A young inventorC. The story of two young boys D. How to make lemonade CThere are many different kinds of festivals around the world. Here are four of them. Saint Patricks Day in IrelandIreland is an island country. Its in the west of Europe. There are wide green fields (田野). Saint Patricks Day is on March 17. Its an important holiday in Ireland. This holiday is to remember Saint Patrick. He did good things for the people of Ireland. During th


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