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    高考英语易错语法点30题专题05 情态动词解析版Word格式.docx

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    高考英语易错语法点30题专题05 情态动词解析版Word格式.docx

    1、我不能找到我的钱包了,昨天我有可能把它落在超市了,但我不确定。根据句中时间状语yesterday可知,是对过去事情的推测,故用情态动词+have done,再根据后句but Im not sure。可知,此推测为不能肯定的推测,故用情态动词could,表示“可能”,故选D4. 【2018北京】In todays information age, the loss of data _ cause serious problems for a company.A. need B. should C. can D. must【答案】C【解析】考查情态动词。在今天的信息时代,数据的丢失有时会对一个公司

    2、造成严重的问题。数据丢失造成严重问题是客观上会发生的情况,即“客观可能性”,故该空应用情态动词can。C选项正确。其余情态动词均没有该用法。need需要;should应该,竟然;must必须,肯定。5. 【2018北京】They might have found a better hotel if they _ a few more kilometers.A. drove B. would drive C. were to drive D. had driven如果他们多开几公里的话,他们也许会找到一个更好的旅馆。由“they might have found a better hotel”可

    3、知,该句是表示对过去的虚拟。if _ a few more kilometers是条件句部分,表示对过去的虚拟,条件句部分要用过去完成时态,故选D。6.【2018天津】If we _ the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beachA. had caught B. caught C. have caught D. would catch如果我们昨天赶上飞机的话,现在我们正在海滩享受我们的假日了。根据时间状语yesterday可知,从句表示与过去事实相反,故用had + v-ed。7.【2017北京】Samue

    4、l, the tallest boy in our class, _ easily reach the books on the top shelf.A. must B. should C. can D. needSamuel,我班最高的男生,能很轻松地够着书架顶上的书。此处需要一个表示能力的词,故用can, 答案为C。8.【2017北京】If the new safety system _ to use, the accident would never have happened. A. had been put B. were put C. should be put D. would

    5、be put如果这个新的安装系统被投入使用的话,这个事故就不会发生了。根据主句确定是对过去情况的虚拟,所以从句谓语用had done形式,此外根据句意可知是被动,用被动语态,故选。9.【2017江苏】_ not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.A. It were B. Were it C. It was D. Was it【解析】考查虚拟语气和倒装。虚拟语气中,be动词统一用were;虚拟语气的省略形式主要是把if省略,同时把were/should/had提前,即We

    6、re/Should/Had I,故选B。要不是老师们的支持,该生是无法克服她自己的困难的。10.【2017天津】My room is a mess, but I _ clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning.A. darent B. shouldnt C. neednt D. mustnt 句意:我的房间很乱,但是在今晚我出去之前不需要打扫,我可以明天早晨再打扫。A.不敢;B.不应该;C不需要;D.不许。根据句意,故选C。【语法精讲】考点一 情态动词的基本用法一、can和could的用法1表示“能力”,意为“能,会

    7、”。(2017北京卷)Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, can easily reach the books on the top shelf.Samuel是我们班最高的男孩,他能轻易地够着书架顶层的书。(湖北卷)It was several minutes before I could take in what he was saying.过了好几分钟,我才理解他说的是什么。was/were able to表示过去有能力做并成功做了某事,相当于:managed to do sth./succeeded in doing sth.。 2表示推测,意为“

    8、可能”,用于否定句或疑问句中。can比could语气强。That cant be Maryshe is in London now.那不可能是玛丽现在她在伦敦。3表示理论上的可能性,意为“有时候可能会”,用于肯定句。(2018北京卷)In todays information age, the loss of data can cause serious problems for a company.4表示礼貌地请求,意为“能,可以”。在疑问句中could可代替can, 语气更委婉。(2016江苏卷)Can you tell us your recipe for happiness and a

    9、 long life?你能告诉我们你的幸福和长寿的秘诀吗?Living every day to the full, definitely.当然是过好每一天。5用于固定句式中:cant.too/enough “无论也不过分”;“越越好”。(陕西卷)I cant thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home.我非常感谢你在我们不在家时对我儿子的帮助。二、may和might的用法1表示许可和请求,在疑问句中might比may的语气更委婉。Might/May I have a word with

    10、 you? It wont take long.我可以和你说句话吗?不会耽误你很长时间。2表示推测,意为“可能,或许”,通常用于肯定句和否定句中。(湖南卷)If you forgot to turn it off when you went away, you might burn down the house.当你离开时如果忘记关掉它,你可能把整个房子都烧毁了。3用于固定句式:may as well动词原形 “最好;倒不如”Since it is raining hard, you may as well stay here.既然雨下得这么大,你倒不如待在这儿。三、must的用法1表示义务、

    11、必要性等,意为“必须”。其否定式mustnt 意为“禁止”。(湖北卷)We must act as quickly as possible now. Just tell us whether you can undertake the task or not.现在我们必须尽快采取行动。你就告诉我们你能否承担这项任务。2表示猜测、推测,意为“想必,一定”。must常用于肯定句中,表示猜测。对现在或未来的事进行猜测时,用must do;对正在进行的事进行猜测,用must be doing;对已经发生的事进行猜测时,用must have done。(重庆卷)You must be Carol. Yo

    12、u havent changed a bit after all these years.你一定是卡罗尔。这么多年你一点都没变。3表示偏执,固执,意为“非得,偏要”。(辽宁卷)If you must go, at least wait until the storm is over.如果你非要走,至少要等到暴风雨停了。四、shall的用法1用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。(江西卷)Shall I tell Brett to come over straight after school tomorrow?要我告诉布雷特明天放学后直接过来吗?2用于第二、第三人称

    13、陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。(辽宁卷)One of our rules is that every student shall wear school uniform while at school.我们有一条规定,那就是每名学生在校期间都必须穿校服。五、should 的用法1表示劝告和建议,意为“应该”。I dont think you should give up the opportunity to go to university which you have been dreaming about.我认为你不应该放弃你一直以来梦想的上大学的机会。2表示推测、可

    14、能性、或预期,意为“应该;可能”。He should be here on timehe started early enough.他应该按时到这里的他很早就出发了。3用于表示感情或意志等的that从句中,意为“竟然;居然”。(江苏卷)It was sad to me that they, so poor themselves, should bring me food.让我难过的是,如此贫穷的他们竟然给我带来了食物。六、will和would的用法1表示意志或意愿。will指现在,would指过去。I have told him again and again to stop smoking,

    15、 but he will not listen.我已再三告诉他戒烟,但是他就是不听。(江苏卷)Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but wouldnt say where he was.几天后,我哥哥打电话说他一切都好,但不愿意说他在哪儿。2表示习惯性动作,意为“总是”,will指现在,would指过去。(四川卷)I still remember my happy childhood when my mother would take me to Disneyland at weekends.我仍旧记得快乐的童年,那时

    16、我妈妈经常在周末带我去迪士尼乐园。3表示征求意见或提出请求,多用于第二人称疑问句中。would比will语气委婉。Will/Would you please let me have a look at your new watch?请让我看看你的新表好吗?七、need的用法need表示必要性,常用于疑问句和否定句中,neednt表示“不必”。need 作实义动词时,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句中,有人称、数和时态的变化;其后可接名词、代词、带to的不定式或动名词作宾语。(2017天津卷)My room is a mess, but I neednt clean it before I go o

    17、ut tonight. I can do it in the morning.我的房间里乱糟糟的,不过我今天晚上出门之前没必要打扫,我可以上午再打扫。Since you know it already, we dont need to keep it a secret.既然你已经知道了,我们就没有必要保密了。八、dare的用法dare意为“敢,敢于”,没有人称、数和时态的变化,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,后接动词原形。作实义动词时,在肯定句中通常接带to的不定式,在疑问句和否定句中,dare之后的不定式可省略。How dare you leave your home without yo

    18、ur parents permission? 在没有征得你父母的同意的情况下你怎么敢离开家?Most people hate Harry but they dont dare to say so.大多数人对哈利敢怒不敢言。对点演练单句语法填空1(2018江苏卷)Its strange that he should have taken the books without the owners permission.2(2016天津卷)It was really annoying; I couldnt(not) get access to the data bank you had recomm

    19、ended.考点二 情态动词have donemust have done一定做过某事(肯定句)对过去的推测can/could have done过去不可能做过(否定句)过去可能做过吗?(疑问句)may/might 过去可能做过(肯定句)过去可能没有做过(否定句)对过去情况的后悔、遗憾或责备could have done本来能够做但却未做(肯定句)should have done本来应该做但是实际上未做shouldnt have done本来不应该做而实际上做了neednt have done本来没必要做却做了(陕西卷)The children must have got lost in th

    20、e woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled.孩子们一定在森林里迷路了;否则,他们会按照计划在湖边露营。(福建卷)Sorry, Mum!I failed the job interview again.对不起,妈妈!我工作面试又失败了。Oh, its too bad. You should have made full preparations.哦,太糟糕了。你本应该做好充足的准备。1(天津卷)I neednt(not) have worried before I came to the n

    21、ew school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me.2(2019北京石景山区一模)I should not have watched that movieit gives me horrible dreams.考点三if条件句中的虚拟语气虚拟语气主句谓语动词从句谓语动词虚拟现在should/would/could/mightdo过去式(be用were)虚拟过去should/would/could/mighthave donehad过去分词虚拟将来过去式/were to do/shoulddo北京卷)They might have

    22、found a better hotel if they had driven a few more kilometers.(北京卷)We would be back in the hotel now if you didnt lose the map.如果你没有把地图丢了的话,我们现在就回到旅馆了。(安徽卷)Grace doesnt want to move to New York because she thinks if she were to live there, she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often.格蕾丝不想搬到纽约,

    23、因为她认为如果住在那里,她就不能经常看到她的父母了。如果在表示虚拟语气的if条件句中含有were, had或should, 可将if省略,然后将were, had或should移至主语之前。江苏卷)Were it not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.如果没有老师的帮助,这个学生克服不了她的困难。如果主句和从句是对不同时间的事实的虚拟,则被称为错综虚拟语气。此时主句常有明显的时间状语。(北京卷)Maybe if I had studied science, and n

    24、ot literature then, I would be able to give you more help.也许如果当时我学的是理科而不是文科,那么我现在就可以给你更多的帮助了。天津卷)If we had caught(catch) the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach now.2(湖南卷)Sorry, I am too busy now. If I had(have) time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.3Its a sha

    25、me that you missed the lecture on the British culture given by Thompson.I would/should have attended(attend) it, but I was busy preparing for the coming exam.考点四 含蓄条件句中的虚拟语气有时假设的条件不通过条件状语从句表达出来,而是隐含在某些词或短语中,或隐含在上下文中,这叫含蓄虚拟语气。常用的这类词或短语有:without(要是)没有;but for要不是;otherwise/or否则等。天津卷) Do you have Bettys

    26、 phone number?你有贝蒂的电话号码吗?Yes. Otherwise, I wouldnt have been able to reach her yesterday.是的,不然我昨天就不可能联系上她了。(江苏卷)Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around but for Thomas Edison.要不是托马斯爱迪生,我们现在从中获益的很多东西就不会存在。1(安徽卷)It is lucky we booked a room, or we would have(have) nowhere to stay now

    27、.2(江西卷)We would have put(put) Johns name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.考点五虚拟语气在从句中的运用一、在名词性从句中的运用1在表示要求、命令、建议、请求等动词后接的宾语从句中,以及这些动词的名词后接的同位语或表语从句中,谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”。常见的此类动词:一坚持(insist)、二命令(order, command)、三要求(require, demand, request)、四建议(suggest, advise, propose, recommend)。(江苏卷)She suggested that Dale join the debating team, believing that practice in speaking co


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