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    1、英语自然拼读法及自然拼读练习表,.英语自然拼读法一.英语自然拼读学习的六阶成功法第一阶:成立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系。第二阶:可以成功拼读元音 + 辅音(辅音 + 元音)。如: c-a ca a-t at第三阶:可以成功拼读辅音 + 元音 + 辅音。如 d-o-g dog第四阶:可以成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如 sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:可以听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。第六阶:单词量大批扩大,可以阅读英语文章。1.自然拼读法的第一步是掌握二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds). 此中五个元音字母 (a, e, i, o, u) 发两种音。2.

    2、 第二步是进行单元音字母的拼读练习,如: Sam, cat, mat, 等等3. 第三步 , 是固定读音的单词 : the, a, is, to, have 等.4.第四步,是一个单词里有两个元音时, 前边一个元音发字母音, 后边一个元音不发音,如: make, made, sea, five, nine, road 等等5. 第五步 , 是双 / 三辅音在一同时怎么联读 , 如: bl(ack), str(eet) 等;有一些辅音不发音,如: ghost, comb, lamb 等;要掌握一下和 h 联在一同的发音: ch, sh, th, wh 。6.第六步,是特别读法:单音节词,以元音结

    3、尾, 这个元音发字母音 如: me, hi, go 等等Irregular: ar (car), ay (hay, may, say), igh (high, night, might), ew (new), er(sister, brother), ur (burn, hurt), ir (girl, fir, firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil),.oy (boy), ow 等有其特其余发音 c 和 k 在一同时, 发一个音 : quick, black 等 .经典示例:学过 问学 堂自 然拼 读法 以后 ,任何年纪 的孩 子对即便

    4、长达 20 个字母的诸如 :的长单词数秒即可默写朗诵。 问学堂自然拼读的方法是将单词区分音节, 而后逐一音节根据音图读出单词,能读便能马上正确默写。二. 直接拼读法的基来源理1英语是一种拼音字母。英语是一种拼音( phonological )文字,英语单词是以字母构成,字母或字母组合构成了单词的读音。如:(1)辅音字母的读音:音形一致的拼音: bb,p p, mm, ff,dd,tt,nn,ll,gg,kk,hh,l l ,r r, vv, w w, zz,音形不一致的拼音: ck s , g g , j , x ks ,y j, s s z最常有的辅音字母组合的拼读 sh , ch , th

    5、 , ph f,(2.)元音字母的读音:元音字母的拼读,第一我要学生先认识什么是开音节?(以元音字母结尾的音节为开音节),什么是闭音节?(以辅音字母结尾的音节为闭音节) ,并和学生一同找寻发音规律,规律找到了,当学生认识了音节的规律,元音字母的发音就水到渠成了。如:开音节的拼音:,.A 发字母自己音 ei age , snake ,camera ,member state ate, name, cake, lake,take, make, game, gave, made, late, came, bate, date, face, gate, hate, page, race,same, t

    6、ame, wake, gave, famous, lady, bake 等。E 发字母自己音 i: be, these, me, he, she, we, believe 等。I 发字母自己音 ai right I bike ,bicycle ,knife ,inside ,China, like, fine, five, kite,nice, wide, Friday, ride, white, write, Chinese, ice, line, mine, life, idea, nine, 等。O 发字母自己音 u kilo metre ,ago, radio, go, photo,

    7、rode, old, told, hold, cold,home, those, kilo, so, homework, phone, also, no, note, robot, nose, hope, joke,close, stone, clothes, broken 等。U 发字母自己音 ju: cute, bute, mute, fume, men, pupil, argue, use, 等。闭音节的拼音:A发 ? 口型要大 :at, bat, bad, band, apple, animal, fat, has, am, and, cat, cap,bag, family, cap

    8、ital, Saturday, than, had, grand,carry, happen, back, ran,badly,angry, sad, rang, flat, map,stamp Thanksgiving,flag ,hang ,candy ,bamboo mat,van, man, ban, bap, can, cam, cab, cad, catch,hand, fantastic,thank,black,blackboard, panda, that, happy, activity, drank,stand ,dragon,lantern,Japanese ,taxi,

    9、 swam, hat, sad, dad, mad, mat, pat, rat, sat,fan , lam ,tad , van , wan 等。E 发 e 让学生老师模拟口型collect ,special never,member state,when, met,them, well, smell, tell, ball, clever, every, help, better, west, then, yes, yesterday, fell,hello,desk, red,yellow, ten,pen, pencil,bed,bedroom, dress,festival,get

    10、,telephone, egg, went, leg, twenty, next, let, men, chess, bet ,net ,pet ret ,set ,tet ,,.vet , wetI i different , difficult ,b ring, holiday, lift, ticket, big, dinner, fish, listen, it, is, six,this, in, sister, his, him, bit, little, river, picnic, think, city, with, finish, sit, chick, skip,miss

    11、, nothing, pink, picture, little, listen, thing, drink, visit, swim,o 发 让学生老师模拟口型 drop, hobby , shop, story ,problem ,box, bottle,coffee, lost, cross , long, pop, stop, dog, not, body, box, clock, computer, doll , got,hot, pocket, office, point, lots, doctor ,strong ,often ,fork , chopsticks , stopU

    12、 发 :us,love , lucky ,study, funny, but, bus, sun, Sunday, summer, hurry,mum, under, understand, cut, duck, truck, muck( 淤泥,垃圾,肥料 ), much, puck (冰球) , lucky, fun, gun, Hun (匈奴人野蛮人,德国兵) , nun (修女,尼姑) , pun (双关语,说双关语) , run, sun, tun (大酒桶) , up,字母组合的读音也是有规律可循的。如 ;ea,ee 字母组合的发i: 音: meal 。 tea , clean, t

    13、eam,eat,east,speak ,pleasepleased , each, easy, read,sea, teacher ,need, cheese,wheel,feel,agree,green,week,thirteen, fourteen,three, deep, peep, weep, sleep, jeep, see, feet,street,teeth, meet, week部分 ea 字母组合发 e :bread, heavy , breakfast , weather, head, headache, ready,deaf,oa, 字母组合的发 u 音: road, b

    14、oat, coat,ir 字母组合的发 音:girl, bird, thirsty, third, first, birthday, circle, sir, shirt, skirt,dirty, skirt,.ar,组合字母发 a:(a 再 s, ss 前)也发 a: :hard, card, park, art, car, are, dark, arm,farmer, market, party, large, star, argue ,farclass, vase, glass, pass, last, past, task, mast, vast, cast, fast 等ow 字母

    15、组合有时发 u 音: window, yellow, show , slow, sow, tow, bow, mow, 等。ou, ow 字母组合有时发 au 音 thousand ,around ,should 。mouth, about, house,housework, south, how, now, Chinatown, 等。oo 字母组合有时发发 u 音: hood ,头巾 wool ,羊毛 look ,good , foot, room,football , took, cook wood, book, goodbye,oo字母组合有时发 u:food, moon , tool,

    16、 toon, 红椿 noon, pool, zoo, too, school, cool, toothear 字母组合有时发 i 音:tear ,dear ,fear ,gear ,hear , near ,shear ,rear ,searear 字母组合有时和 air 同样发 i : bear, tear, wear, pear,oy 字母组合发 i 音: boy, toy, hoy 赶牲口的呼喊声 , coy 腼腆的 , foy 辞别宴会 , goy,异教徒 soy 酱油;黄豆iht 字母组合发 ai 音: right, light, night, fight, might, tight

    17、ay 字母组合发 ei 音: stay, say, day, gay 快乐的 , hay 干草 , lay 设置英语自然拼读法的学习1. 二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds).此中五个元音字母 (a, e, i, o, u) 发两种音 , 此中一个音是其字母自己的读音, y 有,.时会被作为元音办理单音节词 , y 在末端 , y 发 ai 的音 (one syllable, y at the end (pronounced as “i ”):my, why, fly, sky多音节词 , y 在末端 , y 发i 的音 (two syllables, y at the end

    18、(pronounced as“E”):daddy, mommy, baby2.单元音单词拼读 (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant Combinations)如: Sam, cat, mat, 等等Beginning ConsonantsEnding ConsonantsOne Vowel Word, Short Vowel Sounds3. 双元音单词拼读 (Two Vowel Words):一个单词里有两个元音时, 前边一个元音发字母音, 后边一个元音不发音 如:make,mail, may, hay, say, see, sea, five, tie, road, toe

    19、, cute 等等4. 双/ 三辅音在一同时的联读 (Consonant Blends)Beginning consonant blends (bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, fr, pl, pr, sc, sk, sl, sm,sn, sp, st, sw, tr, tw, scr, spl, str)Ending consonant blends (ft, lf, lm, lp, lt, mp, nd, nk, nt, pt, sk, st)Words ending in ll, ss, ffConsonant digraphs (ch, tch, sh,

    20、th, wh, shr, squ, thr)5.特别读法 (1) - 固定读音的单词 (Sight Word):,.the, a, is, to, have, are, hey, love 等.6. 特别读法 (2) 带元音的特别读法 (Irregular Vowels)一个音节如只有一个元音 , 且以此元音结尾,这个元音发字母音 (vowel at theend) 如: baby, me, hi, go, humor 等等air (hair), al, all (all, tall, mall, hall), alk (talk, walk), alt (halt, salt), ar (c

    21、ar,far), are (hare), au, augh (caught), aw (hawk) ew (new), eigh (eight, weight), ed(stopped, added) er (sister, brother), ir (girl, fir, firm), ur (burn, hurt), or(horn), ie(field), ing, ind (behind), ild (mild, wild), igh (high, night, might), ire oi (oil,boil), old (old, cold), olt, oo (book), oo

    22、 (tool, school), or (or, horn), ost (most, host),ou (could), ough (cough, through, ought, slough, plough), ould (would, could), oy(boy), ought, , ous (famous), ow (snow), ue (cruel), ui (fluid)sounds :ang, ong, ung, edge, le读音一: cow, now, how, bow ; 读音二: bow,tion (attention), sion (expression), endi

    23、ng7.特别读法 (3) 辅音的特别读法有一些辅音不发音 (silent consonants) 如: ghost, comb, lamb, write 等c 和 k 在一同时,发一个音 :quick, black 等 .q 老是和 u 在一同: quite, quick, quit, quilt 等.之因此指出这一点 , 是在这里 u 不可以再被以为是元音 , 而是和 q 一同构成一个辅音组合. 于是 , 在 quite 这个单词里只有两个元音 , 是双元音单词 , 第一个元音 i 发字母音 , 第二个元音 e 不发音 .p 和 h 在一同 , 发 f 的音 :phone, photo.,.

    24、复数 s 及末端 s 的读音 (Plural s and the sounds of ending s)c 和 g的两种读音:假如i(或y)或许e 跟在c 或许g 的后边 , c发”s”的音 , g发” j ”的音 : center, cigar, gem, giant, gym, 其余状况下c, g发其字母音:can, clap,cup, great, glad.8.多音节单词和复合词 (Words with multiple syllables and compound words)多音节单词 :believe, multiple, syllable, compound复合词 :homew

    25、ork, highway,.自然拼音拼读练习表第一天: a e i o u a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e Aa : mat map bag cat hat fan bat apple Ee:egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo:ox on octopus box sock operate ostrich Uu:sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle under cape name tape lake game make take hate the

    26、se Japanese Chinesebite five nine kite mine nice ride siderose nose rope note pose home rode thosetube cube June cute huge次日 :ai ay ee ea ey ie igh oa ow ui ueai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday:bay ray way say hay pay May layee:reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teethea: sea meat peanut ea

    27、gle peach tea leaf peaey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolleyie: tie pie lie dieigh: right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapow: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow low,.ui: suit juice fruitue: Sue blue glue true第三天 :ar er i

    28、r ur orar: arm car armchair card cart farm park gardener: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker motherir: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn fork第四天 :ou ow oi oy au aw oo oo eaou:house out

    29、mouth count fountain mountain shout mouse ow:cow towel clown owl crown brown flower tower oi:coin oil point noise boil soil poison coiloy:oyster boy cowboy soy toyau:august sause sausage naughty autumn applause aw:paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo:moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room cool fool boom foolishoo:bo


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