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    1、考点 7:1(clothing;clothes;cloth 2(house;family;home 3(noise 4(job;work 5(questions;problems 6(earth;land;ground 7(population;people 8(match;Games 提高练习 一、此类试题的考查多侧重于名词复数和名词所有格,注意分析使用的名词与前后词语的搭配。1(deer。解析:deer 的复数是其本身。2(Toms。根据后面的 yours 可判断要用所有格形式。3(people。people 作为“人们”解时,本身就是复数。4(vegetables。vegetable 是

    2、可数名词。5(works。work 作为“工作”解时是不可数名词,但作为“作品”解时是可数名词。6(Jacksons。“the + 姓氏复数”表示“姓的一家人”或“夫妇”。7(minutes。表示距离或时间的名词。其所有格可以加 8(teeth。how many 后应接名词复数,tooth 的复数是 teeth。9(Children固定短语。10(young;old。“the + adj(”表示一类人。二、此类试题多把可数名词与不可数名词放在一起考查。1(A。以 f (e) 结尾的名词变为复数时,要变 f (e) 为 v,再加 es。2(A。several 后跟可数名词复数。3(D。由“are

    3、”可知,此处为两人分别拥有,要分别加 s,后面的名词要用复数。4(C。advice 是不可数名词,可以用 some 修饰。5(A。考查名词的双重所有格。物主代词不可与 a,an,this,that,these,those,some,any,several,no,each,every,such,another,which 等词一起前置来修饰一个名词,而必须用双重所有格。此题用的是:a(an,this,that) + 名词 + of + 名词性物主代词。三、做此类试题要特别注意,所填的词语会有变化,名词复数和名词所有格都要充分考虑。1(leaves。可数名词表示类别时可用“a,an,the + 单

    4、数”或复数名词,leaf 的复数是 leaves。再如 knives,halves,wives 等。2(foreigners。注意名词前面表示数量的形容词以及后面谓语的搭配。3(choice。choose 的名词为 choice。4(suggestions。表示“建议”的名词还有 advice,但它是不可数名词。5(inventions。这是表示“最之一”的最高级形式,要用 one of + the + 最高级 + 复数名词。6(flight。由前面的 the 可判断要用 fly 的名词 flight。7(teacher。一些动词可在后面 + er,or 构成“者,的人”。8(winter。一

    5、年四季,如 spring,winter 等应该是不可数名词,一般不用 a,an,the 修饰。但若前面有形容词修饰时,可用 a,an 修饰。四、此题是名词运用的综合考查题。做题时既要明确名词的含义,又要明确名词的变化,要特别注意单复数的运用、所有格的判断等。1(Mother考查名词所有格。2(housework。3(today4(pieces of meat。5(years名词复数所有格的考查。综合测试 ?(1 5 CDCAA 6 10 CCDBD 11 15 CDDBC (1(discussion 2(safety 3(heroes 4(education 5(place 6(diction

    6、aries 7(breath 8(reporter 9(shakes 10(spring (1(travel,trip 2(dentist 3(vegetables 4(pair 5(honest 6(cinema 7(daughters 8(window 9(pronunciation 10(parents (1(babies 2(Sallys 3(Womens 4(Japanese 5(girls(1(is 2(was 3(are 4(is 5(has been done (名词的综合填空题一般和单句填空题差不多,做题时要注意名词的单复数、名词所有格以及名词的一些特殊用法,有时还会涉及名词

    7、和形容词等的转换。1(todays 2(Lives 3(effect。affect 为动词“影响”,其名词为 effect。4(Happiness 5(millionaires。million 可转化为 millionaire,意为“百万富翁”。6(friendship。friend 意为“朋友”,friendship 意为“友谊”。7(Words 8(Things 9(brothers l0(strangers 第 2 章 代词 1(I;I;She;he 2(You;We 3(They;us;them;you;me 4(you;him;her;It 5(it 6(me 7(her;us 8(

    8、She 1(You,she and I 2(We,you and they 3(She and I 4(his or her 5(I and you 1(It 2(it 3(It 4(it 5(She 6(It 7(She 8(her 1(your;My;his 2(mine;hers 3(yours;They;theirs 4(her 5(his;ours 6(It;its 7(mine 8(our 9(your 10(my;their;theirs 1(taught themselves English 2(enjoyed herself 3(all by itself 4(all by

    9、himself 1(These are some boxes( 2(Are those your watches? 3(What is this? It is an orange( 4(This is Tom speaking( 1(so ? such 2(such ? same 3(So ? The same 4(So ? Such 5(like ? the same 6(same ? the same 考点 8:1(Who 2(What 3(Which 4(Whose 5(what 考点 9:1 5 BBBDA 6 10 ACAAC 考点 10: is 2(interesting noth

    10、ing ? nothing interesting 3(to say more ? more to say 4(have ? has 考点 11:1(which 2(that 3(whom 4(who 5(which 6(whose 一、1(her ? she。此时常用主格。另外,问对方时常用 Is that. ?,Whos that,表明自己常用 This is.。2(I too ? Me too。人称代词单独使用或在 not 后,多用宾格。3(Our ? We。若物主代词作定语,表示的是所属关系;而人称代词在名词前用作主语或宾语,则是同位关系,包括说话人在内。此题是说明“我们美国人”,故应

    11、用 we。4(its ? its。its 意思是“它是”,而 its 是物主代词,意为“它的”。fragrance 是名词,故用 its。5(himself ? herself。此时表示一种不适的状况,主语是 Alice,应用 herself。此句意思是“爱丽丝今天感到不适,去找个医生来”。二、1(这个箱子大约这么大。this,that 可用作状语,表示程度。2(我有自己的房间。3(哪些比较重,这些还是那些?4(他去了欧洲某个城市。some 用作定语,可修饰单数可数名词,表示“某个”、“一个”,相当于 a certain。5(许多时间用于学习。三、1(have。此处的 each 用作副词,主语

    12、是 we,故谓语用 have。2(their。后面有名词应用形容词性物主代词,且主语为 most students (复数),填 their。3(a bit of。a bit 多修饰形容词或副词,表示“有一点儿”;但若修饰不可数名词表示“一点儿”时用 a bit of,相当于 a little。4(others此处 others 表示“别人的”。5(one another。相互代词包括 each other (用于两者之间),one another(用于三者或以上)。(1 5 ADDAB 6 10 CDBDD 11 15 BCACA (1(He;his 2(I;my;mine 4(They;t

    13、heir 5(you;it 6(my;mine 7(hers;her 8(them 9(Its;its 10(their;they;theirs;Theirs (1(What 2(Who 3(What 4(Which 5(Which 6(that,which 7(that,who 8(who,that 9(who,that 10(who,that (1(This is an orange( 2(That isnt my pencil( 3(Whose are the gloves? 4(Whose English book is this? 5(Which dress do you like?

    14、(1(both 2(Something 3(Everything 4(Neither 5(many;much 6(All 7(None 8(Nothing 9(each 10(the other 11(another 12(every 13(other 14(others 15(anything (1(I。根据后面的 am 可判断用I。2(My。注意与前面人称的一致性。3(me。前面是动词,用宾格;根据前面两个句子的语意可判断用第一人称。4(him。人称应与后面的 man 一致。5(He。根据后面的 is 以及 man 可判断用 he。6(We。此处用作主语,且句意是“我们在找尼莫”,故用 w

    15、e。7(She。此处应作主语,根据所给人称可判断用 she。8(Her。后面有名词 uncle,所以用形容词性物主代词。9(them。10(us。(题目中虽然没有代词的考查,但短文涉及大量的代词,如 her,you,me,they ,I,she 等。掌握代词用法,明确代词所指的内容,便于我们理解短文,从而正确答题。1(orning 2(ew 3(chool 4(fter 5(ather 第 3 章 数词 考点 1:1(seven 2(three hundred and sixty-five 3(sixty;twenty-four 4(eighth 5(fourth nine,ninth;twe

    16、lve,twelfth;fifteen,fifteenth;twenty,twentieth;forty-one,forty-first 1(hundreds ? hundred 2(hundred ? hundreds 3(thousands ? thousand 4(Thousands ? thousands of 5(millions ? million a half,one half;a quarter;three quarters;two sevenths;nine tenths one percent;eight percent;ten percent;zero point eig

    17、ht percent;three point five percent;ninety-nine percent 1(The 2(the 3(the 4(a 1(six oclock 2(eight thirty,half past eight 3(seven forty-five,a quarter to eight 4(nine fifteen,a quarter past nine 5(eleven fifty,ten to twelve 6(August 8,2008,August the eighth,2008,the eighth of August,2008 1(in my twe

    18、nties 2(in his eighties 3(in her thirties 4(in the nineties 5(in the 1650s 一、1(A。有时由数词与名词构成复合形容词,修饰名词,其中的名词要用单数。如:an 18-year-old boy 一个 18 岁的男孩。2(B。数词可以用于计量,由“数词 + 量词 + 形容词”构成。另外,表示人体的“高”要用 tall,不能用 high。3(C。比赛中的比分常用基数词表达,中间可加 to。4(B。tens of 意思是“数十”。一次用 once,两次用 twice。6(C。当序数词前有物主代词或所有格修饰时,要省略 the。7

    19、(C。序数词缩写时可用基数词加序数词的最后两个字母,故 twenty-first 缩写为 21st。二、1(at first。at first 表示“起初,开始,首先”。2(Two thirds of,is used。当“数词或分数 + of + 名词”主语时,谓语与 of 后的名词一致。此题 of 后是 money,故谓语用单数。3(the second most useful。在最高级中可以用序数词表示“第几的”,构成是:the + 序数词 + 最高级 + 名词单数。4(At the beginning of the twentieth。5(second of。三、1(thirteen-y

    20、ear-old。基数词和名词间有连字符,名词一定用单数,只能用作定语。2(thirteenth。“某人几岁的生日”要用序数词。3(40,forty。4(every second year。“every + 序数词 + 名词单数”表示“每隔”,相当于“every + 基数词 + 名词复数”。every third day = every three das 每隔两天,每三天。5(a few inches high。在英语中,一般用“数量词 + adj(”表示计量。6(twice as big as。倍数的表达与次数的表达一致:twice 两倍,three times 三倍。7(fifty yua

    21、n。汉语拼音表示的度量单位没有复数。8(a second-hand。由序数词与名词构成的复合形容词前不用定冠词。(1 5 CBCDB 6 lO AACCC ll 15 CCCCB 16 20 BAADD (1(twelfth 2(second 3(the twenty-first,21st 4(forty-five 5(eighth (1(seven 2(thirty,thirty-one,February,three hundred and sixty-five,three hundred and sixty-six 3(first 4(fifth 5(October the first 6

    22、(second 7(sixty 8(the 25th 9(11,12 10(eighth (1(What time does Jim go to Tsing Hua University every day?2(How much is the sweater?3(How far is it from here?4(What is your telephone number?5(How many students are there in your school?6(How long has she worked in Jinan?7(When was Jackson born?8(Whats

    23、the date today?9(Whats the time now?10(How much paper is there on the desk?第 4 章 冠词 1(an;an 2(an;a 3(an 4(a;an 5(an;a 1 3 ABD a;an;an 1(A boy is looking for you( 2(We go to school five days a week( 3(Everyone has a mouth and a nose( 4(The Greens have a second son( 5(I want to buy a pair of socks( 6(

    24、My grandfather used to be a pilot( 7(What a lovely girl!8(Have good trip!9(I have only one uncle( 10(How you made such a mistake?1(that dictionary 2(the film 3(the fifth floor 4(The young 5(The moon;the earth 6(The Yellow River;the second longest 7(on the right 8(The Wangs;playing the volleyball 9(T

    25、he sun;in the day 10(the village;in the end 1(the 2(the 3(fin 4(a 5(a 6(the 7(a 8(the 9(a 10(the 11(the 12(a 13(the 14(a 1( 2( 3( 4( 5( 6( 7( ? 8( 9( 10( 11(? 12(?1(去掉 the 2(去掉 a 3(去掉 the 4(去掉 the 5(去掉 The,k 大写 6(去掉 the 7(去掉 the 8(去掉 the 9(pleasure ? a pleasure 10(去掉 the 1(at first 2(go to school 3(

    26、ill in hospital 4(on time 5(at table 6(by plane 7(in the open air 8(at the moment 9(by the way 10(make a living 1(His grandmother is in hospital and he has to look after her in the hospital( 2(Dont talk in class( 3(My brother went to school on foot(My mother went to the school to look for him( 4(The

    27、y are at table( 5(Yesterday Li Lei was ill in bed(He couldnt go to school( 1(lovely a dog ? a lovely dog 或 What ? How 2(a beautiful girl ? beautiful a girl 或 How ? What 3(a quite lot ? quite a lot 4(very a high ? a very high 5(All boys ? All the boys 一、单项选择主要考查综合运用冠词的能力。因冠词主要用于修饰名词,所以常与名词单复数、可数不可数结合起来考查,做题时要注意判断名词


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