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    1、2017年潍坊市初中学业水平考试英语模拟试题第卷(共75分)一、听力测试(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(一)听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子读两遍。1. A. Hes fine, thanks. B. Hes a cook. C. Hes very friendly.2. A. Very interesting! B. Cheer up! C. Try your best!3. A. It doesnt matter. B. No, thank you. C. With pleasure. 4. A. Good luck! B. Take it easy ! C. Good idea !

    2、5. A. Thats right. B. Youre welcome. C. You are wrong. (二)听对话和问题,选择符合每个问题答案的图画, 每段对话和问题读两遍。6. A B C 7. A B C8. A B C9 A B C10. A B C(三)听对话,然后根据对话内容选择每个问题的正确答案,对话和问题读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。11. What are the students doing in the forest? A. They are smoking. B. They are playing with fire . C. They are ha

    3、ving a picnic.12. What does the woman tell the man to do? A. Call the firemen. B. Put out the fire. C. Leave at once.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。13. Betty started to become interested in Michael Jackson when_. A. he was young. B. he was not famous. C. he has already been dead.14. Michael Jackson_.A. was a ver

    4、y successful artist. B. only liked rock music. C. made the most records in the world.15. Betty is going to the mans home to_.A. have dinner B. watch TV C. borrow some records (四)听短文,根据所听到的短文内容,写出所缺的单词,每空一词。注意:听力测试结束后,请将本题答案填写在第II卷相应的位置上。On May 20, 1927, a young pilot named Charles Lindbergh set out

    5、from Long Island all by himself in a small, single-engine _1_to cross the Atlantic. Ocean. It was called the Spirit of St. Louis. The trip was daring and _2_. Lindbergh had no radio or parachute. There was just enough room in the cockpit for him to _3_ with his legs bent. In Paris, 33 hours later, _

    6、4_ people were waiting to greet him. Overnight he became the most famous man on the _5_, as famous as Neil Armstrong who would become a little more than 40 years later.二、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. _9:16 p.m. _September 29, 2011, Tiangong 1 was sent up into space

    7、successfully. A. At, in B. At, on C. In, in D. In, on17.Now China is fighting against illegal cooking oil(地沟油), a kind of waste oil _can cause a lot of illness.A. which B. whose C. who D. what18. The Chinese mainland has become the worlds second_ market for iPhone. A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the

    8、 biggest19. Do you know whose car is it? It belongs to_. It isnt _.A. her, mine B. hers, mine C. her, my D. hers, my20.How long have you_? Since two years ago.A. bought the camera B. been away C. left home D. married21. Your watch looks so nice. It must be expensive. No. I _ 20 yuan on it.A. cost B.

    9、 paid C. took D. spent22. Look! The man at the gate _be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning. No, it_ be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now.A. must; cant B. must; mustnt C. cant; cant D. cant; mustnt23.We are doing much better _English _our teachers help.A. in; at B.

    10、 at; in C. in; with D. with; with24. _, Coca-Cola began to enter Chinas market.A. In 1970s B. In 1970s C. In the 1970s D. In the 1970s25.Put it down, Jim. You mustnt read _letter.A. else anyones B. anyones else C. anyone elses D. anyone else26. We will go out for a picnic if it _tomorrow.A. wont rai

    11、n B. isnt raining C. dont rain D. doesnt rain 27. _the doctors in the hospital is about100 and one fourth of them are _doctors.A.A number of; man B. The number of; men C. A number of; men D. The number of; man28. What did your father ask you just now? He asked me _.A. Whom I was chatting with B. whe

    12、re I am with my friends C. when would I go home D. if I have finished my homework29. Difficulties are nothing _we are not afraid of them.A. for B. as C. if D. whether30. Email is very popular today. People _write letters to each other now.A. often B. usually C. seldom D. never三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分1

    13、0分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Many people believe that 3G mobile phones will be used in almost all everyday activities. It_31_that we wont go shopping because most things will be available(可得到的) on the Internet. There will be no more_32_ because all texts will be available in electronic libr

    14、aries. The Internet will be used to plan holidays, rent films and_33_ food. Most telephone calls will be _34_ by 3G mobile phones as well.Some people are _35_ about the new development. Others, however, dont think that 3G mobile phones will replace the old _36_ of shopping and communicating.Lets loo

    15、k at books, for example. Some people believe that one day we wont read books made of paper. _37_, well read books by using 3G mobile phones. These mobile phones will store the contents(内容)of many different books at the same time. We wont need to turn lots of pages and paper will be _38_. Is the Inte

    16、rnet shopping as fun as traditional shopping? Many people say its not. Its _39_ to go into shops and look at things. Its also_40_ that most people will want to read books on their 3G mobile phones. Maybe 3G mobile phones wont change these two habits.31. A .is thinking B. has thought C. is thought D.

    17、 to think 32. A .dictionaries B. people C .letter D. books33. A. order B. heat C. eat D. cook34. A .built B. made C .bought D. used35. A. afraid B. interested C. worried D. excited36. A. ways B. time C. places D. houses37. A .Besides B. However C. Instead D. So38. A .sold B. saved C. wasted D. colle

    18、cted39. A. boring B. interested C. terrible D. fun40. A. important B. comfortable C. impossible D. normal四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。ACan you imagine living in the desert for a whole year, watching the activities of a group of busy ants? Deborah Gordon did exactly that. She fin

    19、ally found out that there were four main groups of workers in the ant team: cleaners, haulers(搬运工), gatherers and security (安全) ants. Each group did their own job to finish the task of the whole team.Cleaner ants carried waste food from inside the nest to outside. Hauler ants walked on the top of th

    20、e nest and cleared rubbish. Gatherer ants went out to find food for the whole team and security ants fought against anyone who wanted to hurt the members of the team.While she was watching the ants in the desert, Deborah found that the most interesting part was watching the ants dealing with difficu

    21、lties, such as fighting against other insects that wanted to destroy their nest, or a big fire. At those moments, they would all stop what they were doing and go to help security ants to protect their home.What do we do when people around us meet difficulties? What have we done to turn our world int

    22、o a better place? Its time to think.41. If there was a fire near their home, the groups of ants would_.A. just do their own job B. run away at onceC. help to fight against the fire D. go back into their nest42. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Cleaner ants carried waste foo

    23、d from outside the nest to the inside. B. Gatherer ants went out to find food for themselves.C. Each group did their own job when meeting difficulties. D. There were some other insects that wanted to destroy their nest.43. The writer mainly wants to tell us_.A. everyone should help others when they

    24、meet difficulties B. there were four groups of workers in the ant teamC. how Deborah Gordon lived in the desertD. Deborah Gordon is a brave womanBThe Little Prince was written by a French pilot and writer Antoine de SaintExupery. It is one of the most famous books around the world. It was published

    25、in 1943. This story has been translated into 42 languages and was adapted(改编) into a movie.The little prince lives on a small planet alone. He leads a happy life. One day the winds brings him a seed. The seed then turns into the loveliest flower he has ever seen. He takes good care of the flower, bu

    26、t finally he decides to leave it and his planet in search for a secretthe most important thing in his life.During his journey in space, the little prince meets a king, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. They all live alone on different planets. At last he finds out the secret from a fox

    27、of the Earth. Before he returns to his planet, he tells his secret to the writer of the book, whom he meets in the desert. The secret is: the power of love.When you read this touching and sincere story of the little prince, you cant help smiling and feeling the beauty of life and love in your heart.

    28、44. After reading the passage, we cant know_.A. who wrote the book B. when the book was published C. what is the book about D. who adapted the book into a movie 45. Who told the little prince the secret?A. A fox. B. A king. C. A geographer. D. A businessman.46. The underlined word “ touching” means “_”in Chinese.A. 无聊的


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