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    1、22. A. children B. teachers C. parents D. students23. A. school B. homework C. research D. graduation24. A. lose B. graduate C. succeed D. fail25. A. difference B. similarity C. comparison D. distance26. A. pitiful B. successful C. harmful D. useful27. A. results in B. comes from C. makes up D. take

    2、s over28. A. writing B. reading C. learning D. collecting29. A. sure B. anxious C. worried D. happy30. A. classroom B. home C. graduation D. presentation 2My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling 21 , but I always knew he was 22 . He never criticized us, bu

    3、t used 23 to bring out our best. Hed say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you dont give them water, they die.” I remember as a child I said something _24 _ about somebody, and my father said, “Any time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, its a reflection of you.” He ex

    4、plained that if I looked for the best in people, I would get the best in return. From then on Ive always tried to 25 the principle in my life and later in running my company.Dads also always been very 26 . At 15, I started a magazine. It was taking up a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of m

    5、y school gave me a 27 : stay in school or leave to work on my magazine. I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, as any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad persuaded me to go into law. And Ive 28_ regretted it. I w

    6、anted to be a biologist, but I didnt pursue my dream. You know what you want. Go fulfill (实现) it.”As it turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national 29 for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and Id like to think we are bringing them up in the same wa

    7、y Dad _ 30 me.21. A. biologist B. manager C. lawyer D. gardener22. A. strict B. honest C. special D. learned23. A. praise B. courage C. power D. warmth24. A. unnecessary B. unkind C. unimportant D. unusual25. A. revise B. set C. review D. follow26. A. understanding B. experienced C. serious D. deman

    8、ding27. A. suggestion B. decision C. notice D. choice28. A. always B. never C. seldom D. almost29. A. newspaper B. magazine C. program D. project30. A. controlled B. comforted C. reminded D. raised 3Several factors make a good newspaper story. First obviously it must be new. But since TV can react t

    9、o events so quickly, this is often a problem for 21 . They usually respond to it in one of three ways.By providing 22 detail, comment or background information.By finding a new 23 on the days major stories.By printing completely different stories which TV doesnt broadcast.What else? Well it also has

    10、 to be 24 . People dont want to read about ordinary, everyday life. Because of this, many stories 25 some kind of conflict or danger. This is one reason why so much news seems to be 26 news. “Plane lands safely no one hurt” doesnt sell newspapers. “Plane 27 -200 dead!” does.Next, theres human intere

    11、st. People are interested in other 28 particularly in the rich, famous and powerful. Stories about the private lives of pop singers,actors,models,politicians, 29 , all appear regularly in certain newspapers.Finally, for many editors, 30 is an important factor, too. They prefer stories about people,

    12、place and events which their readers know. Thats why the stories in Tokyos newspapers are of ten very different from the stories printed in Paris, Cairo, New York or Buenos Aires. 21.A.newspapers 22.A.extra23.A.direction24.A.tragic25.A.quote26.A.good27.A.crashes28.A.places29.A.in addition30.A.person

    13、ality 4Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Without a car most people feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor he doesnt feel _21_ poor when he has a car. There are three main reasons that the car has become so _22_ in the United States. _23_ the country is a huge on

    14、e and Americans like to move around in it. The car _24_ the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation. The second reason is that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transport. Long distance trains have never been as _25_ in the United State

    15、s as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air-service provided by planes. But it is too expensive to be used _26_. The third reason is the most important one. The Americans spirit of _27_ is what really makes cars popular. Americans dont like to wait for a bus or

    16、a train _28_ a plane. They dont like to have to _29_ an exact schedule. A car gives them the freedom to schedule their own time. And this is the freedom that Americans want _30_ to have.21. A. really B. truly C. actually D. exactly 22. A. well-known B. lovely C. popular D. famous 23. A. In all B. Af

    17、ter all C. First of all D. Above all24. A. offers B. provides C. takes D. proves25. A. common B. usual C. unusual D. ordinary 26. A. frequently B. continuously C. completely D. fully 27. A. dependence B. self-confidence C, selfishness D. independence 28. A. or even B. but C. and D. nor 29. A. take B

    18、. receive C. follow D. accept 30. A. worst B. most C. best D. least5 Everyone knows what laziness is. Laziness can be harmful, and it is often caused by more complex reasons than the simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from many more serious (1)_. They may be s

    19、o distrustful to their fellow workers that they are unable to join (2)_ any group task for fear of ridicule or fear of having their ideas (3)_. Sometime they are unable to deal with (4)_ less important work is on hand. Laziness can (5)_ be helpful. We should all remember that some great scientific d

    20、iscoveries (6)_ by chance. Newton wasnt working when the apple (17)_ him and he set up the theory of gravity. And sometimes, being lazy - that is, (8)_ time off for a rest - is good for the overworked people. (9)_ be careful when youre tempted to (10)_ someone lazy. That person may be thinking, rest

    21、ing or planning his next book. 21.A. questions B. problems C. illness D. concerns 22. A. in B. by C. for D. along23. A. stealing B. stolen C. being stealing D. having stolen24. A. whenever B. wherever C. whichever D. whatever25. A. briefly B. actually C. exactly D. instantly26. A. made B. taken C. c

    22、laimed D. occurred27. A. hit B. blew C. beat D. shot28. A. bringing B. taking C. using D. making29.A. So B. Then C. Consequently D. As a result30. A. tell B. mention C. call D. name6 Pele, (real name, Edison Arantes do Nascimento), first became (11)_ as the star of the (12)_ Brazilian team (13)_ won

    23、 the 1958 World Cup. (14)_ the press and the public immediately looked (15)_ him as a football genius (天才) and since then people (16)_ him as one of the greatest players (17)_ time. His (18)_ control of the ball and his ability (19)_ powerfully and accurately have helped him score over 1,3000 goals.

    24、 Pele was born in 1940 and, when he was a child, he played football (20)_ in the streets of his hometown. He was an international player at the age of 16, and when he was still only 17, earned his first World Cup winners medal. Although there have been players of comparable skill and intelligence, n

    25、o one has been able to match Peles all round ability or his record of achievement. Today, he is still the most admired and respected personality in the history of football.21. A. surprised B. diligent C. intelligent D. news22. A. good-looking B. magnificent C. excellent D. splendid23. A. when B. tha

    26、t C. if D. what24. A. Both B. Each C. Either D. Neither25.A. upon B. at C. for D. to26. A. has regarded B. are regarding C. have regarded D. is regarding27. A. for some B. at a C. for all D. of all28. A. common B. perfect C. Ordinary D. wonderfully29. A. of shoot and head B. to kick C. to throw D. t

    27、o shoot and head30. A. barefoot B. with foot C. on foot D. by foot 7 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从120各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) I told her everything that had happened to me in Dr Webbers secret brain-research Lab. out on the other side of Crystal Town. I showed her the photos I had 21 taken with a hidden micro-camera. I told her about my best friendPlummetwho had 22 with me. I told her how he was afraid to come to the police. She 23 again. “Dont you worry, Mr. Se


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