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    1、6. 在字典里查询look sth. up in a dictionary 7. 时间的流逝 go by8. 尽力做 try ones best to do sth. 9. 处理 deal with /do with10. 用积极的方法in a positive way 11. 中断 break off12. 在的帮助下with the help of/with ones help 13. 把变成 changeinto14. 把当作 regard as 15. 持续很久 last for long16. 练习做某事 practice doing sth. 17. 后来 later on18.

    2、害怕做某事 be afraid to do /of doing sth. 19. 写下 write down重点句型:1. 小组学习提高了我的说的技巧。Studying with a group improves my speaking skills.2. 这种纸张摸起来很软。 This kind of paper feels very soft.3. 相反让我们面对挑战。Lets face the challenges instead.4. 你为什么不加入英语俱乐部来练习说英语?Why dont you join an English club to practice speaking En

    3、glish?5. 一些学生有着一些更为具体的建议. Some students had more specific suggestions.二.能力提高:句型转换 根据要求完成句子:1.It is so hard that I cant understand the sentence. (改为同义句)Its _ _ _ me _ _the sentence.2. She is afraid of going out at night. (改为同义句)She is afraid _ _ out at night.3. The best way is to use grammar in origi

    4、nal sentences. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the best way?4. He walked so fast that I couldnt follow him. (改为同义句)He walked_ fast _ _ _ _ him.5. We cant decide when we should go to work. (改为同义句)We cant decide _ _ go to work.6. My father impressed on me the importance of work.(改为同义句)My father _ me _ the importance of

    5、work.7. To learn English well is important. (改为同义句)_ _important _ _ English well.8. She sometimes watches English movies.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she watch English movies?三.拓展延伸:完形填空:阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“How can I learn English well?” “This is a 16 many students may ask. In my opinion, the most effective(有效

    6、的) 17 is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite the text and write it out, you will learn it pretty well. And if you can tell 18 your own words about 19 the lesson says, you are a very successful learner indeed. Your English will be quite perfect. This is a difficult task. However, if you try

    7、to learn by heart only part of each lesson, youll find it not so hard 20 you might have thought.Learn this way, and you will 21 fast progress. Of course, writing is also necessary. It helps you a lot on your way to 22 in English studies.Its equally(同样地) important to feel the language. You should lau

    8、gh at English jokes and be 23 at bad news. When using English, try to 24 your mother tongue. 25 helping you, your own language gets in your way. So, never try to learn English through putting every word into Chinese.( ) 1. A. problem B. puzzle C. question D. challenge( ) 2. A. time B. way C. road D.

    9、 place( ) 3. A. with B. by C. of D. in( ) 4. A. which B. what C. how D. when( ) 5. A. than B. like C. so D. as( ) 6. A. do B. make C. learn D. develop( ) 7. A. success B. challenge C. difference D. importance( ) 8. A. happy B. happily C. sad D. sadly( ) 9. A. leave B. forget C. remember D. realize(

    10、) 10. A. Instead of B. Instead C. Besides D. Except for Keys:一:1. too hard for, to understand 2. to go 3. What is 4. too; for me to follow 5. when to 6. impressed with 7. It is, to learn 8. How often does 二:1-5 :CBDBD 610:BACBA第二课时 Unit 2一、基础巩固:1. 过去常常 used to be/do 2. 害怕be terrified of3. 在游泳队 on th

    11、e swim team 4. 买得起afford to buy sth5. 和某人聊天 chat with sb. 6. 在过去的几年里in the last few years7. 做决定 make a decision 8. 使某人惊讶的是to ones surprise 9. 即使 even though 10. 对.留心pay attention to11.花费时间做某事spend a lot of time 12. 不再.no longer13. 对.感到自豪 take pride in=be proud of14. 做某事的时间 have time for sth .15. 对.更

    12、感兴趣be more interested in sth.16.对感觉良好feel good about doing sth.1. 我开着卧室的灯睡觉。I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.2. 他的妈妈尽其所能的照顾好他。His mother looked after him as well as she could.3. 最后,他做出了一个艰难的决定。In the end ,she made a difficult decision.4. 这些日子,我几乎不曾有时间听音乐会。These days, I hardly ever have time fo

    13、r concerts.5. 你以前弹钢琴吗?Did you use to play the piano?句型转换:把下列各句改为同义句。1. I liked playing football very much two years ago, but now I dont want to play it. I _ _ _ playing football. 2. Im terrified of going out alone. I m_ _ go out alone. 3. Dad no longer works in the factory. Dad _ _ in the factory _

    14、_ . 4. His temperature seemed to be all right. _ _ that his temperature _ all right. 5. It took us two weeks to do that survey. We _ two weeks_ that survey. 单项选择( )1. Uncle Wang_ a worker and he is seventy now. A. uses to B. used to C. used to be D. was used to( )2. Its time to_ the things on the li

    15、st. A. pay B. pay to C. pay for D. pay on( )3. He must be in the room, because the light in the room is . A. in B. on C. off D. open( )4. When he was young, he used _ swimming in the river. A. to going B. going C. to go D. go( )5._ seems that Jane has known the bad news. A. She B. It C. This D. That

    16、( )6. My sister has been in America for half a year. She_ the life there. A. is used B. used to C. is used to D. uses( )7. _ you _ to go to the park when you were children? A. Did, use B. Did, used C. Do, used D. Do, use( )8. _ you afraid_ standing_ on the wall? A. Are;of;highly B . Do;from;highly C

    17、. Are;from; high D. Are;high( )9. Jack likes playing soccer, but he doesnt like playing _ piano. A. /, / B. the, / C. the, the D. /, the( )10. You neednt worry _ your daughter. She can take care of herself. A. about B. of C. at D. on( )11. I_ a worker, but now I am an actor. A. used to be B. used to

    18、 being C. was used to be D. was used to being( )12. Zhao Ruirui is_ the Chinese Womens Volleyball Team. A. at B. on C. to D. of( )13. I used to be afraid of_ in an airplane. A. fly B. to fly C. flying D. flew( )14. There were lots of white houses_ trees_ them. A. with; after B. with; in front of C.

    19、with; in the front of D. with; on( )15. I spent 50 yuan _ the basketball. A. in B. for C. on D. at一: 1. used to like 2. afraid to 3. doesnt work, any longer 4. It seemed, was 5. spent; doing 15 CCBCB 610 CADDA 1115 ABCBC第三课时 Unit 31.被允许做某事 be allowed to do sth 2. 打耳孔 get ears pierced3.考试不及格 fail a t

    20、est 4. 几天前 the other day5.集中精力在 concentrate on 6.互相学习 learn from each other7.至少 at least 8. 休息 haveoff9.妨碍 in the way 10. 教给 teach sb. sth11. 关心 care about 12.实现梦想achieve ones dream13. 同意 agree with 14. 答复 reply to15. 目前 at present 16.在10点前by 10:00 17.成功做某事 succeed in doing sth. 18.有机会做 have a chanc

    21、e of doing/have a chance to do1. 他需要和朋友一起打发时间。 He needs to spend time with friends.2. 在那个年龄,他们不够严肃。 They arent serious enough at that age.3. 那将是一个使老师和学生们都高兴的好方法。That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.4. 我不能选择买哪条牛仔裤,他们两个穿在我身上都很好看。 I cant choose which pair of jeans to buy. T

    22、hey both look good on me.5. 每人每晚至少需要8小时的睡眠。Everyone needs to have at least eight hours sleep. 6. 我对跑步是认真的。 Im serious about running.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Mr Brown will go fishing if it _(not rain) tomorrow. 2. I think he _(be) back in a week. 3.-Who _(knock) at the door? -I dont know. Let me go and see. 4

    23、.Bill is strict with himself. He never _(leave) todays work for tomorrow. 5.-_ your uncle _(return) the video tapes to Mr. Fox?-No. Theyre still in his bedroom. 6. By the end of last term, they _(work) there for ten years. 7. Mr. Wang _(read) a newspaper in the office at this time yesterday. 8. Mr.

    24、Green and his wife _(live) in London for a few years before they _(come) to work in China in 2001. 9. They never knew what _(happen) to the world in a hundred years. 10. About 400 years ago, Galileo proved that the earth _(go) around the sun. 3.拓展延伸:(Li Lei arrives at the school library.)Miss Wang:

    25、1 ?Li Lei: Id like to borrow a book on electric (电的) head. “Electric head? ”Ive never heard of it. Maybe 2 .It should be “ a book on computer. ” I see. Yes, there is still one on the shelf. 3 . Thanks a lot. 4 .ll try to finish it as soon as possible. 5 . You may keep it for two weeks. 1. doesnt rai

    26、n 2.will be 3.is knocking 4.leaves 5.Has, returned 6.had worked 7. was reading 8.had lived, came 9.would happen 10.goes1. Can I help you? 2. Oh, sorry. 3. Here you are. 4. My pleasure. 5. No hurry. 第四课时 Unit 41.医学研究 medical research 2. 变得紧张 get nervous3.等待某人做某事 wait for sb. to do sth. 4. 主动提出做 offer

    27、 to do 5.向某人做自我介绍introduce oneself to sb. 6.很多的,足够的 plenty of7.与相处 get along/on with 8.使沮丧或失望 letdown9.提出,想出 come up with 10. 宁愿不如 would rather than11.如果将会怎么办 what if 12.出版,发表 come out13.碰巧 by accident 14. 宁愿.也不. prefer to do rather than do15. .的解决办法 the solution to 16. 有着做某事的经验have lots of experience doing sth.1.如果你有一百万美元,你将做什么?What would you do if you had a million dollars?2.如果别人都带礼物,我该怎么办?What if everyone else brings a present?3.它给出了关于在不同场合该如何做的建议.It gives advice on


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