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    1、介词连词中考导学案介词、连词复习导学案主备人:赵红 审核人:吴寅成【复习内容】1. 常见介词的用法、意义及常见搭配2. 并列连词、从属连词的主要用法3. 常用连词的用法辨析【课时分配】第一课时:介词的功能、常见时间介词的用法第二课时:常见方位介词的用法、意义及固定搭配第三课时:连词的功能、并列连词从属连词第四课时:常用连词的用法辨析第五课时:综合复习第一课时:介词的功能、常见时间介词的用法【复习要点】一、介词功能介词是一种 ,不能在句子中独立充当成分。可构成介词短语在句中做定语,状语、表语和宾语补足语。二、常见介词的用法1.表示时间的介词in ,at, on, during , for表示较长

    2、时间 。如:年、年份、月份、季节、周、上午、下午、晚上以及一些习惯用法中要用介词“in”。 1996 October the1960s spring the morning his fifties固定用法:in those days 在当时 / in no time 立刻 / in the daytime 在白天 / in the future / in one minute 在1分钟内 /in the end2.表示时间的某一点(或表示某时刻)如:钟点、年龄或其它的习惯用法中要用“at”。 ten oclock noon / night / midnight the age of twent

    3、y 固定用法:at that time / at the moment / at first / at last in the end / at once / at / on (the) weekends /at this time of year / at the beginning /end of3.表示某一天或者特定(某一天上下午)的时间用介词“on”。 Monday January 1 January 1, 1988 Monday morning a winter morning the morning of May fifth固定用法:on my birthday / on that

    4、 day / on New Years Day / on Christmas Day /on duty /on time 4.表示持续一段时间用介词“for”。 two hours hundreds of years the last three years a while5.表示从一点时间到另一点时间的一个阶段用介词“from to ” from 9 oclock 11 oclock固定用法:from then on 从那时候起,from now on 从现在起,from time to time 时不时地6.表示“在 的期间”要用介词“during”,during表示在特定的时间里,其后的

    5、名词前要用定冠词或者表示特定意义的代词。 the week those three months my visit7.表示“自 以来”,用介词“since”。“since”“点时间”,主句常用现在完成时。 since 1986 last summer 固定用法:since then 从那时以后 since he came here 自从他来了以后8.表示某动作或者状态延续到某一时间终止,用介词“till / until”The park is open 5 p.m. He didnt leave the park 4 p.m.9.由before和after。after的习惯用法:after w

    6、ork / after school / after class “after+时间段”用于一般过去时。【达标检测】( ) 1. _ the afternoon of March 8, the women in the city had a big party.A. To B. In C. At D. On( ) 2.Lucy was _ duty yesterday, but she forgot to clean the classroom.A. in B. on C. at D. of( ) 3. Jack has studied Chinese in this school _ 200

    7、0. A. since B. in C. on D. by( ) 4. I go to school _7:30 every morning.A. in B. on C. at( ) 5. He would like to meet her _8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow morning.A. between B. among ( ) 6. The Greens have lived in China _ three years.A. in B. for, C. after( ) 7. We go to school every day _ Saturday and Sunda

    8、y.A. except B. besides( ) 8. She returned to her country _five years.A .in B. after C. for ( ) 9. Is the manager in? -Sorry, he is out. But he will be back _ three oclock. A. in B. on C. until D. before( ) 10. _ the age of fifteen, she had written scores of articles for a newspaper. A. At B. Before

    9、C. Since D. By( ) 11. China became a WTO member _ December 11th , 2001. A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) 12. This story happened _ the last few years. A. at B. since C. during D. for【教学反思】第二课时:常见方位介词的用法、意义及固定搭配【复习要点】常见方位介词的用法及固定搭配1.表示大地方,表示空间、地域或者物体内部应用in,或表示在范围之内。 the tree Beijing the world the river the

    10、 sun China No. 5 Middle School the middle /corner of the north固定用法:住院 in hospital / 在露天 in the open air / 躺着看书read in bed站成行 stand in line / 处于危险中 in danger / 处于麻烦中 in trouble / 惊奇地 in surprise用英语 in English / 穿红色的 in red / 以方式 in way of2.表示较小的地方,表示空间的某一点,出入口等,选at the end of at the gate the second c

    11、rossing the bus stop school home the doctors table the station / airport / zoo / post office the cinema / supermarket / meeting / party 3.表示附着在表面上,覆盖等,表示接触的面上、边上、线上,用on。 the wall the other side of the left/right the train TV/the radio/ the telephone/ the Internet固定用法:访问 on a visit to / 展览 on show on

    12、 the way to /on ones way to 4.in , on, to 表示“位于”in 表示范围之内;to 表示范围之外;on相邻,接壤。 Japan is the east of Asia. Japan is the east of China. Korea is the northeast of China.【达标检测】一、用in , on填空1. A hole the floor / wall. 2. There are many apples on the tree.3. There are many birds in the tree.二、单项选择( ) 1. Chin

    13、a lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of Australia. A. to; to B. in; to C. to; in D. in; on( ) 2. Wheres Lily? We are all here _ her. A. besides B. about C. except D. with ( ) 3. Does your father go to work, _ foot or _ bike? A. on; with B. with; on C. by; on D. on; by ( ) 4. Andy often helps he

    14、r mother _ the housework on Sunday afternoon. A. to B. with C. for D. of( ) 5. English is widely used _ travelers and business people all over the world. A. to B. for C. as D. by( ) 6. My sister thinks her own language first. Then she turns her words into English. A. by B. in C. with D. through( ) 7

    15、. We should do something to stop sandstorms _ happening again and again. A. from B. on C. by D. to( ) 8. Mr Wang is very strict. His students are afraid _ him. A. at B. of C. about D. to( ) 9. The woman feels worried _ her sick baby. A. for B. to C. on D. about( ) 10. I didnt have any breakfast _ a

    16、cup of milk. A. besides B. except for C. except D. for( ) 11. Bob, you are wanted _ the phone. Thanks a lot. A. on B. by C. of D. for 【教学反思】 第三课时:连词的功能、并列连词从属连词【复习要点】一、连词的功能用来连接词,短语,从句或句子的词叫 。分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。二、并列连词从属连词(1)表并列关系的and, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor等。(2)表选择关系的or, eitheror等。(3)表转折关

    17、系的but, while等。(4)表因果关系的for, so等。从属连词用来引导从句。常见的从属连词有:(1)引导时间状语从句的after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as等。(2)引导条件状语从句的if, unless等。(3)引导原因状语从句的because, as, since等。(4)引导目的状语从句的so that, in order that等。(5)引导让步状语从句的though, although, even if等。(6)引导结果状语从句的so that, sothat, suchthat等。(7

    18、)引导比较状语从句的than, asas等。(8)引导宾语从句的that, if , whether等。【达标检测】一、选择所给的连词填空 when, because, but, before, if, so.that, asas, didntuntil, and, after, or, since 1. Hurry up, please! _youll be late for school.2. She _go to bed _ her mother came back.3. Yesterday Jim didnt go to see the film, _he must go over h

    19、is lessons.4. The students were talking about the sports meeting _ the teacher came in.5. I was _tired _I couldnt walk any more.6. This building is _ tall _ that one.7. Tom was ill yesterday, _he still went to school as usual.8. He asked me _I would go there with him.9. We have studied here _ 1994.1

    20、0. _the boy finished his homework, he went to bed.11. Study hard on your subjects, _youll do well in the exam.二、把下列句子变为同义句1. My brother went to the cinema, so did I. _ my brother _ I went to the cinema.2. The boy is so young that he cant look after himself. The boy isnt _ _ to look after himself. 3.

    21、 If you are lazy, you may not pass the exam. _ hard, _ you may not pass the exam. 4. Jacks mother asked him, “Have you packed your things?”Jacks mother asked him _ he _ packed his things.5. She realized Hainan was a beautiful place after she reached there. She _ realize Hainan was a beautiful place

    22、_ she reached there. 【教学反思】第四课时:常用连词的用法辨析【复习要点】常用连词的用法辨析一、并列连词1.表并列and “和,并且”, or “否则” ,but但是用 “and” 或“or” “but”填空:I study English Chinese.Does he work at school in the hospital?I get up early, my brother gets up late. Study hard, _ your math will be better= Study hard, _ your math will be worse.2.表

    23、转折的连词but 和however:but 后没有逗号,直接连接分句; however 后有逗号相隔,可放句末。He worked hard, _ he failed at last.He worked hard. _, he failed at last.3.复合并列连词 :either A or B neither A nor B not only A but also B 谓语就近原则。Either you or I _ going to the party.Neither I nor he _ seen the movie.Not only you but also he _ .二、从

    24、属连词1.notuntil/ till 直到才 /till 直到为止I go to bed you come back.I will work you come back.He _ speak until he was 3.My father _ come back until we had supper.He _get up until his mother wakes him up.2.“when” 和 “while”。Mr. White was taking a shower _ the UFO landed on the street. Mr. White was taking a s

    25、hower,the UFO landed on the street.3.so that so.that such.thatHe got up early he could catch the early bus.Im tired I cant walk any farther.It was a warm day he went swimming.He has little eduaction he is unable to get a job.名词前有many ,much , little ,few 时,用so不用such。【达标检测】1.I wont go to tomorrows par

    26、ty _ I am invited.A. if B. unless C. When2.Its going to rain. Youd better take an umbrella _ you may get wet.A. or B. and C. but3.Eric arrived on time, _ it was the rush hour.A. although B. because C. while D. unless4.They will lose the game _ they try their best.A. unless B. once C. since D. After5

    27、. Stop smoking, _ you will get better soon.A. and B. or C. but D. After6.Peter likes pop music, but _ his father _ his mother likes it.A.both; and B.not only; but also C.neither; nor D.either; or7.How do you like the two pairs of trousers?They dont fit me well. They are _ too long _ too short.A.not

    28、only; but also B.both; and C.neither; nor D.either; or【教学反思】 第五课时:综合复习单项选择1. _ Li Ping _ Wu Fang _ League members. A. Neither; nor; are B. Either; nor; is C. Both; and; are D. Neither; or; is2 .You can _ stay at home _ go out to play. A. either; or B. so; that C. neither; and D. both; and3. _ Wei Hu

    29、a _ Ann_ very busy.A. Both; and; is B. So; and; is C. Either; or; is D. So; that; are4. _ Monday_ Tuesday is QK, I will be free then.A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. So; that D. Both; and 5. _ my brother_ sister are doctors.A. Not; but B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Either; or6. The teacher, as well as his students _ football.A. like B. likes C. enjoy D. play 7. The doctor, along with these nur


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