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    1、小学英语广州版六年级下册第五模块习题小学英语广州版六年级下册第五模块习题编写人:赵淑红.审定人:越秀区桂花岗小学 林丽华Module 5 Hopes and Fantasies Unit 13 The Beijing 2008 OlympicsAre You With It?1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Jiamin: Youre a _ runner. I hope you can win the _. Yongxian: I hope so _. Jiamin: Im sure youll be the _. I wis

    2、h I could _ like you. Yongxian: Im the winner. Im the _. Jiamin: Well done, Yongxian.Yongxian: Now I want to be a _ when I grow up. I want to run for _ in the Olympics.Do You Know It?2. Put these in English. 用英语写出写列句子。1) 我也希望如此。_2) 我是最棒的。_3) 我来啦。_4) 祝你好运。_5) 哦,天啊!_3. Choose hope or wish to fill in t

    3、he blanks in their right forms. 选择hope 或wish的适当形式填空。1) I _ I can finish my homework before 8:00 tonight. 2) He _ my father will come back for my birthday.1) I _ I could buy a spaceship.2) She _ the bird could talk. 3) They _ their teacher will take them to the museum for the history lesson. 4) I _ m

    4、y father was a policeman. Then he could catch the criminals like Superman. Can You Do It?4. Listen and fill in the blanks. 根据听到的内容填空。1)Lingling wants to become a _ when she grows up. She hopes to have a _ and live in a house by a _. 2) Yao Ye likes _. He wants to work in a _ when he grows up. He hop

    5、es he can write a _. 3) Zhang Diyun likes being with _. She wants to be a _ when she grows up. She wants to help the _ and teach their children. 4) Janet is in China now because her _ work in China. She hopes she can _ when she grows up. 5) Mr Gore is seventy-five years old. His wife is _. He hopes

    6、both he and his wife are always in _ health.5. Finish the following sentences. 根据你的愿望完成下列句子。1) I hope I _. 2) I wish I _. 3) I hope my friend _.4) I hope my mother _. 5) I wish my mother _.6) I hope my father _.5) I wish my father _. 6) I hope Guangzhou _. 7) I hope China _. 8) I hope my English tea

    7、cher _.6. Read the passage and answer the questions. 读短文。回答文后的问题。Ann is a 12 years old American girl. She lives with her mother. Her father left them when Ann was 4 years old. Anns mother is a waitress and a cleaner, and she works hard. Ann loves dancing and she is good at it. She wants to be a danc

    8、er when she grows up. She takes dancing lessons after school every Wednesday and Thursday. She has to pay (付钱) for these lessons and her mother has to take two jobs. But her mother is happy that Ann dances very well and she is such a nice girl. Ann is not only good at dancing. Shes good at all her o

    9、ther school subjects. And she helps at home too. Ann hopes to go to the dancing school this autumn term. She practices everyday. Dancing is Anns dream and she hopes her dream will come true some day. 插图:一个正在练习跳舞的女孩。1) What did Anns father do when Ann was four? _2) What does Anns mother do? _3) How m

    10、any dancing lessons does Ann take every week? _4) Why does Anns mother have two jobs? _5) Is Ann a good student? Why? _1) Is Ann a good daughter? Why?_7) Whats the English for “她总有一天要梦想成真的”? _Unit 14 Hopes and Fantasies of the ChildrenDo You Understand It?1. Finish the sentences according to the dia

    11、logue. 根据课文对话完成句子。1) Jiamin wished he could _. 2) Jiamin wished he could _.3) Jiamin wished he could _.4) Jiamin wished he could _.5) Jiamin wished he could _. 6) Mike wished he could _.7) Mike wished he could _.8) Mike wished he could _.Do You Know It?2. Choose the right words to fill in the blanks

    12、. 选择填空。1) Mary likes to _, she hopes she will become a _. ( write / writer / wrote )2) She is good at _. But she does not want to be a _. ( run / running / runner ) 3) Why dont we ask a _ to help us _ the house? ( clean / cleaning / cleaner )4) Lets _ some _ to make our garden beautiful. ( plant / p

    13、lanting / plants )5) The _ is ill today. But dont worry. I can _ you to the school. ( drive / driver / driving )6) I enjoy _ and I _ every day. ( read / reader / reading)7) I _ the young trees with the _ in the jar ( 缸) yesterday. ( water / watered / watering) 8) You must _ the ticket if you want to

    14、 see the photo _. ( show / showed / showing )3. Fill in the blanks to finish the dialogue. 根据上下文和首字母的提示补全对话。Father: What are you r_? Daughter: Im reading Harry Potter and the Secret Chamber(密室). Father: Is it interesting?Daughter: Y_, its fantastic. Father: What magic can Harry Potter do? _ he fly?D

    15、aughter: Yes, sometimes. And he can go through a wall. He and his friends can p_ football in the air (空中) too. Father: Can he copy(复制)himself l_ the Monkey King? Daughter: Well, he cant. Can You Do It?4. Listen to people talk about their hopes and wishes. Match these people with the right pictures.

    16、下表中的人物在谈论他们新年的愿望。根据听到的内容将人物与相应的图片连接起来。男经理头像 一张成绩单,上面学生的Zhang Liren 成绩全在95分以上卷短发年轻女人头像 中年男人拖着行李回家Li Yun短发年轻女人头像 很多钞票Qiu Zihong 男老师头像 一个婴儿Guo Bing小女孩 一块举重金牌Hu Xiaoxiao 5. Listen and fill in the blanks. 听录音填空。1) I wish I could be Harry Potter so I could _.2) I wish I could have a magic stick and I coul

    17、d change everything into _. 3) I wish I could be _ so everybody would love me.4) I like swimming. I wish I could be a _ so I could _ all day long.1) I wish I could grow up in one day and I could _. 2) I wish I could be the headmaster. I wish I had no _. 3) I wish I could be a _ when I grow up.4) I w

    18、ish I could work in a clothes shop so I could wear _ every day.Can You Do It?6Read the story and choose the right answers to the question. 读故事,选择问题的答案。Word Bank sausage:香肠bunch: 串 disappear: 消失 smell: 闻One day a farmer went to cut down a tree on his farm. The tree said, Oh, farmer, please dont cut m

    19、e down.” The farmer stopped. The tree said, “Thank you! Im giving you and your family three wishes. You can have any three things you would like.” The farmer ran into his house. His father was putting breakfast on the table. There are eggs, tomato, bread and milk, and orange juice. The farmer said,

    20、“We have three wishes from a tree!” His father didnt listen. “Sit down and enjoy your breakfast,” said his father. The farmer sat down and said. Oh, Id like sausages with my breakfast. Poof! And there was a bunch of sausages on his plate.The father got angry. “You wish for sausages?” he asked. “Id l

    21、ike to see those sausages on your nose!” Poof! And the sausages were on the farmers nose.The farmer and his father hear the mother at the door. “Use wish number three!” the father says.“Id like the sausages to disappear,” the farmer said. Poof! The sausages disappeared, along with the three wishes.T

    22、he mother comes in. “Good morning,” she says. “It smells like sausages! Can I have some?”( ) 1) The farmer could have _ things with the three wishes from the tree.A. one B. two C. three D. four( ) 2) Why didnt the farmers father listen to him when he said they had three wishes from a tree?A. Because

    23、 he didnt believe (相信) it.B. Because he didnt hear it.C. Because he was busy putting breakfast on the table.D. Because he didnt have any wishes.( ) 3) Why was the father angry when he saw the sausages on his sons dish?A. Because he didnt like sausages.B. Because he thought his son should ask for som

    24、ething more important than sausages.C. Because he didnt want to use the wishes.D. Because he didnt believe the wishes would come true (变成真的).( ) 4) Which do you think is the title of the story? A. The farmer and the tree.B. The farmer and his angry fatherC. The three wishes.D. The breakfast with sau

    25、sages.7. China will host the 2008 Olympic Games. What do you think it is like in that year? Read the examples and add more. 2008年奥运会将在中国举办,到时会是什么样子呢?请你仿照例子预测一些到时会发生的情况。 Many people will come to Beijing. Chinese athletes will win many gold medals. People will watch a lot of TV programms about Olympic Games. People in other countries will know China and Beijing better. 1) _2) _3) _插图:奥运五环 和 中国印Test Yourself1. 听短对话及问题。选择问题的正确答案。(9%)( ) 1)A. The turtle wishes he could be the rabbit. B. The turtle wishes he could win the race with th


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