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    1、t do it.5、从古到今,多少江湖义气,英雄豪情,都是一壶好酒,一场大醉,一夜好梦。From ancient times to the present, how many rivers and lakes of righteousness, heroic pride, are a pot of good wine, a big drunk, a good dream overnight.6、内心贫乏和感到自己无用,促使我抓住英雄主义舍不得放下。Inner poverty and feeling useless prompted me to seize the heroism and ref

    2、use to put it down.7、我们不可能全都做英雄,总得有人坐在路边,当英雄经过时为他们叫好。We cant all be heroes. Somebody has to sit by the roadside and cheer for them when they pass by.8、胆小鬼死后是一具腐尸,英雄死后还是英雄。After the death of a coward is a corpse, after the death of a hero or a hero.9、要想做一个真正的英雄是没有选择余地的,往往是要么成功要么成仁。To be a true hero,

    3、there is no choice, often success or benevolence.10、树木从泥土中吸取营养,英雄从人民中得到力量。Trees take nourishment from the soil, heroes take strength from the people.11、不管是多么卑微的人,只要有决心,都可以向世界第一的英雄挑战。No matter how humble a person is, he can challenge the worlds first hero with determination.12、成为英雄,不是因为能力,而是因为选择。To b

    4、e a hero is not because of ability, but because of choice.13、英雄并不比一般人更勇敢,差别仅在于,他的勇气维持了五分钟而已。The hero is no braver than the average person. The difference is that his courage lasted only five minutes.14、真正的英雄,即使历史不会记忆,他依旧笑著逆天而行。True hero, even if history cant remember, still laughs against the sky.15

    5、、红颜陪衬了英雄,而英雄往往只有悲惨的结局,徒留空叹。The hero is foiled by the beauty, and the hero often only has a tragic ending, leaving nothing to sigh.16、英雄就是这样一个人,他在决定性关头做了为人类社会的利益所需要的事。Heroes are such a person who, decisively, does what is needed for the benefit of human society.17、对荣誉的渴望只能造就伟大的英雄,对荣誉的鄙视才能造就伟大的人!The d

    6、esire for honor can only make great heroes, and the contempt for honor can make great people!18、英雄走向末路,美人踟蹰不过在等待迟暮。The hero goes to the end, but the beauty hesitates to wait for the evening.19、英雄之所以是英雄,是他不知道有一个阴谋在他身后。The reason why a hero is a hero is that he does not know that there is a conspiracy

    7、 behind him.20、对他们来说,你可能是个英雄,对我而言,你只是个窃贼。To them, you may be a hero. To me, you are just a burglar.21、世上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活真相之后依然热爱生活。There is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to love life after knowing the truth of life.22、时势造英雄,恶劣的环境能逼出人才。The current situation makes heroes, and the har

    8、sh environment can force out talents.23、在没有遇到你之前,我须做自己的英雄。而在遇到你之后,你,就是我的英雄。I have to be my hero before I meet you. And after meeting you, you are my hero.24、喜欢看悲情英雄,不能说没有一点点幸灾乐祸的阴暗心理作祟。If you like to see sad heroes, you cant say that there is no gloomy psychology to gloat.25、能战胜别人的人是英雄!能战胜自己的人是圣人。He

    9、 who can defeat others is a hero! He who can defeat himself is a saint.26、英雄主义是在于为信仰和真理而牺牲自己。Heroism lies in sacrificing oneself for belief and truth.27、真正的英雄不是永远没有卑下的情操,只是永远不被卑下的情操所屈服罢了。The real hero is not always without the humble sentiment, but never be subdued by the humble sentiment.28、这是个病入膏肓

    10、的年代,拯救世界的英雄早已离开,墓墟堆积成海。This is an age of mortal illness. The heroes who saved the world have already left, and the graves are piled up in the sea.29、英雄莫问出处!普天之下,能者为王!Heroes dont ask where they came from! All over the world, the able is king!30、英雄露颖在今朝,一试矛兮一试刀。初出便将威力展,三分好把姓名标。The hero Lu Ying is now

    11、trying his spear and knife. At the beginning of their life, they will display their power and mark their names in three parts.31、要在别人抬不起头的情形之下显出我的英雄本色来。To show my heroic qualities when others cant lift their heads.32、我们最终是英雄,还是变成烈士,现在结果还未见分晓。Whether we will eventually be heroes or martyrs is unclear

    12、.33、在人类自由最不受重视的地方,英雄崇拜总是盛行的。Where human freedom is least valued, hero worship is always prevalent.34、一个英雄,偏偏在懦夫手里动弹不得。一个伟人,偏偏在宵小手中无力挣扎。A hero cant move in the hands of a coward. A great man has no power to struggle in Xiaoxiaos hands.35、世界上只有一种英雄主义,便是注视世界的真面目,并且爱世界。There is only one kind of heroism

    13、in the world, that is, to look at the real face of the world and love the world.36、如果说英雄是真诚的人,那为何我们不能成为英雄呢。If heroes are sincere people, why cant we be heroes?37、为了这个目的,无数英雄豪杰为国捐躯,他们在我们心上留下了深深的印迹。For this purpose, countless heroes have died for their country, and they have left a deep impression on

    14、our hearts.38、都为自己打算的人群里,不会出英雄。There are no heroes among the people who plan for themselves.39、每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。Every tragedy will create heroes among ordinary people.40、真正的英雄,早就死在沙场上,而不是回来拿奖章的人。True heroes die early in the sand, not those who come back to get medals.41、爱国英雄给民族带来光荣,专制暴君给民族带来灾难。Pat

    15、riotic heroes bring glory to the nation and autocratic tyrants bring disaster to the nation.42、教育不足造英雄与天才,而英雄与天才自不可无陶冶之教育。Education is not enough to create heroes and geniuses, and heroes and geniuses can not but cultivate education.43、如今山河破败,风雨飘摇。谁不是历史的人质,谁能保证做一辈子的英雄。Now the mountains and rivers ar

    16、e crumbling and the wind and rain are rolling. Who is not the hostage of history, who can guarantee to be a lifelong hero.44、你可以选择,要么成为环境的被动受害者,要么成为你自己生命的英雄。You can choose to be either a passive victim of the environment or a hero of your own life.45、生活中只有一种英雄主义,那就是认清生活的真相之后依然热爱生活。There is only one

    17、kind of heroism in life, that is, to love life after knowing the truth of life.46、当英雄全部退后,只剩我们为自己决斗。When all the heroes retreat, we are left to fight for ourselves.47、英雄的事业必定包含着艰险,如果没有艰险也就不成为英雄了。Heros career must contain hardship, if there is no hardship, it will not be a hero.48、战胜自己,远比在沙场战胜数千个敌人,更

    18、有资格称为英雄。To defeat oneself is far more qualified to be called a hero than to defeat thousands of enemies in the sand.49、最容易通向惨败之路的莫过于模仿以往英雄们的计划,把它用于新的情况中。The easiest way to fail is to imitate the plans of past heroes and apply them to new situations.50、本世扶危救难之英雄,以心力劳苦为第一义。The hero of this world who r

    19、escues danger and distress takes hard work as the first justice.51、有勇气承担命运,这才是英雄好汉。The hero is brave enough to bear his fate.52、世界上只有一种英雄主义,那就是看清生活的真面目并且还能够热爱它。There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, to see the true face of life and to love it.53、全人类对英雄的崇拜昨天有,今天有,将来也一定有。The worship of heroes by all mankind existed yesterday, today and in the future.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求


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