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    1、冠龙中学第一学期高三英语期中考试冠龙中学06学年度第一学期高三英语期中考试(本试卷满分150分,时间120分钟)2006.11.第一卷(共105分)Listening ComprehensionPart A Short ConversationDirection:In Part A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations a

    2、nd the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. 2,086 miles. B. 2,806 miles. C. 2,706 miles. D. 2,786 miles.2.A. He played so

    3、ccer.B. He worked all night. C. He stayed up late.D.He kept taking pictures.3. A. Mrs. Graves failed to sell the house. B. Mrs. Graves still wants to sell the house. C. Mr. Graves wants to sell the house. D. Mr. Graves failed to sell the house.4.A. Hes already been picked up.B. He got delayed at the

    4、 airport.C. Hell arrive this morning.D. He is easy to recognize.5.A. The colour of the scarf. B. The price of the scarf. C. The size of the scarf. D. The design of the scarf.6. A. The magazine has been lent. B. She doesnt mind lending out the magazine. C. She cant lend the man the magazine. D. She h

    5、asnt used the womans camera before.7. A. He knows how to use the camera. B. Hes a professional photographer. C. He isnt sure how the camera works. D. He has used the womans camera before.8.A.An engineer.B. A professor. C. A student.D.A consultant.9. A. The jacket is too big. B. The pants are too lon

    6、g. C. The color is too dark. D. The jacket doesnt match his pants.10.A.At an airport.B. On a plane. C. On a train.D. At a travel agency.Part B. PassagesDirections: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read tw

    7、ice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heardQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Some reasons to continue your educatio

    8、n. B. Taking courses that are important to your work. C. Too much education is a waste of time. D. Better education will guarantee a higher income.12. A. Mainly academic courses. B. Foundation courses only. C. Courses for various needs. D. Courses only related to the job market.13. A. Unemployment w

    9、ill not fall in the near future. B. Better education will start you with a higher pay. C. High school graduates probably get slow pay rise. D. Companies can offer training programs for employees. Question 14 through 16 are based on the following news.14.A. A special CD.B. A photograph of the mystery

    10、 star.C. Two concert tickets.D. A latest record.15. A. When his wife left him. B. When he formed the habit of using drugs. C. After a tragic accident. D. In the late 90s.16. A. A free concert. B. A famous guitar player. C. Life of a pop star. u D. A sad song Tears in Heaven.PartC Longer Conversation

    11、sDirections: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the f

    12、ollowing conversation.Course: (17)_lessons.Surname: (18)_( in Capital Letters)First name: ARVIDMale/Female (underline as appropriate)Country: SwedenMother tongue:( 19) _Age: (20) _Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answerBlanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.How old is

    13、 Mary?(21)_ in two months time.Where does Mary go at night?(22) To_When must Mary come home according to her father?(23)_ oclock at night.What is the doctors advice?(24) Have a talk _.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answerI. Grammar and Vocabulary 20Directions: Beneath eac

    14、h of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25-Who is making such a noise? -_ must be children.A. They B. ThoseC. ThatD. It26. There is something doubt _ he is the best man for the job.A. whetherB. if C. whyD. how27

    15、. Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything _?A. to be buyingB. to buyC. for buying D. bought28. You will succeed in the end _ you give up halfway.A. even if B. as thoughC. as long asD. unless29. Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are

    16、boughtB. boughtC. been boughtD.buying30. When I got to _ the town ought to have been, all I found was a school and a petrol stationA. whereB. whereverC. thereD. that31. Do you still remember the chicken farm _ we visited three months ago?A. whereB. when C. thatD. what32. _ made the school proud was

    17、_ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key university.A. What; becauseB. What ; thatC. That; whatD. That; because33. “What a nice fire you have in your fireplace!” “ During the winter I like my house _A. warmly and comfortablyB. warm and comfortableC. warm and comfortablyD. warmly and

    18、comfortable34. Telephone messages for the manager _ on her desk but she didnt notice them.A. were leftB. was leftC. was leavingD. were leaving35. I cant find my dictionary, _?A. Was it borrowedB. Has it borrowedC. Did it borrowD. Has it been borrowed36. Mrs. Black doesnt believe her son is able to d

    19、esign a digital camera, _.A. is heB. isnt heC. doesnt heD. does she37. Do it now, _ you will be punished.A. andB. so thatC. orD. if38. The weather is not _ hot.A. muchB. suchC. thatD. any39. Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.A. invitedB. invitingC. being invitedD. having

    20、invited40.According to the recent survey, cancer is the leading cause of death among young adults in this area, _ women.A. apparentlyB. especiallyC. exactlyD. probably41. That his only son was killed in the air crash was a _ blow to the old man.A. heavyB. broadC. plainD .main42.After much _ the shop

    21、 owner agreed to cut down the price by 25%A. debatingB. talkingC. discussingD. bargaining43. It seems difficult to _ “hurt” from “injure” in meaning.A. judgeB. tellC. divideD. seperate44. This is not a match. Were playing chess just for _.A. habitB. hobbyC. funD. gameII. Cloze 20APeople usually comm

    22、unicate by speaking or writing. However, some occupations rely on hand gestures to communicate.Railway workers on the _45_ must communicate with other employees such as engineers on the trains. _46_ this, they use lanterns or flags. To _47_ go, a railway worker stretches out his arm with the lantern

    23、 _48_ his head and moves the lantern up and down.Soldiers in battle often cannot hear each other. It has been _49_ that soldiers use a complex _50_ of gestures to communicate with each other. When a leader wants other soldiers to follow him, he points to them, and them he uses his arm to point _51_

    24、the direction they should go. Soldiers in different countries use similar signals so that they can understand each other even if they are not from the same group.In classical concerts, musicians such as pianists and violinists _52_ the directions of the conductor. He or she will direct the other mus

    25、icians during the song through hand movements and by _53_ a small stick known as a baton. Therefore, hand gestures also _54_ an important role in the orchestra.45A. stationB. wayC. earthD. ground46.A.To doB. DoingC. For doingD. Do 47.A. signalB. meanC. pointD. note48.A. on B. aboveC. along D. to 49.

    26、A. suggestedB. repeatedC. reusedD. remarked50.A. wayB. deviceC. systemD. organization51.A. to B. in C. intoD. from52.A. doB. followC. operateD. flow53.A. movingB. showing C. removingD. waving 54.A. doB. workC. playD. makeBAs more and more creatures _55_ extinction, many scientists try hard to save t

    27、hem, _56 _ the publics help to protect them._57_, few people have any idea what _ 58_ these creatures are.I _59_ two foreign photographers worked together a couple of years ago and took pictures of those _ 60_ animals and plants. They later had a book published in order to introduce those creatures

    28、to the public.It is _ 61_ that if we really want to protect and save endangered species, we have to get to know them first. In fact, about two-thirds of such creatures are plants. Some of them are so unusual but we dont know they are so precious. We are not biologists, so how can we _62_?In short, i

    29、t is necessary to make endangered species known to the public. We can increase peoples knowledge through _63_ and lectures.If we try to make it part of our _64_, we may have a chance to protect those valuable creatures.55A. closeB. drawC. nearD. access56.A.calling onB. calling forC. shouting toD. reminding57.A.ThereforeB. HoweverC. No matter howD. Somehow58.A. exactlyB. extremelyC. essentiallyD. particularly59.A. hear ofB. heard aboutC. heardD. heard that60.A. scarceB. seldomC. rareD. especial61.A. trueB. necessaryC. importantD. a pity62.A. sayB. tellC. speakD. remark63.A. performa


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