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    江苏版届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 3 The world.docx

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    江苏版届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 3 The world.docx

    1、江苏版届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 3 The worldUnit 3 The world of colours and lightA卷 单项填空1During the disaster, the most important thing the local government did was to supply _for the homeless masses.Aoccupation B.furnitureCequipment Daccommodation D解析:accommodation表示 “住处”, 符合语境。 occupation意为“占用, 工作, 职业

    2、”; furniture表示 “家具”; “equipment”表示 “设备, 器材”, 均不符合题意。2.What do you think of the conditions here? Oh, wonderful! _ a better hotel.ASeldom we can find BRarely do we findCHardly can we find DNever will we find C解析:考查倒装。 表示否定的副词位于句首需要用部分倒装, can/could 的否定形式与比较级连用, 表示肯定之意, 所以选择C项。3Traditionally, Chinese pe

    3、ople _ the Chinese characters “Double Happiness” and stick them onto walls or doors for weddings. Acut out Bcut off Ccut up Dcut down A解析:考查词组辨析。 A删掉; 裁剪; 剪下; 取代 B切掉; 切断; 中断 C切碎D.砍倒; 减少。 句意:传统上, 中国人会在婚礼前剪下红双喜字并将它们贴在墙上或门上。 故选A。4Everyone who reached the top of Mount Tai was _with a magnificent view.Aa

    4、warded BadmiredCrewarded DappreciatedC解析:考查动词辨析。 句意:到达泰山顶部的每个人都能看到壮丽的景观。 reward“奖赏; 奖励”, 多指对某人的工作或服务等的报答, 符合语境。 award“因而授予某人”, 通常指正式地或官方地颁发、授予; admire“钦佩; 赞美”; appreciate“感激; 欣赏”。5Supermarkets now offer a great_of goods to satisfy different needs and_Avariety; tastes B.type; hopesCnumber; smells Dki

    5、nd; marketsA解析:考查词义辨析。 a great variety of “一系列的; 多种类的”; different needs and tastes“不同的需求和口味”。6Mary rushed home_she heard the news, only_ that her husband was gone.Aas soon as; finding Bimmediately; to findCthe moment; find Dwhen; foundB解析:考查状语从句和非谓语动词; 第一个空A、B、C项都能选; 而第二个空only to find表示“出乎意料之外的结果”。7

    6、The scientists are able to_accurately when the spaceship will reach the moon.Aaccumulate BcalculateCappoint DestimateB解析:考查动词辨析。 句意:科学家们能够准确地推算出宇宙飞船抵达月球的时间。 calculate“推算, 计算”, 符合句意。 accumulate“积累, 积聚”; appoint“约会, 确定”; estimate“估计”。8More than one hundred and fifty teachers are working hard in our sc

    7、hool, _ ages_ twentythree _ fortyfive.Awhich; range to; betweenBwhose; range from; toCthat; range for; andDit; range with; toB解析:第一个空whose修饰ages并且引导非限制性定语从句; 第二、三空考查range from.to.结构的用法。9Its reported that by the end of this year the output of cars of the factory_by about 20%.Awill have risen Bwill be

    8、 raisedCwill rise Dwill have been risenA解析:考查时态和语态。 时间为by the end of this year, 故选用将来完成时态; 主语为the output of cars of the factory, 动词rise为不及物动词, 没有被动语态, 故选A。10His parents thought only in this way _ become successful, studying abroad.Acould Tom BTom couldCis Tom able to DTom is able to A解析:考查倒装用法。 句意:汤

    9、姆的父母原认为只有用这种方式到国外学习, 汤姆才能成功。 当“only状语”置于句首时, 后面句子的主谓要使用部分倒装, 故选择A项。11The theme of the painting is too_ for the audience to understand.Arealistic BabstractCtruly DclearlyB解析:abstract“抽象的, 深奥的”。 根据句子结构和意思选B。 句意:绘画的主题太抽象, 观众看不懂。12Nowadays with the increasing popularity of cars, people are taking _ exer

    10、cise a day as they did in the past.Ahalf as much Bas half asCless than half much D.as halfA解析:句意:现在随着汽车的不断普及, 人们每天的锻炼量只有原先的一半。 根据倍数的表达法, 表倍数的词要放在as前, 故选A项。13(2018溧阳中学模拟) So absorbed in his work _ that not a sound _Awas the president; did she dare to makeBwas the president; dared she to makeCthe pres

    11、ident was; she dared makeDthe president was; she did dare to makeA解析:so.that.结构中, so.位于句首时, 句子须用部分倒装; 具有否定意义的副词位于句首时, 句子须用部分倒装。 14(2018盐城中学高三综合测试) _to supporting the growing number of students seeking odd jobs, we will provide them with the information they need.ACommitting BCommittedCBeing committe

    12、d DHaving committedB解析:be committed to doing.“承诺做某事, 致力于做某事”; 形容词短语作状语, 说明主语we所处的状态。15If you dont_ your smoking, I will_ your supply.Acut up; cut down Bcut down; cut offCcut in; cut off Dcut in; cut upB解析:句意:如果你不减少抽烟, 我就切断你的供应量了。 cut down“削减”, cut off“切断”。阅读理解AWhile beach vacations may be a great wa

    13、y to take your mind off work,lakes surrounded by mountains make for an even grander experience.If you are looking for peace on your vacation,we have some recommendations for you in the Caucasus(高加索)Lake SevanLake Sevan is situated in the central part of Armenia,in the Gegharkunik Province.It is the

    14、largest lake in Armenia,located 6,234ft above sea level.Along the lake shore,there are various accommodations such as resorts and hotels with plenty of activities to partake such as windsurfing,swimming and sunbathing.While there,do not forget to visit one of the famous cultural monuments,the Sevana

    15、vank monastery,and it offers a great view of the lake as well.Paravani LakeParavani Lake,located 6,801ft above sea level,is in the south of Georgia,near the Javakheti Plateau.At this level,altitude sickness can occur and it is a good idea to be prepared to adapt to it properly,or bring medication fo

    16、r altitude sickness.Being a volcanic lake makes for a more interesting experience.The lake is best known for fishing.Do not come home during the winter months when the lake freezes.Lake CildirLake Cildir is located in the Ardahan Province,east Turkey,near the borders with Georgia and Armenia.It is a

    17、 large freshwater lake of eastern Turkey,and many tourists are not aware of this beautiful attraction.Lake Cildir is surrounded by mountains of the Caucasus.The lake freezes during late November.If the winter is not extremely cold,you can try some lake activities like ice skating and ice fishing.Lak

    18、e VanLake Van is the must visit of all lakes in this list,the largest lake in Turkey.Lake Van is located on the eastern shore of Turkey and is also the most accessible lake there.Its situated 5,380ft above sea level,and unique to many lakes around the world,the water is high in salt content.【解题导语】本文

    19、是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了供人们度假的好去处高加索地区的一些湖泊。1If you want to visit some historic sites during your travel by a lake,you can go to_ALake CildirBParavani LakeCLake Sevan DLake VanC解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“do not forget to visit one of the famous cultural monuments,the Sevanavank monastery”可知,度假期间如果你想参观历史性建筑可以到Lake Sevan

    20、。故选C。2What is special about Lake Van?AIts water is high in salt.BIt is a volcanic lake.CIt is globally the largest lake.DIt is surrounded by mountains.A解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的“and unique to many lakes around the world,the water is high in salt content”可知,Lake Van的特色是湖水的盐度高。故选A。3What challenge are travelers

    21、 most likely to face while visiting Paravani Lake?ALack of medicine.BVolcano eruptions.CAltitude sickness.DLow temperature all the year.C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“At this level,altitude sickness can occur and it is a good idea to be prepared to adapt to it properly,or bring medication for altitude sickness.”

    22、可知,在游览Paravani Lake时,游客们最有可能面临的挑战就是高原反应。故选C。BIve been really lucky this year. Not only did I have the opportunity to live in France, but I was able to see some other countries with my girlfriend. Now she is studying in Essen, a large city in Western Germany. I recently went to stay with herit was my

    23、 first visit to Germany! Essen is a very large city. It has all the conveniences of any large city so I felt immediately at home. I loved the variety of shops, restaurants, shopping malls, cocktail bars, nightclubs, parks and even a lake. There is also a citywide network of trams, which makes gettin

    24、g around a piece of cake!I found the people to be really friendly, and most Germans speak very good English which made life easy for me.I was surprised by the casual attitude to alcohol in Germany, where it seems normal for people to drink beer on the street, or on the tram. My girlfriend and I visi

    25、ted two famous local cities,Dsseldorf and Cologne, which are both on the Rhine River.Dsseldorf is an urban metropolis with a great variety of restaurants. We took a boat tour on the river and went up the Rhine Tower, a really tall building which offers great views across the city. Cologne, as you mi

    26、ght know, is worldfamous for its perfumes. The cathedral there is an unmissable landmark. We made the effort to climb to the top of one of the cathedrals towers. The spiral(螺旋的) stairs seemed endless,but it was worthwhile for the impressive sights from the top.We also went in a cable car over the ri

    27、ver and tasted a German delicacy called “Spaghettieis” which is ice cream with strawberry sauce! I also got to try the famous German sausage. I must admit, I really enjoyed the food! The only disappointment was the grey and rainy weather, which proves that Britain does not have the worst weather in

    28、Europe!【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者第一次去德国旅游的经历以及对这个国家的印象。4Why did the writer feel lucky this year?AHe will have a chance to live in Germany.BHe met his girlfriend in France by chance.CHe got an opportunity of learning in Germany.DHe was able to live in France and visit other countries.D解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Not

    29、only did I have the opportunity to live in France,but I was able to see some other countries with my girlfriend.”可知,作者认为自己今年幸运是因为他不但有机会在法国生活,而且也能和女朋友一起参观几个其他的国家。故选D项。5What do Dsseldorf and Cologne have in common?AThey are both famous for unique perfumes.BThey both serve traditional German sausage.CT

    30、hey both have many towers with a long history.DThey both offer wonderful views from the tower top.D解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Dsseldorf.went up the Rhine Tower, a really tall building which offers great views across the city.”以及“We made the effort to climb to the top of one of the cathedrals towers.but it was

    31、 worthwhile for the impressive sights from the top.”可知,两座城市都能让人从塔顶欣赏到美景。故选D项。6According to the writer, which country has the worst weather in Europe?ABritain. BGermany.CFrance. DItaly.B解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The only disappointment was the grey and rainy weather, which proves that Britain does not have the worst weather in Europe!”可知,作者对德国阴沉、多雨的天气感到失望,并表示这证明了英国不是


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