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    1、小学英语广州版六年级下册第三模块习题小学英语广州版六年级下册第三模块习题编写人:赵淑红.审定人:越秀区桂花岗小学 林丽华Module 3 Famous People Unit 7 Dr Sun YatsenPart 1 Do You Understand It?1. Finish the sentences about Dr Sun Yatsen. 根据对话将有关孙中山博士的句子补充完整。( ) 1) Dr Sun Yatsen was a very _ person in Chinas history.( ) 2) Dr Sun Yatsen was born in _. ( ) 3) Dr

    2、 Sun Yatsen was the _ of modern China. ( ) 4) Dr Sun Yatsen was a great _.( ) 5) Dr Sun Yatsen _ the Chinese people and the people _him.( ) 6) Dr Sun Yatsen was against the emperor and he _ China. Part 2 Did You Know?2. Write the past form of these verbs. 写出下列动词的过去式。1) read _ 2) do _ 3) try _ 4) fre

    3、e _5) start _ 6) love _7) lose _ 8) make _9) find _ 1. Finish the sentences according to the Chinese. 根据中文完成句子。1) 姚明是1980年出生的。 Yao Ming _ 1980.2) 那本书讲的是一个重要的历史人物。 That book is about an _ historical person. 3) 故事还在继续。 The story _. 4) 为什么这个城市这么有名? Why is this city _?5) 他们反对这个主意。 They were _ the idea.6

    4、)他试图改电话号码。 He _ the telephone number. Can You Do It?4. Listen to more facts about Dr Sun Yatsen and tick the right answers. 听短文, 选择答案完成关于孙中山博士的句子.( ) 1) Dr. Sun Yatsen was born in _. A. 1866 B. 1886 C. 1868( ) 2) Dr. Sun Yatsens father was a _. A. doctor B. farmer C. teacher( ) 3) Dr. Sun Yatsens _

    5、lived in Hawaii. A. father B. brother C. sister( ) 4) Dr. Sun Yatsen was once (曾经)a _. A. farmer B. teacher C. doctor( ) 5) Dr. Sun Yatsen and Soong Qingling became husband and wife in _. A. China B. Hawaii C. Japan ( ) 6) Dr. Sun Yatsen died in _. A. 1915 B. 1924 C. 1925 5. Read about Zhang Haidi a

    6、nd answer the questions about her. 阅读张海迪的生平介绍,回答有关的问题。Word Bank disabled: 残疾的 wheelchair: 轮椅 herself: 她自己 translate: 翻译Zhang Haidi was born in 1955 in Shangdong. At the age of five, she became very ill and disabled. She couldnt stand on her legs and had to sit on a wheelchair. So she couldnt go to s

    7、chool. But Haidi learned to read and write at home. She learned many languages too. She knows English, French, German, and Chinese of course. And she learned Chinese medicine too. And she learned these all by herself. She is very good at writing. She translated some English books into Chinese and wr

    8、ote some books. She was a heroine to many Chinese people. 1) How old was Zhang Haidi when she became very disabled? _2) Could Zhang Haidi walk? _1) Where did Haidi learn to read and write? _2) What languages does Haidi know?_3) What is Haidi good at?_Unit 8 Robin HoodAre You With It?1. Look at the s

    9、pider-gram and write some statements about Robin Hood according to the dialogue. 根据课文对话和图中关键词的提示写一些关于Robin Hood的句子.brave clever forest, friends English helped the poortook from the rich gave to the poor1) Robin Hood was a brave English man. 2) _3) _4) _5) _2. Fill in the blanks according to the poem

    10、. 根据课文中的诗填空.Robin Hood was a 1)_ man.And a 2)_ man was he.He 3)_ from the rich,And he 4)_ to the poor.And he did it all for 5)_!Robin Hood was a very 6)_ man,And a very 7)_ man was he.With his 8)_ behind him, Nobody could 8)_ him. Cos he stayed in a wood full of 9)_! 3. Answer the questions accordin

    11、g to the text. 根据课文回答问题1) What did Robin Hood do? _2) Why did Robin Hood took from the rich and gave to the poor? _3) Who stayed in the wood with Robin Hood? _4) Why could nobody find Robin Hood?_Did You Know It?4. Choose the right propositions to fill in the blanks. 选择正确介词填空 about, in, of, from, to

    12、, for, with, against1) We are reading _ Yang Liwei in school this week. 2) He borrowed a book _ the school library. 3) There are now fewer (少一些) animals _ the forest than before. 4) The teachers office is full _ students. 5) The children are confident (自信) _ their teacher behind them. 6) He put the

    13、bookshelves _ the wall. 7) The boys all like the idea, but the girls are _ it.8) He gave some food and water _ the poor old man.9) The lady does not dance for money, she dances _ fun. 10) The old lady lives in a small house _ her cat. 5. Choose the right words to fill in the blanks. 选择正确单词填空forest t

    14、he poor the rich free historical famous 1) A _ is a wood full of trees. 2) A _ person is an important person in history. 3) Everybody knows Guangzhou Restaurant. Guangzhou Restaurant is _. 4) In Hong Kong, _ live in big houses on the mountains, _ lived in small shanties (棚屋). 5) The coffee and tea i

    15、n the canteen is one pound a cup, but the water is _.Can You Do It?6. Listen and choose the right numbers or dates. 听句子,选出听到的号码或日期( ) 1) A. 1808 B. 1880 C. 1818 ( ) 2) A. 26th, Jan. B. 27th, July. C. 27th, June( ) 3) A. 1996. B. 1097 C. 1919.( ) 4) A. 1931 B. 1936 C. 1961( ) 5) A. 2nd, Sep. B. 12th,

    16、 Nov. C. 2nd, Dec. ( ) 6) A. 1446 B. 1564 C. 16457. Read this poem and write a poem for someone you know. 仿照下面的诗为你认识的人写一首诗。Sun Wuhong Sun Wukong was a clever monkey,A clever monkey was he.He changed himself And he changed backAnd he did it all very well. 插图:孙悟空 My Baby Cousin My baby cousin is a bad

    17、 boy,A bad boy is he.He cries a lot,He eats a lot.And he does it all at night! 插图:婴儿晚间哭闹、喝牛奶Test Yourself1. 听句子,选出听到的号码或日期. (9%)( ) 1) A. 1843. B. 1483. C. 1834.( ) 2) A. 1922. B. 1820 C. 1928. ( ) 3) A. 1809 B. 1818 C. 1908( ) 4) A. June, 4th B. June, 5th C. July, 4th ( ) 5) A. Sep, 10th B. Nov, 11

    18、th C. Nov, 1st ( ) 6) A. 2nd, Oct. 1972 B. 12, April, 1962. A. 12, Apr. 1962. 2. 听短对话和问题,选择问题的答案。(12%)( ) 1) A. Shes reading. B. Shes drawing a mouse.C. Shes drinking water. ( ) 2) A. Because he was American. B. Because he freed the black people in the south of the USA. C. Because he was black. ( )

    19、3) A. Hes 2.03 meters tall. B. Hes 2.13 meters tall. C. Hes 1.93 meters tall.( ) 4) A. He was 89. B. He was 94. C. He was 95.( ) 5) A. He likes old things. B. He likes reading stories about historical people.C. He likes his history teacher.( ) 6) A.Shes from the USA. B. Shes from the UK.C. Shes from

    20、 New Zealand. 3听对话,填空。(9%)1) - Hello, Janet. What are you doing?- Hi, Xiaoling. Im _ about Sun Wukong on TV.2) - Why did people like him?- Because he was always ready to help _. 3) - What is the boy in the story like? - He is very clever. But he is not very _. Hes afraid of _.- That is strange. - Ye

    21、s. 4) - Do you know many great _ loves arts?- Yes. For example, Einstain loved _.4. 选择填空 (15%)1) Mozart was one of the greatest _ in the world. A. music B. musician C. musicians2) I think it is _ interesting film. A. a B. an C. the 4) He tried to open the door and _ the bird.A. free B. to free C. fr

    22、eed5) Liu Xiang is one of _ best athletes in China.A. a B. the C. / ( 不填)6) We are reading _ Robin Hood. A. of B. about C. /7) The teachers office is full _ students. A. of B. with C. and8) She went to Japan _ 1998. A. in B. on C. at8) He was born _ September, 14th, 1986. A. in B. on C. /9) The autu

    23、mn term starts _ September and ends _ January. A. in, in B. from, from C. on, on10) English lessons are usually _ the morning. A. in B. on C. /11) We had a wonderful science lesson _ yesterday morning. A. in B. on C. /12) We do eye exercises _ every morning. A. in B. on C. /13) We have an English le

    24、sson _ Wednesday morning. A. in B. on C. /14) We are going to the park for the science lesson _ tomorrow afternoon. A. in B. on C. /15) The boys all like the idea, but the girls are _ it.A. against B. not like C. dont like 5. 根据实际情况回答问题。(10%)1) When were you born? _2) When did you start to learn Eng

    25、lish? _3) Where was Dr Sun Yatsen born? _4) Why was Robin Hood a hero?_5) Did you have a music lesson yesterday? _6. 按上下文和首字母的提示将单词填写完整。(9%)Word Bank: fairy tale:神话故事 mermaid: 美人鱼Hans Christian Anderson was a great childrens writer. He wrote many stories for c_. Two of his f_ stories are The Ugly Du

    26、ckling and The Little Mermaid. Anderson was born in a p_ family in 1805 in Denmark. When he grew up, he wrote many books and b_ rich. He travelled in m_ countries to get ideas for his writing. In 1875, Anderson d_. But his stories did not die. Today, his fairy tales are read in more than 150 languages. 插图:插入


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