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    1、C) symbolD) suspension10. If cancer is spotted earlier, there is a high chance of _.1.木头是该地区最重要的建材。【答案】stuff2.是否想要订购我们的杂志?我们现在对新订户有特别优惠。【答案】subscribers3.香烟含有很多有害的物质,所以请戒烟吧!【答案】substances4.如果你想成功,没有东西可以代替努力工作,所以努力吧!【答案】substitute5.到地震灾区巡视时,总统因可怜的受灾户的苦难而动容。【答案】suffering6.现在台湾供应的自来水大多未含氟。【答案】supplies7.

    2、一些昆虫会与周遭环境融合成一体,因此很难发现牠们。【答案】surroundings8.当许先生跟许大太退休后,他们搬去一个舒适的地区并且享受那个环境。9.很幸运我们能生活在一个安全舒适的环境。10.癌症如果及早发现,存活率较高。【答案】survival1. After the poets wife died, he quitted writing poems for a while, for he thought words could not express his _ .A) societyB) slicesC) sorrowD) solution2. I always get the _

    3、 wrong with words like custom or costume.A) spiceB) spellingsC) statementD) stage3. Well goes the proverb, Variety is the _ of life.4. The discussion has proceeded to a _ where we could reach an agreemer5.I get a _ from the bank, which shows how much money has been paid into and taken out.6. The pre

    4、sident made a _ that he had nothing to do with the scandal.A) statusB) statementC) storageD) stock7. Doctors have higher _ than ordinary workers in our country.8. The color balloons are out of _ now; the storeowner sold them all the day before.9. Meat should be kept in cold _ to keep fresh.10. They

    5、served a drink mixed with some blue _ .1.诗人的大太死后,他曾封笔一阵子不写诗,因为他认为文字无法表达他的哀痛【答案】sorrow2.我常把像 习惯或服装的字拼错。【答案】spellings3.俗话说得好:变化乃生活之情趣。【答案】spice4.讨论已进行到我们可以达成共识的阶段。【答案】stage5.我收到一张银行的帐目明细单,条列着有多少钱存入及多少钱提领。【答案】statement6.总统发表他和那丑闻无关的声明。7.在我国,医生比一般劳工享有较崇高的社会地位。【答案】status8.彩色气球没有存货了;店主在前一天就全卖光了。【答案】stock9

    6、.肉应该冷藏以保新鲜。【答案】storage10.他们端出掺有某种蓝色物质的饮料。1.According to some_ by some scholars, lung cancer is caused mainly by smoking.A) rockB) researchC) scheduleD) Rumor2.A large _ fell and blocked the road.3. _ has it that the movie star committed suicide yesterday.4. On the airline _, I saw that there was a f

    7、light to Tokyo at seven oclock.5. The meeting will be held on _. There will be no delay.6. I am always lost. I really have no _ of direction.A) shiftB) senseC) speedD) soul7. When president Mar won the election, people said that it was a political _ from different parties.8. The eye is the window of

    8、 the _ .9. It is dangerous for them to drive on the road at full _ .10.The newly-built bullet train runs at the _ of 300 kilometers an hour.1.根据一些学者的研究,肺癌主要是由抽烟造成的。【答案】research2.一块大岩石崩落,堵塞了道路。【答案】rock3.谣传那位影星昨天自杀。【答案】Rumor4.在飞机班次表上,我看到有一班七点飞往东京的航次。【答案】schedule5.会议将准时举行,不会有延误。6.我总是迷路,我的确没有方向感。【答案】sen

    9、se7.当马总统赢了选举之后,许多人说是政治上的政党轮替。【答案】shift8.眼睛是灵魂之窗。【答案】soul9.他们在路上全速开车,真危险。【答案】speed10.新建的子弹列车时速三百公里。【答案】speed1.because of the heavy rain.2. It is believed that dragon is an important _ of the Chinese people.3. Red roses are often considered a _ of love.A) refusalB) symbolC) requestD) report4. The chan

    10、ging color of the leaves on the tree is a _ that it will soon be fall.5. He gave her a huge bunch of red roses as a _ of his devotion to her.6.Her _ to have a date with him made him very disappointed.7.According to the weather_, there is a typhoon approaching Taiwan.8.The students couldnt hear the t

    11、eachers _ because they were making too much noise.9.The relief workers made a _ to the headquarters for more aid.10.Those scientists are now carrying out some _ on the language of dolphins. They want to find out how dolphins communicate with each other.1.由于下大雨,裁判宣布棒球赛暂停。【答案】suspension2.人们相信龙是华人世界的重要

    12、象征。【答案】symbol3.红玫瑰常被视为爱情的象征。4.树叶颜色的改变表示着秋天即将来到。5.他送给她一大束红玫瑰,代表他对她的爱。6.她拒绝和他约会使他很失望。【答案】refusal7.根据气象报告,有一个台风正接近台湾。【答案】report8.学生们听不到老师的要求,因为他们太吵了。【答案】request9.救援人员请求总部给予更多援助。10.那些科学家现正研究海豚的语言,想要找出海豚如何互相沟通。They have developed an _ advertising campaign against their competitors for the new line of spo

    13、rtswear provided by Nike.AeligibleBimpressedCadhesiveDeffectiveWhen callers leave a message on an answering machine, they should speak _ .AclearlyBclearCclearnessDclarityThe revised mission statement of Benson Inc., focuses _ on customer satisfaction.AexclusivelyBexclusiveCexclusionDexcludeThe line-

    14、graph _ a further rise in expenses,but also a significant increase in revenue,which proves the company is on the path of economic growth.AdeterminesBillustratesCconsidersDaccountsThe body shop will try to _ new customers with its newest location.AcompelBappealCdetectDattractD A A B DThey explained t

    15、hat they do not have _ of the products she ordered as of now.AoneBanyCmanyDanotherMs.Sandler refused to emplain _ what the boxes on the table were.Aby detailingBdetailedCin detailDdetailsThe annual report stated that new employees were making five times _ mistakes as their colleagues in the first th

    16、ree weeks.Aas manyBmuch moreCmore thanDtoo muchThe Big Holiday department stores said they have a _ array of holiday packages to choose from in the next few months.AbewilderingBbewilderedCbewildermentDbewildersWhen riding a motorbike,people should wear a helmet and other _ gear.AprotectBprotectiveCp

    17、rotectedDprotectionB C A A BMost of the hallways on the ground floor of the old municipal building are _ lit.ApoorlyBpoorestCpoorerDpoorFreesia Ltd.has realized that it is much _ to sell beauty products than it is to market clothes.AhardestBharderChardnessDhardD A A A BIf you have any questions or c

    18、omments about our company policy, please report _ to our head of public relations.AdirectlyBexactlyCuniquelyDstraightlyIn order to be able to respond _ to your question,please be sure to enclose your full name and a self-addressed stamped envelop.ApromptlyBovertlyCseverelyDintenselyThose who donate more tha


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