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    1、经典英语作文范例阅读与备考指导经典英语作文范例阅读与备考指导高考英语作文备考资料:常用词汇集合及用法正确表达 之所以说作文是综合水平的体现,是因为考生的知识水平、熟练程度、理解深度到底如何,只有作文能够检验出来。单词背得多的,文章读得多,在西方文化里浸泡的时间长的,写出来的文章会脱颖而出。 虽然这方面的水平的提高是只能是长时间努力的结果,但是熟练掌握高考作文时常涉及的各类词汇,各类表达方式是事半功倍的。 词汇及其使用 许多学生因为词汇量的匮乏无法表达题目所要求的内容,而平时博览群书的考生就不会对文章所涉及的领域感到陌生。对一般考生来说,高考大纲上的词汇必须全部掌握。因为课内的单词如果能熟练的运

    2、用,就不会出现没米下锅的情况。词汇扩充 我们在这里仅对有限的几个领域的词汇提供一些参考,都是需要学生能够灵活驾驭的词汇,此处由于篇幅考虑不做注释和用法讲解:领域名词性形容词性动词,动词短语学校Campus, facilities, theme, goal, preference, course, routine,passionate, enthusiastic, ambitious, confident, easygoing, boringparticipate, concentrate, focus, attract, distract, inspire, sit up all night,

    3、 课外Interview, community service, part-time job, pocket money, spare time,tempting, popular, challenging, corrupted,Volunteer, waste time in, relax, get away from, 社会现象policy, atmosphere, dialogue, beauty, civilization, culture, nutrition, housingprivacy, standardSkin deep, superficial, stylish, fash

    4、ionable, common, effective, determined, represent, lead, direct, have a positive/negative effect on, affect the lives of, spare no efforts to, turn sth. into reality, take much action to, take measures to,经济progress, growth, prosperity, luxury, biotechnology, income, increasing, Optimistic, pessimis

    5、tic, financial, rapiddecrease, boom, continue, come to a stop, get laid off, encourage flourish,环境coast, climate, atmosphere, species, Environmental, ecological, endangered, Pollute, protect, preserve, establish,城市subway, tunnels, skyscrapers, suspension bridges, theatres, Crowded, in harmony, priva

    6、te, Construct, rebuild, relocate, tear down, flood, blueprint, 词汇用法 作文是对考生对词汇用法掌握程度的最有效测试。 很多考生死记硬背了学多单词,但是没有搞动每一个词的用法和搭配,实际上等于只能认读该词,并没有真正的学会。想写出好的作文要在此地用法上好好下一番功夫。 以 Make、get的搭配和动词短语为例来示范一下一个单词应该掌握到什么程度: Make “做,制造” 一些搭配: make tea 沏茶 make bed 铺床 make suggestion 提建议 make faces做鬼脸 动词短语: 1. make it 成

    7、功,实现 We were surprised that he made it at last. 2. make sense 有道理 Does your sentence make sense? 3. make the most of 充分利用 It is wise to make the most of the weekend. 还有make friends with交朋友, make a fool of sb.开某人的玩笑, make room for sb.腾地方给某人,make way让路,make (full)use of 充分利用;等等 注意,make up有五种常用意义,分别是:

    8、1组成;2化妆;3编造;4和解;5弥补。 注意理解下面一篇小文: My family is made up of my parents and me. Mom, quite into her own look, makes up 5 times a day. When asked how she looks, Dad usually makes up some lies. But sometimes mom can tell and have fight with dad. Soon afterward they will make up, because dad always makes u

    9、p for her by doing some chores.Get “取得,成为” 1. get (the message) across 传达 The teacher got his idea across to student by drawing a picture. 2. get ahead of 领先 If you want to get ahead of others, work harder. 3. get away from 远离 I wish I could get away from school. 4. get away with 被放过,不受惩罚 You can ne

    10、ver get away with cheating. 5. get on with 相处 The twins get on well with each other. 6. get by 凑合,勉强维持 The cats cannot get by without food in winter. 7. get hold of 抓住,得到 I didnt get hold of the question in the test. 8. get into/out of the habit 养成/改掉习惯 It takes nothing to get into a bad habit, but

    11、take a lot of things to get out of it. 9. get over 克服(情绪),从恢复 I havent never gotten over from the shock that I failed the mid-term exam. 10. get rid of 摆脱 I just want to get rid of the bad moods. 句型 在深刻理解了英语作文的几种篇章结构以后,根据不同文章题材的需要,正确灵活的使用各种句型。那么就能在文章中写出闪光的句子,使行文自然流畅,条理清晰。 2001年的上海高考考题要求我们使用第二(现象-影响-

    12、建议)论述结构,其中就有一些句型结构可以根据情况灵活使用。 1. 现象描述句 Recently, with the rapid development of industry . In few recent years, there is a sudden increase in A great change has taken places everywhere in the past few decades 2. 影响分析句 There are a number of effect of, the 1st2nd.3 It may cause serious consequences It

    13、will give rise to a lot of problems 3. 建议句 It would be wise to if we want to How can we without The most effective way to solve these problems is 这些句型中的词汇可以根据题目要求的题材不同进行更替,要在服务于中心的前提下适当地使用它们。不能言过其实,或是与题目内容背道而驰。 要做到这一点,需要考生良好的词汇功底和对这些句式的熟练掌握。 连贯 连贯是对每一位考生最需要学习的内容。汉语和英语作文的最大区别尽显于此。 汉语作文中所需要逻辑符号远远少于英语作

    14、文,主要的原因是两种文化中的阅读和表达习惯不同。英语文章需要大量的连接词,用于表达句与句之间的逻辑关系,因而考生应对这些词汇有着深刻了解。 每一个由主、谓、宾等成分组成的完整句和下一个完整句之间应该有着意义上的关系。要让文章连贯,只需突出这些“意义上的关系”。具体做法可以有: 1. 补充逻辑功能词 2. 关系代词联系法 3. 从句联系法 首先来讲讲逻辑功能词,是指联系一个意群和相邻的一个意群的短语或单词。 这种方法是所有英语作文里必须的,也是最常见的。我们在这里不去赘述常见的连词和表达方式,对大家的逻辑功能词进行扩充,用法会在以后的课堂中进行讲解。 逻辑功能词扩充 次序 first, seco

    15、nd, third, first and foremost, last but not least. 原因和理由 consequently, therefore, hence, thus, as a result of,owing to this, on account of this. 目的 in order to, so as to, so that, for the purpose of 补充 not only but also, furthermore, in addition, moreover, whats more, besides, as well (as), 强调和重申 ab

    16、ove all, in fact, in particular, particularly, most importantly, especially, that is to say, in other word 对比和转折 on one hand on the other hand, in contrast with, whereas,on the contrary 让步 however, nevertheless, yet, despite this, 总述和收尾 all in all, in a word, in summary, in conclusion, to sum up, on

    17、 the whole, 其次是关系代词联系法。当我们在第一句提到一个事物的时候,下一句要继续围绕着这个事物的一个相关事物进行写作,而不宜另起炉灶写一个毫无关系事物。常用的词除了it, he, she, that, 还有描述方式和程度的 so, such 等等。比如 He usually has his dinner quite late. Such habit makes him fatter and fatter. 最后是从句联系法。顾名思义从句联系法就是利用定语从句将描述性的几个句子结合到一个句子里,比如 The campus of our school is so beautiful t

    18、hat whoever visiting the city will come to our school for sightseeing.掌握2个万能公式 高考英语作文结尾轻松搞定1 结尾万能公式一:如此结论说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子: obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from

    19、 politeness and respect for others. 如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了!更多过渡短语: to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus更多句型: thus, it can be concluded that, therefore, we can find that2结尾万能公式二:如此建议如果说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应该是最有价值的废话了,因为这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。拽! obviously, it is

    20、 high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢?更多句型: accordingly, i recommend that some measures be taken. consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.高考英语作文写作:六种结尾方式示例指导文章结尾的作用是概括全文内容,进一步强调或肯定文章的中心思想,使文章意义表达得更加深刻。 文章

    21、结尾的形式也是多种多样的,常见的有以下几种:1.首尾呼应,画龙点睛在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。如“I Cannot Forget Her” (我忘不了她)的结尾:After her death,I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away,but I knew she would not have had any regrets at having given her life for the benefit of the peo

    22、ple.2.重复主题句结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。如“I Love My Home Town”(我爱家乡)的结尾:I love my home town,and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.3.自然结尾随着文章的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如“Fishing”(钓鱼)的结尾:I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours,but my bro

    23、ther caught many more. Tired from fishing,we lay down on the river bank,bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.4.含蓄性的结尾用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考。如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾:Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet

    24、 with sweat,but on every face there was a smile.5.用反问结尾虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引起读者深思。如“Should We Learn to Do Housework?”(我们要不要学做家务?) 的结尾。Everyone should learn to do housework. Dont you agree,boys and girls?6.指明方向,激励读者结尾表示对将来的展望,或期待读者投入行动。如“Lets Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:As we have said ab

    25、ove,sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Lets go in for sports.文章的结尾没有一定的模式,可以根据表达主题的需要灵活创造。一般的习惯是,一些记叙文和描写文经常采用自然结尾的方法;但说理性和逻辑性较强的说明文和议论文则往往都有结束语,以便使文章首尾呼应,结构完整。高考英语作文高分

    26、秘诀一、名人名言必背部分。在英语作文中,我们经常会引用一些名人名言。这里就向大家介绍一些,务必要全部脱口而出!Culture文化篇1.A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.(P. B. Shelley , British poet )伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱. P. B)2.Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter )美术是揭示真理的谎言。(西班

    27、牙画家 毕加索)3.Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain , American novelist )幽默被人正确地解释为以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑。(美国小说家 马克吐温)4.The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet )文

    28、学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。(德国诗人 歌德. J . W .)5.When one loves ones art no service seems too hard .(O. Henry, American novelist)一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。(美国小说家 欧亨利)Education 教育篇6.And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet)勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟)7.Better be unborn than untaught , fo

    29、r ignorance is the root of misfortune.(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)Friendship 友谊篇8. Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason.(Sharita Gadison)一些朋友随季节离去,而另外一些则伴我们度过美好的季节。9.A true friend is someone you can disagre

    30、e with and still remain friends. For if not, they werent true friends in the first place.(Sandy Ratliff)真朋友是可以与你有不同见解的,如果不是,首先就不是真朋友。10.True friendship is felt, not said.(Mariecris Madayag)朋友是说不出的感觉。11.Friends are like stars,you dont always see them, but you know theyre always there.(Hulali Luta)朋友是感觉不到的存在。12.Memories last forever, never do they die. Friends stay together, never say goodbye.(Melina Campos)记忆永不死,朋友永不说再见。Health 健康篇13.light heart lives long.( William Shakespeare , British dramatist )豁达者长寿(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)14.Early to bed


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