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    1、英语听力听力场景相关词汇与句型听力场景相关词汇与句型:1) 常见说话者之间的关系及相关关键词对于人物职业和关系题,考生应特别注意说话者的用词及相互间的称呼,还要留意是否使用敬语,而且不同职业的人用语也不同,例如waitress会谈到menu,food,order,drink等词,下面列举一些常见的有关关系以及职业的关键词。 teachers and students(师生之间)关键词:quit school 休学 make-up exam 补考 drop out 退学 exam(考试),quiz(测验),term paper(学期论文),homeworkassignment(家庭作业),cou

    2、rselesson(课程),credit(学分); classmates(同学之间)关键词:students union(学生会),student center(学生活动中心),dormitory(学生宿合),absent from school(缺课),note(笔记); librarian and student(图书馆员与学生之间)关键词:loan desk 借书处 library card 借书证stacks 书库periodical 期刊circulation desk 借书处journal 专业性刊物 library catalogue 图书馆的图书目录 fictionnovel(

    3、小说),reference book(参考书),reading room(阅览室),magazine(杂志),renew(续借),due(到期); shop assistant and customer(售货员与顾客)关键词:auction,sale 便宜货selling season 畅销季节dressers 服饰店fabric 织物,织品 marked price 标价pattern 花纹、式样、图案make ends meet 收支平衡check-out stand 付款柜台 return purchase 退货receipt 发票one price 不还价cash or charge?

    4、 付现金还是支票? ready-made 成衣 Are you done? 就买这些吗?(也有“吃完了吗?”的意思)bargain(讨价还价),fashion(服饰),receipt(收据),cashier(收银员),check-out stand(结账台),department store(百货公司),supermarket(超市),discount(折扣),cash(现金),credit card(信用卡); waiterwaitress and diner(侍者和客人)关键词:appetizer 开胃的菜或饮料 tray 餐盘 seasoning 调味well-done 全熟的 rare

    5、 半熟的 buffet 自助餐(台) cafeteria 自助餐厅 paper napkin 餐巾纸 May I take your order now? 您现在点菜吗? Weve jammed, 我们已经客满了。 May we have a table, please? 请给我们一张桌位好吗? menu(菜单),order(点菜),food(食品),dessert(甜点),salad(沙拉),soup(汤),coffee(咖啡),soft drink(软饮料),wine(酒); doctor and patient(医生和病人)关键词:pneumonia 肺炎indigestion 消化不良

    6、 hepatitis 肝炎first-aid kit 急救箱 tonsillitis 扁桃体炎gauze 沙布 ulcer 溃疡stethoscope 听诊器 itch,itchy 痒inpatient department住院部 TB (tuberculosis)肺结核 wards 病房 burns 烧伤inoculate 打预防针 strain 扭伤give first-aid treatment 急救 fever(发烧),catch a cold(感冒),cough(咳嗽),headache(头痛),prescription(药方),doctor(医生),toothache(牙痛),Wh

    7、ats the matter with you?(你哪不舒服?); hosthostess and guest(主人和客人)关键词:invitation(邀请),dinner(晚餐),help yourself(自便),delicious(美味的),have a wonderful evening(过一个愉快的晚上);2) 与时间、数字相关的常用词汇及表达方式百hundred 千thousand 百万million 十亿billion 前天 the day before yesterday后天the day after tomorrow 每隔一天every other day或every tw

    8、o days; 每天daily 每周weekly 每月monthly 每年annual/yearly 10年decade 100年century 提前5分钟 five minutes early/ahead of time/ahead of schedule, early by 5 minutes, etc. 推迟/迟到8分钟 eight minutes late/behind schedule, late by eight minutes, to be delayed/ postponed for eight minutes, etc.美元dollar 美分cent 英镑pound 便士pe

    9、nny 欧元European dollar/euro 钞票bill 硬币coin 零钱change$ 18.26 eighteen dollars twenty-six cents或 eighteen twenty-six打折on sale/discount 六折at a 60 % discount半价half price 两倍double 三倍triple3)与容量、重量、长度相关的词汇 加仑gallon 品脱pint 盎司ounce 夸脱quart 磅pound 英尺foot/feet(pl.) 英寸inch 码yard 英里mile4) 校园campus校园 dorm(dormitory

    10、)宿舍 student ID学生证 teaching building教学楼 dinning hall餐厅 clinic诊所,医务室 laboratory实验室 gym(gymnasium)体育馆 playground操场 registration注册 academic year学年 term/semester学期 teaching assistant助教 lecturer讲师 professor教授 freshman大一新生 sophomore大二学生 junior大三学生 senior大四学生 undergraduate本科生 graduate/postgraduate研究生 doctor

    11、ate student博士生 full-time student全日制学生requiredcompulsory course必修课 optionalelective course选修课 majors主修科目major in主修minors辅修科目 minor in辅修 credit hours学时 credits 学分 tuition 学费 research paper研究报告teaching practice教育实习 graduate 毕业 thesisessaydissertation 论文 diploma文凭,毕业证书bachelors degree学士学位 masters degree

    12、硕士学位doctors degree博士学位 quiztest 小测验 mid-term exam期中考试 final期末考试 make-up exam补考 fail in the examination考试不及格 entrance exam入学考试 scholarship奖学金5)图书馆reading room阅览室 magazine杂志 publication出版物 periodical期刊 fictionnovel小说 latest issue新刊 current issue现刊 back issue过刊 reference room资料室 bibliography参考书目 stacks

    13、书库 book shelves书架 open-shelf system开架 look up查找 library card借书证 loan desk借书处 due到期 renew续借 overdue超期 pay the fine罚款6) 邮电局mail category 邮件种类surface mail;regular平信 express letter 快信 mail邮件 registered letter挂号信 Express Mail Service(EMS)邮政特快专递 urgent letter急件 telegram电报 postcard明信片 package包裹parcel form

    14、包裹单weight 重量overweight超重 stamp邮票 postage邮资 money order邮政汇票remittance汇款 remitter 汇款人 money order 汇票make a phone call打电话 area code区域代号 local call市内电话collect call对方付费电话 distance calltrunk call长途电话 operator总台,接线员international airmail 国际航空邮件insurance 保险(费) declaration value 保价金额 postal code;zip code邮政编码c

    15、ustoms charge 验关费;报关费 printed matter 印刷品sender 寄件人 receiver 收件人 receipt for mail 邮件收据 telegram 电报to claim parcels 领包裹 postage 邮费 date and time of posting交寄日期时间 7) 商店Can I help you?What can I do for you? 能为您效劳吗? receipt收款,收据department store百货公司 Gentlemans Department男子用品部 Ladys Department妇女用品部 Sportsw

    16、ear Department体育用品部 elevator 电梯 supermarket超市escalator电动扶梯 price tag标价签 trolley手推车 daily necessities 日用品fashion式样,款式 texture(织物的)质地 out of style过时的 in fashion流行的brand牌子,商标 sweater毛衣,运动衫 jeans牛仔裤 jacket夹克,护套shop assistant售货员 cashier收银员 bargain讨价还价8) 餐馆waiter/waitress服务生 menu菜单 order点菜 main course主菜di

    17、sh菜 soup汤 soft drink软饮料 dessert甜点 salad沙拉 bill帐单 tip小费 go Dutch各付各的帐9) 医院registration office挂号处 registration fee挂号费 wards病房 operation room手术室dentist牙医 doctor医生 physician内科医生 surgeon外科医生in poor condition/shape(身体状况)不适 suffer from患病 come down with害病,得病 lose appetite没胃口 fever发烧 flu(influenza)流感 get a t

    18、emperature发烧catch a cold着凉 sore throat喉咙痛 stomachache胃痛 splitting headache头痛欲裂toothache牙痛 indigestion消化不良 dizzy眩晕的 feel ones pulse把脉diagnosis诊断 take a temperature量体温 write out a prescriptionprescribe开处方 pills药丸 dose剂量,服用量 capsule胶囊 tablet药丸片剂10) 银行open an account开户 account number账号 passbookfolder银行存

    19、折 deposit money存款withdrawdraw取款 interest利息 interest rate利率 exchange rate兑换率deposit accountfixed account定期存款 savings account活期储蓄存款户头currency货币 foreign currency外币 cash现金 check支票credit card信用卡 bank clerk银行职员overdraft 透支balance 结余 finance 融通endorse 背书 11) 机场information booth 询问处restricted articles 禁带物品

    20、cabin door 机舱门transit passenger 过境旅客 gate 登机门connection 中转 first class 一等舱difference in time 时差 economy class 经济舱airsick 晕机 single ticket 单程票buckle 扣住 return ticket 回程票 flight航班 direct flight直达航班 airlineairways航空公司 ticket office售票处 ticket agency机票代理商 book a ticket订票 baggageluggage行李 boarding cardpas

    21、s登机卡 boarding gate登机口 stewardess空姐 fasten the seatbelt系安全带 airsick晕机 first class头等舱 economy class经济舱 take off起飞 land着陆 departure time 离开时间 arrival time到达时间 passport护照 visa签证 go through the formalities办理手续 luggage check行李检查12) 火车站waiting-room候车室 information desk问讯处 platform 月台,站台 sleeping car卧铺车厢one-

    22、way ticket 单程票 round-trip/return ticket双程票13) 宾馆front deskreception desk前台;接待处 lounge 门厅,休息室 make a room reservation预定房间 book a room订房 single room with a bath带浴室的单人房 double rooms双人房suite套房,套间 receptionist接待员 attendant侍者 check in 登记(住宿)registration form 登记表 check out结账 pay in cash现金支付 pay by check支票支

    23、付Hotel: reception, vacant beds, single room, double room, book a room, bath, lavatory, occupy a room, full, front desk, porter, tip Library: borrow, lend, latest issue, card, catalogue, call number, due, over-due, fine, novel, renew, fiction, magazine, bookshelfMeeting: for (支持), against (反对), propo

    24、sal, report, speech, suggest, disagree, agree, decide, point out, argue, chairman, conclusion Post office: mail, post, postage, stamp, parcel, telegram, urgent cable, airmail, registered letter, money order Restaurant: reservation, bar, order, soft drink, dessert, salad, soup, menu, bread, potato, t

    25、omato, tablesalt, toast beef, meat, mutton, chicken, fry, pie, cake, Im full, bill, waiter, waitress, go DutchStore: size, colour, style, price, cost, cheap, What can I do for you? How much does it cost? fashion, expensive, counter, department, check out, brand, fresh, cash, pay, shop girl, assistan

    26、t School: department, Bachelors degree. Masters degree, Doctors degree, Campus, lecture, dormitory, semester, term, playground, dining-hall, swimming-pool, courses, foreign language, gym, midterm exam, final exam, clinic, professor, assistant, lecturer, lab, test, required courses, selective courses

    27、, credit hour Bank: draw on ones account(开户) , pay interest on ., open an account, interest rate, Foreign Exchange Certificate, RMB, fixed deposit(定期存款) , current account(活期存款款帐户 ) , bank clerkBarbers: haircut, hairstyle, hairdresser, shave, moustache, beard, spray, shampoo The Customs House: pay duty on , duty free(免税) , free of charge, fill in the form Dance: disco, fox-trot, dance with, have a ball, party, May I have the pleasure of next dance? Hospital: pain, cough, fever, vomit, a headache, stomachache, temperature, heart, lung, blood-pressure, take medicine, pills, tablet


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