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    外研社高中英语选修六Module 3 备课参考Word格式.docx

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    外研社高中英语选修六Module 3 备课参考Word格式.docx

    1、They are proud to have raised such a fine son. 养育这样一个好儿子他们感到很自豪。及物动词 vt. 种植;种 grow plants We raised a good crop of tomatoes this year. 今年我们种的西红柿长得很好。及物动词 vt. 弄到;筹集 fetch something; bring something together We had great difficulty in raising the money. 我筹集这笔钱有很大困难。及物动词 vt. 提出 bring forward for consid

    2、eration; present She raised a very important question at the meeting. 她在会上提出一个非常重要的问题。Why didnt you raise the question at the meeting?这问题你怎么没在会上提出来?及物动词 vt. 提高声音;使被听到;大声说出 make(ones voice)louder; cause to be heard; say(something)in a loud voice The gang raised the roof with their singing. 这帮人大喊大叫,好像

    3、要掀翻屋顶似的。The leader raised his voice so that we could all hear. 领袖放大了嗓门,以便我们都听得见 名词 n. 量之增加;(尤用于美)提高薪资 an increase in amount, a rise in wages He got a raise in his monthly wages. 他的月薪增加了。The two brothers made quite a raise in the California mines. 两兄弟在加利福尼亚矿区搞到一笔钱。2. swing不可数名词 n.U 摇摆;晃动;摇荡 moving ba

    4、ckwards and forwards through the air The swing of the dogs long tail knocked a vase from the little table. 狗摆动它的长尾巴,打翻了小桌子上的花瓶。不可数名词 n.U 韵律;节奏 strong rhythm Jazz music has a lot of swing. 爵士音乐节律很强。可数名词 n.C 秋千 hanging seat for a child to move backwards and forwards through the air Children like to go

    5、 back and forth on the swings in the park. 孩子们喜欢在公园的秋千上荡来荡去。play on the swing 荡秋千 不及物动词 vi. 摇动;摇摆 hang and move from side to side or backwards and forwards through the air The monkey was swinging in the tree. 猴子在树上荡来荡去。不及物动词 vi. 摇摆而行 move with a free swinging motion The soldiers swung along the stre

    6、et. 士兵们沿路摇摇摆摆地前进。及物动词 vt. 使摇摆;摇动;摆动 cause to move backward and forward We swing our arms when we walk. 我们走路的时候摆动两臂。及物动词 vt. 悬挂;悬吊 put up so as to move freely; hang on hinges; suspend Swing a lamp from the ceiling. 请将灯悬在天花板上。及物动词 vt. 使打转;使旋转 cause to turn in a curve The tide swung the boat round. 潮水使

    7、船打了一个转。3. confront及物动词 vt. 面对;碰面 stand in front of and stare at; stand facing He was confronted by a policeman at the gate. 他在大门口碰到了警察。及物动词 vt. 对抗 face boldly; oppose They confronted the power of government. 他决定和敌人相抵抗。及物动词 vt. 使面对 (confront with)place before; bring face to face with He was confronte

    8、d with the evidence. 证据摆在他面前。The new system will be confronted with great difficulties at the start. 新体系开始时会遇到极大的困难。4. regret及物动词 vt. 感到遗憾,抱歉;懊悔;悔恨 to be sorry about I didnt regret the choice I had made. 我做了这个选择并不后悔。She regretted having missed the film. 她懊悔没能看上那场电影。I only regret that I have but one

    9、life to lose for my country. 我遗憾的只是我仅仅能为祖国贡献一次生命。It is a matter to be regretted. 这是一件令人遗憾的事。He said he much regretted not being able to help. 他说,他为不能给予帮助深感遗憾。I regret to say that we cant stay here any longer. 我很抱歉,我们不能再在这儿多呆了。名词 n. 悔恨;惋惜 the feeling of being sorry; sorrow at the loss or absence of s

    10、omething; sorrow for what has or has not been done. Why did little Franz begin to have regret ?为什么小弗朗兹开始感到惋惜?I felt a great regret at having spent my time in this way. 我对这样浪费光阴深感懊悔。Much to my regret, I didnt go with them. 非常遗憾,我没有同他们一起去。a matter for regret 一件憾事 refuse with much regret 婉言拒绝 express d

    11、eep regret at 对深表遗憾 5. betray及物动词 vt. 出卖;背叛 be untrue to someone who is your friend He who betrays his country must be punished. 背叛祖国的人必须受到惩罚。He betrayed his friends to the enemy. 他把朋友出卖给敌人。及物动词 vt. 泄漏(秘密);暴露 tell a secret, etc. He betrayed the news to all his friends. 他把消息向他所有的朋友泄漏了。The enemy betra

    12、yed himself. 敌人原形毕露了。及物动词 vt. 不忠;违背 be false to She betrayed her promise. 她违背了诺言。6. slide名词 n. 滑;滑动 moving smoothly over or down something The children were having a slide down the icy path. 孩子们沿结冰的小道滑动。名词 n. 滑梯 special thing for children where they can climb up steps and move down the other side Th

    13、ere are swings and slides in the childrens playground. 在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯。名词 n. 幻灯片 piece of film that one puts in a projector which shows the picture on a screen Slides are shown once a week in their physics class. 他们每周一次在物理课上放映幻灯。Do you want a colour film for slides or prints?你要的彩色胶卷是做幻灯片用还是为了冲晒加印?名词 n

    14、. 滑面 a smooth surface for sliding on A frozen brook makes a good slide. 结冻的溪流形成了一个好的光滑面。名词 n. 雪崩;土崩 a mass of earth,snow,etc.sliding down a slope The slide buried the trees in its path. 土崩一路上把树木埋了起来。动词 v. 滑动;使滑动 move smoothly;make something move smoothly The girl is sliding on the ice. 女孩在冰上滑行。The d

    15、rawers of my desk slide in and out easily. 我书桌的抽屉容易推进拉出。动词 v. 不声不响地溜走 go away quietly without being noticed Quickly we slid into the bush and then watched. 我们赶快溜进树丛里,观察动静。She slid out of the room when no one was looking. 趁没有人注意的时候她从房间里溜了出去。动词 v. 流逝;流;不知不觉地陷入 to pass gradually The summer days are sli

    16、ding by and soon it will be autumn. 夏天悄悄地过去,秋天就要来了。动词 v. 滑落 to slip and fall The wet bar of soap slid from my hands. 那块湿肥皂从我手中滑落了。7. spray名词 n. 浪花;水花;喷雾 liquid going through the air in tiny drops Clouds of spray rose from the sea as it crashed on the rocks. 海水冲击岩石,团团浪花飞入空中。The wind blew the spray fr

    17、om the waves over us. 风把浪花吹到了我们身上。名词 n. 喷雾器 can with liquid that shoots out in fine drops when one presses a button spray gun 喷枪 the spray of a waterfall 瀑布的飞沫 及物动词 vt. 向喷射 shoot out in spray; make liquid shoot out He sprayed an insecticide upon the plants to kill the insects. 他给作物喷药,以杀死害虫。Theyre sp

    18、raying DDT.to kill the insects. 他们在喷洒滴滴涕杀虫。The peasants are spraying their vegetable gardens. 农民在给菜园喷灌(浇水)。I am spraying the mosquitoes. 我在喷杀蚊子。不及物动词 vi. 喷出水沫;产生水沫 form spray 8. predict及物动词 vt. 预言,预告,预报,预测 The weather forecast predicts sunshine for tomorrow. 天气预报预测明天天晴。及物动词 vt. 预言They predicted It w

    19、as predicted that there would be an earthquake. 他们预言会有地震。及物动词 vt. 预言 He predicted when war would break out. 他预言战争何时会爆发。典型例题 【例1】Hearing the interesting story,all the people present _.Aburst into laughingBburst into laughterCburst out laugh Dburst out laughter【答案】B 【解析】burst into laughterburst out la

    20、ughing“突然大笑起来”。【例2】As is known,mobile phones make it possible for people to _ each other conveniently.Akeep in touch Bget in touch withClose touch with Dbe connected【解析】get in touch with sb.“和某人取得联系”,表动作。针对训练1The number of the students in this school _ by 5% every year.Arise BraisesCrises Dlifts2_ h

    21、is age,he did it quite well,so dont _ him anymore.AGiven;blame BConsidered;sayCTo regard;scold DConsidering;speak3Let us suppose that you are in _ position of _ parent.Would you allow your child to do such a thing?Aa;a Ba;theCthe;a Dthe;4You were brave enough to raise the objections at the meeting.W

    22、ell,now I regret _ that.Ato do Bto be doingCto have done Dhaving done5We have _ in the future.We are sure of our success.Atrust BbeliefCfaith DwishesUnit 2 1close (1) adj.近的,紧密的,精密的 a close friend 一位亲密的朋友 We keep a close watch on the prisoners.我们严密看守囚犯。(2)adv.接近,紧密地 She came close to him.辨析:close与cl

    23、osely 二者都可以做副词用,close指位置上的接近;closely表示抽象的“密切地,紧密地”They are closely related. 他们关系密切。2burst out 突然发生;突然起来 burst out laughing/crying 突然大笑/哭起来burst into laughter/tears 突然大笑/哭起来3knock over (开车)撞伤,撞死Alex was knocked over by a bus yesterday.knock over 表“打翻,撞倒”She knocked over a cup of tea.她打翻了一杯茶。knock out

    24、 击倒;将淘汰掉China knocked America out of the semifinals.中国队将美国淘汰出半决赛。knock into 碰撞;不期而遇I knocked into him in the street the other day.前两天我偶然4raise vt. rise vi (1)招募,筹资 raise an army 招募一支军队 raise money for the Project (2)抬高,举起 raise your hand (3)提高,增加,提升 raise salaries 提高工资 raise the rent raise ones voic

    25、e in anger (4)养育,栽培,种植 raise wheat/ cattle/ his family (5)提出 raise a question5make up 和好,和解编造;虚构 make up a story化妆 She took over 30 minutes to make herself up.补偿,弥补 make up missed lessons 补课整理 make up his bed6keep in touch with sb. 与保持联系 表状态 lose touch with sb. get in touch with sb. 与取得联系 表动作 out of

    26、 touch7The first time I lost my best friend, I thought it was the end of the world.the first time 连词,类似的还有every timefor the first time 则为一个时间状语8go away 外出度假9be blessed with 享有的福气10dig up 从地里挖出,掘起11It was here that I discovered that I was allergic to the tiny flies which bit me and made my face swell

    27、. 分析句子结构:总体上是一个强调句,强调句中包含一个宾语从句,宾语从句中又包含一个定语从句。be allergic to 对敏感12chase sb./sth. away/off 赶走,驱逐 chase after 追逐,追赶13slide down/along 沿着滑行 slideslidslid14.make sth out of 由制成15.slip 滑,滑行 slip slipped slipping16.be on good terms with sb. 与某人关系很好17.give a salute to sb. 向某人敬礼18.be nostalgic for 对很怀念19.be ashamed of 内疚的,惭愧的 【例1】Are you sure Nick will help us if we are in trouble?_.He is a reliable friend.AIt doesnt matter BDont take it to heartCYou can count on it DNo problem 【答案】C 【解析】考查交际用语。从后面的“He is


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