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    How to Improve English Writing Ability in Middle School如何提高中学生写作能力英语毕业论文.docx

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    How to Improve English Writing Ability in Middle School如何提高中学生写作能力英语毕业论文.docx

    1、How to Improve English Writing Ability in Middle School如何提高中学生写作能力英语毕业论文 如何提高中学生英语写作能力How to Improve English Writing AbilityIn Middle SchoolContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I. Introduction.2II. Literature review.3III. The students difficulties in writing in middle school.6 1. Psychological problems.6 2.

    2、 Linguistic problems7 3. Cognitive problems.7IV. Principles of Teaching and Improving the Writing.81. Principles of teaching writing8 1) The teachers role8 2) The students role.92. Tactics on improving the writing.9V. What is a good writing.11VI. Conclusion.11References.12How to Improve English Writ

    3、ing Ability in Middle SchoolAbstract: As china makes developments in science and technology and becomes a member of WTO, there is a new demand for Chinese students to acquire English ability at this special time. English writing is a valuable communicative skill that should be treated as a focus of

    4、language teaching and research. However, the results of surveys on Chinese middle school students of English prompt to explore factors that result in the inefficiency of the teaching of English writing in the Chinese classroom. The factors include: misunderstanding of the nature of writing, and of t

    5、he teachers role; problems with writing textbooks insufficient English writing research. How to improve the writing ability of middle school students has remained a headache in foreign language teaching and a main concern of foreign language teachers. Most of middle school students look on English w

    6、riting as a headache and many students are still incompetent in writing in spite of the fact that they have learned English for many years. This paper focuses on a successful application of innovation in teaching middle school students English writing which combines the adoption of process writing a

    7、pproach, the task-based and learner- centered classroom activities, and other methods.Keywords: writing process; effective methods; The nature of writing 摘 要:在中国科技发展及加入世界贸易组织这个特殊时期,具备良好的英语使用能力已经成为中国学生的一种新要求。作为一种有效的交际技能,英语写作应该被看成是语言教学和研究的重点。然而,通过对我国中学生的英语写作水平进行的调查,总结出的结果促进我们对造成英语写作教学低效的因素的研究和探讨。这些因素只

    8、要包括对写作本质的误解,教师在教学中的角色以及写作教学课本内容不充分。如何提高中学生的英语写作水平已经成为长期让英语老师头疼的问题。对于大多数中学生来说,尽管他们已经学了很多年的英语,但是写作能力差依然是一个让他们头疼的大问题。这篇论文的重点在于如何在中学英语教学中成功的运用以学生为中心的教学活动,教会学生在英语写作中运用分步写作法,达到提高他们写作能力的目的关键词:写作过程; 有效的方法;写作的本质I. IntroductionTeaching English writing to Chinese students has long been recognized as one of the

    9、 most daunting tasks of middle school education in our country. So often do we hear writing teachers uneasy remarks about the poor quality of student writings, which mainly manifests itself in lack of substance, improper way of textual development and poor grammar. And so often do we hear students g

    10、rumbling complains about having nothing to say and not knowing how to say properly. “I have little to say about it,” says one student. “Writing is nastily boring, because I really do not know how to write,” grumbles another. Such is a troubling scenario prevalent in our country. Writing in a second

    11、language is not only influenced by such factors as topic, definition of audience, and selection of discourse genre, but also influenced by the cultural and linguistic conventions of the writers first language. Therefore, the ability to write a fluent, coherent text implies more than the ability to c

    12、ontrol vocabulary, syntax, and mechanics. The teaching of writing, so to speak, is more than the teaching of writing skills or techniques.Writing has everywhere become the vital means for the performance of many various tasks: dealing with the routine work of the office; making a contract between co

    13、mpanies; communicating with friends who are not in the same place; recording something important for our listening and reading. Thus only those with a full command of the skills required for these tasks can be confident of being accurate, specific and reasonable in their writing. To our Chinese midd

    14、le school students, improve writing now is very important for their future. For instance: a secretary in an office must possess the skill of how to write documents concerning the work of this office; a teacher must have the ability to write reasonable teaching plans to guarantee the teaching goes sm

    15、oothly; a journalist should have the ability to write articles more truthfully, in a more convincing manner, because he or she is the link between the government and the cities, what she or he has written reflects the government and on the other hand there is feedback from the citizens, for which th

    16、is link is one of the most important media between government and people. If this media operates a smoothly as expected, society would be developing in a very positive way. Accordingly, improving students writing ability has turned out to be one of the key tasks in middle school English teaching. Of

    17、 the students who are studying at middle school at present some of those might be the secretaries; the teachers or the journalists in the future.As is characteristic of language, sound is the very first thing any one encounters when beginning to learn to listen when very young. It eventually produce

    18、s the abilities to speak, and later forms the base of writing for the time when schooling begins. Of the process of obtaining these skills, writing is the most difficult one which strongly determined by the command of speaking, if we have a higher skill of speaking; it would relatively easier to get

    19、 a higher ability of writing. We may have a clear memory of our primary school time when we began to learn Chinese. Reading aloud, reciting, retelling and repeating after the teachers were the everyday tasks we did in the classroom, or at home in the form of homework. We inherited all the above skil

    20、ls predominantly by speaking. With the enhancing of word power and the accumulation of linguistic sense, we began to learn how to write. The writing on this stage is still predominant depended on what we about to say. Usually we speak out what we are asked to write down before and during the whole p

    21、rocess of writing.When we want to express something, we obey the rules and follow the procedures psychologically by forming the expression in mind for some time first. Later finding the suitable words to help organize what we are forming into sentences. Usually in this process, speaking is a never-e

    22、nding-task in finishing these procedures. Finally we write our formulations down. While writing we never stop uttering in our minds in order to help organize better sentences. This paper mainly focuses on the effective methods to improve English writing ability, and the relations between them. I hop

    23、e to find new ways of teaching writing by studying and doing research on these influences.Some of many influences on writing are:1. The influence on the way of organizing ideas2. The influence on the structure of writing3. The influence on using the proper words 4. The influence on helping to revise

    24、 the writing after finishing itIILiterature ReviewWriting is the process of selecting, combining, arranging and developing ideas in effective sentences, paragraphs, and often, longer units of discourse. The process requires the writer to cope with a numbers of varieties:1. Methods of development (na

    25、rrating, explaining, describing, reporting and persuading);2. Tone (from personal to quite formal);3. Form (from a limerick to a formal letter to a long research report);4. Purpose (from discovering and expressing personal feelings and values to conducting the impersonal “business” of everyday life)

    26、;5. Possible audiences (oneself, classmates a teacher, “the world”).Writing is an extremely complex cognitive activity in which the writer is required to demonstrate control of a number of varieties simultaneously. At the sentences level, these include control of content, format, sentence structure,

    27、 vocabulary, punctuation, spelling and letter formation. Beyond the sentence, the writer must be able to structure and integrate information into coherent paragraphs and texts. This complex process has been studied from different perspectives.Since Halliday (1985) marked a beginning of a new era whe

    28、n grammar is closely related to its function, stating three exclusive categories of meaning expressed by grammar: experiment meaning, interpersonal meaning and textual meaning, researchers and language teachers have endeavored to locate connections between functional grammar and language teaching. I

    29、n other words, they have been exploring ways of applying functional grammar into the field of language teaching. Len Underworth (1999) analyzed the language characteristics of scientific writing such as science and history texts in the perspective of functional grammar. He spotted the densely packed

    30、 information clause structured. The author intends to ease the anxiety of English grammar and reduce the difficulty for readers when they deal with scientific writing. This article is in alignment with the current endeavors to prepare teachers in Australia in addressing the interconnections of learn

    31、ing in content areas and learning to control the grammatical forms that construct and communicate knowledge in the content areas. John Collerson (1995) links features of context (tenor, field and mode) to major functions of language. By using meta-language Collerson tries recasting the clause, the essential element of language, into different ways and explains how the different ways can be conveyed in language. The aim of the book is to enhance the instruction of functional grammar by primary school teachers who in turn supply scaffolding in teaching.


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