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    1、剑桥少儿英语每课总结复习汇总预备级一级剑桥少儿预备级英语上册Unit one1.New words:morning noon afternoon evening slide ape letter ace alien colour(英)/color(美) dear teacher good morning greet Kitty/cat Doggie/dog baby sun star moon say exercise 2.Key structures:Whats that?It is the letter AUnit two 1.New words:up down book pen foot

    2、/feet pencil ball bee beef snail cat big small ruler hand stand up come here sit down go back listen chant/sing2.Key structures:Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, tooWhats this? Its the a book two pencils . Two feet Big B is a cat, Small b is a snail. The cat and the snail, they are the letter B&b.U

    3、nit three1.New words:catch run boy girl middle moon cab/taxi cap cat door table flower window blackboard teacher listen 2.Key structures:Please be ready Are you ready?What can you draw with these?Catch a Run to the.We are on the moon/table/chair.Unit four1.New words:white pink green black red yellow

    4、 purple brown letter gray/grey blue orange indigo harp chair dog doll door/gate like colour(英)/color(美) listen play the harp/piano/violin find exercise rainbow indigo2.Key structures:What colour do you like? I like Which is the blue duck? Colour it The girl is sitting on the chairUnit five1.New word

    5、s:bee feet/foot see say tree ship sail whale behind children(child) man ten eight seven one four two five three six hand hold circle line stand in a circle stand in two lines stand in a row go to school right left turn right turn left turn round stand at the door plant many trees 2.Key structures:Yo

    6、u have one ,I have one. Two little children see a big man. The ship has a sail, sailing behind the whaleUnit six1.New words:pencil eraser/rubber crayon quick giraffe diving-platform flag/frog face boy girl behind back desk hide seek behind my back hide and seek at night in the morning in the evening

    7、 in the afternoon quick learn word say classroom cap/hat ask answer show point jacket sock shoes shorts skirt 2.Key structures:Quick !Quick! Hide and seek. Where is it? Where is it? Quick! Quick! Hide and seek. There it is! There it is!Show me youplease! Here you are.Unit seven1.New words:gem germ G

    8、erman happy Mum/mum baby nose face mouth listen point say read write draw colour very happy big small head leg teeth hair(不可数名词) an ear/eye/arm 注意定冠词a/an的用法及名词的复数形式,单词以a、e、I、o和u开头时,前面一般加an。2.Key structures:Whats this? Its a What are these? Theyre eyes/ears/teeth This is my mouthThese are my hands To

    9、uch you hand/hair/face/teeth/noseI have a nose/two eyes/two ears/many teeth/a noseUnit eight1.New words:hat/cap head hill/heel house ask answer listen six eight three one four nine two ten five seven eraser crayon peach mango tick count point chant/sing2.Key structures:How many doors/windows/pears/b

    10、ananas/apples/oranges?How many doors/books/long pencils/big apples/pens?Unit nine1.New words: ice ice cream icon man dolphin behind doll toy car word friend pass say sing missing(缺少的) exercise 2.Key structures: Wheres the boy/girl? He/She is behind/in front ofI am I like You are .Unit ten1.New words

    11、:book pencil-box/pencil-case crayon ruler jacket jeep look jingle bell whale on in under behind between middle next to chair in front of flower pencil window listen point chant/sing circle letter pen look like near match2.Key structures:This isThat isWhat are those? Theyre Put the book on your head.

    12、 Put the ruler in your hand. Put the book under your chair. Put the ball between the two chairs. Put the box behind the door. Put the cat next to the flower.Unit eleven1.New words:pencil pen ruler bag apple pear banana boy girl teacher listen ask answer say point chant/sing look say kangaroo key/loc

    13、k kettle bird snake conduct band conducting the band beating the drum sheep purple yellow orange red blue green match exercise2.Key structures:Whats in the bag? Its a. Whats in your bag? I have a .Wheres the bird/ snake? Its.Unit twelve1.New words: bounce catch ball lamp leaf lemon peach mango grape

    14、 mouse snake boot sock elephant in in front of bounce the ball horse read listen number2.Key structures:How many green balls?I have a yellow ball I dont have a red ball Unit thirteen1.New words:man map mat row/line stand in a row stand in a line bend down stand around straighten up touch the left fo

    15、ot right foot(hand)up/down close your eyes happy/sad front and back sing toe mountain/hill swing left foot out/in right hand in/out exercise repeat everyone 2.Key structures:What are they/you doing? Are they happy? What is she/he doing?Unit fourteen1.New words:stool/chair under high jump bending his

    16、 body nose nurse bring back pick up put down neck knife eraser two seven five ten nine one three four six eight name train monkey good morning/afternoon/night draw colour sing read write listen exercise repeat again match2.Key structures:Whats that man doing? What are they doing?How old are you? I a

    17、m. Whats your name? My name . Is this a ? Is that a?Unit fifteen1.New words:an apple/orange a pear/banana Easter house Easter eggs cocks nest week opener notebook ask answer oval(circle、square、rectangle)2.Key structures:Braw a/two.I can. When is Easter?Who can draw.? Can you draw a.?Unit sixteen1.Ne

    18、w words:roll paper rabbit snake bird cat fish mouse/mice dog flower teacher potato pea pineapple butterfly dragon-fly net see/look ask answer can catch hat/cap fat different/same exercise2.Key structures:What can you /he/she see? I can see aWhat are they doing? They are catching theCan you see the m

    19、onkeys?Unit seventeen1.New words:hat/cap skirt doll lemon sun bird help moon turtle banana tree apple mouse/mice(复) elephant house car pear stool chair TV window girl boy cat door flower flag dog ice cream ruler pen pencil eraser/rubber crayon snake box ball read write colour found circle write down

    20、 balloon picture 2.Key structures:What colour is What colours are these things?How many things can you say?剑桥少儿预备级英语下册Unit 11.New words:nose ear toe neck leg heel/hill elbow face mirror mouse queen quilt queue/line/row bookcase piano clock window blackboard chair desk/table train sun star bike bus m

    21、oon giraffe book bear tiger letter look at (look/see) point say listen touch sing friend2.Key structures:I can touch my.I can touch the Touch the rabbits Touch yourUnit 2 1.New words:pencil-box/pencil-case pen pear eraser/rubber book pencil ruler apple car farm garden paper far fish hop/jump feel pi

    22、ck stand sit open close read colour(英)/color(美) draw write/red hopscotch point say listen getting dark drive a car close your eyes comb pencil sharpener2.Key structures:Whats in the ? Whats she doing? What are you doing? Are you a fish? Pass me the book Whos playing hopscotch now?Unit 31.New words:s

    23、nake snail spider put the ball down take the book long short look at look like ball start inside finish chant copy square/oval/circle2.Key structures:put the book on /in/between/behind/in front of/next to/middleWho is right? (正义;正确的;完全地,在右边) You are right.This/That isThey look likeUnit 41.New words:

    24、cake(s) ice cream(s) burger(s) hot dog(s) sandwich(es) water juice milk coffee sing pizza/noodles/rice(不可数名词) sheep/fish(单、复数相同) favourite/like food table taxi/cab tea rain today animal pictureicon come go away exercise match tick2.Key structures:Whats your favourite food? My/Her/His/Your favourite

    25、food isUnit 51.New words:mouse dog cat horse hen duck pig sheep cow mountain/hill plane after ruler blue tube glue small tall short greet you fly letter2.Key structures:What animals are they ? ThisThat is That isHow many .? I can seeA big (small/tall/short)brown (white/yellow/orange) dog (cat/horse/

    26、duck)Unit 61.New words:train bus car plane goat van vest video volleyball/football vase violin village/farm vine/grape between school get on(off) train/plane get into/(out off) car play the violin/harp/piano turtle2.Key structures:Where are you going? Im going to Can you see ? V is for.Unit 71.New w

    27、ords:green red blue yellow white black brown indigo purple orange grey/gray colour(英)/color(美) lucky whale wood nice/beautiful new/now waterfall banana apple skate-boarding fun/happy knife2.Key structures:What colour do you like? What colour is this/that ? What are they doing? Are they having fun? T

    28、hey are skate-boarding/singing /reading/writing/drawingUnit 81.New words:hop/jump pick stop turn around pick up play hopscotch big small tall short stand next to monkey elephant cat dog windmill pinwheel X-ray xylophone box 2.Key structures:Pass me the book They have .But I have a.Unit 91.New words:

    29、kick/bounce circle yellow young rocket sky bird ribbon kite dance fly away come back flying a kite riding a bike but copy read listen point kick the ball play football/basketball now sit on small rain quick quilt pony stick feather macaroni town hut 2.Key structures:Whats this? What colour is it? Wh

    30、o can? Why is he flying a kite?Unit 101.New words: come to/go to blackboard stand up sit down eat crocodile cock horse monkey elephant rabbit dog duck zebra zero zoo beautiful square/oval/circle2.Key structures:Whos right? Open/close your book take out your pencil 我用“am”你用“are”is跟着他、她、它凡是复数都用“are”Un

    31、it 111.New words:I (am) you (are) he/she (is) we/they/you (are) pupil cook nurse brother sister student schoolboy/schoolgirl schoolmate guess 2.Key structures:listen and tick look and write colour and write Point and say you and me Were brothers Theyre sisters Unit 121.New words:friend (an/apple ear arm eye eraser orange apple elephant ice cream elbow an old man) picture ruler flower stool burger 2.Key structures: This is a small yellow ball.(注意两个以上的adj修饰n的用法) this is 定冠词形状的adj表颜色的adjnUnit 131.New words:sing a song


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