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    1、2People will live to be 200 years old. 人们将活到二百岁。3What do you think Sally will be in five years? 你认为萨莉五年后将成为什么?4I might even keep a pet parrot! 我甚至可以养一只宠物鹦鹉。5Predicting the future can be difficult. 预测未来可能很难。6He thought that computers would never be used by most people. 他认为电脑决不会被众多的人所利用。7He thinks tha

    2、t it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. 他认为机器人像人一样做同样的事情是困难的。8For example, there are already robots working in factories. 例如,已有机器人在工厂里工作。9 Will there be fewer trees? 树会更少吗? Yes,there will. / No,there wont.10What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气将会怎样?11Whats wrong?

    3、 怎么啦?12Its time for homework. 到做作业的时候了。13I dont have enough money. 我没有足够的钱。14They are the same as my friends clothes. 他们与我朋友的衣服相同。15My friend has nicer clothes than I do. 我的朋友有比我更好的衣服。16Everyone else in my class was invited except me. 除了我以外,我班其他人都受到了邀请。17I cant think what I did wrong. 我不知道我做错了什么。18S

    4、he also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older. 她也说这些孩子可能当他们长大后很难独立思考。19I think you should get a part time job. 我认为你应该找一份兼职工作。Review of Units34一. 重点短语。1.理发店 barber shop 2.从出去,离开 get out of 3.理发 cut hair 4.着陆 land on 5.报警 call the police 6.起飞,脱下,取消 take

    5、off7.一次不寻常的经历 an unusual experience 8. 跳下 jump down 9. 在树上 in/on a / the tree 10.跑开,逃跑 run away 11.考虑到,想到 think about12.在美国近代史上in modern American history 13.听说 hear about 14.静静地 in silence15.发生 take place 16.被破坏 be destroyed by17.对有意义 have meaning to 18.在太空 in space 19.民族英雄 a national hero 20.整个世界 a

    6、ll over/ around the world 21.在诊所 at the doctors 22.对恼火 be mad at 23.举办一个令人惊讶的晚会 have a surprise party 24.不再,再也不 no more/ noany more no longer/ notany longer 25.在星期五晚上 on Friday night 26.首先 first of all / at first27.归还给某人 return sth. to sb. give back sth. to sb. 28.返回 return to sp come back to sp 29.

    7、传递 pass on 30.理当,应该,被期望 be supposed to31.在方面做得好,擅长 do well in 32.年终考试 end-of-year exams 33.成绩单 report card 34.变得紧张 get nervous 35.在方面很吃力 have a really hard time with sth36.暂时,到现在 for now 37.大吵一架 have a big fight38.抄袭他人作业 copy ones homework39.养成一个坏习惯 start a bad habit 40.克服,原谅,恢复 get over41.教育部 the M

    8、inistry of Education42.中国少年先锋队 Chinese Young Pioneers 43.在危险中 in danger44.病人 sick people 45.稀薄的空气 the thin air46.海拔2000米 2000meters above sea level47.大部分的学生 most of the pupils48.开阔学生的视野 open up the students eyes二、补充句子,每空一词。I. 直接短语变为间接短语。1. I am mad at Marcia. She said she was mad at Marcia. 她说她对马西娅很

    9、生气。2. Im having a party for Lana. She said she was having a party for Lana. 她说她正在为拉娜举行晚会。3. I will call you tomorrow. He told me he would call me tomorrow/ the next day . 他告诉我他明天给我打电话。4. I can speak three languages. She said she could speak three languages. 她说她会说三种语言。5. My father has been to HK twic

    10、e. He said that his father had been to HK twice. 他说他爸爸已去过香港两次。II.重点句子。6.当飞碟着陆时,那个男孩正在街上走。The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed. 7.当男孩正在街上走路时,飞碟着陆了。While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed .8.你可以想象出它是多么的奇怪吧。 You can imagine how strange it is !9.我跟着它去看它将去哪里,当它走进一家纪念品

    11、商店时,我非常惊讶。 I followed it and saw where it was going ,and I was very surprised when it came into a souvenir shop. 10.难道不令人惊奇吗? Isnt that amazing!11.你在开玩笑吧! Youre joking!12.车站很拥挤,琳达到处没找到大卫。 The station was crowded and Linda didnt see Davy anywhere.13.她没有考虑到看看车站的外面She didnt think about looking outside

    12、the station.14.今天早上我太累了,很难从床上起来。I was too tired this morning. It was hard to get out of bed.15.琳达在站里到处走着,并叫着大卫的名字。Linda walked around the station and called Davys name.16.罗伯特和他的朋友们一起静静地走回了家。Robert and his friends walked home together in silence.17.他环绕地球的飞行持续了22个小时。 His flight around the earth lasted

    13、 about 22 hours.18.你在B的家里做功课。 You are at Bs house working on a homework project.19.你原打算今早在车站见他并还它的。You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it.20.我的阅读比听力要好。 Im better at reading than listening.21.我听说他上周感冒了时觉得很难过。I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.22.我希望您身体健康。 I

    14、hope you are in good health .23.这儿一切都好。 Things are fine here.24.这学期我的科学课确实学得很吃力,我毫不惊讶地发现我最差的成绩单来自于科学老师。 I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasnt surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher.25.这是我现在所有的消息。爸爸妈妈向您们问好。Thats about all the news I have for now

    15、. Mom and Dad send their love .26.我说我觉得她抄我的作业不好。 I said I didnt think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework.27.到贫困山村去教中学生,可能在你看来绝不会有趣。Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village may not sound like fun to you.28.起初,稀薄的空气使她感到难受。 At first the thin air made her feel sick .29.你和他们之间

    16、没有不同。 There is no difference between you and them.30.对于这一点我无有为力。 I cant do anything about that. 31.但是我能使我的学生打开眼界,去看外面的世界,并给他们的生活一个好的开始。But I can open up my students eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.Review of Units 56必备短语1、have a great time 玩得开心 2、study for the test 为测试而学习

    17、3、make some food 做一些食物 4、half the class 班上一半学生5、take away 拿走 6、bringfrom 从借7、go to college 上大学 8、travel around the world 环游世界9、make a lot of money 赚许多钱 10、get an education 受到教育11、be famous for 以而著名 12、be able to 能够13、make a living 谋生 14、all the time 一直15、the old peoples home 敬老院 16、get injured 受伤,受痛

    18、17、in fact 事实上 18、watch too much TV 看电视太多19、get enough exercise 得到足够的锻炼 20、in order to 为了21、last night 昨天晚上 22、a pair of skates 一双溜冰鞋23、raise money for charity 为慈善事业筹款24、the whole five hours 整整五个小时 25、run out of 用完,用尽 26、three and a half years 三年半 27、collect stamps 集邮28、on my seventh birthday 在我的第七个

    19、生日上29、by the way 顺便,附带说说 30、far away 在远处31、more than 比多,超过,多于 32、be interested in 对感兴趣33、a thousand years ago 一千年前 34、in Russian Style 俄罗斯风格35、the most common hobby 最普遍的爱好,最共同的爱好36、the most unusual hobby 最不寻常的爱好 37、be surprised to do sth. 惊奇地做某事 be surprised at sth 对某事感到惊奇 to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是必备

    20、句型 1、If you wear jeans to the party, the teacher wont let you in. 如果你穿牛仔裤来参加聚会,老师将不会让你进去。2、If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. 如果你出名了,全世界的人将会认识你。3、This is a great chance that many people do not have. 这是许多人不会有的一个好机会。4、People will watch you all the time and follow you everyw

    21、here. 人们将会一直注视你,到处跟随你。5、I think Ill ride my bike. 我想我将骑自行车。 If you do, youll be late. 如果你这样做,你将会迟到。6、I want you to remember the rules for school parties. 我想要你们记住学校聚会的规章制度。7、Dont leave the gym during the party. 不要在聚会期间离开体育馆。8、Dont shout at the party, if you do, youll have to leave. 不要在聚会上喊叫,如果你这样做,你将

    22、必须离开。9、What will happen if I bring food to the party? 如果我带食物来聚会上,什么将会发生?10、If you play sports for a living, your job will be very dangerous. 如果你为了谋生而运动,你的工作将会很危险。11、If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. 如果你富有了,你将很难得知你真正的朋友是准。12、This can make life diffi

    23、cult. 这可能使生活困难。13、How long have you been skating? 你一直滑冰多久了。 Ive been skating since nine oclock. 从九点钟开始我一直在滑冰。 Ive been skating for five hours. 我一直滑冰滑了五年小时。14、How long did you skate? 你滑冰滑多久? I skated for two hours. 我滑了两个小时。15、Alison was the first one to start. Alison是第一个开始的人。16、Hes been collecting ki

    24、tes since he was ten years old. 从他十岁起,他一直在收集风筝。17、My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them. 我的妈妈说我必须停止,因为我们已经没有空间来储存它们。18、If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. 如果你认识收集它们的任何其他人,请告诉我。19、This is an interesting city with a very colorful history. 这是一个有着丰

    25、富多彩的历史的有趣的城市。20、I need extra English lessons. 我需要额外上英语课。/我需要额外补习英语。21、It was very interesting for me to learn that a lot of Jews came to live in Harbin many years ago. 对我来说了解到许多犹太人许多年前来到哈尔滨居住是很有趣的。22、For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 对

    26、于象我这样的外国人来说,了解中国历史越多,越喜欢居住在中国。23、Although I live quite far from Beijing. Im certain Ill be here for the Olympic Games in 2008. 虽然我住得离北京很远,我肯定2008年北京奥运会将在这儿。Review of Units 781. hear of 听说 2. get up 起床3. turn down the music 调低音乐音量 4. wait in line 排队等候5. do the dishes 清洗餐具 6. clean your room 打扫你的房间7.

    27、get out of the bathroom 从浴室里出来8. babysit your little cousin 临时照顾你的小表弟9. follow me around 跟着我转 10. pickup 捡起11. get annoyed 变得生气 12. in the future 在将来13. an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家 14. social behavior 社会行为15. keepdown 压低声音 16. in public (places) 在公众场合17. break the rule 违反规则 18. cut in line

    28、插队19. be criticized 被批评 20. take an interest in 对感兴趣21. put out 熄灭 22. tare care 当心;小心 23. be useful to 对有用 24. drop litter 扔垃圾25. give away 赠送 26. play baseball 打棒球27. as well as 也;和一样 28. make friends with 与交友29. on my tenth birthday 在我十岁生日那天 30. get her a camera 给她买个照相机31. not friendly enough 不够友好 32. easy to take care of 容易照顾33. different kinds of 不同种类的 34. make progress 取得进步35. clean the yard 清扫院子 36. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事37. win the prize 获奖 38. have fun with English 快乐地学英语1. What should I get my mom? 我应该给妈妈买什么?2.


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