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    1、(一)知识1. 掌握如何恰当地使用频率副词及短语:always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never, how often, once, twice, three times a week, every day, habit, What do you usually do on weekends? How often do you .?2. 掌握如何描述课余时间的活动安排。3. 掌握如何描述基本的饮食结构:milk, junk food, health, unhealthy(二)能力能够综合各种信息,准确地表述频率。(三)情感合理安排自己

    2、的生活,养成健康的生活习惯。(from 案例2: The Media (北师大版,必修模块4 Unit11)Lesson 41 World News(1)引导学生熟悉新闻类文章的文体特点,理解课文内容,掌握阅读技巧,如根据标题预测课文内容等;(2)熟悉有关自然灾害报道的各种词汇,接触更多相关报道的文章,以加深对新闻文体的认识;(3)通过阅读课文并设计各种活动,训练学生运用英语进行听说读写各种活动的能力;(4)掌握被动语态的用法。(吴明红:高中课型课课例交流与研究,中小学外语教学2005年第11期)3. 问题及原因案例1中,作为单元教学目标,设计者考虑到新课程的教学理念以及所谓的“三维目标”,三

    3、个维度面面俱到,也使用了 “掌握”、“综合”等表示结果的行为动词,但是,仔细分析,这样的设计存在很多问题。按理2没有按照三维目标的范畴来设计,而是将知识和能力等因素统一考虑。这样做是可以的。但是,因为误用了“引导”、“训练”、“接触”等动词,也会带来很多行动上的误区。第一、目标描述中三个维度交叉、混乱,没有做到“明确”。例如,案例1中的“掌握如何使用”和“掌握如何描述”这两个短语的内涵似乎让人感觉是雾里看花,不免产生这样的问题:学生在学习完这个单元后是要“掌握”“如何使用”、“如何描述”的方法,还是具有“能够使用”、“能够描述”这样一些能力?“合理安排自己的生活,养成健康的生活习惯”是一种情感



    6、词汇”?到什么程度才能叫做“熟悉”?目标(4)中“掌握被动语态的用法”也十分模糊:,存在着“量”和“度”的问题:对“被动语态的用法”要掌握哪些方面?这些方面要做到什么程度才能算是“掌握”?第三,误用行为动词。“接触更多相关报道的文章,以加深对新闻文体的认识”、“训练学生运用英语进行听说读写各种活动的能力”都存在用词不当的问题。“引导”是教师的行为,不能用来描述学习结果; “接触”和“训练”两个动词的行为主体不同,前者显然是学生,让学生“接触更多相关报道的文章”,而后者的行为主体是老师,是老师“训练学生运用英语进行听说读写各种活动的能力”。教学目标既然是教师对学生通过学习后的学生的行为结果的预期

    7、(expected learning outcomes)那么,它描述的理所当然的是学生的行为而不是教师的行为。显然,案例2中的“引导”、“训练”等是教师的行为,而不是学生的行为。第四,误将过程当作结果。根据教学目标的内涵,“熟悉”、“接触”、“训练”、“养成”等都是过程词汇,不能用来描述教学目标,尤其是“形成能力”,“养成习惯”等不是一节课就能做到的,因此不能用来描述一节课或一个单元、章节的教学目标。二、如何合理地设计教学目标?教学目标是教学活动所预期的结果,或是预期的学习活动要达到的标准。实际上,教学目标是人们对教学活动结果的一种主观上的愿望(张昕、任奕奕,2004)。教学目标的确定是成功开


    9、itudeskills1. Recall data1. Receive (awareness)1. Imitation (copy)2. Understand2. Respond (react)2. Manipulation(follow instructions)3. Apply (use)3. Value (understand and act)3. Develop Precision4.Analyse (structure/elements)4. Organise personal value system4. Articulation (combine, integrate relat

    10、ed skills)5.Synthesize (create/build)5. Internalize value system (adopt behaviour)5.Naturalization (automate, become expert)6. Evaluate (assess, judge in relational terms)cognitive domainlevelcategory (level)behaviour descriptionsexamples of activity to be trained, or demonstration and evidence to b

    11、e measuredkey words (verbs which describe the activity to be trained or measured at each level)1Knowledgerecall or recognise informationmultiple-choice test, recount facts or statistics, recall a process, rules, definitions; quote law or procedurearrange, define, describe, label, list, memorise, rec

    12、ognise, relate, reproduce, select, state2Comprehensionunderstand meaning, re-state data in ones own words, interpret, extrapolate, translateexplain or interpret meaning from a given scenario or statement, suggest treatment, reaction or solution to given problem, create examples or metaphorsexplain,

    13、reiterate, reword, critique, classify, summarise, illustrate, translate, review, report, discuss, re-write, estimate, interpret, theorise, paraphrase, reference, example3Applicationuse or apply knowledge, put theory into practice, use knowledge in response to real circumstancesput a theory into prac

    14、tical effect, demonstrate, solve a problem, manage an activityuse, apply, discover, manage, execute, solve, produce, implement, construct, change, prepare, conduct, perform, react, respond, role-play4Analysisinterpret elements, organizational principles, structure, construction, internal relationshi

    15、ps; quality, reliability of individual componentsidentify constituent parts and functions of a process or concept, or de-construct a methodology or process, making qualitative assessment of elements, relationships, values and effects; measure requirements or needsanalyse, break down, catalogue, comp

    16、are, quantify, measure, test, examine, experiment, relate, graph, diagram, plot, extrapolate, value, divide5Synthesis (create/build)developnew unique structures, systems, models, approaches, ideas; creative thinking, operationsdevelop plans or procedures, design solutions, integrate methods, resourc

    17、es, ideas, parts; create teams or new approaches, write protocols or contingenciesdevelop, plan, build, create, design, organise, revise, formulate, propose, establish, assemble, integrate, re-arrange, modify6Evaluationassess effectiveness of whole concepts, in relation to values, outputs, efficacy,

    18、 viability; critical thinking, strategic comparison and review; judgement relating to external criteriareview strategic options or plans in terms of efficacy, return on investment or cost-effectiveness, practicability; assess sustainability; perform a SWOT analysis in relation to alternatives; produ

    19、ce a financial justification for a proposition or venture, calculate the effects of a plan or strategy; perform a detailed and costed risk analysis with recommendations and justificationsreview,justify,assess, present a case for, defend,report on, investigate, direct, appraise, argue, project-manage

    20、教学目标可分为一般affective domaincategory or levelexamples of experience, or demonstration and evidence to be measuredReceiveopen to experience, willing to hearlisten to teacher or trainer, take interest in session or learning experience, take notes, turn up, make time for learning experience, participate p

    21、assivelyask, listen, focus, attend, take part, discuss, acknowledge, hear, be open to, retain, follow, concentrate, read, do, feelRespondreact and participate activelyparticipate actively in group discussion, active participation in activity, interest in outcomes, enthusiasm for action, question and

    22、 probe ideas, suggest interpretationreact, respond, seek clarification, interpret, clarify, provide other references and examples, contribute, question, present, cite, become animated or excited, help team, write, performValueattach values and express personal opinionsdecide worth and relevance of i

    23、deas, experiences; accept or commit to particular stance or actionargue, challenge, debate, refute, confront, justify, persuade, criticiseOrganise or Conceptualize valuesreconcile internal conflicts; develop value systemqualify and quantify personal views, state personal position and reasons, state

    24、beliefsbuild, develop, formulate, defend, modify, relate, prioritise, reconcile, contrast, arrange, compareInternalize or characterise valuesadopt belief system and philosophyself-reliant; behave consistently with personal value setact, display, influence, solve, practice,(Taxonomy of Educational Ob

    25、jectives: Volume II, The Affective Domain. Bloom, Krathwhol and Masia. 1964)psychomotor domain (dave)examples of activity or demonstration and evidence to be measuredImitationcopy action of another; observe and replicatewatch teacher or trainer and repeat action, process or activitycopy, follow, rep

    26、licate, repeat, adhereManipulationreproduce activity from instruction or memorycarry out task from written or verbal instructionre-create, build, perform, execute, implementPrecisionexecute skill reliably, independent of helpperform a task or activity with expertise and to high quality without assis

    27、tance or instruction; able to demonstrate an activity to other learnersdemonstrate, complete, show, perfect, calibrate, control,Articulationadapt and integrate expertise to satisfy a non-standard objectiverelate and combine associated activities to develop methods to meet varying, novel requirements

    28、construct, solve, combine, coordinate, integrate, adapt, develop, formulate, modify, masterNaturalizationautomated, unconscious mastery of activity and related skills at strategic leveldefine aim, approach and strategy for use of activities to meet strategic needdesign, specify, manage, invent, project-manageBased on RH Daves version of the Psychomotor Domain (Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives, 1970. The theory was first presented at a Berlin conference 1967, hence you may see Daves model attributed to 1967 or 1970).教学目标和具体教学目标,并遵循相应的原则。一般教学目标的原则有:目标应表述学生的行为而不是教师


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