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    1、知行英语期末复习资料重点英语期末复习资料Unit1、Money ManagementTask1:choose the best item to complete each of following sentences.1、When you move out of the house ,you should_the door keys to me.hand in out over aroundSo loudly_that people could hear it out in the street. did the students play the music students playing

    2、 the music students played the music the students played the music Ill show you to accomplish each step _in the next several sections.in turn fact place timeBeing disabled,the black girl had much difficulty_pocket money.earn earn They will carry out this experiment,_what happens.in front of favor of

    3、 case of ofIts essential that every child_the same educational opportunities.has be given be givenTonys hair is so long that he has decided to have it _this weekend.cutting cut cut Your parents and teachers have rich experience_you should benefit.which which which After first politely declining,he_t

    4、ook a seat in the front row.essentially Youd better task an extra 10 dollars _you need it for a taxi.unless spite of case Task2: fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets.Each student will be asked to attend an interview and may be asked to bring any evidence of preparati

    5、on for the(present)_.All of these uses depend on obtaining and (potential)_changing the data contained in the message.The number of the terrorists(sponsor) _by certain governments has declined in recent years.Since you have never been to that city ,you might as well make(reserve)_for your hotel.My s

    6、uggestion is that the boss (not take)_advantage of cheap labor without offering insurances.I hate to be forced to watch so many(commerce)_on TV.Ford tired dividing the labor,each worker (assign)_a separate task. After making a full(confess)_,she felt purged of any sense of sin.Its(absolute)_necessar

    7、y to type the patients blood before a blood transfusion.The little boy is considered(take)_a challenge to take part in that physics competition.Unit2,The Best Kind of LoveTask1:choose the best item to complete each of following sentences.Your wedding ring can be engraved_a personal inscription at no

    8、 extra cost. Tom kept clearing his throat_make his voice_by all of the students in the meeting.to;heard ;hear;heard ;hearingThey prefer that it _a mystery,much like Edgar Allan Poe himself. remind He_you more help ,even though he was very busy.might have given given give have given No matter how har

    9、d it is ,Ill make _one day. The millions of calculations involved,had they been done by hand,_all practical value by the time they were finished.could lose have lost to have lostIt is reported that the suspect has confessed to_a bank.have robbed Because the drug has been studied in humans for only a

    10、 few years,nobody knows_its long-term effects will be.any of which which Only a very_surgery could save him and it was looking like there was no one to loan them the money. Not only_,but also he hand been sent to prison the poor man had been find the poor man been fined poor man was fined the poor m

    11、an finedTask2: fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets.She(move)_to tears when the bridegroom said,l love you for ever.The mothers heart was broken when the murderer confessed to(kill)_her son.I feel like(stay)_in bed all day.Keep breathing,letting the breath open and (

    12、soft)_your heart.The boy handed the girl some pretty pink flowers (whisper)_l love you. I had a feeling of (embarrassing)_when my suggestion was denied directly. (catch)_sight of the snake on the ground,the little girl jumped off with fear.The greatest thing you can do to your enemy is (forgiveness)

    13、_them.I get(annoy)_when someone talks to me while Im reading.The analysis of economic(sensitive)_Shows that our project is productive.Unit3,Time ManagementTask1:choose the best item to complete each of following sentences.He_his suitcase with his clothes. The doctor gave the seriously injured girl a

    14、n injection to _her pain. Our ways of looking at these problems dont_each other.mesh with against with inThe two students are dismissed from school_.By same token the same token the same token same tokenIf you think you are sick you should not_going to the doctor. up out off throughThe children_the

    15、correct answer if they hadnt been so careless.could have figured out to figure out figure out figured outIt is such a small point that its hardly worth _about.to be trouble trouble troubledOwing to various delays on route,we arrived two days_.ahead of schedule schedule schedule schedule Once you_int

    16、o a habit, its very hard to get rid of it. fall fallenSuccess in your job doesnt mean you have to _your health. Task2: fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets.When he said he never wanted to see you again, Im sure he didnt mean it(literal)_.Everyone should take time to

    17、be alone to (prior)_all of their tasks and create a plan.The company is discussing about the (delegate)_of staff to Europe.The research shows that the good health system improves peoples lives(tangible)_Every day.Conquering(procrastinate)_is the process of replacing bad work habits with good ones.I

    18、tried to beat him out of the habit of(smoke)_.It occurs to me that he might(interest)_in the problem we had discussed.It is quite clear that this rule cannot(apply)_to very case.A beginners painting cant (compare)_that of an expert.20、It is wrong to(different)_between people according to their famil

    19、y background.Unit4,Campus SafetyTask1:choose the best item to complete each of following sentences.Everyone must be present unless you have a_reason for asking for leave.legitimate I was asked to_the best and worst aspects of my present job.praise Teachers recommend parents_their children under 12 t

    20、o rid bicycles to school for safety.mustnt allow not allow allow t allowWhenever he has time he will go to the library,because there are always a lot of reference books for him to_over. Can you_the light bulb_a brighter one.to .with .with .toDrugs,the root of all evils,can make you do all kinds of_t

    21、hings. We were forced to_our office from downtown New York to suburbs because the rent in big city was too high.be transferred relocated D. RelocateLook at the time!You _a school ten minutes ago if you had got up earlier.should have been have been been-Ann has made great progress recently. -_and_.So

    22、 has she.so have you B So she has.so you have has she.so you have she has.so have youIt_met Tom in the stress yesterday. l who me who l who me whomTask2: fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets.If you remain(anonymity)_when you do something,you do not let people know th

    23、at you were the person who did it.I read the news in todays local paper that the two film stars had formally announced their (engage)_.(toss)_around all night with that fever,poor John was much troubled with his bad cold and decided to see a doctor as soon as possible.He seemed (stun)_by the news th

    24、at former millionaire is heavily in debt now.It was his custom to approach every problem(cautious)_.He will never pressure you (get)_married.17、I dont think her proposal is (accept)_to me ,although it needs some improvement.She has received a response from that college to her (apply)_.A talk on deve

    25、lopments in science and technology will(give)_in the school hall next week.He is working hard for fear of (fail)_.Unit5,The InternetTask1:choose the best item to complete each of following sentences.My younger bother suggests that emails_checked at once because this matter is very urgent. be He has

    26、decided to_smoking and drinking,because his health is becoming worse. out off down acrossIn my opinion,it is not right to comment_peoples private affairs. I was informed yesterday that l was only person who_the opportunity to conduct research in this lab the next year. been had have hadShe is so cle

    27、ver that she can tell you _to weave reeds into a beautiful basket. When l was interviewed for a new job,l was asked to describe my role_a member of a sales team in my former company. All the smart phones_by the end of this week.will be repaired repaired have been repaired be repaired_does harm to hi

    28、s health,so his wife has always asked him to quit it,jack smoking s smoking s been smoking smokesSome young students are so addicted to computer games that can stay up later_them. play He is working very hard now because hie career is at a(n)_turning point.effective Task2: fill in each blank with th

    29、e proper from of the word given in brackets.My teacher told me that storing customer details in computer made them readily (access)_.With the rapid development of the market,we must (constant)_adapt and innovate to ensure success in it.He is (know)_as a strict teacher who is feared by his students.It was rude of you not(social)_with the people at the party. His (comment)_were deeply unpleasant to a large number of people who are in favor of correct Eng


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