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    1、全新版大学英语第二版听说教程3听力练习答案Unit 1 Parents Passage 1Ex. 1 1-3 c a bEx. 21. her husband spend more time with his mother. /Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love, You probably wont believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it

    2、will make us closer.2. 1) she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled.2) She had told her lady friends about this.Passage 2Ex. 1 1-3 c d dEx. 2 1. took/ out to dinner/ neighborhood 2. nicer than he expected. 3. A couple of times. 4. the importance of slowing down/his mar

    3、riagePart C 1-5 b c b d dUnit 2 Coincidence Passage 1Ex 1 1-4 b a d cEx 2 1984 / son / medical school / tuition / afford it / realize / newspaper ads / extra business / advertisement /succeeded / agent / changed / phone call / put aside / doing / immediately familiar / his father-in-laws / visited /

    4、 father-in-law / alive /coincidencePassage 21. The house was decorated exactly the same as Mr. Stewart remembered it2. Mr. Stewart happened to be in the house when a postman came to deliver a letter to his father-in-law who had died 15 years ago.3. The old postman had called in sick that day, and th

    5、e postman who came in his place was not familiar with the neighborhood. Other wise the letter would have been returned to its sender.Ex. 21. He was intrigued. 2. A bank statement.3. His father-in-law had put an amount of money in the bank for his grandchildrens education.4. A little over $ 15,0005.

    6、He could use the money to cover the tuition of his first year at a medical college.6. He is a doctor in Illinois.Part C1) collections 2) shot 3)presence 4)justice5)Theater 6) occur 7) victim 8) officers had only managed to identify the first victim minutes before the second accident9) They married o

    7、n the same day, had worn identical wedding dresses and carried the same flowers.10) How can we explain the above similarities?Unit 3 Courage Ex 1 1-2 c c Ex 2 1-8 T F F F F T T FPassage 21-2 d bEx. 21. Because she was afraid Krimali might not be able to catch the baby.2. Because she thought the bed

    8、sheets could somehow protect the baby form being hurt if she failed to catch her.3. Because they were afraid of the swaying ceiling.4. To make it easier and safer for the babys mother to get down.5. About two dozen.Part C1-4 a b d dUnit 4 Marriage Conversation 1Ex. 1 1-3 b c a Ex. 2 1. understand ea

    9、ch others expectations / could be avoided /live happily2. Cleaning up / cleaned up and put away before going to bed3. Sleeping /11 p.m. / 6:30 a.m. / on weekendsConversation 2Ex. 1 1-3 c c aEx. 21. get lost/ five minutes / driving / stop / directions2. breaking rules / break a rule / apologize and d

    10、o something nice for the other person to make it up3. reviewing the contents of the agreement / review this agreement once a year / make necessary changes Part C 1-3 a d bUnit 5 YouthPassage 1Ex. 1 1-2 d c Ex. 2 Testing /river / if there were antibiotics / resistant / 350 water samples / the samples

    11、 / Low levels / three / Water Prize / 5000 / Swedens Passage 2 Ex. 1 1. reaching /everybody /exposing /lies2. advertising campaign / youth / against tobacco companies3. the message / teenagers / their advertisementsEx. 2 1-5 c a d c bPart C 1-4 a c d c Unit 6 StressConversation 1 1-3 d c a Ex. 2 pol

    12、ice officer / 30 / patrol / undercover / detective /supervising investigations / being a police officer / assignment / patrol / the fear of the unknownConversation 2 Ex 1 1-5 T F T F TEx. 2 1. an exercise program/ a psychological program / counseling for officers / several discussion groups / 2. bas

    13、eball / get some sort of exercise / his personal relationships / relationship with his wifePart C 1-5 d d d b c Unit 7 The Business WorldConversation 1Ex. 11. In Mr. Andrew Songs office2. Boss and secretary 3. To see Mr. Andrew Song on businessEx. 2 1-5 d b a b c Conversation 2 Ex. 1 1-2 b c Ex 2. t

    14、o discuss the causes of the decline in profits / 10:00a.m. / Chief Sales Executive 1. Sales are down but not by too much2. The budget for sales hasnt increased even with inflation3. The products are oldPart C1-4 d b d b Unit 8 The Environment Passage 1Ex. 1 1-3 c a d Ex. 2 15 million / at the beache

    15、s / and in local waters / serious pollution / $ 70 / burning / cancer-causing chemicals/ the number of plastic bags used / the publics overall awareness of environmental problems / the publics overall awareness of environmental problems /1500 / customers /10 / marketsPassage 2 Ex. 1 1-3 d c bEx. 21.

    16、 Western Europe 、 waterway2. seriously polluted/ Fish / dangerous to swim in it3. A fire broke out / tons of pesticides to leak into the Rhine4. The countries /realized / clean it up / keep it clean5. Every six / 24 hours Part C 1-4 c b d d Unit 9 The Single Currency Passage 1 1-3 b b d Ex. 2 1. mid

    17、night / 31 / 2001 / the new notes / new currency 2. 300 million / 15 billion / 52 billion / 646 billion / 568 billion 3. greater Europe / stronger / wealthier 4. championed / peace and security Passage 2 1-3 d c c Ex. 21. When economic conditions are right2. The polls show that many Britons oppose t

    18、he euro and see it as harming Britains sovereignty 3. Because as very small retail outlets they dont have the facilities for changing currencies4. More than 6.55 billion eurosPart C1)symbols 2)ancient 3) grief 4) rebirth5)stable 6) reputation 7) abolishing8)such a conservative people did not express

    19、 greater sorrow for the loss of their familiar francs9) The name franc was first used in 1360, to celebrate and help to pay for the release of the King of France10) On February 17th, 2002, the French franc disappeared completely from the financial scene. Unit 10 The CinemaPassage 1 Ex. 1 1-2 c d Ex.

    20、 2 popcorn / successful / 20 million / soft drinks / ice cream / three / four / box office / half the moeny / 69 percent / 89 percent / a little over 90p / 4 / 3.95 Passage 2Ex. 1 1-3 b c d Ex. 2 1. falling2. swimming 3. driving 4. setting fire5. fights6. flying / exploding helicopter / back of a speeding trian


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