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    1、 (2)注意合同本身的术语(合同用语): Rights and obligations 权利和义务 Arbitration 仲裁 Termination 终止 Force majeure 不可抗力 Jurisdiction 管辖 Undersigned 签署人 In default of 因没有 Both parties to the contract 合同双方 Breaching party 违约方 Observant party/non-breaching party 守约方 Liability for breach of the contract 违约责任 Constitute 构成 1

    2、 Damages 赔偿金 在翻译中,要对这些词语在一般文体中和在法律文体中的意义进行区分。 例词 一般文体 法律文体 Counterpart 极相似的人或物,对手,对方 有同等效力的副本 Limitation 限制 时效 Prejudice 偏见 损害 Royalty 皇室、王权 特许权使用费,版税 Negligence 疏忽 过失 Assign 分配,指派 转让(合同)等 2. 用词正式 (1)专门的套语和习语 商务合同的英语翻译应注意使用译语中专门的套语和习语,要求地道正式,避免使用口语词汇。 如: 正式 普通 中文 In effect in fact 事实上 Cease to do st

    3、op to do 停止 Prior to before 在之前 Commencement start, begin 开始 Miscellaneous other matters/events 其他事项 Deem think 认为 By virtue of because of 因为 as regards, concerning about 关于 pursuant to/in accordance with according to 根据,按照 as from from 自日起 as of on 于日 as per/in accordance with according to 按照,根据 co

    4、nstrue explain 解释 revise, rectify correct 纠正,改正 terminate end 结束,终止 obligation, liability duty 责任,义务 (2) 古语词汇 Here/there/where + 介词 = 介词 + this/that/which/what 例如: Section 10 hereof: Section 10 of this contract/agreement 本协议/合同第10条 Article 6 thereof: Article 6 of that agreement/contract 协议/合同第6条 Par

    5、ties hereto: parties to the contract 本协议/合同当事人 Set my hand and official seal hereunto: set my hand and official seal unto (=to) the document, 在文件上签章 Terms and conditions provided herein: terms and conditions provided in this contract, 本 2 协议/合同规定之条款 Hereinafter: 以下,下文中 Hereby: by means of this, by r

    6、eason of this, 特此,由此,兹 Whereby: by which, by the agreement, by the following terms and conditions, etc. 凭此协议 ,凭此条款等 The investors hereby form a joint venture 投资方特此设立合资公司 All amounts due hereunder are payable in full to Party B without deduction. 本协议所规定之所有到期款额应向乙方足额交付,不得抵扣。(hereunder: under this cont

    7、ract) The Leased Premises are deemed to be fit for occupation when the building therein is substantially completed. 当在那里的建筑物实质完成时,该租赁房屋才被认为适合占有居住。 (Therein: in that, in that particular context, in that respect, 在那里,在那点上,在那方面) 其他: For and on behalf of 代表 Hitherto 迄今 Aforementioned 上述的 Aforesaid 上述的 F

    8、orthwith 立刻,立即,毫不拖延 In witness whereof 特此为证 3. 用词准确 a. 情态动词 May: 表示合同上的权利(right),权限(power)或特权(privilege)的场合中使用。(可) Shall:一般用来表示法律上可以强制执行的义务(obligation)。如未履行,即视为违约,并构成某种赔偿责任。 Shall在译文中常表示为“应该,必须”等,也有不译的时候。(应) May not (或shall not): 用于禁止性义务,即“不得做什么”。绝不可用cannot或must not。 Will: 一般使用在没有法律强制的情况下,也用做表示承担义务的

    9、声明,但语气和强制力比shall弱。 Should: 在合同中通常只用来表示语气较弱的假设,多译成“万一,如果,若”等。 例1: The parties hereto shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations. Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the Peoples Court having jurisdiction o

    10、n such dispute for settlement. 双方应首先通过友好协商解决因合同而发生的或与合同有关的争议。如协商未果,可 将争议提交有管辖权的人民法院解决。 The quality and prices of the commodities to be exchanged between the exporter and the importer in the two countries shall be acceptable to both sides. 货物的质量和价格必须使进出口双方都能接受。 3 例3: The formation of this contract, i

    11、ts validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of the disputes shall be governed by related laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。(shall未译出) 例4: The board meeting shall be convened and presided by the Chairman. Should the chairman be absent, the vice-Chair

    12、man shall, in principle, convene and preside over the board meeting. 董事会会议应由董事长召集、主持;如董事长缺席,原则上应由副董事长召集、主持。 b. 其他 商务合同常常由于选词不当而导致词不达意或者意思模棱两可,甚至误译。 The invoice value is to be paid after (upon) the arrival of the goods. After: 之后;upon: 即 The goods per/ex/by S.S “Victory” will arrive at Paris on Octob

    13、er 12. 析:ex指“运来”,per指“运走”,by 指“承运”。 Shipping advice & shipping instruction 装运通知 & 装船指示 By June 15 & before June 15: 前者包括15日,后者不包括15日。 On or before May 1: 不得晚于5月1日(5月1日之前或该日,5月1日之前(含该日) 4. 词语重复、并列现象 (1) 同义词、近义词或相关词重复、并列的现象 如: Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the following commodity under the t

    14、erms and conditions set out below: 甲方同意按照下列条款向乙方购买如下商品。 This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B. 本协议由甲方和乙方签订。 Any partner or his/her agent, may review any and all accounting or other records at anytime. 任何合伙人或其代理人,可随时审查任一或全部会计帐目或其他记录。 The decision by such arbitrati

    15、on shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. 该仲裁裁决应被视为终局裁决,双方均受其约束(对双方均具约束力)。 Any duties, obligations or liabilities 所有责任 Applicable laws, regulations, decrees, directives and rules 适用法律法规 4 Charges, fees, costs and expenses 各种费用 Keep secret and confidential 保密 Null and void 无效 Packi

    16、ng and wrapping expenses 包装费 Rights and interests 权益 Ships and vessels 船只 Sign and issue 签发 And/or 和/或 On or prior to 当日或当日之前 Modification and alternation 修改和变更 Obligation and liability 义务和责任 Interpretation and construction 理解和解释 (2) 数字的重复 如: The total value of the cargo is USD 40,000 (SAY: Forty Th

    17、ousand US Dollars Only). 货物总值为4万美元整(大写:肆万美元)。 The Buyer shall pay the Seller USD35,500.26 (SAY: U.S.Dollars Thirty Five Thousand Five Hundred and 26/100 Only). 买方须付给卖方美元35500.26元整(大写:叁万伍仟伍佰美元贰拾陆美分)。 5. 用含名词的动词短语代替单个动词 grant consent to agree 赞同,同意 give application to apply 申请 give approval of approve

    18、 许可,批准 make preparations to prepare 准备 三、合同英语的句式结构特点: 1. 句子冗长,结构严谨,语序复杂 a. 主句的状语的位置,一般放在助动词后,行为动词前。 The company shall, at all time during the term of the Joint Venture, effect and maintain full and adequate insurance against loss or damage by fire and such risks as are customarily issued in connecti

    19、on with the operation of the Company. 合资公司应在合资期间的任何时候,就火灾以及此类与公司经营相关的其他风险所造成的损失或损害进行投保,并保持充分和适当的保险。 If, at any time during the execution of the Work, the Engineer requires the Contractor to make bore-holes or to carry out exploratory excavation, such requirement shall, in accordance with Clause 51,

    20、be the subject of an instruction. 在工程施工过程中的任何时间内,如果工程师要求承包人钻孔或进行勘探性开挖,则根据第51条规定,应以指示形式下达这一要求。 5 b. 从句复杂:从句的状语往往放在连词之后,从句的句子之前。 If, at the time and in the place agreed under Sub-Clause 37.3, the materials or plant are not ready for inspecting or testing or if, as a result of the inspection or testing

    21、 referred to in this Clause, the Engineer determines that the materials or plant are defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract, the Engineer may reject the materials or the plant and shall notify the Contractor thereof immediately. 如果在按第37.3条约定的时间和地点,供检查和检验的材料或工程设备未准备好,或者按本条规定所作的检查或

    22、检验结果,工程师认为材料或工程设备有缺陷或是不符合合同规定,则工程师可拒收这些材料或工程设备,并应立即通知承包人。两个条件句,一个宾语从句。 2. 条件句 例1: Should the carrying vessel be advanced or delayed, the Buyer or their chartering agent shall advise the sellers immediately and make necessary arrangement. 若装运轮提前或推迟抵达,买方或其运输代理人须立即通知卖方并做出必要安排。 例2: In case that no writt

    23、en objection is raised by either party one month before its expiry, this Agreement will be automatically extended for another year. 在期满前一个月,如果双方未书面提出任何异议,本协议将自动延长一年。 例3: Providing that one of the parties fails to abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the other party is entitled to ter

    24、minate this Agreement. 如果一方未按本协议条款执行,另一方有权终止协议。 例4: In the event that the Contract Price or any other terms of the Contract changes after the issuance of the Letter of Credit, the Owner shall arrange for such Letter to be amended accordingly as soon as possible after any such changes. 如果在信用证开立后,合同总价

    25、或合同其他条款发生变化,业主应尽快安排对信用证 进行相应的修改。 例5: Either Side can replace the representatives it has appointed provided that it submits a written notice to the other side. 任何一方都可更换自己指派的代表,但须书面通知对方。 注:以provided that开头的条件句常位于主述条款之后,表示与主述条款相反的“例外”,通常汉译为“但”或“但是”,因此法律界将这种条款称为“但书(proviso)”。(proviso:限制性条款,附文,附带条件) 例6:

    26、6 Where an agreement is signed before the completion of the typescript the Publisher shall reserve the right not to publish the Work if the Publisher or its advisers think that it is not of the extent, character or standard which has been agreed. 作品脱稿之前签订协议的,作品脱稿后,若出版商或其顾问认为作品在篇幅、性质或水准上与原先协议不符,出版商保留

    27、不予出版该作品的权利。 例7: Where one of the following happens, no claim shall be requested. 有下列情形之一的,不得就损失索赔。 例8: Where such formalities as examination and approval or/and inspection are required for the carriage of goods, the shipper shall submit to the carrier the documents of fulfillment of the relevant for

    28、malities. 货物运输需要办理审批、检验等手续的,托运人应当将办理完有关手续的文件提交承运人。 3. 非人称句 例1: If it is found necessary that some additional equipment is needed in the course of production, an additional order shall be agreed on through negotiation. 如发现在生产过程中需要增添设备时,可由双方另行协商予以增订。(译为无主句) 4. 使用被动结构: Failure to notify Party A shall b

    29、e deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement. 未能(按上述要求)通知甲方的,则视为构成实质违约。(作谓语) 例2: The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under-mentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 按如下列明条款,卖方同意出售,买方同意购买下述商品。(作后置定语) 例3: The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own arrangem


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