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    1、2014年八年级英语期末检测练兵题 2014-6 第卷(共三大题,满分75分)一、听力选择(共20小题,计20分)(一).录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每个小题 A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。( )1.A.You are so clever. B.No,thanks C.My pleasure( )2.A.Yes,I can. B.No,she cant C.No,I dont( )3.A.For a week B.In a week C.Once a week( )4.A.At the school gate B.Ok.See you then C.How abo

    2、ut 3 pm? ( )5.A.Thanks.Its very kind of you. B.Help yourself to some cakes. C.Oh,Im afraid not.(二)、录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每个小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。( )6.What time is it? A. 6:50 B.7:15 C.6:15( )7.When was he born? A.October 3,1989 B.August 3,1999 C.October 1,1999( )8.What does the boy mean?A. There are a l

    3、ots of books here.B. The person needs lots of books.C. The book is too expensive.( )9.Why does the girl feel terrible?A. Because some people cut in line.B. Because some people dont cut in line.C. Because some people talk to her.( )10.Why is the girls father unhappy?A. Because she made a mistake.B. B

    4、ecause his car was broken.C. Because the sellers are very friendly.(三)、录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每个小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。( )11.Who stayed out late after school? A.Tim B. Jim D.Tom( )12.What time is it now? A.Nine oclock B.Ten oclock C.Eleven oclock( )13.Where has the boy been? A.To the shop B. To the park C

    5、. To the hospital( )14.Whats wrong with Jack? A. He had a cold B. He hurt his leg C. He had a headache.( )15.How did the woman feel after hearing her sons words? A. Sad B.Glad C.Sorry(四)、听力填表,听两遍。Information cardWhen I first came to 16 I knew little about English.I went to a language school every da

    6、y 17 to learn English.Rose Lee was one of 18 .According to Rose Lee, a piece of cake means “ 19 “, and it is a 20 .二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项( ) 21.Ms Green saw _ugly black-and-white homeless dog at the street corner near her home.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 22.Why dont

    7、 you buy the bike, Mary? Its too expensive. I cant _ it. A. sell B. lend C. keep D. afford( ) 23.The young man _in the factory for over ten years ever since he _school. A. has worked; finished B. worked; has finished C. has worked; works D. worked; finished( ) 24.We didnt learn _ in this lesson. A.

    8、something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything( ) 25. Theteachertoldusthattheearth_aroundthesun. A.goes B.went C.going D.togo( ) 26.Howmanybeescanyouseeinthetrees?Icansee_beesinthe trees.A.hundredsof B.fivehundreds C.fivehundredsof D. fivehundredof( ) 27.Ittookmetwohours_myhomeworkla

    9、stnight.A.tofinishB.finishingC.finishD. finished( )28.Youdontknowtheway.Why_thepolicemanforhelp?A.dontaskB.noaskC.notask D.dontyou( ) 29.Wellgoonafieldtripifit_thisweekend.A.wontrain B.isntraining C.doesntrain D.notrain( )30.Beijingisoneof_intheworld.Millionsofvisitorscometo visitBeijingeveryyear.A.

    10、beautifulcitiesB.mostbeautifulcityC.themostbeautifulcityD.themostbeautifulcities( ) 31. Dinner is ready ! Help yourself ! Wow! It_ delicious. You are really good at cooking. A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. feels( ) 32._he was busy, he helped me with my work. A. Because B. Although C. Ever since D. I

    11、f( ) 33.I want to know _at that time. I was watching TV. A. what were you doing B. what you were doing C. why you were doing it D. why were you doing( ) 34.Where is Larry? He _ to the supermarket. Hell come back soon. A. has gone B. goes C. has been D. will go ( ) 35.Youd better _your sweater. Its c

    12、old outside. A. wear B. to wear C. put on D. to put on三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案 A In my life, I have received many gifts from my mother. The most important one is my life (生命). However, theres another special gift I will never forget. When I grew up, I

    13、left home and got a job in South America. One day, a call came from my brother - Something is wrong with Mom. Shes forgetful. She thinks were hiding (藏) you from her” I got back home at once. For nearly 4 years I stayed with my mother and we had fun. When I had to leave, I had to ask someone to look

    14、 after her or drive her to my brothers. When it became clear that she was near the end of her life, family members were called to come to say goodbye to her. For 3 weeks my sister and I just sat with Mom, took long walks and spent some real time with each other. My sister and I were both with Mom wh

    15、en she was passing away (去世), holding her hands and telling her how much we loved her. At the end of her life, my mother gave me the gift of sharing time with my sister in a way we would never have given each other. ( ) 36. The writer knew there was something wrong with her mother _. A. by giving he

    16、r mother a call B. when she stayed with her motherC. from her brothers call D. by talking with her doctor ( ) 37. The writer spent 4 years _.A. working hard B. growing vegetablesC. building a garden D. looking after her mother ( ) 38. The writers family members were called _. A. to say goodbye to Mo

    17、ther B. to take care of MotherC. to help Mother do some housework D. to have a family get-together ( ) 39. From the passage, we know _. A. the writer didnt get on well with her brother B. the writer was kind and loved her mother C. the writers mother didnt like her sister D. the writers brother hid

    18、her mother ( ) 40. Whats the best title for this passage? A. My Brother and I. B. My Dear Mother. C. A Happy Family. D. A Special GiftB Learning How to Learn $ 24.99 Children who read this book show great interest in story. Many pictures will help understand it easily and quickly. Basic Study Manual

    19、 $ 38.50 Read this book and learn: What the three barriers (障碍) to study are and what to do about them.What to do if you are fed up with a subject Children read it to improve the ability (能力) to study.How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children $ 35.00Read this book and learn:How to find words

    20、 in a dictionary.What the different marks in a dictionary mean.How to use a dictionary to pronounce (发音) words correctly. Buy this book and help children unlock their education. Whats more, youll just pay 50 for it before June 1,2014.( )41. According to the ads,these three books are for _.A. men B.

    21、parents C. children D. women( )42. Many pictures in the book Learning How to Learn can _.A. make the book beautiful B. make the children draw beautifullyC. make the book sell well D. make the children understand the book easily( )43. _ can tell you the meaning of the different marks in a dictionary.

    22、A. Learning How to Learn B. Study Skills for Lire C. Basic Study Manual D. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children( )44. If you buy the three books on June 18, 2006, you will have to pay _ for them.A. $98. 49 B. $49. 25 C. $80. 99 D. $79. 24( )45. The purpose (目的) of the passage is to _.A.

    23、 sell the three books to children B. help children learn English C. help the children learn about nature D. use a dictionary to pronounce correctlyCOne day a policeman was taking a thief to the cityOn the waythey saw a shopThe thief said,“Let me go into the shop to buy some bread、We can eat it in th

    24、e train” The policeman agreedThe thief went into the shop and ran out of the back doorWhen the policeman knew that,he began to look for the thief everywhereAt last the policeman caught the thief againThey went on to the cityOn the way they came to the same shopThe thief wanted to buy some bread agai

    25、n“Oh,no,”said the policeman“you did that before,and you ran awayThis time Ill go into the shop and buy breadYou must wait here for me”( )46、What was the policeman doing one day? A、Catching a thief with others B、doing nothingC、Taking a thief to the city D、walking to the city by himself( )47、On the wa

    26、y the thief asked to _ A、buy some food to eat B、let him free C、take a rest D、walk slowly( )48、When the thief went into the shop,he ran out of _ A、the back door B、the back window C、the front door D、the front window( )49、Which of the following is right? A、At last the policeman caught the thief again.

    27、B、The policeman looked for the thiefbut he didnt find him C、The thief was caught again by other policemen D、The policeman went back with the thief( )50、From the last three sentences we know that the policeman was very _A、breave(勇敢的) B、careful C、clever D、foolish(愚蠢)DAmericans like to say “Thank you”

    28、when others help them or say something good to them. People of many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit.You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well or you have bought a nice thing or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and child


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