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    1、浅析商务谈判中文化障碍现象及解决对策姓 名 院 系 外国语学院专 业 英 语指导教师 XXXXXXAbstractwith the advent of economic globalization, international economic and trading contacts are continuously increasing and negotiation has become an essential part of business activities. International business negotiation is not only communicatio

    2、n and cooperation in ecnomic field, but also exchanges and communication between different cultures. Corporations and units are faced with more and more business negotiations after our accession to the WTO. In terms of the current situation, this essay firstly gives a brief introduction to business

    3、negotiation, culture and the impact of culture on business negotiation. Then, it makes a list of three manifestations of cultural barriers in internatioan business negotiation ,namely ways of thinking barriers, language expression barriers and business values barriers of negotiators, and makes them

    4、more concrete through examples. Next, the essay gives three main reasons of the emergency of cultural barriers in business negotiation: differences on interpersonal negotiation, the concept of time and values. Finally, based on the analysis above, the essay puts forward two countermeasures,that is,

    5、flexibly utilizing chinese traditional culture and correctly handling differences between western and chinese culture.Key words: cultural background, cultural barrier, values. 摘 要随着经济全球化时代的到来,国际间的经济贸易往来与日俱增,谈判已成为国际商务活动的重要环节。国际商务谈判不仅是经济领域的交流与合作,也是文化之间的交流与沟通,而且文化因素的作用至关重要。我国加入世贸组织后,企业和单位所面临的国际商务谈判越来越多

    6、.本文就这一现状,首先对商务谈判和文化以及文化对商务谈判的影响作了简单介绍。接着列举了文化障碍在国际商务谈判中的三中表现形式,即谈判者的思维方式障碍,语言表达方式障碍和商业价值观障碍,并通过例子使其更加具体鲜明。然后本文又分析出文化障碍产生的原因,主要有三点:人际交往差异,中西方时间观念差异和价值观念差异。最后基于以上原因分析,提出两点对策:灵活运用中国传统文化和正确处理中西方文化差异。关键词:文化背景;文化障碍;价值观OutlineIntroduction International business negotiation is actions and process performed

    7、by the parties who strive for reaching consensus through information exchange and consultation in order to meet respective needs. The main negotiation parties belong to two or more countries or regions. A brief introduction to business negotiation and culture1.1 The introduction to business negotiat

    8、ion1.2 The introduction to culture1.3 The impact of culture on business negotiations. The manifestations of cultural barrier in international business negotiation2.1 Ways of thinking barrier of negotiators2.2 Means of language expression barrier of negotiators2.3 Business values barrier of negotiato

    9、rs2.4.Case study of international business negotiation barrierIII. Analysis of the reason of the emergence of cultural barrier in international business negotiation 3.1 Difference on interpersonal communicating ideas 3.2 Difference on the concept of time between westerners and easterners 3.3 Differe

    10、nce on the concept of values between westerners and oriental peopleThe countermeasures to overcome the cultural barrier in international business negotiation4.1 Flexibly making use of chinese culture4.2 Correctly handling differences between chinese and western culture. Conclusion All in all, people

    11、 have realized that the reason of the failure of the cross-cultural negotiation mainly lies in the a lack of understanding of each others cultural backgrounds and the ignorance of the influence of cultural difference on the negotiation. . A brief introduction to business negotiation and culture1.1 T

    12、he introduction to business negotiation International business negotiation is actions and process performed by the parties who strive for reaching consensus through information exchange and consultation in order to meet respective needs. The main negotiation parties belong to two or more countries o

    13、r regions. The negotiators represente the interests of different countries or regions. At the same time, international business negotiation is cross cultural. Negotiators from different countries or regions possess different cultural backgrounds, values, ways of thinking, behaviors, communication mo

    14、des, languages and customs, which will directly determine whether the international business negotiation is successful.Since cross cultural communication plays such an important part in international business negotiation, then what is culture? Culture is “a knd of mind programming that differs from

    15、a class of people from another class of people”. And it is the so-called “heart software, or “collective program” that makes each person become the product of its own culture and makes mens behaviors restricted by their own culture, and at the same time culture is reflected through mens behavior,whi

    16、ch, on the other hand, restricts mens understanding of foreign culture. People who are not so sensitive to cultural differences use their own culture modes to assess behaviors, points of view, customs of people from another culture, which often brings about cultural conflicts.In terms of internation

    17、al business negotiation, if the two parties come from different countries or regions that have different cultures, values and ways of thinking, the negotiation will not be so easy. A lack of understanding of cultural differences, inadequate preparation and improper management will make intenational

    18、business negotiation more difficult, inflence its smoothness, and even make two parties part on bad terms. International business negotiation is an important part of business activities. It is across-borders activity. Both sides come to an agreement on their commonly interested business issues throu

    19、gh consultation. Negotiators from different cultural backgrounds have different communication methods, values and ways of thinking, which means that understanding different cultures of different countries and knowing well cultural differences in business activities is of great importance. In the lon

    20、g course of history, people transfer their knowlege of the reality into experience and custom, and a certain kind of thought comes into being with the help of language. People also endow thoughts with certain modes, and then a kind of thinking form takes shape. Different national cultures possess di

    21、fferent ways of thinking, thinking properties and thinking stytles, which is the so called thinking difference. For example, oriental culture values imagery thinking, curve thinking, dialectical thinking, while western culture emphasizes abstract thinking, lineal thinking, form thinking. If one cant

    22、 cross differences on ways of thinking, he may be confronted with nogotiating barriers.Hall, an anthropologist, classified the society into high context society and low context society.In high context society, people of the same nation have lived together for a long period, and language is just part

    23、 of information transmission. Nonverbal communication occupies a large proportion because of the acquintance of each other. Therefore, chinese negotiators always express their ideas indirectly and implicatively, rarely refuse or refute directly mthey regard harmony as the prerequisities of realizing

    24、 the value, and pursue permanent friendship and long-term cooperation. In sharp contrast, communication in European and American culture is low context. Due to the communication difficulties caused by long-term immigration and mutual blending, the clarity and directness of language expression are pa

    25、rticularly important.Among numerous cultural factors, values is part of the core. Values is permanant, stable and commomly accepted by society members. As a deep factor of cultural structure, values is not only part of social culture, but also the result of long-term penetration and accumulation of

    26、social and cultural factors in peoples heart. It continuously affects peoples attitude, needs and behaviors. Values differs greatly in different cultures.It is generally believed that collectivism is ideological core of oriental culture, while individualism is the backbone of western culture. The id

    27、eas of independence, egoism and practical action are very popular in western countries. They advocate self-struggle and individualism. They are humourous, and values reality, self and practical action, while chinese people pay more attention to collectivism and collective responsibilities and ethics

    28、. “Acquintances” and “relationship” have their special connotation and meaning.2.4. Case study of international business negotiation barrier A Brazilian company went to America to purchase equipment. The negotiation was delayed by members of Brizilian negotiating group who went shopping and are 45mi

    29、nutes late.The U.S. representatives are extremely dissatisfied, and took a long time to accuse the Brazilian representatives of not abiding by the time and no credit. They announced that if this continued, further cooperation would be impossible. To them, wasting time is wasting money and resources.

    30、 The Bralian representatives knew it was their fault, and had to keep apologizing for this. After the negotiation began, It seemed that American representatives still hold the grudge, which made the Brazilian representatives panicky, and always passive. The brazilian representatives who had mo mood to bargain with the American representatives and didnt carefully consider the requests put forward by the American representati


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