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    1、中考英语常考的语法知识点中考常考的语法知识点一冠词1.an umbrella, an uncle, an unpleasant trip, an unusual boy, an ugly girl, an MP3,an I phone 5s2.a uniform, a university, a unit, a UFO, a useful book, a European country, an Asian country3.an hour, an honest boy(h不发音)4.an “a”( e, f, h, i, l, m, n, o, r, s, x) , a “b”( c, d,

    2、 g, j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, z)5.(无冠词)Childrens Day, May Day, the Spring Festival 6.序数词和最高级前要用the: the first lesson, the third class, the most exerciting movie7.独一无二的事物和江湖海前用the: the moon,the earth,the sun,the Changjing River8.a one-year-old baby, an eight-year-old boy, an eleven-year-old girl9.I

    3、lost the book I bought last week. Is it a black one?10. Do you know the boy next to Mary / the man in white? 11.序数词和最高级前如有名词所有格或物主代词不加the : Li Lei is my first Chinese friend and he is also my best friend.二名词1. 名词单复数: (单复数同形)many sheep, a few deer, several Japanese, three Chinese, nine fish(不规则变化)a f

    4、ew geese, two mice, some children, ten feet, five teeth radios, photos, pianos, zoos; potatoes, tomatoes, heroes, Negroes2. 名词所有格: Tom and Marys father, Toms and Marys fathersthe key to the door, the answer to the question, the ticket to the concert, the way to the bankTeachers Day, Mothers Day, Wom

    5、ens Day ten minutes walk=a ten-minute walk, a five-day holiday=five days holiday, have five days off3. 不可数名词: weather、news、information、advice、music、fun、room(空间)、work(不可数名词前不可加a,an,感叹句中也不能有a,an) (可数: a message, a newspaper) There is an orange(橙子) on the table. two bottles of orange(橙汁) an orange(橙色)

    6、dress4. 名词作定语: shoe shops, clothes shops,girl students, women doctors, men nurses, sports shoes5. three Englishmen/ Frenchmen, a few Germans, many Americans6. a piece of bread a box of oranges a pair of shoesfour pieces of bread two boxes of oranges five pairs of shoes7.名词可数和不可数时意思不一样:chicken(鸡肉;小鸡)

    7、 life(生活;生命lives), orange(橙汁;橙子)8. (本身是复数)two people, police, (总是用复数)many clothes, a pair of trousers, vegetables 三数词: 1. thousands of, three thousand, hundreds of, four hundred, millions of, six million 2. (分数表达:分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于一,分母复数) one fifth五分之一, two thirds三分之二, three quarters四分之三 3.特殊的序数词: fir

    8、st, second, third, twelfth, twentieth, nine-nineteen-ninety-ninth, four-fourth-fourteen -forty-fortieth4.时间表达: 6:45 six forty-five, a quarter to seven 6:15 six fifteen, a quarter past 65. in the 1860s/ 1860s (19世纪60年代), in her forties(在她四十多岁时)6.序数词要与the连用:the first one,如前面有名词所有格或物主代词就不用the:his eight

    9、h birthday7. Bus No. 112; the second lesson, Lesson Two; Room 308, the twenty-first century8. another two boys=two more boys再多要两个男孩9. at the age of twelve / fifteen(基数词) 10. two hours and a half = two and a half hours, one hour and a half=one and a half hours11.a + 序数词:再一;又一个 a second chance= anothe

    10、r chance 再一次机会四代词1.人称代词: 主格:I you he she we you they me you him her us you them 句首做主语要用主格, 动词和介词后做宾语要用宾格。She teaches me English. 物主代词:形容词性物主代词:my your his her our your their 名词性物主代词: mine yours his hers ours yours theirs 形容词性物主代词后面接名词,名词性物主代词后面不加名词。 反身代词:I-myself, you-yourself/yourselves, he-himself

    11、, she-herself,we-ourselves, they-themselves2.his, hers, mine: His watch is new. It isnt his. a friend of mine/ hers/ Li Mings The book belongs to him. = The book is his.3.疑问代词: how soon-in; how often-seldom, twice a month, every day, every four yearshow long-(for) a month / since 1998 how far-ten ki

    12、lometers(away from), ten minutes walk / drive, five minutes on foot4.what to do; how to do it5.what没范围, which有范围My fathers birthday is coming. I dont know what to buy for him.There are many kinds of cameras here. I dont know which to buy.6.all/both/none/neither/any/either的区别:all表三个或三个以上的全部都, none表三个

    13、或三个以上全部都不both表两个都,neither表两个都不either表两者之一,either/each/neither+单数名词, all/both+复数名词Both of the twins are teachers, but neither of them likes teaching.All of the doctors have to learn French, but none of them likes it.There are many tall trees on the both sides/ either side/ each side of the road / riv

    14、er. other, the other, others, the others, another: other+名词复数,someothers, (two)onethe other, another+名词单数 This shirt is too small, could you give me a another one. The shoes are nice, I want to buy another pair.(复数用pair,单数用one)7.The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Dongguan.The population o

    15、f China is much larger than that of Japan.The students in Dongguan is better than those / the ones in Beijing.8.We found/ thought it (was) interesting to learn English. 9.肯定:a little money a few sheep 否定:little water few students10.There are some people in the room. There arent any students in the c

    16、lassroom.Would you like some bread? 10. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.(范围内,除去自己本身) Shanghai is larger than any city in Japan.(范围外)11. something special nothing serious anything/what else 12. 指示代词的形式:this(单数)-these(复数), that(单数)-those(复数)打电话时,常用“that“询问对方是“谁”,用“this”介绍自己13.enjoy one

    17、self, dress oneself, all by oneself, look after oneself, learn sth by oneself = teach oneself sth, come to oneself(苏醒,恢复知觉), help oneself to(请随便吃), say to oneself(自言自语)五介词1. be friendly to, make friends with sb, be strict with sb., be full of, be filled with2. in the morning, in the afternoon, in th

    18、e evening at night on a cold morning on a hot afternoon on the evening of June 22 on the night of May 1st 3. It looks nice on you.这东西在你身上很好看。 a woman with glasses, 4. Its clever/nice/kind/stupid/wrong of you to say so. (人)Its necessary/important for us to remember more words.(物)5. Japan is to the ea

    19、st of China.(不接壤) Taiwan is in the southeast of China.(在范围内) Guangxi is on the west of Guangdong.(相邻,接壤)6.walk across the bridge/street = cross the bridge/street; swim across the river, sail across the Pacificgo through the traffic lights/ forest/ jungle/ city/ park / village/windowgo past the bank

    20、= pass the bank 7. All the students went to the park except John, because he was ill.(不包含在内)I need 2 more students besides John to do the work. (包含在内)8. in two weeks ( 跟将来时连用,How soon提问) after two weeks=two weeks later(跟过去式连用9. by car = in ones car/taxi by bus / bike = on the bus / bike 六 形容词和副词 比较级

    21、标志词:than,much, far/ still/ even/ a lot/a little) 最高级标志词:of/among all, in our school, the most+原级,the +最高级(副词可不要the)1.An elephant is (very, quite, so, too) big(原级).2. A friend of mine is as heavy(原级) as me. He is not so/ as tall(原级) as her.3. much+比较级, more+原级: He is much fatter that her. He is much

    22、more confident than her.4. 一些特殊的句型:1)Jim is the taller of the two (boys).2)Our school is much (far/ still/ even/ a lot/a little) (比较级) more beautiful than yours.3)The earlier, the better.4)When summer comes, the weather gets hotter and hotter.5)If you do sports every day, you will become healthier a

    23、nd healthier.6)Today English is becoming more and more important.7)He is 2 kilos heavier than I am.8)Paris is one of the liveliest cities in the world.10) .The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.(序数词+最高级)11)Tom is the taller of the two(boys).= Tom is taller than the other boy 12) Marr

    24、y is more outgoing than any other girl in her class.= Marry is the most outging girl in her class.5. He is careful(形容词) enough. He does everything carefully(副词).6.the+形容词:表示一类人,谓语复数 the poor, the old, the rich, the dead, the young: The young are always energetic.7. We are surprised to hear the surpr

    25、ising news. 8.易误认为副词的形容词:lovely,friendly,lively 七情态动词: 1.情态动词(must,should,can)+动词原形 He should stop smoking.2.表猜测:一定must 可能may 不可能cant3.特殊回答:Must I hand in my homework now?Yes, you must./ No, you neednt/ dont have to.-May I smoke here? - Yes, you can/may. / No, you cant/mustnt. I am not sure. It may/

    26、might/could belong to her. must:交通规矩,规章制度; 表肯定猜测“一定”,mustnt不表推测,意思是“禁止,不能”cant: 表猜测“不可能”:The lady over there cant be our teacher. She has gone to Shanghai.4. need 的用法:做情态动词:neednt do sth 做实义动词:need to do sth. Do/Does/Did sb. Need to do sth? dont/ doesnt/ didnt need to do sth.八连词: 1. although/ though

    27、 不能与but 连用 (转折关系)2. because 不能与 so 连用 (因果关系) 3. Get up at once, or you will be late for class.(or否则)4. 主将从现: (若主句用一般将来时时,从句则用一般现在时来表将来)。 主句(将来)+ if / unless/ as soon as/ until/ when/ before/ after+ 句子(现在)We will go on a picnic if it doesnt rain. = We will go on a picnic unless it rains.I wont leave

    28、until my mother comes back.I will tell him as soon as I see him.5. so+形容词/副词+that从句 such+(a/an) +形容词+名词+that从句He is so clever that he can work out this problem. = He is such a clever boy that he can work out the problem.(such a fine day= so fine a day)6. I like dancing while然而 my sister likes doing

    29、sports.(前后形成对比)9. You should do as按照 the teacher told you.九被动语态 结构:am/is/are+done,was/were+done,will be/is going to be+done, should/must/can+be done 有时候句子中的by sb. 的标志词1.Someone told me about this. - I was told about this.2.在主语中带介词的,变被动时介词不能省:We should speak to the old politely. - The old should be s

    30、poken to politely.3.Someone took her to the hospital in time. - She was taken to the hospital in time.4.be made/heard/seen/watched to do(被动还原to) 5.This kind of books sells well and they will be sold out soon. 6.没有被动:happen, take place, come out,come true, belong to, 系动词(feel, taste, look, sound, sme

    31、ll,keep,stay,become,seem)十. 现在完成时1. 强调对现在造成的影响 ( already, ever, never, before, just, yet )He has just arrived. ( He is here now. )2.强调一直在做的动作 (how long, for, since, so far, in the past/last few years, over the years)buy have had borrow have kept die - have been dead open have been open close have been closed begin has been on finish have been over come - have been in leave have been away from join- have been in/ have been a member of I borrowed the book last week. - I have kept the book since last week.His grandfather died two years


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