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    1、实用英文片语惯用语精华Author:Calvin實用英文片語慣用語精華一1. can not (help) but V / can not help Ving 不得不have no choice but V不得不2. be/get used/accustomed to Ving 習慣於3. go a long way/go far 大有幫助4. had better(not) V 最好(不)5. fall back on 依靠6. It goes without saying that S + V(用不著說.)7. can not too(再.也不為過、越.越好)8. never/can no

    2、t .without (沒有.不能,每當.一定)9. answer for (對負責)10. accuse someone of 控訴人11. give ones remembrances/regards/greetings/respects to .代替某人向.問好12. for good =forever永遠地13. ,inclusive of /,including / ,included. 包括.14. take it easy(放輕鬆)15. out of curiosity 出於好奇16. abide by遵守、履行17. do good to (對.有益)be beneficia

    3、l to 18. do harm to (對有害)19. lead to (通到.,導致)20. what is worse(更糟的是.)21. and so on/forth = ,etc(等等)22. do/see the sights of (觀光)23. think/make much of 重視、強調24. As/So far as I know 據我所知25. with a view to / with an eye to Ving 為了.26. in order to /so as to V 為了.27. on account of / because of N 因為28. ho

    4、ld true/good 仍然有效29. provide sb with sth 供應某人with某物30. provide sth to sb 供應某物to某人31. What do you say to N/Ving ? 你對.看法如何?32. insist on 堅持=hang on to = adhere to = stick to =persist in=persevere in/at/with堅持不懈1. turn/look to sb for sth 指望從sb得到sth2. tell/know .from區別3. direct the traffic指揮交通4. do /try

    5、 ones best/utmost 盡力而為5. take pride in. / be proud of.以.為榮6. above all尤其是、最重要的是7. take turns Ving 輪流8. It stands to reason that S + V理所當然9. It occurs to sb that S+V(某人突然想到)10. It strikes sb that S+V (某人突然想到)11. Were it not for./ Had it not been for如果沒有12. consider/look upon/view/think of/regard A as

    6、 B (視A為B)13. command a fine/good view of .俯瞰美景14. go around分配15. make both ends meet(收支相抵)16. take advantage of 欺騙、利用17. agree with (同意.,適合.)18. at large(詳細地、一般的、逍遙法外)19. may as well V1 as V2(與其V2不如V1)20. may well V (有理由)21. take pains to V(費神.)22. by accident(無意地)=accidentally23. be guilty of (犯了罪)

    7、24. To ones +情緒N(surprise/sorrow/regret.), 令人驚訝/悲傷/後悔的是,25. sooner or later遲早26. mistake/take . For.(誤/認為.是)27. break (up) with 分手、斷絕關係28. be up to sb 由SB決定29. keep company with (和.交往)30. look down upon/scorn輕視31. to the point中肯、切題32. out of the question不可能33. play truant/hooky逃學34. play dead裝死實用英文片

    8、語慣用語精華二1. take part in / participate in 參加2. beneath ones dignity有損某人尊嚴3. ask/inquire after問候4. come into being/existence 開始存在5. strike a balance between A and B達成協議、取得平衡點6. to ones hearts content盡情地7. take/make a trip/journey to到.旅行8. make sense有道理、有意義9. owe/credit to歸功於10. attribute to 歸功/因於11. co

    9、ntribute to 貢獻、有助於12. that is (to say),那就是說,13. as/when compared with和.比較起來14. refer to 說道、參考15. take shelter/refuge 避難16. do away with廢除、殺掉17. get rid of 廢除、殺掉18. get the better of勝過、克服、佔優勢19. once for all斷然地20. take leave of告別.21. on leave請假22. on duty上班23. off duty下班24. approve of同意25. disapprove

    10、 of不同意26. according to 依據、依照=in accordance with27. accordingly/hence/therefore/thus/ as a result/consequently/ in consequence 因此、於是28. owing to/thanks to/ as a result of/ due to/in virtue of由於29. what with .and (what with)半因. 半因. 30. When it comes to N/Ving 說到31. It makes no difference/odds (無關緊 要)2

    11、6.be familiar with (熟悉)27.in case of 如果(有)28.make up for/compensate for 補償29.ten to one 十之八九、有可能1.take/have charge of 負責、管理 = be in charge of2.in other words /to wit/namely換句話說3.be beside onself with 因.發瘋4.apart/aside from 除外/不止. (含.)5.in addition to N/Ving除外/不止. (含.)besides N/Ving除外/不止.(含.) *Beside

    12、 在.旁邊6.except for N /except that S + V 除了(不含.)7.additionally/in addition/moreover/ furthermore此外8.also/likewise/similarly同樣地9.however/still/nevertheless/nonetheless /yet/but 轉折語(然而、仍然、但是相似)10.back out食言11.take .into account/consideration12.be particular about (對.講究)13.be peculiar to 是特有的14.specializ

    13、e in 專攻15. be independent of (不依靠)16. depend/rely/count/bank on (依靠)17. be dependent on(依靠)18. keep /bear in mind記住.19.be beneficial to 有益於.20.benefit from.受益於21.put/lay aside 儲存、收藏22.by /in twos and threes23.in general/generally speaking一般而言24.remind sb of sth 提醒sb 某事 remind sb to V提醒sb去做某事 recall

    14、Ving 回憶起. remember Ving 記得曾經 to V 記得要去. forget Ving 忘記做過. to V 忘記去做. stop Ving 停止正在做的事情 to V 停止,然後去做下件事情25.be based on. 根據 On the basis of根據26.break out戰爭/疾病爆發實用英文片語慣用語精華三1. at any rate 無論如何2. rain or shine 無論晴雨3. at any cost/price 不計代價4. at + 溫度/速度/價格的高低5. inform sb of sth 告知某人某事6. 時間介詞口訣In 年、月 (大於

    15、一天)On 日期、星期(等於一天)At 手錶時間(小於一天)不加 today yesterday tonight this/every/next/last *一天中的時間只有in 、at In+長時間 In the + morning/afternoon/evening *at+短時間 At night/noon/midnight/sunset/sunrise/dawn 7.not so much A as B(與其說A不如說B)8.put up with/tolerate/bear/endure 忍耐9.for all雖然10.stand for代表、擁護11.beware of/be ca

    16、reful of 小心、注意12.be indifferent to (對冷漠、不關心) be different from(不同於)13.pay attention to 注意. take notice of14.on the contrary/contrarily 反之 On the other hand15.on the one hand.;on the other hand 一方面.;另一方面16.of ones own accord/wish/will出於自願17.act on 對.有影響、遵照18.there is no use/good/point in Ving .是沒有用的1

    17、9.go over. 複習、核對 20.at the cost/loss of 以.為代價21.what on earth/in the world.究竟.22.as is often the case with.(.是常有的事情)23.be crowded/congested with.擠滿.24.be full of /be filled with 充滿.1.It stands to reason that S + V理所當然2.It occurs to sb that S+V(某人突然想到) it happened to sb that S+V(某人突然想到)3.It strikes s

    18、b that S+V (某人突然想到)4.It dawns upon/on sb that S+V(某人逐漸明白.)5.become of 遭遇6.undergo 經歷、忍受7.undertake從事、著手進行、承擔8.regardless of 不管、不考慮.9. take the initiative(in)主動10.all but/almost 幾乎11.without fail一定12.,let alone.別管.、更不用說. ,still more更不用說.(肯定) ,still less更不用說.(否定)13.consis of. 由組成 =be composed of =be m

    19、ade up of =be formed of =comprise (構成、包含、由組成) *consist in =lie in 在於 consist with一致、符合14.be made of 由.做成(物理變化) be made from 由做成(化學變化)15.have nothing to do with. 與無關 have something to do with. 與有關 have much to do with. 與非常有關16.leave nothing to be desired(無可挑剔)17.for lack of 因為缺乏.18.apply oneself to N

    20、/Ving(專心致力於.)19.devote oneself to N/Ving(專心致力於.)20.dedicate oneself to N/Ving(專心致力於.) address oneself to N/Ving(專心致力於.) commit oneself to N/Ving(專心致力於.)21.be devoted/dedicated to N/Ving(專心致力於.)22.be absorbed/lost in 專心/沈醉於.23.be addicted/given to N/Ving沈溺於24.focus/concentrate on.專注於.25.make a point

    21、of 重視、強調.=lay/put/place + emphasis/stress/weight on=emphasize = stress.26.have an influence/effect/impact on影響=influence =affect = swayfrom(左右.)實用英文片語慣用語精華四1. take after 長的很像.2. look/see after 照顧、照料= care for/attend to /take care of3. tide over度過 = ride out4. work out 解決、運作、想出5. figure out想出、理出.6. t

    22、reat sb to .請人.7. In ones opinion/view, 就我的觀點,8. turn over a new leaf改過自新9. with ones arms folded/crossed雙手交叉地10. with ones fingers crossed祈禱11. in full bloom盛開著12. make it possible for sb to V使.能夠=enable sbto V13. be opposed to N/Ving 反對=oppose/object to N/Ving=be against.=be in opposition to N/Vin

    23、g14. be supposed to V應該15. be disposed/willing to V願意16. by leaps and bounds快速地=rapidly17. by fits and starts時做時停地18. as good as 幾乎和.一樣19. put on airs裝腔作勢20. The moment/instant/minute S+V, S+V.一當.就=No sooner had S+PP than S +Ved=Hardly had S+PP when/before S+Ved.=Scarcely had S+PP when/before S+Ved.

    24、=On seeing, S+Ved.21. take.for granted.視理所當然22. for/against a rainy day以備不時之需23. the former.the latter.前者.後者.24. be aware/sensible/conscious of知道=realize25. at the sight of一看到.=at the hearing of 一聽到.=at the thought of 一想到.26. make tea (coffee)泡茶、咖啡27. turn out (to be)結果是1. conduct/behave oneself 行為表

    25、現良好2. in proportion to 和.成比例3. at will/pleasure隨意地4. speak ill/evil of 說.壞話5. speak well/highly of讚美.6. would/had rather V1 than V2寧願V1不願V2= would/had V1 rather than V2= prefer Ving1 to Ving2= would/had as soon V1 as V2(少見)7. burst into tears突然哭泣=burst out cryingburst into laughter突然大笑=burst out lau

    26、ghing8. on occasion有時候= occasionally= at times=off and on=now and then=once in a while=from time to time=sometimes (sometime某時、some time一些時間)9. lest S+(should)+V 惟恐=for fear that S+(should)+V=for fear of Ving10. put on/gain/increase weight體重增加lose/reduce weight減重on a diet節食11. in store for 為.所準備的12.

    27、 the chances/odds are that S+V很可能13. There is nothing for it but to V除了.別無他法14. take sides with袒護=show partiality to=side with15. on the air廣播 in the air謠言,未確定的 by air搭飛機16. mind your own business/affairs少管閒事實用英文片語慣用語精華五1. go so far as to V甚至.2. do someone justice公平對待.3. congratulate sb on sth 恭賀某人某

    28、事4. condole with sb on sth 哀悼某人某事5. get over克服/復原/了解=overcome=recover from6. on the whole大體上說=in general=in the main=by and largeas a whole整體7. put off延後=delay=postpone Ving=procrastinatecall off取消lay off解雇8. turn down 拒絕,轉小聲9. lie on ones face/stomach俯躺lie on ones back仰躺lie on ones side側躺10. keep r

    29、egular/early/good hours早睡早起11. in terms of 由觀點來看12. help oneself to (food)自由取用.13. make (oneself) understood使.被了解14. come to 共計.,恢復知覺=amount to共計.=come to onself 恢復知覺15. fall (a) victim/prey to 成為.受害者/犧牲品16. to (the best of) ones knowledge根據.人所知17. be bound for前往(某地)18. be bound to V 必須/一定19. come i

    30、n handy/useful早晚用的著20. as follows 如下21. turn up 突然出現,聲音轉大22. find fault with吹毛求疵23. drive/hint at 用意 aim at 瞄準,目的在於.1. correspond to 符合,相當於2. correspond with 通信 通訊3. come across/run into 無意中發現.4. come across ones mind突然想到=come into ones head5. it pays to V是值得的It pays to read the book.= It is worth whil


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